【藝術行旅 ARTREK】EP27 Mind Set Art Center安卓藝術

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藝術行旅 - 帶您走訪各大畫廊

TAGA 畫廊協會自2021年開啟的特色企畫,讓你不用出門也能走遍全台畫廊,線上逛展!跟著藝術行旅的腳步一起了解台灣畫廊的經營故事、探索藝術家的創作脈絡、感受藝術之美~

EP27與大家一起去Mind Set Art Center 安卓藝術逛逛吧!

安卓藝術 (Mind Set Art Center) 2010年成立於台北,是一個推廣台灣、亞洲和國際藝術家的當代藝術平台,致力於策劃創新且具有啟發性的展覽項目,並藉由不同地區策展人和美術館的合作計畫,進一步落實本地和國際藝術文化交流。成立以來,安卓藝術多次將台灣藝術家推廣至北京、香港、馬尼拉等地的空間展出,2017年起更於香港巴塞爾藝術展會上成功呈現出石晉華的「行路一百公里」、李明則的「遊俠戲影」,以及日本藝術家大卷伸嗣的「臨界之氣-時空」等項目,獲得國際藝壇上的高度矚目.2019年後,安卓藝術又與關渡美術館合作,接續以「光年:傅饒個展」、 「存在的細語:大卷伸嗣個展」和「潮汐時間表:瑪莉娜.克魯斯個展」等展覽項目,深化旗下經紀藝術家的學術能量。


ARTREK - Your Best Trek to amazing galleries in Taiwan. ARTREK is a brand-new project of Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) since 2021. Through this project, we are bringing you spectacular art scenes, artists' stories and gallerists' opinions in Taiwan.

EP27 will take you to the journey of Mind Set Art Center.

Founded in Taipei in 2010, Mind Set Art Center (MSAC) is a contemporary art platform that exhibits and promotes artworks by Taiwanese, Asian and international artists. It is dedicated to creative programs and collaborative projects with curators from different regions for the aim of cultural exchange. MSAC has exhibited the works of Taiwanese artists in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Manila. Since 2017, the gallery has successfully launched large-scale exhibits at Art Basel in Hong Kong that have garnered global acclaim. These include “A 100km Walk” by SHI Jin-Hua, “The Play of a Taiwan Ranger” by LEE Ming-tse, and “Liminal Air Space-Time” by Shinji OHMAKI. MSAC has also been working with the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts since 2019 to widen representation of its artists in the academia. The collaboration has led to milestone exhibitions, including “Infinitrace by Rao FU”, “Rustle of Existence” by Shinji OHMAKI and “Tide Table” by Marina Cruz.

Mind Set Art Center’s representative artists: Marina Cruz, Rao FU, LEE Ming-tse, LIN Wei-Hsiang, Ana Maria MICU, Shinji OHMAKI, SHI Jinsong, SHI Jin-Hua, Juin SHIEH, TANG Jo-Hung, WU Tseng Jung, YEE I-Lann

TAGA 畫廊協會官網:http://www.aga.org.tw/
TAGA 畫廊協會粉專:https://www.facebook.com/TAGA0608
TAGA 畫廊協會IG:https://www.instagram.com/arttaipei
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