Modern Gen X Woman

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Modern Gen X Woman
We’re changing the rules and changing the conversation around Gen X Women. No longer are we, as Gen X women, going to blend in the background, wait to be promoted, or cringe when having to talk about our rates for our services.We are going to declare the life and success we want and go after it, without apology. Modern Gen X Woman, it's your time. Jackie Ghedine + Mimi Bishop are top career and business coaches for Modern Gen X women who want to make an impact, leave their mark and increase their success and wealth. We're here to help you own your value and demand your worth to increase your wealth.Each week, we share the powerful insights and award-winning strategies we’ve used in our Worth+Value=Wealth program to advance women’s success in their career or as an entrepreneur.Our mission: To make Generation X the Wealthiest Female Generation. It starts with you.
Things are Changing

In this episode, Jackie and Mimi discuss the shifting focus of their business and the decision to put the podcast on pause. They talk about acquiring a conference and working with corporate clients for learning and development. The hosts share funny stories and anecdotes, including driving styles and dealing with teenagers. They emphasize the importance of taking time to reassess and make intentional decisions. The episode concludes with a call to stay connected and provide feedback.


  • The hosts are shifting their business focus towards creating modern leaders.
  • They have acquired a conference and are working with corporate clients for learning and development.
  • The podcast will be put on pause to allow for time to reassess and potentially make changes.
  • The hosts share funny stories and anecdotes, showcasing their personal and relatable side.

Sound Bites


Introduction and Shifting Business Focus

Acquiring a Conference and Corporate Partnerships

Feeling Like Half-Assing the Podcast

Rejiggering the Podcast and Potential Changes

Sharing Funny Stories

Driving Styles and Funny Driving Stories

Closing Remarks and Call to Stay Connected

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 03 Apr 2024 01:00:00 -0400
Workplace Culture: Change or Die


In this episode, Jackie and Mimi discuss the importance of workplace culture and how it can impact employee satisfaction and company profitability. They emphasize the need for a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel respected and valued. The hosts provide strategies for diagnosing and changing workplace culture, including creating autonomy, setting clear goals, and investing in professional development. They also discuss the importance of collaboration and communication in building a cohesive team. The episode concludes with an announcement about the upcoming Reimagine conference.

Get Your Tickets to The ReImagine Conference


  • Workplace culture plays a crucial role in employee satisfaction and company profitability.
  • Creating a positive and supportive work environment is essential for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Diagnosing workplace culture problems involves assessing energy levels, turnover rates, engagement, and communication.
  • Strategies for changing workplace culture include creating autonomy, setting clear goals, investing in professional development, and fostering collaboration.


Introduction: Importance of Workplace Culture

The Truth About Workplace Culture

Creating a Supportive Culture

The Impact of Workplace Culture on Profitability

Emotional, Relational, and Linguistic Intelligence

The Importance of Liking and Respecting Coworkers

Diagnosing Workplace Culture Problems

Laying the Foundation for Change

Creating Autonomy and Consistency

Setting Clear Goals and Priorities

Positive Reinforcement and Open Communication

Investing in Professional Development

Showing Up Professionally

Creating Cohesiveness and Collaboration

Balancing Collaboration and Decision-Making

Avoiding Forced Activities

Pulling in People from Different Departments

Approaching Failures as Information

Understanding Personal Culture Preferences

Conclusion: Reimagine Conference Announcement

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 27 Mar 2024 01:00:00 -0400
Authenticity and Resilience with Tamara Layne

In a world that often challenges the very essence of identity, being authentic to oneself as a transwoman is not just an act of bravery—it's an act of resilience because you must come out every single day you are navigating a society that may not always understand or accept you.

Our guest, Tamara Layne has found the ultimate triumph in living as her true self and being a beacon for others are working toward doing the same.

Tamara Layne is a 59-year-old transwoman who was born in Canarsie, Brooklyn and now lives in Suffolk County Long Island. She currently runs a department at Altice USA, has a master's degree in HR Management, and is an LGBTQ+ advocate who seeks to educate on transgender issues and facilitates a transgender support group at the LGBT Network in Long Island.

What You'll Learn:

  • What allyship and friendship look like

  • Steps to coming out at work and how to manage this if you are the first person in your organization to come out

  • Difficulties to be a transgender woman in the workplace
    • Make .60 cents on the dollar
    • Twice as likely to be unemployed
    • More than half are not comfortable being out at work
    • Trans find more biases and discrimination during the interview process so don't get hired in secure & stable white-collar careers and don't have promotion access

  • The mental health struggles of trans adults, 42% of trans adults attempted suicide & 56% engaged in non-suicidal self-injury (Williams Institute School of Law at UCLA - July 2023)

Contact Info

Tamara Layne


Information & Resources:

Companies are Failing Trans Employees, HBR 2023 Article Workplaces that work for women - June 2023 article

The LBGT Network

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 01:00:00 -0400
I Hate My Boss, Now What

In this episode, Jackie and Mimi discuss the challenges of hating your boss and provide strategies for dealing with toxic boss-employee relationships. They emphasize the demoralizing effect of a toxic boss and the importance of finding validation from sources other than your boss. They also highlight the responsibility of leaders to build confidence and create a culture of psychological safety. The conversation explores the dynamics of the boss-employee relationship and the need for clear communication and aligned expectations. The hosts encourage listeners to take ownership of their emotions and explore their options for improvement. The episode concludes with an announcement about the Reimagine Conference.


Hating your boss can have a significant impact on your overall well-being and self-esteem.
Finding validation from sources other than your boss is crucial for maintaining confidence and self-worth.
Leaders have a responsibility to create a culture of psychological safety and support their employees' growth.
Taking ownership of your emotions and evaluating the dynamics of the boss-employee relationship can lead to positive changes.
Exploring your options and seeking support from mentors and colleagues can help navigate difficult boss-employee relationships.


00:00 Introduction: The Impact of Hating Your Boss
02:13 The Demoralizing Effect of a Toxic Boss
03:12 Taking Responsibility for Your Emotions
04:10 Seeking Validation Outside of Your Boss
05:37 Finding Validation from Other Sources
06:35 The Responsibility of Leaders to Build Confidence
07:33 Creating a Culture of Psychological Safety
08:31 Dealing with Toxic Bosses and Narcissistic Personalities
09:31 Evaluating the Dynamics of the Boss-Employee Relationship
10:28 Identifying the Core Issues in the Relationship
11:25 Taking Ownership and Adjusting in the Relationship
12:46 Assessing Your Needs and Compatibility with Your Boss
13:45 Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations
14:40 Building Self-Respect and Self-Worth
15:32 Recognizing the Workplace as a Professional Relationship
16:32 Using the Workplace as an Opportunity for Growth
17:51 Exploring Options and Possibilities
18:45 Avoiding the Blame Game and Taking Ownership
20:11 Not Sweating the Small Stuff
22:08 Building a Support System for Feedback and Perspective
26:27 Understanding Your Options and Making Decisions
29:13 Letting Go of Negative Beliefs and Attitudes
30:03 Conclusion: Reimagine Conference Announcement

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Thu, 29 Feb 2024 15:00:00 -0500
It's Time to Start Running Efficient Meetings

This episode explores strategies for running effective meetings. The hosts discuss the inefficiency of many meetings and the negative impact of too many meetings on productivity and decision-making. They emphasize the importance of flow and time management in meetings and suggest alternatives to status meetings. The hosts also provide tips for effective brainstorming meetings and offer tactics for making meetings more efficient. The episode concludes with a call to action for individuals and organizations to improve their meeting practices.

Do This in Status Meetings
Do Meetless Mondays
Do schedule meetings to not end on the hour or half hour to provide time
Do This in Brainstorming Meetings to get the most innovative ideas
Do leave your ego at the door


Introduction: The Art of Running Effective Meetings

The Meeting Culture and Inefficiency

One-on-One Meetings and Coaching Opportunities

The Negative Impact of Too Many Meetings

The Importance of Flow and Time Management

Meeting Fatigue and Decision Fatigue

The Problems with Status Meetings

Meetings for the Sake of Meetings

Effective Brainstorming Meetings

Tactics for Efficient Meetings

Conclusion: Becoming Effective Professionals

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 21 Feb 2024 01:00:00 -0500
"V" Day—Loving Yourself and Your Vagina

Dr. McNally discusses the changes women experience in their bodies after the age of 40 and provides insights on how to navigate these changes. She emphasizes the importance of open communication with healthcare providers and encourages women to ask questions and advocate for their needs.

Dr. McNally also highlights the significance of regular checkups and blood work to monitor overall health. She addresses the physical changes in a woman's body, including hormonal fluctuations and vaginal health. Additionally, she discusses the impact of nutrition and exercise on overall well-being and offers insights on maintaining sexual health and intimacy as women age.

In this episode, Dr. McNally discusses the importance of self-love and body image in midlife. She highlights the challenges and societal pressures women face and provides practical tips for embracing change and acceptance. The conversation emphasizes the need for women to prioritize their voices and love their bodies.


  • Self-love is crucial for women in midlife to navigate body image challenges.
  • Societal pressures can negatively impact women's perception of their bodies.
  • Embracing change and accepting one's body are key to loving oneself.
  • Practical tips include self-care, positive affirmations, and surrounding oneself with supportive people.


Introduction and Background

When Women Start to Question and Feel Different About Their Bodies

Understanding and Addressing Body Changes

Navigating Limited Time and Telehealth Options

Preparing for Regular Checkups and Blood Work

Understanding the Physical Changes in a Woman's Body

Addressing Sexual Health and Intimacy

Hydration Therapy and Pelvic Floor Therapy

The Importance of Nutrition and Balanced Diet

Transitioning into the 70s, 80s, and 90s

Empowering Women to Ask Questions and Seek Answers

The Importance of Self-Love

Body Image in Midlife

Challenges and Societal Pressures

Embracing Change and Acceptance

Practical Tips for Loving Your Body

Closing Remarks

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 14 Feb 2024 01:00:00 -0500
Conversation Resolutions, and Stop Saying Conflict and Difficult

This episode explores the concept of conversation resolution, which combines the art of conflict resolution with difficult conversations. The hosts emphasize the importance of shifting mindset and energy when approaching conversations, as well as understanding subconscious beliefs. They discuss the impact of mindset on conflict resolution and the power of neutralizing language in conversations. The episode also highlights the significance of setting intentions and focusing on resolution rather than being right. The hosts stress the importance of fostering collaborative environments and building trust in order to create good relationships at work.


  • Shifting mindset and energy is crucial when approaching difficult conversations.
  • Understanding subconscious beliefs and thoughts can impact how we show up in conversations.
  • Neutralizing language and avoiding blame can deescalate conflicts and foster collaboration.
  • Setting intentions and focusing on resolution rather than being right can lead to more productive conversations.
  • Building trust and creating a positive culture are essential for effective communication and relationships at work.


Introduction to Conversation Resolution

Shifting Mindset and Energy

The Importance of Mindset

Understanding Subconscious Beliefs

The Power of Mindset and Energy Work

Changing Perspectives on Difficult Conversations

The Impact of Mindset on Conflict Resolution

Neutralizing Language in Conversations

Shifting Mindset as the Receiver of Feedback

Setting Intentions for Conversations

The Importance of Outcome and Resolution

Creating Collaborative Conversations

Linguistic Intelligence in Communication

Neutralizing Language to Avoid Conflict

The Impact of Fight or Flight Response

Fostering Collaborative Environments

Creating Good Relationships at Work

Building Trust and Culture Change

Beginning Conversations with Shared Objectives

Neutralizing the Playing Field

Emotional Check-In Approach

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 07 Feb 2024 01:00:00 -0500
Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking separates the greats from the goods. It is a significant differentiator in business success, whether you’re an individual or you’re a company, problem-solving in the box is not going to challenge the status quo and amplify innovation.

Some people are critical thinkers by nature, while others need to work on building this skill.

How do you solve a problem when the solution isn’t the answer? Let’s dig into critical thinking and why it is a must-hone skill for today.

In this conversation, Mimi and Jackie discuss the importance of critical thinking in business and everyday life. They share personal experiences and insights on how to develop and apply critical thinking skills. They emphasize the need to question assumptions, consider different perspectives, and challenge the status quo. The conversation also explores the role of curiosity, emotions, and biases in critical thinking. The hosts provide practical tips for becoming a better critical thinker and highlight the benefits of collective intelligence. The conversation concludes with a toast to the power of critical thinking.


  • Critical thinking is a crucial skill for success in business and life.
  • Developing critical thinking skills involves questioning assumptions, considering different perspectives, and challenging the status quo.
  • Curiosity, open-mindedness, and the ability to listen to different viewpoints are key to effective critical thinking.
  • Balancing analytical thinking and big ideas can lead to innovative solutions and better decision-making.



Introduction to Critical Thinking

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills

Defining Critical Thinking

The Process of Critical Thinking

Using Critical Thinking in Business

Challenges and Benefits of Critical Thinking

Overcoming Biases and Emotions

The Role of Curiosity in Critical Thinking

Trusting Your Instincts

Balancing Analytical Thinking and Big Ideas

Applying Critical Thinking in Sales

Becoming a Better Leader through Critical Thinking

Conclusion and Cheers

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 31 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0500
Collective Intelligence

This episode explores the concept of collective intelligence and leadership. We delve into how leaders can leverage the collective knowledge and creativity of their teams to solve complex problems, foster innovation, and make more informed decisions.

We discuss the origins of psychological safety and the importance of creating a culture that encourages diverse perspectives. We also provide practical tips for facilitating collective intelligence meetings and setting clear objectives and actionable outcomes. Finally, we highlight the application of collective intelligence in various settings and invite listeners to reach out for further support and training.

In this conversation, Jackie and Mimi discuss various topics related to personal and executive leadership development. They touch on the importance of one-on-one coaching, re-establishing goals, taking small steps, and the power of the mind. They also conclude with closing remarks and a toast to personal magnificence.


  • Collective intelligence harnesses the power of diverse perspectives and fosters innovation.
  • Psychological safety is crucial for creating an environment that encourages collective intelligence.
  • Effective communication, clear objectives, and actionable outcomes are essential for successful collective intelligence meetings.
  • Collective intelligence can be applied in various settings, including the workplace, personal relationships, and family dynamics. Consider seeking one-on-one coaching to enhance your executive leadership skills.
  • If you've given up on your goals, take a moment to re-establish your why and consider what else resonates with you.
  • Taking small steps consistently can lead to achieving anything.
  • The power of the mind and the ability to enter a meditative state can be transformative.
  • Toast to your magnificence and celebrate your personal growth.



Introduction and Personal Updates

The Power of Collective Intelligence

The Origins of Psychological Safety

Creating a Culture of Collective Intelligence

Balancing Decision-Making and Collective Intelligence

Facilitating Collective Intelligence Meetings

Building Trust and Encouraging Diverse Perspectives

Setting Clear Objectives and Actionable Outcomes

Applying Collective Intelligence in Various Settings

Conclusion and Contact Information

One-on-One Coaching

Re-establishing Goals

Taking Small Steps

The Power of the Mind

Closing Remarks

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 24 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0500
The Ego and the Imposter

The Ego stops us from taking in other ideas and exploring outside ourselves for answers.
The Imposter keeps us looking for validation from others and keeps us questioning ourselves.

When you think about being a phenomenal leader, regardless of title, there has to be a balance between the ego and the imposter. This is one of the roots we include in our professional development training and we’re going to give you a glimpse into the Worlds of the Ego and the Worlds of the Imposter and share with you how to teeter between both worlds without ever tipping too far.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • How we learned about the ego and our own personal feelings about it
  • What it looks like when you have too much ego
  • Why (we think!) men tend to have more ego than women
  • How having too much ego can lead us down the wrong path
  • When you can recognize your ego is too strong
  • How imposter syndrome makes us bounce around and lean on everyone else for their opinions

In this episode, Jackie and Mimi discuss the balance between ego and imposter syndrome in leadership. They explore the dangers of having too much ego, such as dismissing others' ideas and making poor decisions. They also discuss the negative effects of imposter syndrome, including self-doubt and second-guessing. The hosts emphasize the importance of knowing your core values and finding the balance between ego and imposter to become a great leader. They encourage self-reflection and growth, both individually and within organizations. Overall, the episode provides insights and strategies for achieving a healthy balance between ego and imposter syndrome in leadership.


  • Having too much ego can lead to dismissive behavior, poor decision-making, and an inflated belief in one's capabilities.
  • Imposter syndrome can result in self-doubt, second-guessing, and a lack of self-awareness.
  • Finding the balance between ego and imposter requires self-reflection, knowing your core values, and trusting in your own capabilities.
  • Encouraging self-reflection and growth within teams and organizations can lead to better leadership and a positive work environment.


Introduction: The Balance Between Ego and Imposter

The Dangers of Too Much Ego

The Difference Between Ego and Imposter in Men and Women

The Negative Effects of Too Much Ego in Leadership

The Negative Effects of Too Much Imposter Syndrome

Balancing Ego and Imposter: Knowing Your Core Values

Finding the Balance Between Ego and Imposter

Encouraging Self-Reflection and Growth

Closing Remarks and Call to Action

Leadership Consulting and Coaching for Individuals and Teams

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 17 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0500
Funny Woman of a Certain Age, Carole Montgomery

We can’t imagine a world where humor isn’t a big part of it. Let’s face it, the world is a tough place and sometimes the only way to get through it is via a good laugh. What’s even funnier is comedy that resonates, reflects and makes fun of our crazy midlife lives. This week’s guest, Carole Montgomery is the queen of poking fun of, and adoring, women 50+.

Carole has headlined clubs & colleges across the USA and starred in 2 different Las Vegas production shows. In fact,

THE LAS VEGAS SUN calls Carole "one of Vegas’ premier comics" She’s also written, directed, and starred in the Showtime Special FUNNY WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE (featuring comic headliners over the age of 50).

Carole is a respected veteran of the standup comedy scene nationwide, she’s an accomplished director & producer and proudest of her 11 comedy tours for Armed Forces Entertainment.

You don’t want to miss Funny Women of a Certain Age on tour. Carole will be at the Robins Theatre in Warren, Ohio on January 20th. Check out her other dates at

As a woman of a certain age herself, Carole shares what it was like as a female comic in a VERY masculine, male-dominated industry, how she doubled down when she was told she ‘couldn't, and how important it is to make your own rules that work for you, even when it isn’t the norm. We are thrilled to introduce you to Carole Montgomery, an incredible woman and storyteller.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • Why anything to empower women is right up Carole’s alley
  • The real deal about parenting
  • How Carole came up with the idea for her Showtime special, Funny Women of a Certain Age
  • Why older women can do anything they want
  • The struggle to get the boys club to let go of the status quo
  • What it was like to be pregnant and on the road
  • Why you can’t take no for an answer
  • Why women need to lift one another up instead of tearing each other down
  • How cancel culture has impacted comedy

“Not only have I rocked the boat, I’ve turned it over”

“Don’t ever let someone tell you, you can’t do something because you are a woman or older.”

“There is no better feeling than making someone laugh.”

“If you tell me I can’t do it, I say watch me.”

More About Carole Montgomery here

Carole Montgomery filmed the show she created FUNNY WOMEN OF A CERTAIN AGE (featuring comic headliners over the age of 50) for the Showtime network. She’s a respected veteran of the standup comedy scene nationwide with over 2 dozen television credits to her name. Carole has headlined clubs & colleges across the USA and starred in 2 different Las Vegas production shows. She’s an accomplished director & producer and is proudest of her 11 comedy tours for Armed Forces Entertainment. Carole was also a featured performer at the MONTREAL JUST FOR LAUGHS, BOSTON & NY COMEDY FESTIVALS.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 10 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0500
The Year of Spontaneity

People step into a new year in different ways. Some set rigid goals and over plan (MIMI!), some pick some goals but don’t put any thought behind them and some people live life day to day without any clear vision or goals.

We’re here to offer a fresh perspective for 2024: Spontaneity.

Picture this: Embracing opportunities without a preconceived script, trusting our instincts, and welcoming surprises. No need to meticulously plan every step – spontaneity becomes the compass guiding us through the adventures of 2024.

So, let's break free from the norm, trade resolutions for spontaneity, and see where the uncharted path takes us. Here's to a year of living in the moment and letting spontaneity be our guide!

In this episode, we’re talking about how spontaneity…

  • Creates a positive impact on our well-being
  • Improves our ability to be adaptable and problem-solve
  • Boosts our moods and can ignite us to action
  • Can add creativity to your life and creative ways to be more spontaneous
  • Can lead to new discoveries about yourself and create new opportunities

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

Download the manifesto here. Use it as your North Star as you navigate what it is to be a woman in midlife.
Like and follow Modern Gen X Woman, Jackie and Mimi.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0500
Best Of: Worry Peak

Hey Gen X Women!
Is it 2AM again and you find yourself worrying, thinking, ruminating? Look, I’ve never been a great sleeper but it has gotten much worse once I hit midlife and I know I’m not alone.

Have you seen a difference in how much you worry or ruminate as you’ve reached midlife?

Listen up because in this episode we’re telling you, we aren’t crazy (even though we may sometimes feel like we are) and instead, why and how we are reacting to the different physical, emotional and psychological elements happening to us all at the same time. The angst of midlife.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • How we’re at the apex of anxiety while at the bottom of the happiness U curve
  • The false reality of overthinking, worry and ruminating
  • The role hormones play in anxiety, especially as we age
  • Where we are in midlife and the demands in midlife and how they enhance our worry and destroy our ability to remove stress
  • The truth about how our brains work and why women are biologically vulnerable to getting anxiety
  • The societal norms and pressure around beauty, aging and how we feel about ourselves
  • Comparison, social media don't help
  • Rumination and worries about missed opportunities or unfulfilled goals

Mentioned in this episode:

How to get Through When You Feel Crappy (podcast)
Overthinking, Overtalking, Overcompensating (podcast)
Why Staying Calm Stresses Us the F Out (podcast)

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0500
Best Of: Good Girl Epidemic

From the moment we’re born, societal expectations begin to shape our thoughts and beliefs about how we are supposed to show up in the world. As girls, we were taught to be polite, stay quiet, be calm, don’t make others feel bad, don’t show off. We’re encouraged to suppress our voices, not to take up too much space and to keep our ideas to ourselves.

