
塔米爾 & Daniel Ho 的對話 -《聽見呼倫貝爾》專輯幕後製作訪談 / Interview - Production of "Between the Sky & Prairie"

6 年前
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塔米爾 & Daniel Ho 的對話 -《聽見呼倫貝爾》專輯幕後製作訪談 Daniel Ho Interviews Tamir Hargana - Production of "Between the Sky & Prairie"

從洛杉磯到呼倫貝爾大草原 一場跨族群、跨地域、跨樂種的融合之旅
精采絕倫的跨界合作 震撼人心的音樂篇章
世界音樂頂級作品 強勢佔領地球的耳朵

由六座葛萊美獎得主Daniel Ho、金曲獎製作人吳金黛與「天草之間遊牧樂團」共同架構的《聽見呼倫貝爾》,以跨國製作的恢弘視野,展現世界音樂的精緻質感與寬宏藝術性。

透過Daniel Ho巧妙細緻的編曲與烏克麗麗演奏,既保留草原歌調的質樸聲韻,更讓樂團成員展現前所未有的音樂爆發力。重量級長調藝術家哈斯巴圖、「安達組合」女主唱暨鄂溫克民歌傳人其其格瑪、令人期待的滿族女歌手八音赫赫、潮爾琴重要傳承者韓牟人、旅美喉音及潮爾音樂傳人塔米爾,以及耀眼的新世代組合哈薩日樂團。


Behold an aural paradise—Between the Sky & Prairie—a re-imagined collection of Mongolian music from a millennium.
Created by six-time GRAMMY Award-winner Daniel Ho, Golden Melody Award-winning producer Judy Wu, and introducing The Grasslands Ensemble.

The Grasslands Ensemble comes from the Inner Mongolian prairies of Hulunbuir. They represent a diversity of ethnicities: Mongolian, Manchurian, Evenk, Daur, Russian, and Han Chinese. Their music is an organic and inimitably rich presentation of traditional, ethnic minority folk songs. Daniel Ho adds his signature sound on 'ukulele and instruments of his native Hawai'i. His thoughtful arrangements give prominence to each member of the Ensemble.

The Grasslands Ensemble is:
Mongolian long-song master, Borjigin Hasibatu;
lead female vocalist of the group Anda Union and preserver of traditional Evenk music, Qiqigema;
female Manchurian vocalist, Bayinhehe;
Chaoer and morin khuur virtuoso, Han Mou Ren;
throat-singer and perpetuator of tsuur music legacy, Tamir Hargana;
and the driving contemporary Mongolian sounds of the Hasar Band.

The grasslands of Hulunbuir: Asia’s most expansive wetlands, its very lungs.
While keeping the ecology in balance, it nutures a lush, cultural landscape.
The nomads and the prairie, breathing in unison.
Between the sky and the prairie, our music joins the sounds of the land.

At the highest level of musicianship equaled with personalities abundant in humility and grace, The Grasslands Ensemble and Daniel Ho shine as they take turns playing a leading or supporting role in sharing songs of the steppe.

The collaborative efforts of consultants, ethnomusicologists and producers from China, Taiwan and the United States, along with the album’s resident Inner Mongolian musicians strive toward a common goal: to perpetuate traditional music and bring awareness to their beautiful homeland.

1. 天草之間 Between the Sky & Prairie
2. 忠實的心想念你 Daur Love Song
3. 灰色的麻雀 Gray Sparrow’s Heartache
4. 花兒 Rock Blossoms
5. 喜鵲 Singing Magpie
6. 江沐淪水 Jiang Mu Reverie
7. 悠車調 Manchurian Lullaby Medley
8. 金色的陽光 Golden Sunlight
9. 吆喝兒 Yaohur
10. 烏赫爾圖灰騰 The Tragedy at Uhert Mountain and Huiteng Lake
11. 馬群讚 Praise for Galloping Horses
12. 祝酒歌 Mongolian Drinking Song
13. 聖主成吉思汗 Genghis Khan Eulogy

#塔米爾#DanielHo #聽見呼倫貝爾

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