
Tesla Builds 1st Cybertruck at Giga Texas, Report From The Factory

10 個月前
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Hours ago Tesla announced that it has built the "first Cybertruck" at Giga Texas electric car factory.

Tesla shared a picture of the newly built official Cybertruck, which confirms 2 of the more controversial features of the Cybertruck – the Giga wiper & yoke steering wheel.

Tesla first announced the Cybertruck back in November 2019. At the time, the EV maker said production of the Cybertruck is slated to begin at the end of 2021. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that the Cybertruck comes with several new technologies have delayed the launch of the futuristic truck.

The more than a year-and-a-half delay has even led some to speculate that due to the vehicle's unorthodox design, Tesla has completely backed off from the Cybertruck project and that the truck will not see the light of day.

However, for those of us who have been impatiently waiting for the Cybertruck’s release, today, Tesla, through the company’s official Twitter page, announced that the company has built the first production Cybertruck at Giga Texas.

Together with this announcement, Tesla also shared a picture of the hardworking employees that delivered the company to this significant milestone and as expected Tesla also included a picture of the very first production Cybertruck.

Although the futuristic electric pickup truck has been delayed several times, as of today, the Cybertruck is officially out of the concept phase and is on production ramp.

This on its own is really exciting, however, thanks to the picture of the first production Cybertruck Tesla shared, we also get a confirmation of some of the features of the Cybertruck.

In the picture, we can clearly see that the giant single windshield wiper, which is affectionately called the Giga wiper, has made it to the final design of the Cybertruck.

#cybertruck #tesla #TeslaBuildsFirstCybertruck

This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/torquenewsauto on Twitter and https://www.torquenews.com/ for daily automotive news.

Tesla https://twitter.com/Tesla/status/1680121747910148099
Torque News Tesla https://www.torquenews.com/11826/breaking-tesla-shares-picture-1st-production-cybertruck-built-giga-texas-confirms-giga-wiper
Joe Tegtmeyer https://twitter.com/JoeTegtmeyer/status/1680195527529447427
Electrek https://electrek.co/2023/07/15/tesla-has-built-first-cybertruck-at-giga-texas/
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