This week, Mimi and I are going to uncover the hidden truths around the Good Girl Epidemic, explore how it impacted us as young girls, and how, even today, those beliefs can rear its head in the most inopportune times, holding us back and sometimes keeping us stuck.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
Send Me the Manifesto!

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • Our own personal experiences of being raised as good girls
  • What being a good girl means for you and for us
  • Why being a good girl can hurt your authenticity
  • How self-worth plays into this and the continual need for external validation
  • Challenging yourself to be show up differently and being more assertive
  • Why creating a personal mission statement can help you shed good girl syndrome for good
  • How to work on your inner self and dig and find your own sense of self worth

DO THIS ONE THING. Share something you did with someone and then add… and I’m really proud of myself. It can be that simple!

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 20 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0500
2023 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year: Eleanor Beaton

Carving a niche and constructing a world around it, surrounding yourself with supportive women, demanding your value, and recognizing that investing in yourself is not selfish. These tenets serve as guiding lights for women striving to excel in their personal and professional lives. It's no surprise that Eleanor Beaton, a standout figure embodying these ideals, that’s why we’re delighted to have Eleanor as the 4th annual Modern Gen X Woman of the Year.

Eleanor Beaton is a global authority on women's entrepreneurship, contributing her expertise as an advisor on women's leadership at the Yale School of Management. Established in 2015 by Eleanor Beaton, Safi Media functions as an educational and business coaching entity dedicated to supporting courageous women leaders driving gender equity through entrepreneurship. The ambitious mission they've set is to double the number of women-founded companies achieving sustainable scaling beyond $1 million in annual revenue by 2030, accomplished through business coaching, entrepreneurship education, and storytelling with a gender lens.

In this episode, we’re talking about these TRUTH BOMBS:

  • Gen X women have always been very countercultural and very much a generation that has been all about being independent, finding our own way, and bucking norms

  • The strength and energy it takes to dam up your vision are much harder and more exhausting than the experience of setting a powerful focusing goal and really going for it.

  • The genius Jewel Business model and how it creates infrastructure to support women and make them feel safe so they can focus on the big vision.

  • Coaching female entrepreneurs is in and of itself a discipline because of the gender nuance and how gender influences and shapes our experience.

  • How to own your swagger and the three essential elements to help you embrace and embody that self-assured presence.

  • How women are raised to put other people's needs before their own and what can happen is that a woman can forget the purpose of her business is to generate cash flow, net profit, to grow, net profits, cash flow, and a return on investment consistently quarter over quarter.

“I have really challenged myself to master the art of showing up with Swagger. The ability to show up and really own who I am and what I have.”

Follow Eleanor:

Download the free checklist: How to Make $10,000 an Hour

Listen to the Anchored Intelligence podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify

Contact Eleanor at


Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0500
2023 Gen X Gift Guide, Jackie + Mimi's PIcks

Trying to find the perfect gift for the holidays is always fun and when we find something we love, we want to share. This week, Mimi and I are telling you our top holiday picks.

In this episode, we’re talking about some of our favorite gift ideas….

Mimi’s Picks

Jackie’s Picks

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 06 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0500
Soft Skills are Not Soft

Hard skills were the foundation for hiring talent for way too long. Soft skills were considered, well, soft. We know this is no longer the case and, we, refuse to call them soft skills because we know from all the work we do with organizations, these are the POWER SKILLS that separate successful individuals and organizations.

Why do we call them power skills? Because without them, no one has power. Not the leaders, not the team, and not the company. Take a listen to find out why.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • Power skills are more critical than ever, especially with the rise of AI. The soft skills of empathy, co-elevating, coaching, and curiosity, these are things lacking in the workplace and if we can do more work to educate and apply them then it’ll be interesting to see how the workplace can change. The combination of AI and soft skills will become the powerhouse of business success.

  • Power Skills are hard to measure. We know creating psychological safety in organizations is the biggest driver in team success and overall results. They are measurable, we have just been using the wrong system for measuring them.

  • Critical Power Skills, Time management, Communication, Adaptability, Problem-solving, Teamwork, Creativity.

  • How to develop your Power Skills

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Top 100 on Goodpods!

Join us June 11, 2024, Melville, NY for The ReImagine Conference

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 29 Nov 2023 01:00:00 -0500
Find Your Glimmers This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, Jackie and Mimi are talking off the cuff about appreciation and gratitude, and we're introducing you to 'Glimmers.'

A glimmer is a psychological term because it is the opposite of a trigger Glimmers in everyday life are small, spontaneous moments where you feel calm, peaceful, present, joyful, or all of the above. However, how a glimmer looks can vary from person to person.

The holidays can be tough for some but with 'Glimmers of Hope, Happiness, and Joy" you too can find peace.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 22 Nov 2023 01:00:00 -0500
Belonging, The Epicenter of Workplace (and Life) Happiness

As adults, we greatly underestimate something we innately need…. a sense of belonging.

You may think that as a grown-up it’s something you haven’t needed since 5th grade, but in reality, belonging is something that’s core to our physiological and psychological well-being.

In this episode, we’re uncovering why belonging is key to our happiness and you can create more of it.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • The brain science behind belonging
  • Why belonging can feel so hard
  • How belonging is a key to human happiness
  • Why belonging is needed to create psychological safety at work, and employees who have a sense of belonging report a 56% increase in overall job performance
  • How to foster a greater sense of belonging in your life and at work

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Download your FREE copy of GEN neXt magazine.

We’ve been shouting just to be heard, doing for everyone else, sometimes minimized, often overlooked. This has been our mid-life experience, until now. Introducing GEN neXt, the magazine shining a light on the forgotten generation. Download your copy here.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 01:00:00 -0500
Let's Talk About Sex with Sex Therapist, Dr. Shannon Chavez

Did you know women can experience up to eight different kinds of orgasms? Yup, that’s news to us too.

Let’s face it, sex is one of those things you just don’t want to talk about with your friends (at least I don’t!) but you still may have some burning questions.

That’s why in today’s episode we’re speaking to the expert, Dr. Shannon Chavez, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist.

Take a listen as we have a candid conversation about sex in midlife.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • How a conservative former Catholic girl becomes a sex therapist
  • What sex therapy actually is and who it can help
  • When you should seek out help around your sexuality and sexual relationships
  • Why there is less shame around sexuality and why people are more loud and proud
  • Libido, changes in preferences, and how to change things up
  • Sex after being in a long-term magnanimous relationship
  • The eight different kinds of orgasms women can experience!

More About Dr. Shannon Chavez at here

Dr. Shannon Chavez is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Certified Sex Therapist with a private practice, SHAPE (Sexual Health and Pleasure Enhancement) Center in Beverly Hills, California where she provides individual and couples therapy, sex and relationship coaching, retreats and workshops on sexual health and wellness. Her work focuses on adult sex education, integrating sexuality and spirituality, and sexual discovery towards personal growth. She frequently appears on national news, radio, podcasts, and media as a sexual health expert.

Follow her on Facebook, X, LinkedIn

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Our Special Offers

Schedule your free, no-strings attached 30-minute session.

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi.

Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 08 Nov 2023 07:00:00 -0500
Can an Innocent Cup of Coffee Change Your Life?

Welcome to our milestone moment of the Modern Gen X Woman. Our 200th episode! We can’t believe how much Mimi and I and our business have changed throughout the years…even our podcast which started out being called Make Your Life Magnificent. We’re talking about the transformative power of life’s little events and today we’re going to reveal how an innocent cup of coffee changed the trajectory not once but TWICE.

We’re about to spill the beans (see how I did that) on what’s next for us at Modern Gen X Woman, and what it means for you, our audience. Wherever you are listening, in the car, at the gym, or on a walk, get ready to get a java jolt of inspiration and excitement for what’s next.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • The twists and turns of our own business through the past 200 episodes
  • The new and exciting part of our business and what this means for you
  • If you want your tomorrow to be different, you need to do something differently today
  • Why letting go of what the end result looks like can open up even more opportunities
  • What we’ve learned and how we’ve changed along our journey
  • Hard-earned advice we want to share with you
  • Why you need to be open to serendipitous cups of coffee

Mentioned in this episode:

Our first episode—Perfectionism Pitfalls

Super-Star Reporter & Modern-Day Polymath: Antionette Biordi

Barbara Brooks and SecondActWomen

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 01 Nov 2023 01:00:00 -0400
The Importance of Mentoring

The old belief around mentoring being one way is antiquated. For the first time, we have four generations in the workforce and each generation has insights and skills to teach other generations. Companies with a strong mentorship program benefit from the cross-pollination of ideas, points of view, and diversity.

Mentees, regardless of age, see great benefits but have you also thought about how incredible it is to be a mentor? In this episode we’re going to talk all about the importance of mentoring for us, for the next generation, and beyond.

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • The difference between mentoring and coaching
  • How mentoring makes people feel seen and heard creating trust
  • Mentoring fosters innovation
  • Why mentoring doesn’t need to be top-down or a formal arrangement
  • Using mentoring to fix the broken rung of the leadership ladder
  • The benefits of mismatched and group mentoring

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

Download the manifesto here. Use it as your North Star as you navigate what it is to be a woman in midlife.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 25 Oct 2023 08:00:00 -0400
Is Your Non-Preference Sending the Wrong Message

We want to be accommodating and easy going, the kind of woman who wants to ‘go with the flow’ so we say thinks like, ‘Whatever you want,” “I don’t care,” or “You decide.” While we think this is helpful to others and sends the message that we can take the backseat, it actually can send the opposite message from what you are trying to portray.

In this week’s episode, we are exploring the ideas around not having a preference and encouraging you to take a stand.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • How your upbringing may add to this way of being
  • Why you may be adding to someone else’s decision fatigue
  • The fear of conflict or making the wrong decision
  • Why you may actually care more than you think
  • While you may think you’re being easy going it may actually come across like you are not interested

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Our Special Offers

Schedule your free, no-strings attached 30-minute session.

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 18 Oct 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Super-Star Reporter & Modern-Day Polymath: Antionette Biordi

When you’ve won 4 Emmy Awards and have been nominated for two more… you can take a break and revel in your success, right?

Nope. Today, we speak to a true powerhouse who has a deep love for her family and Italian heritage, is a top-notch professional, and health and fitness expert. She’s warm, empathetic and so down to earth.

Antoinette Biordi, is a weekday reporter covering breaking news and is the weekend anchor for News 12 Long Island. She’s reported on everything from court cases, crime, community issues, societal concerns, health and wellness, to heartwarming profile stories about the resiliency and tenacity of Long Islanders. She’s a positive force in business by also representing News 12 at countless community events connecting her with Long Islanders.

But reporting and winning Emmys is just a part of Antionette’s busy life. She’s also a certified spin and group fitness instructor and certified health coach. She’s won two Gold Metals in the WBFF World Beauty, Fitness, and Fashion show competing in the transformation division after losing 30 pounds, gaining muscle and transforming her body.

And most importantly, Antionette is a wife, mom, dog mom and she loves to eat, travel, workout, cook, make her home-made wine, take pictures and she plays several musical instruments including the accordion.

We loved talking to this amazing woman, take a listen.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • The importance of being inquisitive and understanding what makes people tick.
  • Building connections with compassion and allowing conversations to flow naturally.
  • Relational intelligence, intuition, and reliance on connecting with individuals rather than relying solely on prepared questions or outlines.
  • How working out is therapy for releasing stored-up energy.
  • Why eating clean is so important.
  • How to start a life and body-changing fitness and nutrition journey.
  • How to find your focus and why, getting laser focused and staying disciplined and on track.
  • The power of writing in a journal and reflecting.

More about Antionette Biordi at ADD HERE WEBSITE

Antoinette Biordi is a 4x Emmy Award winning Reporter and Anchor for News 12 Long Island. She has been a TV Reporter since 1997. In 2022, Antoinette earned her 4th Emmy in the category of Business and Consumer News for a series called "Road Trip Close to Home" that features fun and entertaining places to go and things to do in the tri-state area.

Antoinette was born in Brooklyn, moved to Corona Queens and then moved to Nassau County, Long Island. She continues to live in Nassau with her husband, son, and her dog Pepper.

In her spare time she teaches Spin and Bootcamp classes, is a certified health and wellness coach, loves to read, travel, workout, cook, make her home-made wine, take pictures and play several musical instruments including the accordion.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 11 Oct 2023 01:00:00 -0400
The 101 of Relational Intelligence

You know that person that seems to be a natural with others? The one that makes people feel comfortable, gets others to follow their lead and is memorable?

While they are probably genuinely a “good egg” they rely on their skill of relational intelligence to build rapport, garner trust, and build deep connections.

Notice I said skill. Relational intelligence is a skill you can build increasing your awareness of others and to create deep connections allowing you to drive influence and impact.

In this episode we’re talking more about what relational intelligence is, why it’s important and how you can start to master it too.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • What relational intelligence is and how we define it differently from human intelligence
  • How humans are wired to need connection and have psychological safety in those connections
  • Why relational intelligence creates more loyalty, more collaboration, creativity, willingness to fail which leads to innovation
  • How building genuine connections in business creates a sense of belonging and keeps people at their jobs longer
  • Ways to building personal connection by using curiosity, active listening, reading the room, mirroring and being vulnerable

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

Download the manifesto here. Use it as your North Star as you navigate what it is to be a woman in midlife.
Like and follow Modern Gen X Woman, Jackie and Mimi.

Schedule your free, no-strings attached 30-minute session.

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings attached 30-minute session with Jackie at or Mimi.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Are You An Avoider? How to Face S^^^
Unless you have a personality disorder, you probably don’t like conflict.

I am a pretty strong-willed woman who doesn’t take shit from anyone, and I hate conflict. My pulse rate goes up and my palms get all sweaty. But I know, I cannot put my head in the sand and wait for situations to subside.

Modern Gen X Woman don’t avoid hard things. Yes, we may feel uncomfortable, drag our feet a bit but overall we face things and get through to the other side.

In this episode we unpack how you can too.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • Signs you may be an avoider
  • The benefits of avoiding situations, yes—that misery does work for you!
  • Why sometimes we face certain things head on, like money, but have a harder time dealing with things like tough conversations
  • Practical tips and tools to stop avoiding and start taking action

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Our Special Offers

Schedule your free, no-strings attached 30-minute session.

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi.

Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

Download your FREE copy of GEN neXt magazine.

We’ve been shouting just to be heard, doing for everyone else, sometimes minimized, often overlooked. This has been our mid-life experience, until now. Introducing GEN neXt, the magazine shining a light on the forgotten generation. Download your copy here.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

Download the manifesto here. Use it as your North Star as you navigate what it is to be a woman in midlife.
Like and follow Modern Gen X Woman, Jackie and Mimi.

Facebook | Mimi on LinkedIn | Jackie on LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

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Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Consciously Uncoupling From Your Job

Breakups are hard. If you’re in a romantic relationship, if you have a long term friendship that is no longer serving you. We’ve learned the rules to navigate both of these types of breakups, but who’s setting the rules for when you break up with your job?

There are so many emotions that run rampantly through, not only are we walking away from the job (regardless if it’s our decision or not) and the company, but the people.

In this episode, we are digging into how to handle the personal piece as you consciously uncouple from your job.

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • How to handle the emotions that come with different job breakup situations such as leaving on your own accord, being laid off, fired or being the last person standing
  • Recognizing relationships may indeed change and that is ok, don’t take it personally
  • Moving forward to heal your heart not to heal your ego
  • How to approach awkward situations like your boss being let go
  • Remaining gracious in these situations and why it will benefit you over the long run

The Modern Gen X Woman Podcast is one of the favorite podcasts for women in midlife.

Our Special Offers

Schedule your free, no-strings attached 30-minute session.

Struggling in your professional life or business? Feel like you’re at the bottom of the midlife U-curve? Schedule a free, no-strings attached 30-minute session with Jackie or Mimi.

Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

Download your FREE copy of GEN neXt magazine.

We’ve been shouting just to be heard, doing for everyone else, sometimes minimized, often overlooked. This has been our mid-life experience, until now. Introducing GEN neXt, the magazine shining a light on the forgotten generation. Download your copy here.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

Download the manifesto here. Use it as your North Star as you navigate what it is to be a woman in midlife.
Like and follow Modern Gen X Woman, Jackie and Mimi.

Facebook | Mimi on LinkedIn | Jackie on LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 20 Sep 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Conscious Leadership and Evolved Entrepreneurship with Melinda Wittstock
Image Steve Jobs saying… “you asked the best questions". This is exactly what happened to our guest, Melinda Wittstock, after she interviewed him as a 24-year-old correspondent of the Times of London.

Since impressing Mr. Jobs, Melinda has gone on to being a 5-time serial entrepreneur and visionary innovator in all things media and tech as a conscious leader.

In this week’s episode, Jackie and I talk with Melinda about what it takes to life the life of a serial entrepreneur including the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs, meditation and practicing gratitude; how to balance work and home life, avoiding burnout, why we must destigmatize failure in entrepreneurship and embrace it as a learning opportunity.

BIO: Melinda Wittstock is the CEO and Founder of Podopolo, the AI-powered interactive podcast app and creator marketplace revolutionizing podcast discovery and discussion and making podcasting profitable for creators.

Melinda also hosts the fast-growing "Wings of Inspired Business" podcast named by Entrepreneur Magazine as #8 of 20 of the top business podcasts for 2020.

She's a former senior executive, producer, host, and award-winning journalist for some of the world’s leading media brands, including the BBC, Times of London, ABC, CNBC and Financial Times, Melinda created and grew a BBC TV show to a 20 million audience.

She is a spiritual practitioner of meditation, yoga, and gratitude and is passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved entrepreneurship using business as a canvas to transform lives and solve global challenges.

Her travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island and the Amazon Rainforest. She's a loving mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto. Send me the manifesto!

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • How Melinda’s drive to fix problems spurred her to becoming an entrepreneur
  • How gratitude helped her through the most difficult times
  • How we must destigmatize failure in entrepreneurship and embrace it as a learning opportunity
  • Why women most prioritize what truly matters to them and leverage their resources rather than feeling like they have to do everything themselves
  • Balancing motherhood with entrepreneurship and learning to be fully present in each moment without guilt or distraction
  • Discovering one's life purpose through childhood memories and surrounding oneself with people who have their back
  • Focusing on what truly matters and brings you happiness, rather than feeling obligated to tick off societal boxes
  • The importance of valuing one's time as a scarce resource and considering the return on investment for different tasks
Mentioned in this episode:

Follow Melinda Wittstock

  • @podopolo and @melindaannewittstock on Insta and Threads
  • LinkedIn/in/MelindaWittstock
  • Download Podopolo on either App Store

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Best of: Is Feeling Lonely Causing Big Emotions?

We are human beings which means we are all emotional and moody. It’s natural, it’s common. But what happens when your emotions or your moods seem irrational and extreme?

In coaching, we talk a lot about how our thoughts impact our feelings which impact our actions but we don’t talk enough about some physiological factors impacting our mood.

In this week’s episode, we’re introducing you to HALT, the acronym that can help you support your mental health.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

In this episode we’re talking about…

  • How to get your emotions under control
  • Introducing our tool the six-second of separation and why it is so powerful for managing the emotional adrenaline rush
  • The physical response of your emotions - it's not just your thoughts
  • HALT Method - the sneaky reasons we're super sensitive (Hunger, Anger, Lonely, Tired)
  • Ways to check with yourself to see if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired.
  • Ways to cope when you're dealing with big emotions
  • How loneliness is a big contributor to our feelings, how often women feel lonely, unheard and disconnected and and why it’s often overlooked as a contributor to how we react

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 06 Sep 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Best of: Madonna, Paulina, Ashley Why Women (of a certain age) Can’t Win

The Grammy’s really struck a nerve in us. We were traveling for business and missed them and instead of seeing news dropping about the music, the performances, and the winners, my news feed was blowing up with negative, nasty comments about the work Madonna had done.

It stopped us in our tracks and we rearranged all of our podcasts to quickly produce this one. We have to address what is going on here.

  • Madonna was crucified for the work she had done.
  • Paulina was destroyed for not having work done and her too skinny ‘wrinkled’ body.
  • Ashley Judd is being obliterated for her weight gain.


Let’s dig in because we are pissed!

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 30 Aug 2023 01:00:00 -0400
Best Of: Pitfalls of Misplaced Loyalty

Here you are shopping at Target or your favorite store and you have a list of items you need. Laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper towels, ketchup, and mascara.

I would guess you go down each of those aisles knowing what you’re getting. When I say that, I mean the brand you are buying. Mine…Tide, Toms, UpandUp brand, Heinz, Benefit.

Generation X is the most loyal generation and brands like these, are benefitting wildly. They are thrilled you’ve been using the toothpaste for six years and don’t actually look to explore new options on the market. There are pluses and minuses to this for you as a consumer but where it really hurts you is when your blind loyalty spills into your career.

We find ourselves loyal to the organization, to the team we work with or even to our boss. Is this loyalty a good thing for us?

This week we are exploring the pitfalls of misplaced loyalty.

Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
Send Me the Manifesto!

In this episode, we’re talking about…

  • How our parents' and grandparents' influence made us reluctant to job hop, supporting the story to stay and be loyal
  • How gendered ageism plays into our career moves
  • What we really owe our employer, and I will say, it is not a certain amount of time with the company.
  • Why loyalty is good for companies but not for us - we are so much less expensive than outside talent and the longer we stay the bigger the pay gap becomes for us and the industry average.
  • How we tie up our identity into our job and it all reflects on our self-worth (we are much more than our title)
  • Why we must push through the discomfort of change because it is the only way we grow
  • How being too loyal can hurt our perception
  • Why corporate loyalty never goes both ways, just ask long-term employees at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce and Amazon.

Mentioned in this episode:

Fredi Pars on TikTok (our stupid obsession!)

Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business and life.

Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

Wed, 23 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0400
Summer Shorts: 7 Things to Do in Midlife

Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week Mimi + I (Jackie + I) talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

There is something invigorating and exciting about doing something different. Maybe it’s something you used to do, something you’ve wanted to do or something brand new.

When we hit midlife, it could feel like every day is the same. How do you break out of that feeling? We’re here to talk about the 7 Things To Do In Your 50s.

Introducing GEN neXt, the magazine shining a light on the forgotten generation. Download your FREE copy of GEN neXt magazine.

In this episode we’re talking some silly things to do in your 50s:

  • Jump in a pool naked - go skinny-dipping like you're in your 20's
  • Go on a scary roller coaster - Cyclone anyone?
  • Take yourself out to dinner solo - enjoy yourself and the quiet of your mind
  • Take up a new sport - be like a kid and explore new team things
  • Do a cartwheel or a headstand (even if it doesn’t look pretty)
  • Get messy with arts and crafts — pull out the finger paints
  • Wear a bright color, break out of your style rut

  • Mentioned in this episode:
    One Girl Travel

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

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    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: 7 Questions to Ask To Find Your Authentic Self

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week we talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    If I had to pick one word for the decade it would be “authentic”. Everyone is looking for the real deal with both others and within themselves. The problem is how do you figure out what is truly authentic to you?

    With so many inputs of commentary, information and ideas it can be hard to tell where you really begin.

    In this week’s episode we are going to help you find your true north star by providing you with 7 thoughtful ways to ask in order to find your authentic self.

    Introducing GEN neXt, the magazine shining a light on the forgotten generation. Download your FREE copy of GEN neXt magazine.

    In this episode we’re talking seven questions to ask yourself to tap into your authentic self…

    #1. When I am in a new environment, do I shift my personality so I can feel like I belong?

    #2. Am I satisfied with my life? Am I willing to challenge what doesn’t fulfill me?

    #3. Am I willing to be vulnerable or do I put up walls to protect myself?

    #4. Do I hold back from sharing my thoughts, ideas, emotions or beliefs fearing other's reactions?

    #5. What are my core values and are my actions a reflection of my core value and beliefs?

    #6. Do I know what truly lights me up and why?

    #7. When you want something, do you reflect on why? When you do something, do you reflect on why? Are these desires yours or are you responding to societal norms and pressures surrounding you?

    Mentioned in this episode:

    How to Find Your Authentic Self? Ask yourself these questions (blog post)

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Aug 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    A Guiding Light Through a Tough Diagnosis with Catherine Dittmer

    Imagine being a mom of three young kids, waking up with a sore throat and stopping by urgent care to make sure it’s not strep. Instead of being told yup, it’s strep, you’re raced to the ER because you don’t have a cold or even a virus… you have cancer and your organs are shutting down.

    This is exactly what happened to our special and brave guest Catherine Dittmer.

    At first there is denial and annoyance, then lots of anger. In this episode Catherine generously shares her story and how she coped. By sharing her journey, Catherine is on a mission to help others who may be faced with a terrifying diagnosis.

    Catherine is a Leukemia survivor from Iowa where she lives with her husband and three daughters. She sits on several non-profit boards and is very active in philanthropic leadership including the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Gilda's Club, Junior Achievement, Better Money Habits, etc. She is a Certified Financial Planning professional with Merrill Lynch Wealth Management where her women-focused team designs financial plans based on the priorities and values of the woman. Catherine loves to read and spends much of her time with a book by her side.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto. Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • The real thoughts and emotions that go through your mind when facing a terrifying diagnosis
    • How despite feeling angry and scared at first, Catherine ultimately made the choice to live and took control of her situation by doing things like donating her hair to Locks of Love, making a music video about it to announce her diagnosis, and writing a children's book for her youngest daughter
    • How to relinquish control over everything and have grace with yourself in order to focus on fighting for survival.
    • The things Catherine did to keep going and what she wishes she did differently
    • The importance of letting go and letting others help
    • Why owning the difficult reactions helps you adapt to difficult situations and empowers you to move forward

    “I want to be a guiding light for others going through difficult times and hope people can learn from my experiences.”

    “I made the choice to live”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Follow Catherine Dittmer:

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Aug 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Short: 7 Words to Avoid

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week we talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    There are certain words that fly out of our mouths — no they don’t start with F — These are words and phrases we want to challenge you to remove from your vocabulary.

    When we work with clients and with companies, one of the aspects we coach and consult on is Linguistic Intelligence. Bringing awareness to the words or phrases that can be triggering for you or for others. They can diminish you and your worth. They can invalidate your authority and make others get defensive.

    In this episode we dig into the 7 words (you may be surprised) and the words to use instead.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
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    In this episode we’re talking about 7 words to avoid for stronger communication

  • “You”; this can trigger someone’s fight or flight
  • “Should”; this leans into the world of black and white instead use “I would like to”, which gives a little more flexibility
  • “Why”; this can feel like blame, instead try, “what could be the cause?”
  • “Just”; this can minimize worth and diminish authority
  • “Sorry”
  • “But”; it is dismissive, instead replace with “and”
  • “Obviously”; feels diminishing to others and non-inclusive

  • Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Jul 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: 7 Small Habits

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week we talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    Habits are the backbone of achievement. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle, a new job or financial security, it all starts with habits. We, as humans, live and breathe in the form of habits - and if our habits do not align with what we want for ourselves, it’ll be near impossible to get there.

    This week we are talking about 7 small habits…

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
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    In this episode we’re talking about…

  • Making a list of what you need to accomplish the night before.
  • Packing a snack — I always have an apple in my bag.
  • Having an electronic free 15 minutes in the morning to kickoff your day
  • Blocking 15 minutes pre and post every meeting on your calendar
  • Doing a daily out of your immediate circle check in text
  • Blocking out learning time
  • Doing Daily scan of current events to have small talk topics at the tip of your fingers
  • Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Jackie + Mimi's 7 Summer Picks

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week Mimi + I (Jackie + I) talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    What are we talking about this week? Well, we can’t go into summer without talking about our summer picks, what we are excited about and what we are doing this summer and how you, too can push your summer limits.

    Mimi's Picks:

  • Jello Sugar-Free Chocolate Pudding
  • Book store (two recent faves – Lady Tan’s Circle of Women and Hello Beautiful)
  • Julie Louis Dreyfus Podcast — Wiser Than Me
  • Audible books for Learning
  • Going to the beach earlyin the morning with a bagel and a coffee
  • Morgan Library
  • Ancestry
  • Jackie's Picks:

  • Huberman Lab Podcast: Brilliant neuroscientist
  • Broadway show, wherever you are
  • Take up a new sport. Jackie just started tennis lessons and I’m doing it with my daughter
  • Explore your city- I’ve been a New Yorker my entire life and right before covid was the first time I walked the Brooklyn Bridge
  • Go Live: We have been spending time in market and it is amazing how much more connected we feel as humans
  • Do something artistic - paint by numbers, pottery, sketching
  • Try a new recipe every week, I'm going to start with Garparchio

  • Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Thu, 13 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Divorce Can Be Easy'er' with Erin Levine

    Should I stay or should I go? This is a question many married women in midlife think about…. a lot. Like so many things these days, the way we approach though situations, like divorce, can be a lot easier.

    Enter Erin Levine ,founder of Hello Divorce. Hello Divorce is an online platform that creates an easier, kinder and less expensive divorce. Hello Divorce can handle almost every divorce without court and it costs thousands less than hiring a lawyer.

    Erin Levine is not your typical attorney. With over a decade of experience in litigating complex family matters, she founded Hello Divorce, a venture capital-backed, tech-enabled platform that combines self-service online tools with integrated expert advice, making it easier for everyone to navigate their lives and finances with less stress and mess. With Hello Divorce, Erin has helped thousands of couples divorce in 1/3 the time and 1/10 the price of traditional divorce methods.

    Erin's innovative approach to divorce and the delivery of legal services has earned her media mentions from the legal industry and beyond, with recent features in Vice, Forbes, American Bar Association Journal, Business Insider, and TechCrunch. Her experience as a lawyer, mediator and private judge has led her to understand the roller coaster of emotions that come with a major life transition but she strongly believes that when you help people move forward with confidence and peace of mind, a breakup can always lead to breakthrough.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Why the decision is so hard and why women tend to agonize between three-five years before filing
    • The different ways to approach a divorce and when Hello Divorce is an option and how it works
    • Why Gen Xers were taught to sacrifice and are so hard on themselves when it comes to divorce because, there is the question of, “am I being too selfish or selfless”?
    • The research that it's not necessarily divorce that is so hard on kids and families; it's the conflict, whether you're in marriage or the ongoing conflict after marriage, that is what's harmful.

    “There are options, there are different things you can do to set yourself up to be able to bounce back and do better than even before.”

    “Divorce can feel like you’re happy, hurting and healing all at the same time.”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Follow Erin Levine:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Jul 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    The Good Girl Epidemic

    From the moment we’re born, societal expectations begin to shape our thoughts and beliefs about how we are supposed to show up in the world. As girls, we were taught to be polite, stay quiet, be calm, don’t make others feel bad, don’t show off. We’re encouraged to suppress our voices, not to take up too much space and to keep our ideas to ourselves.

    This week, Mimi and I are going to uncover the hidden truths around the Good Girl Epidemic, explore how it impacted us as young girls, and how, even today, those beliefs can rear its head in the most inopportune times, holding us back and sometimes keeping us stuck.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
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    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Our own personal experiences of being raised as good girls
    • What being a good girl means for you and for us
    • Why being a good girl can hurt your authenticity
    • How self-worth plays into this and the continual need for external validation
    • Challenging yourself to be show up differently and being more assertive
    • Why creating a personal mission statement can help you shed good girl syndrome for good
    • How to work on your inner self and dig and find your own sense of self worth

    DO THIS ONE THING. Share something you did with someone and then add… and I’m really proud of myself. It can be that simple!

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Jun 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Have You Hit Your Upper Limit?

    You’ve lost 10 pounds, gotten the promotion, finally gotten 5 great clients, bought your dream house and then… disaster strikes. You get sick, you gain the weight back, you have a car accident. You curse your luck and your life. Why can’t you ever get ahead?

    Before you resign yourself to just having shit luck… consider you may have hit an upper limit.

    In today’s episode we’re talking about what an upper limit is, why they happen and how you can break through.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
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    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • What the heck is an upper level?
    • How the way you see yourself impacts your success
    • Why affirmations alone will not work to achieve your goals
    • Why old habits, even if they don’t help us feel better than positive change
    • How our nervous system is set to a certain temperature like a thermostat
    • Why you need to recognize every win
    • How guilt can impact our success
    • Why awareness is the key to breaking through an upper limit

    DO THIS ONE THING: Identify what you want next, recognize the thing that makes you uncomfortable and do it anyway.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Jun 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Fact: Women Make Better Leaders

    We know women are the far superior species. The world would LITERALLY cease to exist without us.

    While I find myself smiling wide when I say that, this isn’t just my beliefs..

    The research is in, women are better leaders.

    Here’s a stat that will blow your mind.

    Of the S&P 500, there are 459 male CEOs and 41 female CEOs. The companies that have women as CEOs have significantly outperformed the companies run by men. Over the past 10 years, the difference in returns is 384% from female-led companies vs. 261% from male-led companies

    Across the board, women outperform men on all (or most depending on the research) leadership measures. As woman leaders, we must trust ourselves and lean into our inherent feminine traits. This means throwing away the masculine energy many of us thought we had to take on in order to be an effective leader. Hint, those traits don’t work.

    Tomorrow’s leaders need to embrace and lead with female traits. Listen up as we talk all about Leading like a Woman.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
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    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why we need to stop trying to take on the leadership traits we’ve learned through osmosis from men and instead, lean in and trust our own instincts and leadership style.
    • Recognizing to take on male energy will not support our growth
    • Why women have a greater sense of EQ than men
    • How collaboration, communication, and inclusion are a superpower and needed more than ever
    • Women outperform men in more than the “soft skills” – we outperform them in initiative, resilience, driving results, inspiring others, coaching others, bold leadership, relationships, creativity, honesty, transformation, leading change, and innovation
    • The neuroscience of women managing stress better than men

    “Soft-skills are the emerging superpowers of business.—Gary Vaynerchuk”


    Mentioned in this episode:

    New Research Women More Effective Than Me in All Leadership Measures (article)

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 14 Jun 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Menopause Bootcamp with Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD

    Menopause is not easy but the good news is we have people like Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz on our side. Through her menopause bootcamps she is here to proclaim menopause is a time of celebration and her menopause bootcamps are a part of reclaiming that journey.

    In this episode we’re talking with Dr. Suzanne about why she wants women to know their options, feel empowered, feel the love of community and create opportunities to move into that next part of their life with tools that make sense for them. Her tools are evidence based and also based on good common sense. When it comes to her Menopause Boot Camp and certification program, she has no less than world domination in mind.

    A Diplomat of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, MD, received her medical degree in 1996 from the USC School of Medicine and completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Gilberg-Lenz is involved in women’s empowerment and public education and appears frequently as an expert in women’s health and integrative medicine on TV, in print, and online. She is the author of MENOPAUSE BOOTCAMP: Optimize Your Health, Empower Your Self, and Flourish as You Age (Harper Wave; October 2022)

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • How menopause does bring a grief around fertility, regardless if we wanted more (or any) children or not
    • The Gen X perspective of muscling through and why instead we need to ask for support
    • The medicine is actually in the community, this is why we need to get together
    • Why Agitation is hormonal for sure however, it’s also a developmental phase where we are seeing ourselves and seeing our place on the planet differently and we are recognizing our own power
    • Why menopause is a DEI issue and companies need to create an environment to support us so we can leverage our wisdom, we can be more productive, be able to speak about what we need with safety.
    • We need to educate, support and create a solution and space for women to understand themselves
    • How a doctor’s empathy and humbleness can make all the difference in the way we’re treated regardless if they’re male or female

    “So my Menopause Boot Camp and certification program, I have no less than world domination in mind. I want people to feel what their options are, feel empowered, feel the love of community and create opportunities to move into that next part of their life with tools that make sense for them, that are evidence based, but are also based in common sense.”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Jun 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Midlife Worry Peak

    Hey Gen X Women!
    Is it 2AM again and you find yourself worrying, thinking, ruminating? Look, I’ve never been a great sleeper but it has gotten much worse once I hit midlife and I know I’m not alone.

    Have you seen a difference in how much you worry or ruminate as you’ve reached midlife?

    Listen up because in this episode we’re telling you, we aren’t crazy (even though we may sometimes feel like we are) and instead, why and how we are reacting to the different physical, emotional and psychological elements happening to us all at the same time. The angst of midlife.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • How we’re at the apex of anxiety while at the bottom of the happiness U curve
    • The false reality of overthinking, worry and ruminating
    • The role hormones play in anxiety, especially as we age
    • Where we are in midlife and the demands in midlife and how they enhance our worry and destroy our ability to remove stress
    • The truth about how our brains work and why women are biologically vulnerable to getting anxiety
    • The societal norms and pressure around beauty, aging and how we feel about ourselves
    • Comparison, social media don't help
    • Rumination and worries about missed opportunities or unfulfilled goals

    Mentioned in this episode:

    How to get Through When You Feel Crappy (podcast)
    Overthinking, Overtalking, Overcompensating (podcast)
    Why Staying Calm Stresses Us the F Out (podcast)

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 31 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    The Upheavel of a Layoff

    You can’t turn on the TV or read your LinkedIN news feed without seeing another announcement, Amazon, Google, Salesforce, Walmart, McDonalds, and Facebook (again) are having tremendous layoffs.

    The news feels bleak and couple that with AI “threats” and it can feel as though we have hit bottom and are going to stay there.

    Layoffs are complicated, they are emotional, they are disorienting, they are diminishing and they can lead to you questioning your worth. These are normal and natural feelings and Mimi and I need for you, our listeners who may be going through a layoff themselves, or their friends or family, you are not alone and while times may feel desperate, and you may feel alone, you aren’t.

    Why are layoffs so hard and what do we struggle with most?

    • Routine: When you are laid off, not knowing what to do in the morning
    • Camaraderie: You miss the people, those you adored working with every day and when you connect with them now, whether they are still at the org or not, all you talk about is what happened
    • Minimized and marginalized: Even if it was a tremendously large lay off you question your worth, wonder what you could have done better and let external factors crush your confidence
    • Who am I without my title: Not having that descriptor can really throw us for a loop, it is how we have identified ourselves
    • Survivors Guilt: Even if you weren't the one impacted, those who are left behind can feel guilty and it can take an emotional toll
    • Don’t Believe the Hype: Everyone's opinions about the marketplace or their own experience can creep in and cloud yours
    • The Ups and Downs: It's like dating, it only feels good when there's a connection and even when there's a connection if you only have a few dates, even if they are great, we feel like crap. We are only as 'good' as the offer

    If you've been subject to a layoff or just feeling like you need more support in your career, email Jackie at The first 5 listeners will get a free 45-minute coaching session with me!

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 24 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Attachment Styles, What's Yours?

    You love your job, feel like you’re doing a great job and excited about your contribution. Then one day your boss disagrees with you and you go into the spin of all spins, over analyzing and constantly looking for approval.

    Or maybe you get some constructive criticism about the way you lead a meeting and bam… you decided to disconnect and disengage.

    This pattern doesn’t just play out at work either… you may feel off kilter in close relationships or friendships and don’t even get us started about romantic relationships.

    If this is you, it’s ok…. You may be struggling with an insecure attachment style - which isn’t as uncommon a you think. In this episode, we’re going to explore attachment styles and how to manage them.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • What secure, anxious, and insecure attachment styles look like
    • How these attachment styles show up in relationships, both romantic and other
    • How these attachment styles can show up at work
    • Shifting attachment styles
    • Our own attachment styles, Jackie and Mimi get really vulnerable

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 17 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Meet Jackie + Mimi's Moms - Mother's Day Special

    This Mother’s Day we are doing something completely different. We have secured the most impressive and powerful guests. No it isn’t Oprah. No it isn’t Michelle. It’s LInda and Marilyn.

    Our Moms.
    The amazing women who taught us to be strong, independent and fearless and who made us, as we like to brag, pretty darn awesome.

    Welcome behind the scenes of us, eek, I wonder what they’re going to say.

    In this episode our moms spill the beans on what we were like as kids!

    • Jackie terrorized the boys by being rough and tumble
    • Mimi practiced jump rope before school every morning until she mastered it
    • Jackie getting caught lying through her teeth!
    • Mimi having a temper tantrum and putting her foot through the front door
    • The things we still do to this day that drive our moms crazy!
    • The things our moms taught us to make us the strong and independent women we are today

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Playing Big with PR Pro Laurie Halter

    What does having it all look like for a Generation X woman who owns her own PR firm, keynotes various events across the country, hosts The Carearing podcast, is recently divorced and a mother of two? Ask Laurie Halter on any given day and she will answer differently. For her, having it all is about making conscious choices and prioritizing aspects of her life during various seasons.

    This healthy mindset has escalated her success as a female business owner in a male dominated and sometimes misogynistic industry.

    Listen as Laurie shares what it’s like, post-divorce to spend her first Christmas without her kids, how she handled the vulgar comments from an auto exec and why gratitude and reflection are the path to personal growth.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • How using gratitude changes your life
    • How business does not work for the modern day family and the changes we want to see in the workplace including flexibility, opportunities for more women and minority in senior roles and women pulling more women up
    • Why we can’t do it all at the same time, instead pick a priority for this season of your life
    • Why we all need to create a personal brand and stand for it
    • Build your mission statement by looking at your daily gratitude, goals for the year and you’ll see a pattern emerge of what makes your life feel fulfilling, build your mission statement from there
    • Refuse to give into ageism
    • When you are going through a rough time let yourself be sad instead of trying to muscle through it
    • “The next two decades are about being fully in our power and kicking ass – it’s just starting!”

    Mentioned in this episode:
    The Carearing podcast

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 03 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: I'm Not Dying But Ageism Should

    You look great for your age. I didn’t think you were a day over 40. You’re too experienced. I think we need someone with more tech experience. Good for you for starting a business at your age. Do you still play basketball? I can’t believe how fabulous your skin looks, what do you use?

    These statements may seem like innocent comments but they are contributing to the negativity associated with aging.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    “If we want to change the stereotype, we need to be the ones to set the tone for what age is and how it should be treated.” —, Disrupting Daily Ageism.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The need to uncover our collective subconscious bias around age stereotypes
    • The continued negative portrayal of women 40+ in media, advertising and pop culture
    • How to stop talking and perpetuating the aging myth
    • Love and own your whole self at any age
    • Women 50+ have spending power of $50 trillion
    • Ageism in the workplace and how this is the last allowed bias
    • How many women 40+ feel invisible and not seen and heard

    Mentioned in this episode:, Disrupting Daily Ageism.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Apr 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: Vulnerability of Putting Yourself Out There

    What does it mean to be vulnerable and put yourself out there? Well, for each and every one of us, the threshold for what it means is different but we can tell you it shows up in a plethora of ways and for almost everyone.

    Maybe you struggle speaking up in meetings or posting on social media. Maybe the thought of dating again after divorce is terrifying, or pitching someone to buy from you makes your skin crawl. What we know is no matter how difficult and painful it may be, the cost of not doing it can be even more painful.

    You deserve to have what you want to be it a career, business, friendship circles, or life partner. Putting yourself out there is the only way to get what you want.

    In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk you through how to get comfortable with putting yourself out there.

    In this episode, we’re talking about:

    • What exactly is vulnerability, what it isn't, and why it's an essential part of being human (even though it can feel so darn uncomfortable)
    • How does vulnerability show up in your career, business, friendships, and other aspects of your life
    • What it costs you not to be vulnerable - you're not going to like what you're leaving on table
    • How to become more vulnerable with small steps at a time

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Apr 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Courageous Leadership

    Courageous leadership isn’t about how you show up as a boss.

    Courageous leadership is how you show up to buck the trends, against the odds and fight for what you believe in.

