
臘八粥由來 Where Does the Laba Congee Come From

1 年前
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多倫多佛光兒童班師生總動員,集體創作法寶節短片紀念佛陀成道日,以此感念佛恩。影片內由小菩薩們一起講解臘八粥的由來外,並獻唱〈三好Go!〉歌曲。藉由活潑的童聲,表達歡喜奉行星雲大師提倡的三好運動 :「做好事、說好話、存好心」由我做起。

Toronto Buddha’s Light Children Dharma Class created a video to celebrate Dharma Day. The video features children narrating the story of the origin of the Laba Congee and a joyful singing performance of "Good Deeds Go!", a song for promoting the Three Acts of Goodness.

#fgstoronto #dharmaday #dharma #foguangshan

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