【京都市長選】当選を決め万歳する松井孝治さんら(2024年2月4日、京都市中京区) [Kyoto City mayoral election] Koji Matsui has been elected

3 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)

#京都市長選挙 #京都市長選

Votes for the Kyoto City mayoral election due to the expiration of the term of office will be counted on February 4, 2024, and Koji Matsui (63), an independent newcomer and former deputy chief cabinet secretary recommended by the Liberal Democratic Party, Constitutional Democratic Party, Komeito Party, and Democratic Party of the People, will be elected by the Communist Party. He was elected, defeating four newcomers, including Kazuto Fukuyama (62), a lawyer who supported him.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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