    It’s about paving the way for those who aren’t as courageous as you are and maybe, just maybe, getting others to see they too can step into their courage.

    To lead and fully experience both work and life in any way, takes courage.

    In this week’s episode we’re going to explore what courageous leadership looks like in both work and life.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Our own personal takes on courage and leadership
    • How courageous leadership isn’t limited to professional settings
    • Why leadership in itself takes courage
    • Leading when you don’t have power and how we must use courage against our vulnerability
    • How courage feels and the difference between danger versus discomfort
    • The courage to get back up after a failure and the courage to do something without perfection
    • The concept of courage thresholds and how they can vary from person to person
    • How to step into your courage

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Getting In Control with Kerry Hannon

    Throughout our own careers, we’ve seen tremendous changes in the business landscape. From cubicles to open floorplan office factories, a cocktail at lunch to lunch at our desks, overtime to overworking. While the evolution is apparent, nothing could have prepared us for the new way to work post pandemic.

    Our guest today, Kerry Hannon, has been reporting on business and finance for years and has seen many of these shifts up close and personal. Listening to our discussion today will brighten your day. Kerry is an incredible optimist and believes and inspires women to purposefully crafting our own future. Kerry shares so many incredible stories with us. Hear how she does ‘it all’ as an author, contributor, speaker and columnist, how an interview with a Navajo rug weaver opened her eyes to the importance of loving what she does, and the importance of financial security.

    Kerry Hannon is a workplace futurist and leading expert and strategist on career management and work transitions, entrepreneurship, personal finance and retirement. She's the author of more than a dozen best-selling and award-winning books, including “In Control at 50+: How to Succeed in The New World of Work,” “Never Too Old to Get Rich,” “Great Jobs for Everyone 50+,” She is currently a senior columnist and on-air expert at Yahoo Finance.

    She has covered all aspects of careers, business and personal finance as a columnist, editor, and writer for the nation’s leading media companies, including The New York Times, Forbes, MarketWatch, Money, PBS, U.S. News & World Report, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. Kerry has appeared as a career and financial expert on The Dr. Phil Show ABC, CBS, CNBC, NBC Nightly News, NPR, and PBS.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • How Yahoo Finance hired Kerri at 61 because she could do the job and how Kerri didn't let her age hold her back from KNOWING she could do it
    • Retraining, reskilling and using community colleges and intergenerational career centers as resources and support when you are in the job market
    • Having conversations around unconscious bias of the hiring managers
    • Why you must say no to the invisible work and focus on doing work where your contribution with be recognized and rewarded
    • Kerry identifies two reasons entrepreneurs aren't successful, the inability to talk about what they do and the inability to sell their capabilities and ask for money
    • Why education is the best investment in yourself
    • Opening up your mind about the possibilities of what can be and not letting any unsupportive narratives get in the way
    • Getting a handle on your finances by facing it and taking a hard look at what goes out and what goes in
    • Tips to stay top of mind when you are remote

    Mentioned in this episode:
    More About Kerry

    In Control at 50+ by Kerry Hannon

    SCORE Small Business Resources

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0400
    PERIOD is not a 4 Letter Word

    Last week, news spread, not loudly enough quite frankly, about a new bill Florida legislators are looking to pass banning sexual education in elementary school including teaching about menstrual cycles. On top of that, the bill would prohibit girls to talk about their period in school.

    Just the idea of this bill is appalling. This is another example of female voices being quieted and men making decisions about the female body. Bills like this will set women’s rights back.

    Unlike 5th graders who have their periods in Florida, our voices will not be silenced.


    Does scrolling through your Instagram feed make you feel bad about your good life?

    Save your spot for our FREE master class The Cure for Comparisonitis.

    In this Master Class you’ll learn…

  • Why comparison isn’t your fault
  • How to stop chasing everyone else’s happiness and find your own
  • The truth about the Silver Bullet Myth
  • In this episode we’re talking about…

    • The overarching theme of the new Florida bill, what it covers and how it impedes, once again, on the rights of women
    • Only 16% of women said they feel control over legislation that affects them
    • What this proposed bill says it will teach, including abstinence from sexual activity and allowing girls up to fifth grade to even talk about having their periods
    • How this will add to the insecurity and anxiety girls already feel
    • Men making decisions on the behalf of women… again!

    We're on a mission to make Generation X the Wealthiest Female Generation. With money comes power and with power comes change.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    The Skimm State of the Women 2023

    Judy Blume Joins Public Outcry (AOL article)

    Banned USA Gorwing movement to Censor Books in Schools (PEN article)

    118th Congress has a Record Number of Women (Pew Research article)

    Government has a Long History of Controlling Women (Brennan Center article)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Mar 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Get Out of Your Own Way

    Today, we are being honored by the Herald Premier Business Women of Long Island for our contribution in supporting women 40+.

    Our original company The Resting Mind, launched February 12, 2019 and in March 2019, Mimi and I attended this event as part of the audience to be inspired and connected to other incredible business women on Long Island. As we networked in the cocktail hour, we turned to each other and said, we will be honored here one day.

    Four years, one pandemic, a pivot and a complete renaming and branding of the company, we are the ones standing on the stage tonight. This is all about how we get to determine our success and the bigger we dream the more we’ll accomplish.

    This week’s episode is all about each of us, daring to dream big and get out of our own way.


    Does scrolling through your Instagram feed make you feel bad about your good life?

    Save your spot for our FREE master class The Cure for Comparisonitis.

    In this Master Class you’ll learn…

  • Why comparison isn’t your fault
  • How to stop chasing everyone else’s happiness and find your own
  • The truth about the Silver Bullet Myth

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • The difference between those that get in their own way and don’t
    • The importance of manifestation
    • Why we sell ourselves short when we allow our minds to hijack our dreams
    • How positivity does matter because it’s about seeing the possibility and being open to it
    • Are you ruminating on what isn't working or having gratitude for what is working and where you are heading?
    • Consider how you're thinking about what may be in your way, it is an obstacle or a challenge?
    • How the person you are now is not the same person who will achieve the goal, you will change and change is scary
    • Stepping into the new identity of you when you achieve what you want to and say goodbye to the old you

    Mentioned in this episode:
    No Filter: The Good, The Bad and The Beautiful by Paulina Porizkova

    Growing Up Gen X at the Illinois State Museum

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Mar 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    The Power of 3's

    My mind is not what it once was and I know it. I struggle to admit it to myself because I used to be able to decipher a million things thrown at me at once…or at least I thought I did. In actuality, I didn’t because most of us can’t.

    We, as humans, intake so much information in any given day, hour or minute. Our brains work hard to weed through all the stimuli we receive and capture what we need. This can leave a lot of important information on the table.

    What if you are the one delivering the information? If you are doing anything from leading a meeting, to presenting to a room full of people, marketing your capabilities or doing online training, you want to ensure your message lands.

    In this episode we’re going to teach you the incredible impact “3” can make to influence others.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Research shows how much more impactful statements can be in threes
    • Our brain remembers, absorbs and processes in patterns and three is the smallest patter we can create
    • With so much info thrown at us why we can’t store much in our short-term memory and people only remember 10% of what they hear. Repeating it makes impact statements will help people remember what you want
    • The power of threes in presentations and interviews
    • The power of threes in marketing and sales
    • Using the power of threes to be memorable and persuasive


    Have you stopped believing in yourself?

    When you've decided you're sick of feeling unmotivated, stuck, and frustrated—it's time to join us for WORTH IT. You CAN from self-doubt to self confidence and change your life.

    Learn more here

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Gen X is GEN neXt

    We believe Gen X is Gen Next. The generation who is going to change the rules and the conversation around what it means to be a woman 40+, at work, in health, in finance, and in life. We aren’t going to allow anyone to put baby in the corner.

    We’re always ideating and, asking the question, “What else can we do to advance women 40+?”

    It became very obvious, and we recognized if we plan to create a movement and turn up the volume of women 40+, we couldn’t do it alone.

    With this in mind, we wanted to collect ideas and insights from incredible organizations, women and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause and publish our first annual digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    This magazine is a nod toward the impact the beloved magazines of our youth had on us. We'd devour these magazines, imagining what our own future could look like. When was the last time you thought about your future?

    In this episode, we’re talking all about what it means to not only be Gen X but GEN neXt.

    Generation X is Generation Next.

    For too long, we’ve been shouting to be heard… sometimes minimized… often overlooked. This is not ok. You know time to create a movement and turn up the volume of women 40+! We’re doing just that with our annual digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    Get your free copy of the inaugural issue by going to

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Why you are where you are meant to be, the future is ahead of you and you have the power to make it what you want
    • Dating after 40 and why our dating expert Renee Suzanne says it is possible to find the love of your life after 40
    • How being the good girl is a Gen X phenomenon and it just doesn’t work
    • Style and how the style experts at Shop VnV are helping us look and feel more fabulous than ever
    • Pivoting and career changes and how one inspirational lady, content writer and travel advisor Karyn Johnson, has done just that
    • The music and the memories, Erin Mantz from Gen X Girls Grown Up shares why our kids just won’t have the same experience

    The WORTH IT Program

    Have you stopped believing in yourself?

    When you've decided you're sick of feeling unmotivated, stuck, and frustrated—it's time to join us for WORTH IT. You CAN from self-doubt to self confidence and change your life.

    Learn more here

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Mar 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Gen X Girls Grow Up with Erin Mantz

    It seems like any chance we can, Gen Xers proudly exclaim Gen Xer here! This of course starts a conversation and mutual bonding over Gen X nostalgia… the hair, the music, the fashion.

    That’s why Jackie and I had so much fun talking with Erin Mantz, a Gen X Girl and Founder and Editor of the Gen X Girls Grow Up blog and the 33,000 followers strong Gen X Girl Facebook page.

    Erin creates content that celebrates the Gen X spirit, 80s pop culture and the traits that set us apart.

    Erin’s work has been published in The Washington Post, Slate, Chicken Soup for the Soul Parenting, Huffington Post, Washington Parent Magazine,, Manifest Station and others. She’s also served as editor-at-large for Washington Parent Magazine, and is the the editor of the book Hey, Who’s in My House? Stepkids Speak Out.

    Erin loved growing up in the 1970s and 80s. She doesn’t think we should be referred to as the Slacker Generation, she’s a proud latchkey kid and refuses to let our generation be treated like the neglected middle child.

    We agree. In this episode we talk about what it means to be a Gen X Woman, why we have such generational pride and of course we have fun talking about the memories.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 01 Mar 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    LIVE! From Denver

    LIVE! From our hotel room! We are taking you behind the scenes as we travel to Denver, Colorado to present Help! How Do I Figure Out My Next Career Move workshop at CareerCon.

    This episode is unplanned and unrehearsed. Be prepared to listen to us, raw and unedited. We highlight the antics of our trip, the insights from the event and the amazing energy of the fantastic women we met at the event.

    For those of you who enjoy us and the episodes where you really feel like you are sitting in the living room have a cocktail with us (or on the bed in our hotel room as we record), you’ll want to take a listen.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Fantastic and easy-to-execute LinkedIn tips we learned from Lisa Carman at Resonating Resumes to quickly improve your searchability
    • The wonderful, warm community at Second Act Women
    • The power of being bold and authentic, at this stage of the game, we must be ourselves
    • Common themes professional women over 40 are having to deal with
    • Our silly antics out on the road

    Are you coming to our party?

    Who doesn’t want to party like it’s 1999? We do and we’re inviting you to join us at the launch party for our annual digital magazine, GEN neXt: The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    It’s happening on Wednesday, March 8 at 5 PM EST and it’s going to be TOTALLY TUBULAR!

    We’re going to be giving away prizes, hosting 80’s trivia and playing music all while sipping our Culture Club Cocktail.

    Join the party here!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Feb 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Madonna, Paulina, Ashley Why Women (of a certain age) Can’t Win

    The Grammy’s really struck a nerve in me. We were traveling for business and missed them and instead of seeing news dropping about the music, the performances, and the winners, my news feed was blowing up with negative, nasty comments about the work Madonna had done. It stopped us in our tracks and we rearranged all of our podcasts to quickly produce this one. We have to address what is going on here.

    Madonna crucified for the work she had done.

    Paulina Porizkova destroyed for not having work done and her too skinny ‘wrinkled’ body.

    Ashley Judd being obliterated for her weight gain.


    Let’s dig in because we are pissed!

    We’re having a party and YOU are invited.

    Join us on Wednesday, March 8th at 5pm EST for the launch party in celebration of our annual digital magazine GEN neXt: The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Why when women step in and destroy other women it takes things to an entirely new height
    • Who are we to judge other people and what is right for them
    • Why women can’t win at any age…. No mater what we do we seem to be judged and ranked based on some unknown metric for beauty
    • How we can start to stop the commonplace ageist commentary that is not unacceptable
    • Being aware of our own contribution to this discussion and our own unconscious bias
    • If you see something, say something. We don't have to sit idly by while these things are happening
    • Being comfortable in your skin and not giving an F about what anyone says or thinks

    “Aging is a really, really inimate educator on loving yourself. You can’t stop it. It’s going to happen.” —Andie MacDowell

    “We need to see there is a beauty in you and a beauty in maturity.” — Paulina Porizkova

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business, and life.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Feb 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Pitfalls of Misplaced Loyalty

    Here you are shopping at Target or your favorite store and you have a list of items you need. Laundry detergent, toothpaste, paper towels, ketchup, and mascara.

    I would guess you go down each of those aisles knowing what you’re getting. When I say that, I mean the brand you are buying. Mine…Tide, Toms, UpandUp brand, Heinz, Benefit.

    Generation X is the most loyal generation and brands like these, are benefitting wildly. They are thrilled you’ve been using the toothpaste for six years and don’t actually look to explore new options on the market. There are pluses and minuses to this for you as a consumer but where it really hurts you is when your blind loyalty spills into your career.

    We find ourselves loyal to the organization, to the team we work with or even to our boss. Is this loyalty a good thing for us?

    This week we are exploring the pitfalls of misplaced loyalty.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • How our parents' and grandparents' influence made us reluctant to job hop, supporting the story to stay and be loyal
    • How gendered ageism plays into our career moves
    • What we really owe our employer, and I will say, it is not a certain amount of time with the company.
    • Why loyalty is good for companies but not for us - we are so much less expensive than outside talent and the longer we stay the bigger the pay gap becomes for us and the industry average.
    • How we tie up our identity into our job and it all reflects on our self-worth (we are much more than our title)
    • Why we must push through the discomfort of change because it is the only way we grow
    • How being too loyal can hurt our perception
    • Why corporate loyalty never goes both ways, just ask long-term employees at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce and Amazon.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Fredi Pars on TikTok (our stupid obsession!)

    Want to connect with other Modern Gen X Women?

    Join our Facebook community Modern Gen X Woman created by Gen X Women for Gen X Women. Be a part of the conversation and get support on your career, business and life.

    Join us here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Feb 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Today Is Your Someday with Tamsen Fadal

    We refuse to stay behind a locked door, curled in a corner waiting for midlife to pass.

    Midlife isn’t a stage we need to endure or wait out. It’s a point in time when we can boldly embrace who we are. And we are kicking the door wide open.

    We’re not alone in breaking down the midlife door and boldly barging through. This week, we are talking with Tamsen Fadal journalist, role model, and champion for women. Tamsen Fadal anchors the primetime news for WPIX-TV in New York City. She also hosts a weekly podcast Coming Up Next, where she explores stories of women creating the next phase of their lives and is the author of the book The New Single. And if that isn’t enough, Tamsen is currently producing a documentary on menopause. A true Gen Xer, having it all and doing it all.

    In this episode, Tamsen talks about bouncing back from a very public divorce which led to crushing debt, and her own menopause struggles including brain fog which disrupted her ability to read on air, and why she is passionate about menopause education.

    She firmly believes Gen X women owe it to themselves to believe today is their someday.

    Conversation Highlights:

    “You’ve been thinking about doing that big, bold thing for a long time and it always get pushed back to someday. Guess what? Your someday is now.”

    “My end goal is to educate and help women thrive in midlife."

    • “If it's something I've said yes to just because I feel guilt... I've just learned to be really honest about it. Like, at this point in my life, I'm not able to do that."

    • “I am learning to be comfortable with uncomfortable conversations"

    • “I start every day with a plan, but I look at it the night before, and I'm like, what can I take off this list?”
    • “I was the first one in my family to get divorced. I'd gotten married much later in life, so I thought, I want to make sure that I do this perfectly. The perfect time to get married, the perfect person. And so when all that was clearly not the case, that was hard for me and so I was embarrassed by it.”

    • ”I think the brain fog was what really scared me, I really had a hard time feeling confident in my job because I would look at words that were familiar to me and I couldn't process what those were. I was really scared."

    • “The first thing that I think about is confidence. That's where I see a big hole, myself included. Lifting people up to fix that space would be incredible. "

    • “I'm hopeful women feel like they are where they belong and people are lucky to have them, not that they're lucky to be there.
    • It would look like more money, equal pay. I think it could look like balance in their lives. I think it could look like confidence at the end of the day and feeling good about what they've done and where they're going.”

    “I'm trying to take those little moments and make those building blocks to how to help people become bolder in whatever it is they want to do. That doesn't mean that it's easy to walk in and quit your job and start your new company. But I think that little things help build up to that.”

    Connect with Tamsen Fadal
    Tamsen Fadal: Thrive in midlife

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:00:00 -0500
    Building and Leveraging Reputation Equity

    Nothing matters more to our professional success than our reputation and yet, it is one of the most amorphous traits we can try to ascertain. Unlike other skills to support our success, our reputation is actually only a reflection of a perception and it can change, morph, grow and shrink.

    Ageism is real which is why we, as Gen X women, need to rely heavily on our reputation equity. In this episode, we’re digging into the best reputation-building blocks and how to trade on your reputation equity.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Discuss what reputation equity is and how you need to take control of it and build it with intention
    • Hard work, loyalty and resilience can actually build the wrong reputation and don't get us professional growth
    • Reputation equity can include things like big thinking, integrity, driving action
    • Using your voice in meetings and networking situations starts to build reputation equity. Sitting quietly in the corner only allows others to project a reputation onto you.
    • Embracing innovation and lead it to build reputation equity as an innovator not just a doer
    • Keeping your word, make a promise, follow through and communicate
    • Connecting others and closing the loop
    • How to protect your reputation equity

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Under Belly of Resilience (podcast)

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 25 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Is It Possible To Be Too Positive?

    You must think positively. Look at the bright side. The glass is half full. The grass is always greener. There is always a rainbow after rain. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. Put on your rose-colored glasses. See the good in people. Look for the silver lining. It could always be worse.

    We are told positivity makes a tremendous difference in our outcomes. I agree, 100%. As a self-proclaimed optimist, I can absolutely lean towards seeing the morsel of positivity in the darkest situations.

    While we think it’s the way to live and get exactly what we want in life, is it possible to be too positive?

    In this episode, we’re exploring toxic positivity, what it means and the dangers that come along with it.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Toxic positivity, what it is, and how it can harm us
    • Why overgeneralizing a difficult situation results in avoidance, suppressing, denying or minimizing our emotions and can invalidate the human experience
    • Uncovering how we use positive expressions to cover the shame we’re really feeling about a circumstance
    • Why dismissing feelings starts a slippery slope of denying what we really feel
    • Addressing how we have been brainwashed to believe we aren’t allowed to feel negative
    • Why it can add to feeling lonely and disconnected from others

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Episode 125: Motivation Won’t Drive Results This Will

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 18 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    The Underbelly of Resilience

    Gen Xers are the proud CEO’s of the Big Box Store named Resilience. We owned it, operated it and sold it as the best thing anyone could buy. Yes, I am proud of being resilient because the opposite of that would be me collapsing under pressure (and lord knows when we get to middle age, there are a lot of pressures).

    However, as a Gen Xer, I have also seen the underbelly of resilience, the corrupt, maladaptive side of a trait that has lead to feeling like we need to do it on our own and take on everything happening around us.

    We decided to tackle this topic because while we love being resilient, we are also tired of being masters of the struggle.

    Are you underpaid?

    Is your lack of visibility hurting your ability to ask for the money you deserve?

    You can now stand out, be seen and unapologetically ask for what you’re worth.

    Save your spot for our Self Promote + Negotiate Webinar.

    It’s happening on Thursday, January 19 at 1pm EST. Go to

    This free webinar is for both career women and entrepreneurs.

    We're talking about…

    • Gen X synonymous with resilience
    • Trusting yourself to have your own back, instinct and intuition rule more than we give ourselves credit for
    • Being adaptable to what life throws at us, adaptable to change, adaptable to growth. Adaptability is more important than resilience
    • Resilience isn't a badge of honor or proof of your ability to handle it all on your own.
    • How we’ve become masters of the struggle, sitting alone with those struggles, fiercely independent and stoic in our determination to fix things
    • We keep going and going and going until we collapse or find ourselves crying in the bathroom
    • Why we need to start asking for help. This isn't a weakness. This isn't a burden. This is part of being human.
    • We complain A LOT about our circumstances and use our resilience as an excuse to stay in those situations instead of making the changes necessary to better our circumstances.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    2022 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year Catherine Balsam-Schwaber

    Kindra Menopause products

    TEDx Talk: The Myth of Powering Through

    The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Healing of Trauma

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Join our Facebook Community Modern Gen X Woman.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 11 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    If [Gen X] Women Ruled the World

    For as long as there has been a world, men have ruled it. I am going to just say this, without apology, ‘how is that working out for us so far?’

    To kick off the New Year, we aren’t going to be talking about resolutions, sticking to your goals or creating a plan. We aren’t going to be talking about word of the year or how to pick your North Star.

    Instead, we are kicking off the very first episode of 2023 differently. Listen up as we explore the world, how it is today and what it could look like if women, or shall I say, Gen X Woman, ruled the world.

    Are you underpaid?

    Is your lack of visibility hurting your ability to ask for the money you deserve?

    You can now stand out, be seen and unapologetically ask for what you’re worth.

    Save your spot for our free Self Promote + Negotiate Webinar.

