在家用一個啞鈴打造蜜桃臀!20分鐘高強度臀腿訓練 | 附肌群解析圖(男女皆適用) 20 min single dumbbell legs & glutes workout

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Hello 大家好 我是May
今天在影片中教大家用一個啞鈴在家就能全方位鍛鍊臀腿肌群 !持續訓練 能有效練出蜜桃臀
有訓練經驗的人 建議拿稍微吃力一點的重量
(大約6-10公斤 還是初中階者 尚不熟悉重量的 建議 (3-5公斤)

Goblet squat with tip toe 高腳杯深蹲踮腳
Alternative squat 輪流深蹲
Lateral squat 側跨步 (右)
Lateral squat 側跨步 (左)
Super slow sumo squats 慢速相撲深蹲
DB deadlift (fast )啞鈴硬舉
Static lunge (左腳前 右手拿) 分腿蹲 + 抬腳
Static lunge (右腳前 分腿蹲 + 抬腳
Reverse to curtsy lunge 後跨步+側步蹲 右
Reverse to curtsy lunge 後跨步+側步蹲 左
Narrow stance squat pulses 窄站停頓深蹲
Prisoner squat 囚犯深蹲
DB Single Glute bridge啞鈴單腳臀橋+停留
DB single glute bridge 啞鈴單腳臀橋+停留
DB glute bridge啞鈴臀橋
Side Abductor 側抬臀+抬腳 右
Side abductor 側抬臀+抬腳 左

Follow May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
加入女力健身App(14天免費試用) ▶ http://join.nuli.app/may
逛逛我的網站(高蛋白點心&運動服飾)▶ https://www.mayyoufit.com/
追蹤品牌Line官方帳號專屬ID: @mayufit ▶ https://lin.ee/tiQ1zgb
更多May Fit居家徒手/啞鈴訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
健身初學女孩必看!人氣觀念影片▶ https://youtube.com/playlist?

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Music by LYRE - Gimme Love - https://thmatc.co/?l=581116DF
Music by Mykyl - Oxytocin - https://thmatc.co/?l=660D4B2B
Music by Mykyl - Never Say No - https://thmatc.co/?l=A3195297
Music by Dunstan - Get Ready - https://thmatc.co/?l=994013B8
Music by nodisco. - The Symptoms of Vanity - https://thmatc.co/?l=431BA6A6
Music by Ryu Bloom - butterflies - https://thmatc.co/?l=6ADEEFA3
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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