
🔴 Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell - The current president is messy and impulsive.

3 年前
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Whether you like Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell or not, his years of experience and tactical skills have to be recognized.

The senator from Kentucky is a formidable adversary and he wields all the weapons in his arsenal with great skill. There is only one downside for him: the current president is messy and impulsive.

I'd be willing to bet McConnell won't be disappointed to see Trump leave for Mar-a-Lago on January 20. Despite the perpetual media circus in the White House for four years, the Republican leader was able to get what he hoped for from Donald Trump.

However, he already admitted in 2017 that he would happily do without the president's daily little dramas: "I think we could do with a little less drama from the White House so that we focus on our agenda".

To achieve his ends, however, McConnell was forced to remain silent in the face of Trump's many sprains, refusing even to recognize Joe Biden's victory before the vote of the voters.

The president has not taken a back seat since the Senate leader acknowledged the election results and underlined the historic nature of Democratic running mate Kamala Harris’s victory.

Determined to take revenge, Donald Trump is now working to put a spoke in the wheels of the elected Republican Senate, determined to demonstrate his power until the very end.

He did it first on the issue of the defense budget, a move that could earn him further humiliation.

If the president has a right of veto over laws emanating from Congress, it is possible to overturn that veto if we obtain a two-thirds majority of elected officials in each of the two chambers.

Already the House of Representatives has managed to bring together enough Democrats and Republicans, only the Senate remains.

If the latter votes against the president, he will face the affront of a reversal of his veto for the first time in his presidency. As Bernie Sanders is currently delaying the vote on this issue, McConnell gets a little more time to deal with this hot potato.

If Sanders is refusing to hold the vote, it is because he wants the Senate first to deal with Mitch McConnell's other hot issue: financial aid for Americans to help them weather the pandemic.

The president had at first unnecessarily postponed the moment when he would affix his signature to a bipartisan measure, depriving his fellow citizens of support for a good week, before siding with the Democrats by demanding that the amount allocated be increased from $ 600 to 2000 $.

Why not leave the White House reminding people that he was there to rescue them?

It goes without saying that Democrats are happy with this turnaround and are urging Mitch McConnell to act quickly. He finds himself in a difficult dilemma.

By increasing the amount of the allowance, he would play into the hands of the Democrats, but also that of the Republican candidates for the two Senate seats in Georgia. Rejecting this proposal could hurt their chance of victory, even if the rejection could be framed in the light of sounder spending and deficit management, the Republicans' backbone.

These same Republicans totally forgot about debt management during the Donald Trump era, adding billions to it to allow happy tax cuts for big business, but Joe Biden's victory forces them to resume their old workhorse. 'they want to oppose the priorities of the new president.

While we may regret that in this showdown between the president and elected Republican congressmen the first to be, as is too often the case, Americans in need, it will be interesting to follow the strategy of Mitch McConnell.

He knows he still needs the president for the election in Georgia on January 5 (the race is very tight), but he dreams of the day he will be rid of the reality star. He may have to bow down one last time before his emancipation.
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