    It’s happening on Tuesday, January 17 at 1pm EST. Go to

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Why retrofitting the world of work from women doesn’t work
    • How responsibilities would really be equally divided at home and women wouldn’t have to be the spine of the family
    • How the professional world would benefit
      • Studies show women-run businesses outperform male-run businesses
      • Companies run by women tend to be 25% more profitable
    • More equality, emotional intelligence and what the ripple effect could look like
    • How products and the way things are designed would change
    • What operating on a more feminine cycle could look like

    What can we imagine would change if women were the ones calling the shots? Would midlife be midlife? Would we need to redefine aging? Would we redefine 50? Such a fun topic.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less by Tiffany Dufu

    Episode: 91I don’t want to work for a woman

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 04 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Best Of: Is Your Identity Tied Up in Your Job?

    It's time for women 40+ to be seen and heard for all they are, not the title they have. This is why we chose this episode for our Best Of this week.

    If someone asked you, who are you… would you immediately start talking about your role at work, your business, or your overall career?

    Somehow this has become the norm.

    Gen X women have lost their identity. Our worth has gotten wrapped up in what we do professionally. We use the success of our career or business as a way to measure up.

    Here’s the thing, we’re so much more than what we do during our day. When we own our worth from who we are, not what we do we become unstoppable.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why we’ve lost ourselves in our work and how to find our way back.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.


    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why we’ve lost ourselves in our work
    • How our brains use our titles and labels as a way to protect us
    • Why it’s a lazy way to make small talk
    • How it takes on a bigger layer for women
    • Our own personal stories with going from big jobs titles to “coaches”
    • How your job title should and shouldn’t tie into your self worth
    • How to be ok with your identity shifting
    • Ways to help you shift your perspective
    • What to talk about, other than your job!

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Putting the Workhorse Out to Pasture (podcast)

    How to Talk to Anyone (book)

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Best of: Anna and Elizabeth, Why We're Obsessed With Them

    Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced to 11 years in prison leading to the perfect timing to choose this episode as our Best Of: Fake it 'til you make it is the worst advice women have received and here's why.

    There is a phenomenon going on, a thirst for uncovering and understanding stories like that of Anna Delvey, the fake German heiress who scammed New York City’s elite socialites or Elizabeth Holmes who wooed her way into the hearts and pockets of Palo Alto’s tech leaders.

    Whether you’re watching Inventing Anna on Netflix or reading Bad Blood, we can become sucked into the world of cons, scams, and conviction. One that makes us shiver from ickiness but also, makes us curious and fascinated.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why we’re fascinated by these stories and what we can take from them (yes, there’s learning) and apply them to our own lives…. In small doses!

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.


    In this episode we talk about:

    • Where the word con artist actually comes from, you’ll be surprised
    • How a little does of confidence could actually take us a very long way
    • What’s the fine line between con and fake it until you make it
    • Are Elizabeth + Anna treated differently because they are women, did it work to their advantage or not?

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Inventing Anna (Netflix Series)

    Bad Blood (book)

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Gift Guide For Your Midlife Gal Pals

    The holidays are here! We're making a list for our midlife gal pals, the women we go to for laughs, support and help us stay the course as we navigate being women 40+.


  • Vibrator, I’m just going to say it
  • Story of My Life Book
  • Compression packing for travel
  • Hot Sauce Making Kit from Uncommon Goods
  • 80’s Pop Culture Trivia Game
  • Multi-charging device for Apple
  • Suction cup wine glass holder for tub
  • Michael Todd Facial Cleanser
  • Oura Ring
  • Temperature Control Smart Mug
  • Anxiety Ring
  • Frances Valentine Ring
  • Bath + Body Works A Thousand Wishes Mist
  • Growth Day App
  • Olive + June nail polish systems and gift sets
  • Trader Joe’s Crunchy Chili Oil
  • Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 14 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Catherine Balsam-Schwaber 2022 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year

    Carve your niche and build a world around it. Make your biological professional clock your bitch. Don’t complain about what doesn’t work, change it.

    These are a few of the qualities of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    So when we considered who met the criteria for the 2022 MGXW of the year, Catherine Balsam-Schwaber was the first to come to mind.

    Catherine Balsam-Schwaber is a dynamic, results-oriented leader. She has extensive experience in business transformation with complex multi-platform products. From The White House to NBCUniversal, Catherine had worked in leadership positions across multiple categories delivering superior experiences for women of all ages. Currently, Catherine is the CEO of Kindra and a life-long advocate for women’s health

    Generation X women are in the height of dealing with the discomfort of menopause. It’s not a walk in the park. The hot flashes, anxiety, weight gain, sleepless nights, the list goes on and on.

    The good news, we no longer have to suffer in silence thanks to women like Catherine.

    Catherine didn’t complain about what wasn’t working and instead launched Kindra, a radical self-care company helping women through menopause. She is leading the charge to break down the stigma surrounding menopause care and support and empower women in mid-life through Kindra's science-backed formulas and community-building initiatives.

    Hot flashes. Weight gain. Irregular periods. Night sweats. These are some of the very familiar symptoms of menopause but did you know, achy joints, tingling extremities, burning mouth and memory lapses were also very real signs of menopause?

    Education is critical. For us, as women and for our healthcare providers where only 10% of them actually receive any menopause training. Kindra is collectively leading the charge for menopause education with amazing leaders like Stacy London and Sally Mueller to change the dialogue around women, aging and our bodies.

    As a thank you to our listeners, Kindra has provided a 20% discount for you. You can head to

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve. Apply here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Gen X Women, Invisibile or Invincible

    In 2019, CBS ran generation guidelines on TV and literally left Generation X off.

    Try to Google research on Generation X and you’ll get a few hits but do the same for Millennials and you’ll have pages and pages of data.

    Go into any corporate office and look around the room at the leaders and try to find the Gen Xers among Boomers and Millennials. Yup… same for high-ranking political leaders too.

    This is happening everywhere and it isn’t ok. This is why we do what we do here at Modern Gen X Woman. We want to provide you, our listeners with everything you need to be seen and heard. No longer are we going to sit in the background and wait to get noticed.

    Mimi and I (Jackie and I) aren’t going to be quiet and we’re going to teach you how not to be either.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve. Apply here.

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • The cost of not being seen and heard
    • We're women 40+ and are not invisibile
    • How our generational bias' are contributing to not wanting to stand out
    • Why independence and autonomy is great for organizations but sucks for your career or business
    • Women consistently doing what's called 'invisible' work and how it is keeping us stuck
    • Why fear is really False Evidence Appearing Real

    Explore these coaching questions:

  • What are you missing out on if you stay invisible?
  • What will happen if you step onto the spotlight? What are you afraid of? What’s the worst thing that can happen?
  • What do you need to be seen and heard?
  • What tasks have you taken on that are considered invisible work and how can you delegate them?
  • What do you want to be been seen for? Remember, when you know this can you live it, act it and go for it.

  • Mentioned in this episode:
    I’m Not Dying But Ageism Should (podcast)

    Jackie + Mimi: Love From Toronto (podcast)

    Book a FREE interview assessment with Jackie

    Kindra The Focus Supplement (save 20%

    Revel Community for Women 40+

    Is wobbly confidence keeping you in a job you hate? Is a lack of confidence making you procrastinate working on your business?
    Register for our free interactive workshop Confident at 40+—Own It Without Giving Give a F*. You'll learn a transformative way to build unshakable confidence from your core to make the changes you want to see professionally

    It’s happening on Tuesday, December 6th at 1pm EST.

    Save your spot here:

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify /

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 30 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    High Performance Athlete in the Workforce

    When you think about sports icons, any one of the greats, our minds can go from Babe Ruth to John McEnroe to Serena Williams. Commanding, confident and quite frankly, superior in their element.

    It took decades of specific practice and dedication in order to develop into the powerhouses they are. Why are we talking about the Michael Jordon’s of the world?

    Because, we, as women who have so much on our plates, expect ourselves to be the Elite Athletes of everything we do and we give ourselves no wiggle room for error.

    It isn’t realistic and in this episode, we’re breaking down the 7 stages of becoming an Elite Athlete and applying it to your own talent development.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about the seven levels of becoming an elite athlete

    • #1. Active Start: This is your introduction to the work.
    • #2. Fundamentals: These are the basic skills to do the work.
    • #3. Learn to Train: Your starting to invest more time and maybe even money on outside support to learn more and get better.
    • #4. Train to Train: Now you start to benchmark, define your milestones and figure out how to get to them
    • #5. Train to Compete: Deep focus in your skill and ability to be competitive in the overall marketplace
    • #6. Train to Win: You start to move away from the pack and stand out as leader in your field
    • #7. Active for Life: You’ve hit the goal and your know for it, it’s part of your life achievements. You may decide to leverage this experience into something else.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program
    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve. Apply here.

    The NeXt
    One-on-one executive career coaching designed to elevate you so you can achieve your next.

    Is wobbly confidence keeping you in a job you hate? Is lack of confidence making you procrastinate working on your business?

    Register for our free interactive workshop Confident at 40+—Own It Without Giving Give a F*. You are going to learn a transformative way to build unshakable confidence from your core to make the changes you want to see professionally

    It’s happening on Tuesday, December 6th at 1pm EST.

    Save your spot here:

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    The Hard Truth About Focus After 40

    I think I have adult ADHD. I can’t remember half the stuff I need to anymore. My concentration is absolutely gone. I’m easily distracted. I feel like I’m in a fog.

    Do any of these sound familiar? Heck, I have said this myself. I thought I may have developed ADHD in adulthood so I started investigating and this science geek dove deeply into the reality of aging, its impact on the brain and how the heck to focus when all you want to do is chase the squirrel.

    Let’s dive in.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about how…

    • As we get older our memory and focus is not what it used to be
    • The demands on us at midlife hurt our ability to concentrate, aging parents, kids, college admissions, economy, etc.
    • Our brain changes as we get older and we need to learn how to release how we were and accept where we are today
    • The distraction of technology have hurt us all - how to stop adding to the inability to focus
    • You're not crazy, menopause is impacting our cognitive ability. Estrogen is a master regulator in women's bodies and it affects everything from sleep, to focus, the brain fog, to physical change.
    • Midlife ADHD - do I have it, was I never diagnosed or am I aging?

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Menopause Bootcamp (book)

    What Kind of Fresh Hell is This (book)

    Ultradian Rhythm

    Binaural Beats 40 mz

    The Science of Productivity (podcast)

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    I'm Not Dying But Ageism Should

    You look great for your age. I didn’t think you were a day over 40. You’re too experienced. I think we need someone with more tech experience. Good for you for starting a business at your age. Do you still play basketball? I can’t believe how fabulous your skin looks, what do you use?

    These statements may seem like innocent comments but they are contributing to the negativity associated with aging.

    This episode was ignited by Crunchy Tales recent article, Disrupting Daily Ageism. We know for perceptions to change, there need to be more voices. This is ours.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    “If we want to change the stereotype, we need to be the ones to set the tone for what age is and how it should be treated.” —, Disrupting Daily Ageism.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The need to uncover our collective subconscious bias around age stereotypes
    • The continued negative portrayal of women 40+ in media, advertising and pop culture
    • How to stop talking and perpetuating the aging myth
    • Love and own your whole self at any age
    • Women 50+ have spending power of $50 trillion
    • Ageism in the workplace and how this is the last allowed bias
    • How many women 40+ feel invisible and not seen and heard

    Mentioned in this episode:, Disrupting Daily Ageism.

    Is wobbly confidence keeping you in a job you hate? Is lack of confidence making you procrastinate working on your business?

    Register for our free interactive workshop Confident at 40+—Own It Without Giving Give a F*. You are going to learn a transformative way to build unshakable confidence from your core to make the changes you want to see professionally

    It’s happening on Tuesday, December 6th at 1pm EST.

    Save your spot here:

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Feeling Trapped at 50 (oh and 40 and 60 too)

    Here comes midlife. We’ve anticipated it, heard about it and even remember being young and snickering when your middle-aged neighbor bought that bright red Corvette because that was the midlife crisis car of the 80s.

    I remember at that age believing a midlife crisis was something that happened to men who were trying to hold onto their youth.

    Midlife for women looks different. It can feel exhausting, overwhelming or we can feel downright trapped in our careers, businesses, relationships or life.

    Trapped is a heavy work and we think it’s appropriate after working with so many women. This week, we’re talking about feeling trapped and how to pick the lock to freedom.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Spending time digging into WHY you feel trapped and even more telling, do you feel like you deserve to be freed?
    • What it’s costing you to stay trapped and when the pain of staying outweighs the fear of going you will make a change
    • How to redefine success
    • Explore the possibilities to give you a little wiggle room to untie the knot
    • Draft a plan and take small actions
    • Why how you talk about your current situation really makes a difference

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Jackie + Mimi LIVE from Toronto

    This week, we are coming to you LIVE from Toronto. Yes, the podcast, Modern Gen X Woman is officially international. As Mimi and I are traveling on a retreat with our amazing coach and 14 outstanding entrepreneurs who are pushing us to be better.

    Stay tuned for the adventures of Jackie and Mimi in Canada.

    Get the People Pleaser’s rX Kit.
    Being the “nice one” in the office has made you exhausted, overworked, frustrated, and overwhelmed. It’s got to stop!

    The People Pleaser’s rX kit will teach you to…

    #1. Set boundaries without feeling uncomfortable

    #2. Be seen as the leader

    #3. Finally, put your needs first

    In this episode…

    • Streaming from the hotel room
    • What happens when an introvert and an extrovert share a small hotel room with one bathroom?
      • Mimi is reading about the Vanderbilts
      • Jackie is watching Dahmer on Netflix (and how Mimi felt she had to sleep with one eye open)
      • Respecting space, complimenting each other and knowing when to be quiet
    • What happens when the turtle and the hare share a small hotel room
      • Jackie is the microwave and Mimi is the slow cooker
      • Jackie is ready to go downstairs and Mimi is still putting on jewelry
    • Jackie’s impatience with elevators and inefficiencies
    • Mimi’s childlike ways of having to go to the bathroom as the plane is boarding instead of waiting or going beforehand.
    • How do we take our mission to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation and take it further, how do we deploy you to take this on yourselves?
    • The powerhouse of women 40+ and redefining 50
    • Gen X Women reflecting on how they are tired of not being seen, not being heard and it's our time to fight for what we want
    • Gen X is the forgotten generation
    • How being a swiss army knife is ineffective. Not one of those tools is really powerful enough to get the job done. Instead of being everything to everyone, confidently be a top notch scissor.
    • Mass exodus of Baby Boomers and the talent dearth and how Gen X needs to assert themselves as the answer

    Talk about your business with Mimi: Schedule here

    Talk about your career with Jackie: Schedule here

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Oct 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    10 Things We Wish We Knew In Our 20s

    We know we’re all still works in progress but how many of us thought we had it all figured out when we were in our 20’s? Our professional lives were just getting started, we had dreams, goals and a plan.

    Here we are, almost 30 years later… with some older and wiser perspectives.

    In this week’s episode, we’re sharing the 10 things we wish we DID known in our 20s and many we’re still working on.

    This podcast is all about helping women redefine what it means to be over 40. Our 40s and our 50s are our prime and when we get to midlife, we are just starting to see our growth potential. It isn't downhill, it's momentum.

    Get the People Pleaser’s rX Kit.

    Being the “nice one” in the office has made you exhausted, overworked, frustrated, and overwhelmed. It’s got to stop!

    The People Pleaser’s rX kit will teach you to…

    #1. Set boundaries without feeling uncomfortable

    #2. Be seen as the leader

    #3. Finally, put your needs first

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • How it’s not going to go as planned
    • Why you can’t sit in the back of the class
    • That it’s all just a moment in time
    • Everything takes longer than you expect
    • Questioning is not all bad
    • You can’t buy your way to confidence
    • Downtime is a must

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Get on our calendars for a FREE 30-minute call to talk about your business or career.

    1. We will uncover where you are feeling stuck

    2. Provide you with some feedback

    3. Talk about ways we can work together

    Talk about your business with Mimi: Schedule here

    Talk about your career with Jackie: Schedule here

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Oct 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    B#tchy, Bossy, Bold Let's Change the Language

    Bitchy, Bossy, Bold believe me, the labels thrown upon women don’t all start with B but each of them aren’t flattering and do more to diminish women than to bolster women.

    At MGXW, we’re on a mission to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation because when this happens, we get to change the rules and the conversation and we so we no longer have to accept the unacceptable.

    These labels aren’t acceptable in this episode we’re talking about what we need to do right now to change the language describing women.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.
    Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The double standards women face
    • How to change the language
    • Uncovering the bias around women
    • Why we need to stop accepting the language
    • How to set up your conversations
    • Some communications skills to keep in mind
    • Why we must support other women

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Get on our calendars for a FREE 30-minute call to talk about your business or career.

    1. We will uncover where you are feeling stuck

    2. Provide you with some feedback

    3. Talk about ways we can work together

    Talk about your business with Mimi: Schedule here

    Talk about your career with Jackie: Schedule here

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 Oct 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Fast Track to Leadership (with or without a title)

    Leadership, it’s a big word. Many of us strive to have big leadership positions.

    In the corporate world, this could mean running a team, running a division or even running a project. Being put in a position where you can use forward-thinking, strategy, motivation, inspiration, implementation and efficiency to get the job done.

    As entrepreneurs or even solopreneurs, this could mean getting out of the day-to-day, being a visionary for where you are taking your businesses and proactively building to move towards those goals.

    As women, we need to be leaders every single day in order to keep it all in order.

    If you are ready to fast-track your path towards leadership, this is the episode for you.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The qualities of a strong leader
    • How to make the transition, and not, it’s NOT to do the job you want
    • What leadership looks like as an entrepreneur
    • Showing up as a leader even if you’re not a manager
    • Why you need to be a persuasive communicator and how to do it
    • The need to put strategy time into your calendar
    • How to take risks, act, assess and adjust

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Get on our calendars for a FREE 30-minute call to talk about your business or career.
    1. We will uncover where you are feeling stuck

    2. Provide you with some feedback

    3. Talk about ways we can work together

    Talk about your business with Mimi: Schedule here

    Talk about your career with Jackie: Schedule here

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Oct 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Is Feeling Lonely Causing Big Emotions?

    We are human beings which means we are all emotional and moody. It’s natural, it’s common. But what happens when your emotions or your moods seem irrational and extreme?

    In coaching, we talk a lot about how our thoughts impact our feelings which impact our actions but we don’t talk enough about some physiological factors impacting our mood.

    In this week’s episode, we’re introducing you to HALT, the acronym that can help you support your mental health.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • How to get your emotions under control
    • Introducing our tool the six-second of separation and why it is so powerful for managing the emotional adrenaline rush
    • The physical response of your emotions - it's not just your thoughts
    • HALT Method - the sneaky reasons we're super sensitive (Hunger, Anger, Lonely, Tired)
    • Ways to check with yourself to see if you are hungry, angry, lonely or tired.
    • Ways to cope when you're dealing with big emotions
    • How loneliness is a big contributor to our feelings, how often women feel lonely, unheard and disconnected and and why it’s often overlooked as a contributor to how we react

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Modern Gen X Woman Virtual Career Summit | Thursday September 29th

    Register for FREE at

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Sep 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    What's Your Trigger, How to Release the Hold Experiences Have

    These days it seems like we have much more awareness of the things that set us off and that’s a good thing. However, having the resources to release the hold a trigger has on us is an entirely different ball of wax and unfortunately, eliminating the emotional charge of triggers can take years or decades of work.

    In this episode, we’re going to break down what triggers are, discuss ways we can release the hold they have on us and share some of the things that trigger us too.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.
    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • The definition of a trigger
    • What are the differences between internal and external triggers
    • How to determine if your trigger is from a past trauma and what to do about it
    • The steps to releasing a trigger
    • Our own triggers, how we’ve worked through them and we cope with them

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Modern Gen X Woman Virtual Career Summit | Thursday September 29th

    Register for FREE at

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Sep 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    How to Get Through When You're Feeling Crappy

    Let’s face it in this phase of our lives sometimes things feel, well crappy. In fact the other day I told Jackie, fine is the new great!
    But even if you’re going through a season of not so great… you still need to keep going.

    In this episode we’re talking about how to cope when you feel crap.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    In this episode we’re talking about…

    • Why you need to recognize your emotions and make sure you aren't feeding them so they get bigger and take over
    • Shifting perspectives to manage your crappy feelings and fence them
    • Compartmentalize so you can focus on the things that are working
    • Understand your natural baseline emotion (this shocked Mimi)

    Here’s advice from the women in the Modern Gen X Woman Facebook community:

    • Change your passwords to positive things like Sunshine72, YouRockIt or Joy123
    • Attach yourself to a bigger missions versus the scenario at hand
    • Remind yourself of the things you do have such as benefits and insurance – this helps get through the day to day responsibilities I don’t love
    • Consider the positive impact you make for the people you work with

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Cry When You Need To (podcast episode)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 14 Sep 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Jackie + Mimi's Summer Growth Spurt

    Remember going back to school in the fall just feeling different? Maybe you had a new haircut, outfit or sneakers. Maybe you had a vacation you’d remember forever or even your first kiss. Or maybe you had a summer growth spurt. Yes, you could have physically grown taller but you may have grown internally too.

    While we’re no longer growing taller, we’re committed to always learning and exploring. Even if that means changing hair styles (pssstt Mimi did!). Most of all we’re always looking inward and growing. In this episode we’re sharing this summer’s growth spurts.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    Here’s what we learned…

    • Anxiety tends to be Mimi’s baseline (this needs to change!)
    • Why staying at a luxury hotel is a must
    • What it’s like taking four teenagers to Paris
    • How a dear friend’s celebration of life had a life-changing impact
    • A clean house doesn’t mean a thing
    • Forcing social media feels like crap
    • Asking for help feels burdensome
    • What’s its like to be a mom of a dating teenager!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Sep 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: Is Your Identity Tied Up In Your Job

    This week, Mimi and I are replaying the best of this year's episodes. Join us this week as we talk about losing your identity in your job and your title.

