
獅子山為基層撐起雨傘 Up on the Lion Rock : Universal Suffrage for Hong Kong!

9 年前
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獅子山為基層撐起雨傘 重新演釋獅子山精神:「我要真普選」

2014/10/23 今日一群名為「香港蜘蛛仔」的攀山愛好者,在獅子山上展示一幅寫上「我要真普選」的巨型橫額,聲援雨傘運動,並在網絡發表宣言,要求特區政府回應市民真普選的訴求。


「香港蜘蛛仔」表示,受市民在佔領區的各種聲援行動而有所啟發,決定以攀爬獅子山來聲援雨傘運動。召集人ANDREAS表示:「經常有上一輩訓示這一代為『廢青』,不懂『獅子山精神』, 但我們在佔領區卻看到每個市民都為民主拼搏,為社會公義,比過去香港人搵錢更搏命,這才是真正的『獅子山精神』。」ANDREAS對於近日梁振英公開表示,不可讓月入14000以下的基層市民,享有平等的選擇權,深感不安,希望今次的行動可以喚起更多市民了解到現時有篩選的選舉,根本無法保障基層市民的權益。



Up on the Lion Rock : Universal Suffrage for Hong Kong!

23 Oct 2014 Today, a group of climbing enthusiasts, namely, ‘The Hong Kong Spidie’, unfurled a 6mX28m banner on the top of the Lion Rock. Symbolizing the toughness and persistence spirit of Hong Kong people, the Lion Rock is a famous Hong Kong hill located in Kowloon. Through this action, ‘The Hong Kong Spidie’ aims to redefine the beauty of the ‘Spirit of Hong Kong people’ – not merely shown in the city’s economic growth but in the recent Umbrella Movement to demand for democracy and universal suffrage.

Hong Kong chief executive Leung Chun-ying recently reiterated his position that free elections were impossible, and said it would result in the city's many poor dominating politics. Andreas, one of the members of ‘The Hong Kong Spidie’ said, “We were shock by CY Leung’s view point that the poor should not have equality in election, and hope this action would be able to call public attention on the importance of universal suffrage.’

‘The Hong Kong Spidie’ planned this action a week ago, and spent a few hours this morning to climb up the Lion Rock and unfurled the banner. ‘The Hong Kong Spidie’ demands the Hong Kong
SAR Government to listen to the voices of the Hong Kong people, to stand up and negotiate with the Chinese government on a true democratic universal suffrage for Hong Kong.
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