    If someone asked you, who are you… would you immediately start talking about your role at work, your business, or your overall career?

    Somehow this has become the norm.

    Gen X women have lost their identity. Our worth has gotten wrapped up in what we do professionally. We use the success of our career or business as a way to measure up.

    Here’s the thing, we’re so much more than what we do during our day. When we own our worth from who we are, not what we do we become unstoppable.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why we’ve lost ourselves in our work and how to find our way back.

    Download the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto right here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why we’ve lost ourselves in our work
    • How our brains use our titles and labels as a way to protect us
    • Why it’s a lazy way to make small talk
    • How it takes on a bigger layer for women
    • Our own personal stories with going from big jobs titles to “coaches”
    • How your job title should and shouldn’t tie into your self worth
    • How to be ok with your identity shifting
    • Ways to help you shift your perspective
    • What to talk about, other than your job!

    Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Putting the Workhorse Out to Pasture (podcast)

    How to Talk to Anyone (book)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 31 Aug 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: Is The Midlife Crisis A Crisis

    We're bringing back our favorite episodes of the year: This week we're exploring if the midlife crisis is a crisis...

    When you hear midlife crisis do you think about your neighbor driving around in a brand new red convertible after divorcing his wife of 20 years? This was the image portrayed for years and it was believed men were the only ones to go through a midlife crisis, but we have since recognized it is not true at all.

    A midlife crisis is a phase, a transition of identity. What if, instead of calling it a midlife crisis, we rebrand it to a midlife growth spurt? Where the change may be fast and hard but it’s also amazing and thrusts you forward.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking about this phase in our lives and how we can shift it’s perception.

    Download the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto right here. Use this as your North Star for how you show up and take action with confidence and conviction.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The signs of a midlife crisis and how it doesn’t show up the way it did when we were kids
    • That there’s wisdom, experience and knowledge that can be leveraged and used to our benefit
    • Why midlife can be a magical time, our Act 2 -- where we blow away Act 1
    • How to get through the seasons of life that are tough
    • Why your worth must go beyond your job, being a mom, daughter or parent

    “Only by truly knowing and understanding yourself can you change the circumstances around you”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Have You Lost Your Identity? (podcast)

    Say Hello to the Modern Gen X Woman (podcast)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, and schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects obtained from

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Cry When You Need To

    Yes, women are quote/unquote allowed to be emotional compared to men but we can tell you how often we hear from women how they shouldn’t be crying or how they need to control their emotions.

    While we’re not suggesting you burst into tears during your next meeting, there is something cathartic about letting out your emotions in a physical way.

    Cry When You Need To is another staple of our Modern Gen X Woman Mantra and we’re breaking down in this episode. We encourage you to have your own Cry Jam Fest. Get your box of kleenex and take a listen.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    We’re talking about how…

    • Bottling everything up and internalizing can lead to a whole mess of other problems
    • Crying is an emotional and physical occurance
    • A good cry will actually make you feel a lot better
    • Mimi hates to cry and why she’s getting better at it

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 17 Aug 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Investing In Yourself Isn't Selfish

    My husband always says, “Can’t there be something for me, is that so selfish?” and then will giggle and say that it’s the definition of selfish…but is it?

    As Generation X Women our pendulum swung completely the opposite way. Growing up in a household where we were on our own, being nurtured meant you had a key to let yourself in the house and didn’t have to wait out side. No wonder we’ve gone to the extreme in our lives!

    Now that we’re the nurturers, we put the needs of everyone else first and it can feel completely out of character to choose you. But if you don’t choose you, who will?

    In this week’s Summer Short, we are taking another line from the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto, Investing in Yourself Isn’t Selfish. Take a listen as we break it down.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new Modern Gen X Woman.

    The woman who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    We’re talking about…

    • How to decipher the return of your personal investment
    • Why Gen X women tend to fall into this trap
    • Recognizing how our self worth fits into this equation
    • How fear and guilt can sneak up on us and prevent us from making a personal investment

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 Aug 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Success Doesn't Mean Sacrifice

    When you consider taking the next step in your career or expanding your business, does your mind automatically start to worry, just a bit, about what you might have to give up in order to succeed?

    Maybe it’s time with family, autonomy or flexible hours? Or perhaps it’s the idea that you will have to put in more hours, and work harder and your stress levels will increase tremendously.

    It’s beliefs, like these, that have been a big reason why women have held themselves back professionally.

    Our summer short series is back. Each week we are giving you bursts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt and for the next couple of weeks, we are bringing to life some of the lines in the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto. This week, we’re talking about Success Doesn’t Mean Sacrifice.

    Is Professional Insecurity Keeping You Up At Night?

    Then you need Worth, Value, Wealth—our 8-week, intimate group program designed for smart Gen X Women like you. You’ll get the four wealth and worth building skills you need to go after the professional success, impact and money you want and deserve.

    The doors are opening for our Fall cohort… learn more by heading over to

    We’re talking about…

    • The difference between a trade off and a sacrifice
    • How men and women’s relationship to work is different
    • Why being clear on your non-negotiables makes it easier to go after what you want
    • Creating and holding your boundaries

    Modern Gen X Manifesto

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.

    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 03 Aug 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    It's Not Too Late

    In all the years we’ve been working and coaching women over 40, we’ve heard this one common question that plagues so many women, “Is it too late?”

    When I hear this question, my heart breaks. This is a heavy question because wondering if it’s too late for change can make us feel lonely, anxious and downright trapped.

    We’re here to tell you it’s never too late and time is exactly what we make of it in this week’s summer short. Our summer series where we give you spurts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt.

    Modern Gen X Manifesto

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.
    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    We’re talking about how…

    • There’s no timeline on happiness, who’s to say after 40 we can’t make a tremendous career pivot? If that were true we wouldn’t have:
      • Incredible styles by Vera Wang
      • Culinary icon Julia Child
      • Comedic genius of Lucille Ball

    • You can set yourself up to make a change
    • This isn’t just business or career, it also happens in relationships and marriage
    • We feel about our own relationship to the time we have and what we do with it

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 27 Jul 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    What We're Obsessed with this Summer

    When you find something you love, you just well… can become obsessed!

    I know I love to hear what my favorite podcasts host are obsessed about. What they are watching, eating and doing. What their self-care routines are and the kind of products they use.

    In this week’s episode Summer Shorts, our summer series where we give you spurts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt, we’re sharing the things we’re just can’t live without!

    Modern Gen X Manifesto

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.

    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    We’re talking about…

    • Crime Junkies, Morbid, The Deck (podcasts)
    • Mirror workouts
    • Winning Time & We Own This City (HBO Max)
    • Doris Kearns Goodwin & Theodore’s Books in Oyster Bay
    • Anxiety medicine
    • Amy Myers supplements
    • The Self-Journal Planner

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 20 Jul 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Jackie Turns 50!

    Milestone birthdays are significant.

    This week as I cross over from my 40s into my 50s. A huge part of me is grateful for all I have and how healthy I am. But there is another part, the part we are supposed to pretend doesn’t bother us, the part that looks in the mirror and sees what aging looks like as it stares back at me.

    In this week’s Summer Shorts we’re talking all about turning 50 and everything we are feeling and thinking, the good and the not-so-good. Oh, and of course, we’ll have lots of laughs too.

    Jackie has officially joined the 50 Club

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 13 Jul 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

    Being in the comfort zone is like wearing your favorite sweatshirt from college. It’s comfortable, soft, reliable, and worn in all the right places. But here’s the thing, while it may feel good, it may not serve all of your needs all of the time. You look in the mirror and staring back is a reflection of your same self. No progression. No modernizing. No movement.

    In this week’s Summer Short episode, our summer series where we give you spurts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt, we’re sharing some ways we’re pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone and hope we spark a little nudge for you too.

    Modern Gen X Manifesto

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.

    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    We’re talking about…

    • How you become a different person when you step out of your comfort zone

    • When you do the same thing, you get the same results

    • Why holding on tightly to things, even the things that don’t serve us, makes it so much worse

    • How the discomfort of not having what you want can be much worse than the discomfort of what you do want

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Hello Revel (community)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 06 Jul 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: 80's Nostalgia

    I love being an ‘80s chic. There was something magical about growing up in the 80’s from the music, to the hair to the fluorescent clothing, it all created incredible memories. And while some trends come back - the rebirth of the scrunchi, some have happily died a slow death, big giant permed and teased hair with the top bangs blown straight and high.

    We’re having fun in this week’s Summer Short episode, our summer series where we give you spurts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt.

    In this week we’re talking about our favorite things and bringing you back to childhood.

    Modern Gen X Manifesto

    The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.

    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    Tune in to hear about us reminiscing about…

    • Movies like; Saturday Night Fever, Jaws and Superman
    • The arcade era playing Donkey Kong, Pac Man and Atari - Pitfall anyone?
    • Tupperware and making homemade Jello Pops and Ice-Pops
    • Candies of our time, those we liked Necco Wafers and Fun Dip and the gross ones, Charleston Chew and Chunky
    • Oh the outfits and the hair, the styles that returned Scrunchi's and those that thankfully died, Big Hair

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Your Subconscious Supercomputer Will Figure It Out

    Our summer short series is back. Each week we are giving you spurts of insights and thoughts with a sprinkle of fun to provide you with your very own summer growth spurt.

    You’re struggling to figure out this problem at work and you’ve put so much energy around untangling the situation to see where the breakdown happened. Or maybe an appliance at your house starts to do something word and you are trying to see if you can fix it instead of calling in a $500 just to look at it, specialist.

    Then, out of nowhere, it hits you. The one thing you didn’t think about or the solution of the problem and BAM, within minutes it’s all fixed.

    THAT is the power of the subconscious working like a supercomputer behind the scenes and in this week’s Summer Short episode we’re going to talk about how to make the subconscious work for you.

    Modern Gen X Manifesto:The Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto is for you, our listeners, to use as a North Star for how you can show up and take action as a new modern Gen X Woman.

    You know, the one who goes after and gets what she wants both personally and professionally. Send me the manifesto!

    Tune in to hear about…

    • Why you should write things down which frees up the subconscious to work things out in the background
    • Why you should step away and sleep on it versus pushing through
    • How your pre-frontal cortex will pull data to help make decisions, keeping you wide awake at night
    • The power in telling your pre-frontal cortex to let your subconscious take over
    • Learning to TRUST that your sub-conscious can figure it out
    • Let the subconscious take over so that you don’t burn out your pre-frontal cortex, creating space for you to focus
    • Ways to access your subconscious
    • Leveraging your brain and the powerful way it can do things for you

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Road Trippin' with Jackie + Mimi

    Who doesn’t love a summertime roadtrip?! Well, aside from the traffic of course.

    Recently we took a road trip from New York to Philly and we found out things about each other we didn’t know - even after being biz partners and friends for a few years. Oh, and we had a ton of laughs too.

    In the first summer shorts episode of the season we’re taking you along for the ride.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you need to apply for Worth, Value, Wealth.

    The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked in one way and walked out with confidence, self-assurance, and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us.

    Tune in to hear us live, in the car, talking about a plethora of topics including...

    • What Jackie must have during a road trip
    • Reminicing about Saturday Night Fever and the Concord
    • The Verrazano bridge and why Mimi likes the top and Jackie likes the bottom (no, we’re not talking about sex!)
    • Mimi grabbing on to the oh shit bar about 500 times and how a cocktail calmed her down
    • Jackie’s morbid podcast selections
    • Why our trip was almost a bust

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Respect - Can't Miss Discussion

    There is a reason why there are dozens and dozens of songs with Respect in the title. Respect is a big deal. It is the first thing we’re taught as young kids and it is something each of us wants to have shown to us.

    Yet, in today’s world, respect is becoming more and more of a foreign concept and we are not ok with it. We are especially passionate about women being respected. You’ve heard us talk about our mission, to make Generation X the wealthiest female generation but we don’t talk enough about our vision on the show.

    Our vision is for women across the globe to be respected and seen as equal.

    This week we invite you to listen to this episode, powered by our desire for ALL women to be respected—everywhere.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you need to apply for Worth, Value, Wealth. The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked in one way and walked out with confidence, self-assurance, and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us.

    This is a highly passionate conversation - we’re talking about why we must have worldwide respect for females. Our conversation went wide including…

    • In 2022 there are still 100 countries preventing women from either working or restrictions on what kind of work they can do
    • Why we believe women should be respected and this means respecting their right to choose
    • Our vision at Modern Gen X Woman, which is for women, across the close to be respected and seen as equal
    • When women have wealth we can help support resources including education, healthcare and training
    • Why the words sHERo, Mompreneur and Wonder Woman piss us off
    • Respect has to start early and young for both girls and boys
    • Celebrating the U.S. women’s soccer team for being paid at the same rate for game appearances and tournament victories as the mens’ team
    • How empathy is at the core of respect

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity Worldwide (book)

    Fair Play (book)

    Diana Forbes Fair Play Coach

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Vulnerability of Putting Yourself Out There

    What does it mean to be vulnerable and put yourself out there? Well, for each and every one of us, the threshold for what it means is different but we can tell you it shows up in a plethora of ways and for almost everyone.

    Maybe you struggle speaking up in meetings or posting on social media. Maybe the thought of dating again after divorce is terrifying or pitching someone to buy from you makes your skin crawl. What we know is no matter how difficult and painful it may be, the cost of not doing it can be even more painful.

    You deserve to have what you want be it a career, business, friendship circles, or life partner. Putting yourself out there is the only way to get what you want.

    In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk you through how to get comfortable with putting yourself out there.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you need to apply for Worth, Value, Wealth.

    The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked in one way and walked out with confidence, self-assurance, and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us.

    In this episode, we’re talking about:

    • What exactly is vulnerability, what it isn't, and why it's an essential part of being human (even though it can feel so darn uncomfortable)
    • How does vulnerability show up in your career, business, friendships, and other aspects of your life
    • What it costs you not to be vulnerable - you're not going to like what you're leaving on table
    • How to become more vulnerable with small steps at a time

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Are suffering from comparisonitis?
    Join us for our upcoming Master Class The Death Trap of Comparison. It’s happening Tuesday, June 7th at 1 pm EST. A replay will be available, but you need to save your spot first!

    Go to to save your spot.

    Mentioned In This Episode:

    Hello Revel, (Online community with events and social groups for women midlife and beyond)

    Dating After 40 with Coach Renee Suzanne (podcast)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 01 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Motivation Won't Drive Results, This Will!

    Have you ever been to a conference where the keynote speaker ignited an incredible fire in you to go out and do something? You leave the event with a skip in your step and a bunch of ideas in your head. You’re invigorated and determined to go off and take some action. But before you know it, the motivation is petering out and you find yourself slowing down and dragging your feet.

    Gurus put too much emphasis on motivation and not enough emphasis on discipline, the real driver for your success and that’s exactly what we’re talking about this week.

    The eXpert Factor

    Are you a coach or service-based business owner who’s ready to stop wasting time and start making money? Then you need The eXpert Factor, which is our one-on-one business coaching that will take you from invisible to in demand.

    You can learn more by going to

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The scientific reason motivation fades
    • That motivation is an emotion and like all emotions, you can not experience the same emotion 100% of the time
    • How discipline is the driver of success
    • How discipline is a muscle that can get stronger as you build the neural pathways in your brain
    • Ways you can strengthen your discipline muscle

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 25 May 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    When Your Boss is Younger

    You start a new job or get a new boss and surprise…. You find yourself reporting to Doogie Howser.

    OK, maybe your new boss isn’t a teenager, but it may feel that way. Do you get upset and panic and think I’m a failure, the young ones are passing me by?

    Or do you think ok, this might be a good opportunity to learn some new skills and share my own expertise in a collaborative way?

    With at least 34% of people reporting to a boss who is younger than them, more and more Gen Xers are finding themselves in this reporting structure.

    In this episode we’re talking about how you can manage your own thoughts around this dynamic, how you can make it work for you or the signs to look for that are indicating maybe it is time to move on.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you need to apply for Worth, Value, Wealth.

    The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked in one way and walked out with confidence, self-assurance, and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • How to manage the disappointment, especially if your younger peer has been promoted over you
    • How it may feel like a threat to your status
    • Why experience doesn’t always matter
    • How to handle a younger boss
    • Why you can’t assume anything
    • Ways for your to bridge the gap
    • When it may be time to take your next step

    Need a Career Coach? Reach out to Jackie at for a no-obligation discovery call. We've got you.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    I don’t want to work for a woman (podcast)

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 18 May 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    I'm Starting a New Business, Now What

    You’ve been thinking about and planning this day for a long time. The day you can officially say… I'm a business owner. I can call my own shots and the sky is the limit.

    You’ve been following people like Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, and Gary Vee for years. You have a vision, know that you have what it takes and you’re ready for it.

    Yet, instead of waking up today and hitting the ground running, you’re suddenly not sure what to do next.

    Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this episode, we’re going to give you the next steps.

    The eXpert Factor

    Are you a coach or service-based business owner who’s ready to stop wasting time and start making money? Then you need The eXpert Factor, which is our one-on-one business coaching that will take you from invisible to in demand.

    You can learn more by going to

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why you need to commit to showing up and why you need to use self-discipline versus motivation

    • How to keep it simple by deciding what you want to do and doing it well for the long haul
    • The quickest way to build confidence, and that you must go out there, risk rejection, and have to actually serve paying clients

    • Why you must be able to clearly and succinctly talk to people about what you do, who you help and how you help them in language they understand

    • How to build your community one relationship at a time

    • Why running your own race is a must

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Forget Boundaries, Conduct Fences (podcast)

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 11 May 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    May the 4th Be with You

    May the 4th be with you!

    May 4th has become a high holiday for Star Wars fans. But for those of us that don’t know Luke Skywalker from Luke Perry or think Yoda is a new kind of yogurt, you still want to celebrate.

    Why? Because humans are made up of energy and it’s available to us to co-create our lives. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how you can access your energy and the force within you.

    The eXpert Factor

    Are you a coach or service-based business owner who’s ready to stop wasting time and start making money? Then you need The eXpert Factor, which is our one-on-one business coaching that will take you from invisible to in demand.

    You can learn more by going to

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • How we can use our own personal energy to change the vibrational frequencies of particles in motion, which makes up the matter and we are made up of matter!

    • How to use our emotions as a way to recognize the frequency of our energy

    • The difference between higher and lower frequency energy

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Know thyself heal thyself (article)

    E-Squared (book)

    The Emotions of Change (podcast)

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 04 May 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Emotions of Change

    You know there’s something more out there in the world, waiting for you, however, the thought of leaving what you know to step into something you have no clue about is debilitating.

    It’s not your fault. We, as humans, are wired to crave routine and continuity and any change can send our brains into a frenzy.

    We know change isn’t easy but it is absolutely necessary if we’re going to live a full life. In this week’s episode, we’re taking you through the emotions of transformation to help you manage the incredible changes you want to make in your life.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    Here is something you do not want to procrastinate on! Our next cohort of Worth +Value=Wealth, which starts on May 2, is open right now. If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you should sign up.

    The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked out with confidence, self-assurance, and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us. As a valued listener, we’re offering you $500 savings. Use code: PODCAST at checkout!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why 92% of people that set out to reach a goal never get there
    • How our energy impacts our emotions, it is more about physics than The Secret!
    • Which lower energy emotions including despair, blame, and fear can keep us stuck
    • Ways to shift your emotions to a higher energetic vibration
    • Why affirmations don’t always work and how cognitive dissonance gets in the way

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 27 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400

    You know you have to complete the project this week and yet it’s Tuesday and you haven’t focused on it at all. You still have time, you think. Instead of taking measures to alleviate the pressure, you go back to an easier task.

    Procrastination is an undercurrent in each of us. Some can overcome it more easily while others feel as though they are constantly racing against the clock and then kicking themselves for not doing it sooner, with stress and anxiety then hitting an all time high.

    In this episode, we’re going to dig into why we procrastinate and how to keep ourselves from the final hour stretch stress.

    Here is something you do not want to procrastinate on! Our next cohort of Worth +Value=Wealth, which starts on May 2, is open right now. If you aren’t where you want to be professionally and need to develop your personal narrative, own your worth and articulate your value, you should sign up.

    The women who have gone through our WVW program, have walked in one way and walked out with confidence, self-assurance and conviction on what they deliver.

    Go to to join us. As a valued listener, we’re offering you $500 savings. Use code podcast at checkout!

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The brain science around procrastination and why there is a difference between discipline and willpower
    • The reasons you’re procrastinating in the first place
    • How you can overcome procrastination
      • The 3-minute commit
      • Meditation
      • Accountability support
      • Energy plotting
      • Sprinting your taks
      • Breaking it into pieces
      • Looking at the big picture

    Mentioned in this Episode:

    Forget Boundaries, Conduct Fences (podcast)

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 20 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Anna and Elizabeth, Why We're Obsessed with These Con Women

    There is a phenomenon going on, a thirst for uncovering and understanding stories like that of Anna Delvey, the fake German heiress who scammed New York City’s elite socialites or Elizabeth Holmes who wooed her way into the hearts and pockets of Palo Alto’s tech leaders.

    Whether you’re watching Inventing Anna on Netflix or reading Bad Blood, we can become sucked into the world of cons, scams and conviction. One that makes us shiver from ickiness but also, makes us curious and fascinated.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why we’re fascinated by these stories and what we can take from them (yes, there’s a learning) and apply to our own lives…. In small doses!

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Where the word con artist actually comes from, you’ll be surprised
    • How a little does of confidence could actually take us a very long way
    • What’s the fine line between con and fake it until you make it
    • Are Elizabeth + Anna treated differently because they are women, did it work to their advantage or not?

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Are you underpaid? How to leverage the job market (podcast)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 13 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Too Public? Too Private? Too Casual? Where Do We Draw the Line?

    Be authentic they say. Be vulnerable they say. Be a thought leader they say. Expound on your industry knowledge they say. Dress casual on Fridays they say. Take a mental health day they say. We receive so much advice on how to show up in the workplace is has become a cacophony of conflicting ideas.

    As women in the business world, we want to know how to represent ourselves in person, online, in meetings —in a way that shows off our approachability and our professionalism. The lines have never been more blurred between our personal and professional lives, leaving us asking the question, what’s too much?

    This is what we are exploring with you this week on Modern Gen X Woman.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about how…

    • The workforce has changed in terms of what we wear, share and communicate
    • We redraw the lines of privacy after the pandemic
    • To think about what professional attire looks like now
    • To share your thoughts and opinions and what is too much
    • To manage the blowback you may get from your thought leadership
    • You can access your vulnerability to foster a more human connection

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 06 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Forget Boundaries, Construct Fences

    Boundaries, boundaries, and more boundaries. It is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself, especially as a woman over 40 when our entire lives could easily be spent in reaction to the needs of everything and everyone else.

    So why didn’t we call this episode boundaries? Because if we want to take back control of our lives, boundaries aren’t enough. We need to learn how to construct fences around everything. Fences are unmoving. Yet we get to consciously decide the kind of fence we want to use as a border and where to put a gate to move through. Plus, fences give us parameters around possibilities so we aren’t overwhelmed.

    Join our conversation this week around where and how you should be constructing fences to advance your success, lower your stress and feel better in every aspect of life.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about the places you want to consider placing your fences:

    Fencing Your Possibilities:

    • When there are a plethora of possibilities we can become overwhelmed, struggle to make a decision, overanalyze and freeze and do nothing
    • The more we can limit the 'possibilities' the quicker (and more confident) we can make decisions.
    • Your brain goes into overload looking for signs it can recognize and signs of familiarity

    Fencing Your Business:

    • If you aren’t putting fences around your business, you’re crushing its growth chances
    • Fence who you want to support and who your product or service is for and how you can help
    • Stop yourself from squirrel syndrome, chasing every new idea and never actually seeing anything through

    Fencing Your Job Search:

    • You have to fence your job search or you’ll burn out
    • Create specific criteria around what kind of job you want and what you aren’t interested in going after
    • Have a list of non-negotiables, know what you must-haves

    Fencing Part of Your Life

    • You don’t have to put it all out on social media
    • Are their personal relationships that need some fencing?

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Are you underpaid? How to leverage the job market (podcast)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 30 Mar 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Dealing with Rejection

    No one likes to be rejected. It’s the absolute worst. It doesn’t matter in what context either. If you’re interviewing for a new job, selling to clients or dating, every single time we put ourselves out there, we risk being rejected.

    There’s the logical part, but of course, we may be rejected, it’s part of life. Then there’s the emotional part, when we are rejected what it does to us and how it can diminish our self-worth, stamina and drive.

    In this week’s episode, we’re going to dig into rejection, help you understand why rejection makes you feel a certain way and give you specifics on how to manage rejection so it doesn’t keep you from taking the risks necessary to succeed.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    If you're tired of not achieving the professional success you want, this is for you.
    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The science of rejection and why it literally hits our physical pain centers

    • Reframing rejection

    • Putting your odds of being rejected into perspective

    • Why rejection isn’t so black and white

    • Why you can be rejected and still have been successful

    • Turning rejection into resilience

    • Tips for working through rejection including not making it worse than it is, using collective evidence of your overall greatness, and how to use curiosity and excitement to create momentum

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto.
    Send Me the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Mar 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Self Sabotaged by Your Inner Child

    We believe we are in control of our own destiny. What if I told you you aren’t in control as much as you believe you are?

    I’m sure you’d challenge this statement and create a lot of proof to the contrary. You see, so many of the choices we make, the thoughts we have, the steps we take, the moves we make are actually nothing more than repeated automated patterns from our past.

    This thought can be frightening. Our inner child can do a number on us and sabotage our success.
    In this episode, we’re discussing our inner children and how to keep them from running amuck.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    This group program is for you if you're ready to go after and get the professional success you want. For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • The subconscious reasons we self-sabotage including our past experiences, underlying fears, cognitive dissonance, self-protection, and imposter syndrome

    • Common self-sabotaging behaviors:
      • Giving away all the credit to your team
      • Working really hard and wait to be noticed
      • Getting upset or angry any time you’re not included in a meeting
      • Shying away from telling people what you do as you’re building your business
      • Not sharing your rates on a discovery call

    • How to stop self-sabotage:
    • Become hyper-aware of when your self-sabotage kicks in

    • See if you can identify your triggers

    • Recognizing “either/or” scenarios versus “this/and” scenarios

    • Recognize and address the fears pulling at you

    • Make and keep promises to yourself so that you begin to trust you have your own back

    • Ask yourself, what is the worst case?

    Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    What’s Luck Got to Do with It? (podcast episode)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Mar 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Is Your Identity Tied Up in Your Job?

    If someone asked you, who are you… would you immediately start talking about your role at work, your business, or your overall career?

    Somehow this has become the norm.

    Gen X women have lost their identity. Our worth has gotten wrapped up in what we do professionally. We use the success of our career or business as a way to measure up.

    Here’s the thing, we’re so much more than what we do during our day. When we own our worth from who we are, not what we do we become unstoppable.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why we’ve lost ourselves in our work and how to find our way back.

    We are now accepting applications for our next cohort in our The Worth+Value=Wealth Program.

    This program is for Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    If you're ready to go after and get the professional success you want and make more money, you can apply to the program here.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • Why we’ve lost ourselves in our work
    • How our brains use our titles and labels as a way to protect us
    • Why it’s a lazy way to make small talk
    • How it takes on a bigger layer for women
    • Our own personal stories with going from big jobs titles to “coaches”
    • How your job title should and shouldn’t tie into your self worth
    • How to be ok with your identity shifting
    • Ways to help you shift your perspective
    • What to talk about, other than your job!

    Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Putting the Workhorse Out to Pasture (podcast)

    How to Talk to Anyone (book)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Mar 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    You Know You're A Gen Xer When

    Have you recently been reminded about something from pop culture or day-to-day life that happened from the 1980s and you think to yourself, well it was only 20 or so years ago? Well, think again, it’s more like 40 years ago!

    We know!

    No matter how much time goes by there are still things about the 1980s that feel like yesterday, make us laugh, and are worth remembering.

    In this episode, we’re going to have a little fun and go back in time… way back in time.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re reminiscing about everything from TV commercial jingles, technology, makeup, our first jobs, Judy Blume, sex and Dr. Ruth, MTV, cartoons, our first crushes, and sticker books!

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman?

    Get the manifesto! Download it here.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    What Your Favorite 1980s Band Says About You

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Are You Underpaid? How to Leverage the Labor Shortage

    “There aren’t enough workers to go around.” When you hear Analysts, CEO’s and Economists all talking about the same thing, it can really make you sit up and think.

    We’ve entered a new era for American workers. For the first time in decades, we’re seeing the transfer of power from employer to employee. And it feels good! The shortage in the labor force is apparent and it isn’t getting better anytime soon, in fact, studies show the gap is going to continue to widen. This means employers have to do a whole heck of a lot more to get employees in their doors and even more to keep them.

    This week, Mimi and I are going to dig into what this means for you and how you, the amazing Generation X women who listen to us every week, can capitalize on this moment in time to get hired, get promoted, GET PAID.

    The Worth+Value=Wealth Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value so they can make the money they deserve.

    Apply here.

    In this episode, we’re giving you 8 ways to capitalize on this period in time.

    #1 See the abundance, there are lots of opportunities out, when you purposely look for it, you shift your energy to one of excitement about the possibilities

    #2 Create your list of non-negotiables, know what you need and this should go beyond salary and health insurance.

    #3. Get clear on the immediate impact you can make. Clearly communicate the benefit you will provide to the organization right away.

    #4. Get clear on the impact you made. Don’t diminish your long history of experience.

    #5. Negotiate a pay raise. Get comfortable with having negotiation conversations.

    #6. Explore what else is out there. It never hurts to have these conversations.

    #7. Recognize your next step or move isn’t your last.

    #8. Put together a plan of action.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    How to be a Thought Leader (podcast)

    Putting the Workhorse Out to Pasture (podcast)

    Overthinking, Overtalking, Overcompensating (podcast)

    Women + Money (podcast)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Feb 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Think Like a CEO

    You may see the title of this podcast and think… PASS…. I have no interest in being a CEO be it in a corporate setting or even as an entrepreneur.

    But we’re going to ask you to put your thoughts around what a CEO is or isn’t. CEO thinking isn’t just limited to the professional world.

    You see, the ideas around thinking like a CEO are transferable to whatever you do for a living and wherever you are in your life.

    In this episode, we’re going to explore the minds of CEO’s, how they think and process differently and how you can apply their way of thinking into your everyday life.

    Are you working too hard?

    You’ve missed your kid's last ten soccer games

    You wake in the morning anxious about all there is to do and go to bed exhausted and feeling like you haven't even made a dent.

    If you want to create more space, learn how to take back control of your day, Sign up for our Free Masterclass the Science of Productivity: How to stay competitive without working more.

    Save your seat at

    In this episode, we’re talking about what it means to think like a CEO and how the heck you do it. Plus, this week, we're challenging you to pick ONE concept below and start implementing it. Go back (which is why we added timestamps), listen to your choice again and commit.

    • Create space so that you can think, time to plan, time to visualize and dream, time to do Timestamp 7:53

    • Get curious, the greatest CEOs ask questions, they don’t just accept what they see, they question to learn Timestamp 17:13

    • Think in frameworks and processes, understanding what needs to go into the foundation of what you are creating so you can build upon it Timestamp 25:17

    • Simplify, continually ask yourself the question – how can I make this simple? How can I make this easy? Timestamp 29:19

    • Run everything through the service model, it can be Fast, Cheap, or Good – pick two of these and remember you can’t have all three Timestampe 29:58

    • Make your expectations aggressive but realistic, push yourself out of your comfort zone but don’t make it unrealistic Timestamp 31:23

    • Use a risk/reward formula to weigh decisions Timestamp 32:16

    • Get out of the weeds – sometimes we (Mimi!) can go down the rabbit hole of too much detail – be careful to not get caught in that place Timestamp 34:55

    Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    How to be a Thought Leader (podcast)

    Diverse Thinking Leads to Growth (podcast)

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts /

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Feb 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Putting the Workhorse Out to Pasture

    FILO was our mantra. First in. Last Out. Lunch breaks mean grabbing your packed salad or running to the reception desk to pick up your GrubHub order quickly to get back to your desk and eat while pounding away on the project.

    We’ve all been in the workforce to recognize the phenomenon that plays across every business corporate America (and entrepreneurs for that matter) are divided into two camps, the workhorse and the coaster.

    Maybe I’m being extreme, however, if you find yourself in the workhorse camp (setting up the tents, prepping the meals, organizing the activities, corralling the campers) it’s time to stop.

    Regardless if you are in corporate America or if you’re an entrepreneur, being the workhorse doesn’t actually give you the professional growth you think it does.

    In this episode, we’re talking all about how by putting the workhorse out to pasture, you’ll actually become more successful.

    This episode is sponsored by Kindra.

    Kindra is a radical self-care company all about helping women navigate menopause and everything that comes with it including hot flashes, brain fog, restless sleep, dryness, and more. It’s science-backed and made by women, for women. Their line of products includes a daily vaginal lotion that dramatically relieves our most intimate skin and three daily supplements. You can head to and use code MGXW20 to get 20% off your order.

    In this episode, we’re talking about…

    • How it’s easy to take the workhorse mentality with when you leave corporate to become an entrepreneur

    • The discomfort that comes with not doing it all and going with the done and not perfect outlook

    • “The Fixer” – have you become the go-to woman that everyone turns to because it makes you feel important?

    • If it’s time for you to let go of doing it your way, if you think you can do it better and faster

    • Why being the workhorse does not make you indispensable

    • How you can start to be the change and set a new tone at an organization that values face time

    • What’s really behind your need for working all the time

    “What’s the difference between a manager and a leader? Leaders teach people to step into what’s next.” — Mimi Bishop

    Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Myth of Powering Through (TEDx Talk)

    Get your copy of the Modern Gen X Woman Manifesto. Click here to download.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast /

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Feb 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda Are Managing Midlfe...Too

    As we enter our mid-40s and 50s, the way we own our worth can look very different from how we owned it or thought we owned it in our 30s.

    At this point, we’ve had real-life experiences including some not-so-pleasant experiences that have shaped us. When you’ve walked in some uncomfortable shoes, it’s often the point we have a Step into My Worth Moment and realize you know what? I need to take a stand for myself first!

    It’s refreshing to see our friends Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda have walked in some of the same uncomfortable shoes we have. Say what you will about this reboot… the ladies are fun to watch, look amazing, and at times go through things that hit home.

    In this episode, we’re examining what midlife looks like through the eyes of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and yes, Samantha and what it must be like to walk in their Jimmy Choos.

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    In this episode, we’re chatting about…

    • Stepping into Midlife
      • What it feels like to look in the mirror and see your reflection...really see your reflection
      • Loss and starting over after 40
      • Career transitions
      • The happiness U curve and how it can be so difficult to believe you can get out when you're stuck at the bottom
      • Miranda going grey and Mimi's slow morph to a grey goddess too
      • Self-medicating when we feel unfulfilled
    • Our personal moments where we had to make choice to step into our worth, even though it wasn't comfortable

    Are your self-worth beliefs getting in the way of your professional success?
    Take the Worth Quiz here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Feb 2022 06:00:00 -0500
    Thought Leadership

    A thought-leader is someone who is seen as an authority in their field. They are the person who’s ideas and concepts you look forward to consuming. Whether you’re a career woman or an entrepreneur, positioning yourself as an authority is one of the most important aspects propelling your professional success.

    In a world where there is a cacophony of noise, content, thoughts to weed through, how the heck do you stand out, make an impression and say anything new or different?

    Today, we’re helping you reformulate how you develop your perspective and authoritative voice in your market segment.

    You don't have to let another year go by with regret. It's your time to get the professional success you desire and we can help you get there.

    Right now, reach out here to schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie and get ready to soar.

    In this episode, you’ll learn why you can:

    • Expand what you consume. Challenge yourself to absorb new materials and explore them with curiosity.

    • Find your unique perspective. Challenge the norms. Look at a situation and turn it on it’s head a little. Consider what someone with a different point of view would think.

    • Go macro and micro. Take both the 30,000 foot view and take one small point of the situation and focus on it.

    • Stop talking about the same ol topics and ideas. Look beyond your industry or role for different insights.

    • Get a thick skin around “hate” mail. While it can sting, consider that you’ve struck a chord with your own unique point of view.

    • Be consistent. As a thought leader people will rely on you for your unique view point.

    This episode is sponsored by Kindra.

    Kindra is a radical self-care company all about helping women navigate menopause and everything that comes with it including hot flashes, brain fog, restless sleep, dryness, and more. It’s science-backed and made by women, for women. Their line of products includes a daily vaginal lotion that dramatically relieves our most intimate skin and three daily supplements. You can head to and use code MGXW20 to get 20% off your order.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Diverse Thinking Leads to Growth (podcast)

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects obtained from

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    So You Want to Leave Your 9-5

    Leaving the 9-5, it’s a dream for so many and maybe your #1 one goal this upcoming year.

    We get it. We left our 9-5s too.

    While we could go on and on about strategy and tactics, today we’re going to talk about how leaving your 9-5 behind and building your own business will be the biggest course in self-development, confidence and resilience one could ever take on. We'll talk about what to expect and how to get through some of the most difficult hurdles.

    In this episode, we’re talking about something you rarely hear about business building and something you can’t afford to miss.

    Become the Modern Gen X Woman who is seen, heard, goes after the money, success and recognition she deserves.

    Join Worth, Value, Wealth—out 8-week group program designed specifically for Gen X women like you.

    We promise you’ll walk away with being so clear on your value—what we call your Awesome X Factor, that it will lead to a 25% increase in your income.

    We start Monday, January 31. Apply here.

    In this episode, you’ll learn why you:

    • Must have conviction in what you are doing. You need to believe in what you’re doing and why it matters.

    • Have the confidence to set boundaries. You’ll need to have time and space in your life to work on your business. You’ll have to say no… a lot.

    • Need to “protect your baby”. Many people, some close to you will not really understand your vision. Share with those that support your vision.

    • Must clearly articulate who you help and how you help them. Don’t babble, overtalk to compensate or talk in jargon.

    • Have to be comfortable having a sales conversation and asking for money. Learn to get comfortable saying this is what I charge and not not second-guess your value.

    • Need to understand your own personal risk threshold.

    • Have to build your network, it’s everything in building your business.

    This episode is sponsored by Kindra.

    Kindra is a radical self-care company all about helping women navigate menopause and everything that comes with it including hot flashes, brain fog, restless sleep, dryness, and more. It’s science backed and made by women, for women. Their line of products includes a daily vaginal lotion that dramatically relieves our most intimate skin and three daily supplements. You can head to and use code MGXW20 to get 20% off your order.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Science of Productivity (podcast)

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Jan 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Overthinking, Overtalking and Overcompensating

    You’ve gotten the job offer – you know you should be thrilled but you can’t stop overthinking everything you said in the interview and panicked that you may not have one small skill you may need. You’re on a discovery call with a potential client and you find yourself going on, and on, and ON about why you're the right person to provide this service. Or maybe you are the person who overdoes everything. Giving away services for free, volunteering to pick up the slack in the office.

    Overthinking, overtalking and overcompensating, we all do it from time to time but if you find you’re doing this on the regular you’re selling yourself very short.

    In this episode, we’re going to get to the bottom of what’s really going on when we go over.

    When you overthink you:

    • Analyze to the point of actually not having any clarity. It actually is more confusing and can cloud your judgment.
    • Can’t make a decision-rely on others for your decision-making or second guess the decision you finally made (and tend to live with regrets after making the decision, beating yourself up.
    • You take action from a place of hesitation versus assurance.
    • Impairs your problem-solving ability and often gets stuck in one place in the thinking process.
    • See everything through the lens of concerns and what could go wrong instead of what could go correctly.

    Overtalking: When you overtalk – it comes off as someone who feels the need to over-explain or overcompensate.

    When you overtalk you:

    • Diminish your authority as the expert - there's an unconscious bias when people talk too much it sounds like a used car salesman trying to pull one over on you
    • Confuses the other person - they have to work really hard to follow you and keep up and no one wants to do that in a conversation
    • Can leave the other person focused on the wrong thing - people only remember 10% of what you say and if you talk too much, how do you know it's the right 10%
    • Missed opportunity to drive home your point - you want to exude confidence
    • Becomes boring and people tune out

    Overcompensate: When we overcompensate by overthinking, overanalyzing and over talking we tend to minimize our own voice and ourselves.

    DON'T Miss This OUR: Worth+Value=Wealth Group Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value in order to see an increase in pay.

    Apply Here:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 Jan 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    The Dreaded Question, "Tell Me About Yourself"

    Um, hmm, ahh, you see, well...When you’re asked the simplest question, “tell me about yourself,” do you get all tongue-tied not knowing where to start, what to say, what not to say, leaving you frozen?

    Or do you fall in the other camp where you drone on and on...and on and bore yourself and the person across from you because you haven’t strung together anything relevant, interesting or consistent?

    Generation X Women struggle with talking about themselves and it has been hurting us both in our career and as entrepreneurs.

    This week, we’re talking about the psychology behind this question and telling you how to better prepare for the question, “tell me about yourself.”

    What you’ll learn in this episode:

    • What happens to the brain and how it gets hijacked to find the answer to this question
    • We have 7 seconds to make a first impression
    • People only remember 10% of what you say so you need to ensure it's the right 10%

    The way we lose our audience

    • We talk too much when we get nervous and we overcompensate with a lot of words.
    • We don’t say enough. Our inner voice diminishing our worth comes full-force keeping us silenced or limited
    • We speak using words and jargon we think is going to impress others but all it does is make us sound like everyone else or confused the person we’re talking to
    • We talk way too fast. Processing as we speak and talking through our thoughts leaving the other person working really hard to keep up (and they don’t want to be bothered)
    • We don’t practice or prepare our answers so we can be succinct and direct
    • We use a list of adjectives and think we need to be a walking resume.

    DON'T Miss This

    Worth+Value=Wealth Group Program

    For Entrepreneurs and Career Women who want to own their worth and articulate their value in order to see an increase in pay.

    Apply Here:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Jan 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Winter Solstice: Word of the Year

    If you’ve been part of our relaunch and our personal journey as a Modern Gen X Woman, you know how much we believe in a North Star, a guide, a flashlight in times of darkness. It’s why we created our Manifesto which is getting a ton of incredible feedback and it’s because it is empowering and a guide of how to show up in the world.

    Your Word of the Year can be just that.

    Mimi and I have become very good about setting intentions every day when we work together, or before interviewing a guest on our podcast. This simple daily practice pinpoints our energy and radiates it towards the outcome we are looking to project.

    Are you ready to uplevel your career?
    Apply to work with us here.

    Are you ready to activate your business?
    Apply to work with us here.

    In this episode we riff on….

    Our 2021 words of the year and how it showed up for us and what we chose for our 2022 words of the year and why.
    How to choose YOUR word of the year.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects obtained from

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Winter Solstice: Why We Hate the Side Hustle

    For the next two weeks, Mimi and I are doing what we’re calling the Winter Solstice series where we will be riffing on topics. We are all smack dab in the middle of the holidays and we want to provide you with some thoughtful points of view on different concepts and ideas.

    You can’t be a woman in business and not have heard people talking about the side hustle. This term ranges from the woman who has a creative side business on etsy to a freelancing service business, or those selling MLM products, side hustle is all everyone is talking about.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking all about the side hustle and why I personally hate the term.

    This episode is sponsored by Kindra.

    Kindra is a radical self-care company all about helping women navigate menopause and everything that comes with it including hot flashes, brain fog, restless sleep, dryness, and more. It’s science-backed and made by women, for women. Their line of products includes a daily vaginal lotion that dramatically relieves our most intimate skin and three daily supplements. You can head to and use code MGXW20 to get 20% off your order.

    In this episode, we riff on….
    How the word hustle does sound exhausting. Hustling -- when you’ve got a full-time job and other responsibilities is the quickest way to burnout. We believe you can build a business, step-by-step in a way that may take a longer but is more successful and sustainable.

    Much Like Tuesdays, Side Hustle needs a rebrand. The word hustle gets under my skin. We work hard enough in every single thing we do, why the heck do we have to be ‘hustling’ too?

    “I have an even better idea, why don’t we say, I work full time AND I’m an entrepreneur. TO me that’s much more powerful than moonlighting or freelancing.”

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects obtained from

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    MGXW Holiday Shopping Guide

    We’ve all been scouring websites for inspiration on the perfect gifts for those amazing people in our lives. Sometimes the process is enjoyable while other times it can become downright frustrating.

    In this episode, we’re going to share our last-minute gift ideas for those amazing people in your lives.

    Join us for our entrepreneur roundtable on January 11th at 1pm EST. Email Jackie at for details.

    Dyson Airwrap: The technology is absolutely amazing - beach waves, no problem.

    Blender Bottle Classic Shaker: Instant foam for your coffee with just a few shakes.

    Crystals: To start, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz and Amethyst.

    Personalized Cutting Board: Have any handwritten note transposed onto a keepsake cutting board.

    UGG Robe: Warm and luxurious

    Lush: Bath, hair and skin care products to the next level. The best bath bombs.

    Baking with Dorie: Takes baking to an entirely new level

    Jenni Bick Journals: Wonderful journals

    Cheerful Spirit Jewelry Bar : Creative jewelry gifts

    Piper +Dune: Online gift shop with a variety of gifts with a New England flair.

    Olive + June: Complete at home nail kit.

    J. McLaughlin Sweaters : For the special man in your life, J. McLaughlin for beautiful sweaters.

    MasterClass: For those who are curious and love to learn -- and have everything.

    CheeseBrothers: Have a cheese lover in your life? Send them a box of cheese

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    2021 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year: Tiffany Dufu

    Being positive, upbeat and inspirational. Knowing your value and owning your worth. Using tenacity, fearlessness, resilience. Having an influence and impact on others. These are the qualities of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    So when we considered who met the criteria for the 2021 Modern Gen X Woman of the Year Tiffany Dufu immediately came to mind.

    In this week’s episode, Jackie and I are delighted to bring to you Tiffany Dufu, the Modern Gen X Woman of the Year.

    Are YOU a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the Manifesto.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • How Tiffany, who looks like fearlessness in action, pushes through the fear
    • What practices have helped Tiffany own her worth
    • How to stay resilient, especially in the face of so many “nos”
    • How to use your own personal journey to bolster you when you question your worth
    • That by leaning into conflict is what will ultimately lift you up
    • Remembering that “If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done”

    “It’s not easy when it is worth it.”—Tiffany Dufu

    Tiffany Dufu is founder and CEO of The Cru. Their algorithm matches circles of women who collaborate to meet their personal and professional goals. She’s also the author of the bestselling book Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less. According to foreword contributor Gloria Steinem, Drop the Ball is “important, path-breaking, intimate and brave.”

    Named to Entrepreneur's 100 Powerful Women and Fast Company’s League of Extraordinary Women, Tiffany has raised nearly $20 million toward the cause of women and girls.

    Prior to that, Tiffany served as President of The White House Project, as a Major Gifts Officer at Simmons University, and as Associate Director of Development at Seattle Girls’ School.

    Mentioned in the Episode

    The Cru

    Drop the Ball, Achieving More by Doing Less by Tiffany Dufu (book)

    You Deserve the Truth by Erica Williams (book)

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

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    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Ride Along with Change—Using Science of Course

    It's our 100th Episode!
    You are crushing it at work. You’ve curated an impressive A-List team and they are hitting on all cylinders. You couldn’t ask for a better work scenario. Then you get acquired and new leadership steps in and there are whispers about a reorg. You’re starting to get really uncomfortable, and BAM! it happens. The team is dismantled, new players are weaved in and you’re freaking out because it doesn’t look anything like it did before. Change is hard.

    Whether it’s at work, as an entrepreneur or in your personal life, nothing stays the same and being able to navigate the stress and panic that rides along with change is a critical skill for success.

    In this episode, we’re going to explore the science of change and how to cope in order to stay sane.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why change can feel so hard and the science behind it
    • The four stages of change:
      • Denial: The disbelief it's even happening, avoiding situations reminding us of the possible change so we don't have to face it
      • Anger: The feeling of anger washes over each of us, this is where blame comes in, blaming our friends, our boss, our coworkers, the world
      • Exploration: What could the outcomes look like, what happens if I went along with change
      • Acceptance/agreement: Understanding and getting on board with the new reality.
    • How to navigate change so you can have more resilience and use it to bolster your professional success
      • Give Yourself Space to sit, to absorb and to process
      • Keep a semblance of a routine to produce false sense of comfort
      • Find places to take back control, where can you feel like you have a say
      • Examine the possibilities, what can happen if you do or don't move forth with change
      • Find the meaning: It doesn't happen for a reason but if you can find meaning you can process better

    “Exposure changes us -- yes -- that’s why it makes sense to push ourselves out of our comfort zones so we can be exposed to new things. Frankly, in my opinion, this is the best kind of change.”

    We ❤️ you!
    That’s what we’re doing our Modern Gen X Woman’s Season of Giving. We’re giving YOU 30 days of gifts as a way to say thank you for being in our community. But you need to be on the list!

    Send Me Season of Giving!

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 01 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    The Modern Gen X Woman's Guide to Thanksgiving

    We are not going to be talking about being grateful, giving thanks and gathering around the table with loved ones smiling. We know this and you can get this support from any podcast you want this week.

    Instead, we’re lightening things up a bit, talking about how to slay Thanksgiving and all the madness that may come along with it while sharing funny stories from our past Thanksgiving fails.

    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?
    Take the Quiz!

    In this episode, you’ll learn how to deal with the biggest Thanksgiving pickles including how to handle:

    • Annoying relatives - you know those who pick fights, talk about themselves or throw passive aggressive jabs out about something you've done.

    • The drunk - handling their liquor isn't a strength but handling them has to be yours.

    • The person who never helps cleanup - while you're sweating in the kitchen scrubbing the pots, packing leftovers and navigating your fridge full of food, they're laughing it up - not one plate cleared by them.

    • Trying to be perfect and have it all - the house, the floors, the table setting, the appetizers, the decorations, the dinner. You are spinning with all you want to look and be perfect and it's pushing you into mental overload.

    We ❤️ you!
    That’s what we’re doing our Modern Gen X Woman’s Season of Giving. We’re giving YOU 30 days of gifts as a way to say thank you for being in our community. But you need to be on the list!

    Send Me Season of Giving!

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Am I drinking too much with Veronica Valli (podcast)

    Soberful: Uncover a Sustainable, Fulfilling Life Free of Alcohol (book)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

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    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 24 Nov 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Gen X Women, Stop Blending In

    As the forgotten generation, we’ve become extremely comfortable fading into the background, being the background singer, operating as the number two. There are times when quiet confidence is the absolute right play. However, it can’t become the default mechanism if you want to become a professional thought-leader and a game changer.

    In this episode, we’re discussing the importance of stepping forward, out of the shadows and into the spotlight because now is the time to make the impact you’ve always wanted to.

    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?
    Take the Quiz!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Our theory on how we went from the edgy, big hair generation to flying under the radar

    • How our independence can sometimes add to the blend factor and how it hurts us in asking for help and support

    • Why blending in is not an asset and what you can do right now to start standing out

    • How offering your opinion and sharing a differing opinion makes organizations better

    “Blending in is not an asset. It’s not doing us any favors”

    We ❤️ you!
    That’s what we’re doing our Modern Gen X Woman’s Season of Giving. We’re giving YOU 30 days of gifts as a way to say thank you for being in our community. But you need to be on the list!

    Send Me Season of Giving!


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 17 Nov 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Is the Midlife Crisis a Crisis?

    When you hear midlife crisis do you think about your neighbor driving around in a brand new red convertible after divorcing his wife of 20 years? This was the image portrayed for years and it was believed men were the only ones to go through a midlife crisis, but we have since recognized it is not true at all.

    A midlife crisis is a phase, a transition of identity. What if, instead of calling it a midlife crisis, we rebrand it to a midlife growth spurt? Where the change may be fast and hard but it’s also amazing and thrusts you forward.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking about this phase in our lives and how we can shift it’s perception.

    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?
    Take the Quiz!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The signs of a midlife crisis and how it doesn’t show up the way it did when we were kids
    • That there’s wisdom, experience and knowledge that can be leveraged and used to our benefit
    • Why midlife can be a magical time, our Act 2 -- where we blow away Act 1
    • How to get through the seasons of life that are tough
    • Why your worth must go beyond your job, being a mom, daughter or parent

    “Only by truly knowing and understanding yourself can you change the circumstances around you”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Have You Lost Your Identity? (podcast)

    Say Hello to the Modern Gen X Woman (podcast)

    How to Find Yourself, Ask These Questions (blog post)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    “Sound effects obtained from

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 Nov 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Women + Money

    A Harris Poll taken earlier this year showed people age 45-54 (Gen X) believed they were least likely to see wealth as an achievable goal. And yet, new data from the Fed Reserve Stated Gen X gained more wealth during the pandemic than any other generation increasing their aggregate net worth by 50% from first quarter 2020 to second quarter 2021.

    We are seeing a sea change, a time when we, Modern Gen X Women, can see the possibility of acquiring the success and wealth we want and it has to start with developing a wonderful relationship with money.

    In this episode, we’re talking about why it’s ok to want money, how to get comfortable saying it your out loud voice and why your worth is the first step in having a better relationship with money.

    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?
    Take the Quiz!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • To get comfortable with saying you want money in your out loud voice
    • Why wanting money doesn’t make you greedy and selfish
    • How to finally get over feeling uncomfortable with charging for your services
    • The shocking financial implications of limiting self-promotion
    • About Jackie + Mimi’s personal money stories -- yup, we open up and get real

    “Say it out loud… I want money! And keep saying it until you get over the discomfort of saying it”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Unapologetically Ambitious (blog post)

    10 Things That American Women Could Not Do Before the 1970s (article)

    Generation X is the Least Likely to Think They Will Get Rich, Fast Company (article)
    Gender Pay Disparity Starts at Home, USA Today (article)

    The Way We Speak to Women about Money is Sexist and Needs to Change, Refinery29 (article)
    You are a Badass at Making Money, Jen Sincero (book)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Po

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 03 Nov 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?

    As a professional woman, do you ever feel unheard and unseen? In your career are you working really hard yet not seeing the growth you want? As an entrepreneur are you struggling to actually bring in any significant cash?

    These two problems may seem disconnected— like they have nothing in common, but they actually do.

    We’ve coached over a hundred women to the high point of their professional success. Through this process, we uncovered the one common denominator keeping smart professional women lagging behind.

    It’s actually why women are only making $.82 on the dollar, it’s why women only hold 24% of senior leadership positions, it’s why women cut their rates when they get a price objection.

    Gen X women have what we are calling a Worth Deficit™. In this episode, Mimi and I are introducing you to the concept of the worth deficit and providing you with a few ideas on how to close the gap.

    Do You Have a Worth Deficit?
    Take the Quiz!

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why you may not think you have a Worth Deficit, but the sneaky ways it shows up and what it sounds like
    • How societal conditioning has forced women to navigate how they talk about their skills, achievements and accomplishments and how it hurts us
    • Women have a higher negativity bias around self promotion and owning our worth than men
    • The shocking financial implications of limiting self-promotion
    • The 3 ways you can start changing your worth deficit right now

    “The Gen X woman works hard and puts in her time. The Modern Gen X Woman gets paid for it.”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    The Chicken & Egg of Confidence (podcast)

    Unapologetically Ambitious (blog post)

    The Negativity Bias: The difference between men and women (article)

    10 Things That American Women Could Not Do Before the 1970s (article)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

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    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 27 Oct 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Diverse Thinking for Innovation

    In September, Ford Motor Company hired top Apple Executive Doug Field to run a secret division at the company.

    Another big move in Ford’s history, back in September 2006, Ford hired Alan Mullaly, former EVP at Boeing, as CEO of their company.

    Why am I mentioning both of these big, out-of-the-box hires from Ford? It isn’t because I own some of their stock, it’s because these moves were considered bold. For the longest time, Automotive was very insular, hiring those from within the same sector, stealing the latest ‘hot shot’ in automotive as their ‘bold move’ promoting from within instead of being open to new innovations and a new vision for not only the company but the industry.

    In this episode, we’re talking about what it takes to be successful. How bolder thinking, new ideas, changed perspectives and controversial opinions are the only way to get ahead and expand.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the manifesto!
    Get your copy here.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • The way it was done doesn’t have to be the way it has to be done. In order to grow, we need to change. Take careful note of what’s working in your life and not so you know what to change.
    • More doesn’t mean more. Stay true to your own goals and your own metrics for success.
    • Stepping away will give you some perspective. When we are too close to things we can’t see what’s right in front of us.
    • The concept of cognitive diversity, which is the different ways people think, conjure, map and problem solve. It isn’t about intellect, it’s about the way people use their intellect.
    • How to start thinking in new ways

    “Courage is something you learn to become.”

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (book)

    The Design Thinking Life Playbook (book)

    MasterClass Online Classes

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Just Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Stitcher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 20 Oct 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Say Hello to the Modern Gen X Woman

    We’re proud to be Gen Xers.

    But we’re done being the forgotten generation and we’re over the Oprah article the New Mid-Life Crisis and the follow-up bestseller Why We Can’t Sleep.

    It’s time to change the rules and the conversation around being a Gen X Women.

    We’ve been deeply connected with Gen X Women, heck we are Gen X women and we’ve decided to not contribute to the dismissive and depressing conversations around who we are.

    Instead, we’re here to shift the perspective around what it means to be a Gen X woman.

    Let us be clear. This isn’t lip service, it’s about creating a movement and it starts with you. We want Gen X women to recognize value and demand their worth so the world takes notice.

    In this episode, we’re introducing you to the Modern Gen X Woman and all she embodies. Take a listen and you’ll soon realize it is the podcast you’ve known and loved — only amplified.

    Are you a Modern Gen X Woman? Get the manifesto!
    Get your copy here.

    In this episode, we point out the differences between a Gen X Woman and a Modern Gen X Woman.

    The Gen X Woman…

    • Is resilient but at the cost of burning out, the Modern Gen X Woman processes her emotions and then puts together a plan to deal with it.

    • Likes being a part of the forgotten generation as she can stay safe and blend into the background, while the Modern Gen X Woman wants to use her voice and get recognized for her contribution.

    • Has unrealistic expectations, she tries to do it all, perfectly and then is crushed when it doesn’t live up to her expectations. The Modern Gen X Woman bases her expectations against what she wants to do and then ruthlessly prioritizes against this in order to do it.

    • Wears her busyness as a badge of honor, the Modern Gen X Woman doesn’t do anything to impress anyone else or prove her worth.

    • Laughs at the generation wars, the Modern Gen X Woman knows she can use “middle child” perspective to bridge the divide.

    • Super independent, the Modern Gen X Woman knows she can’t do it all alone and gets the right support.

    • Wears all her identities as masks, the Modern Gen X Woman knows herself and her values first.

    • Loves learning but feels like she never knows enough, the Modern Gen X woman learns and applies it immediately.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Four Signs Your Expectations Are Too High (article)

    Get clear on articulating your value and owning your worth, schedule a no-obligation discovery call with Jackie to learn more.

    Are you part of the Modern Gen X Woman Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast /

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 13 Oct 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Why Staying Calm Stresses Us the F^ Out

    We all aspire to live a life filled with calm tranquility. A life where we let things roll off our backs and are able to flood our bodies and our minds with a sense of peace whenever anything begins to upset us. Could you imagine stress becoming a thing of the past or not having anxiety? These are our hopes, especially as Generation X women who have been over-compensating, over-working and over-committing in every place in our lives.

    Trying to stay calm is another thing on our mental checklist, another thing to bring into awareness to try to change. Breathing techniques and yoga are supposed to reverse the effects our everyday demands have on our well-being.

    In this week’s episode, we are getting real around Staying Calm, how it puts so much more pressure on us and makes us feel awful when we lose it.

    Are you part of the Just Gen X Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Things we cover in this episode:

    • Staying in a State of Calm Isn’t Easy nor is it sustainable for most of us.
    • Our brain really doesn’t know how to stay calm , it’s always scouring surroundings to stay calm
    • We are not wired to be calm and tend to be stimulus junkies
    • You can stay calm by:
      • Becoming aware to not jump to conclusions
      • Distinguishing between a bump in the road and the end of the road
      • Looking at situations differently
      • Asking yourself if your reaction helps your outcome
      • Finding a calm mentor, who do you want to emulate during times of stress?

    Your professional biological clock is ticking, your time is now.

    If you’re finally saying to yourself:

    • My business can no longer bring a trickle of money and I need to bring it to six-figures

    • I have what it takes to be an outstanding VP and it’s my time

    • Staying in my same corporate job isn’t fulfilling and I am ready for more

    If this is you, reach out to Jackie at jackie@therestingmind to schedule a time to talk about how we can help you reach your professional goals.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 06 Oct 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    I Don't Want to Work for a Woman

    It is astonishing to know how many women come through our doors and comment on steering clear of working for a female boss. Of the hundreds of women, about 65% stated they would consider not taking a job because they’ve had such bad experiences working for women.

    Eek, this perspective isn’t helping our position in corporate America, at all and we almost didn’t want to do this episode because we don’t want to perpetuate an existing problem. However, we know, not addressing it doesn’t mean it goes away.

    In our episode this week, we are digging into this phenomenon, how it’s hurting women in business and what we, as female bosses, can do to change the paradigm.

    Your professional biological clock is ticking, your time is now.

    If you’re finally saying to yourself:

    • My business can no longer bring a trickle of money and I need to bring it to six-figures

    • I have what it takes to be an outstanding VP and it’s my time

    • Staying in my same corporate job isn’t fulfilling and I am ready for more

    If this is you, reach out to Jackie at jackie@therestingmind to schedule a time to talk about how we can help you reach your professional goals.

    Things we cover in this episode:

    • Research shows that women, starting from the time they are girls, have a confidence gap
    • There are fewer seats at the table for women, which creates a scarcity mindset
      • In 2020 there were only 21% of women versus 66% of white men in C-Suite roles (MCKinsey/LeanIn)
    • Why harnessing your own authentic energy be in “masculine” or “feminine” is much more effective than being something you’re not
    • Looking at bosses and leaders as individuals, not as a collective
    • Why we are so much more together when we lift each other up and collaborate

    Featured on the Show:

    The Confidence Code, The Science and Art of Self-Assurance

    Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Start-Up

    The Confidence Gap, The Atlantic

    Are you part of the Just Gen X Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    The Great Resignation

    In April 2020, the United States lost 20.5 million jobs, the highest monthly job loss on record. Fast forward this crazy year and in April, 2021 4 million people resigned from their jobs, which is the biggest spike on record.

    What does this mean for Gen X women? Are we opening the door for a bigger gap in opportunities and pay for women? OR is it the opportunity we’ve been waiting for?

    In this week’s episode we talk about it all.

    The secret to professional success?

    You must, must, MUST know what makes you different from all the rest and articulate it in a way that makes you stand out and be memorable.

    That’s why we’ve created the Brand of You Creative Brief.

    It’s your FREE guide to developing your personal brand and learning how to share it with the world.

    Download it here:

    Things we cover in this episode:

    • Out of 1,000 US adults polled in a Morning Consult survey in May, 39% said they’d consider quitting if their bosses weren’t flexible about them working from home. For Millennials and Gen Z (adults born after 1980), it was 49%.

    • Driving this point home more is that in another poll by Bankrate’s August 2021 Job Seeker Survey 77% of Gen Z and 63% of Millennials said they planned to look for a new job in the next year -- this is compared to 45% of Gen Xers.

    • Companies are going to struggle to find talent and retain it -- Gen X known for loyalty and want stability -- according to a 2018 CNBC article Gen X leaders are expected to take on heavy workloads and that they remain loyal employees. Only 37% think about leaving to advance their careers, this is 5 percentage points lower than millennials.

    • Women have a hard enough time defining their skills and true value to corporations when we’ve moved from job to job. What happens when there's a gap? If we decide to go back to corporate America will it shift the power to the hiring organization, lowering our pay and our title?

    • Will we be able to get back in or make the corporate headway we need if there are fewer of us in there? Are we giving organizations the excuse to create an even greater gender wage gap? So many questions to ponder.

    • It’s important to brand yourself, build your confidence and be ready for opportunities

    Featured on the Show:

    Generation X Not Millennials Is Changing the Nature of Work

    Episode 21: LinkedIn, Resumes and Upping Your Game.

    Episode 39: The chicken and egg of confidence

    Episode 68: 7 Habits for Career Acceleration

    Are you part of the Just Gen X Facebook Community? Join Us Here

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    When is it Time to Pivot?

    Have you ever found yourself in a place that doesn’t feel right? Do you hold onto things like the career you’ve chosen because you feel like you HAVE to? Or maybe something in your business feels a little off and it needs to change.

    Instead of feeling like you need to deal with it, why not pivot, it can be the key to your next step.

    Are you struggling to meet your goals?
    You can start changing the way you think today and become one of the 8% of people who create new habits, reach their goals, and meet their intentions.

    Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    You’ll get the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life.

    Download it here

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How pivoting is different and less drastic than changing
    • Why you can pivot in corporate, business, and even in your life
    • How pivoting can help you get clear on your goals, especially if you’re not sure what’s next
    • Questions to ask yourself when pivoting

    Featured on the Show:

    The Lean Start Up by Eric Reis

    Are you part of the Just Gen X Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Intentional, Purposeful, Deliberate, What Do You Want Next?

    LOOK OUT! Watch out for the…!!! This is how many of us live our lives. On complete autopilot, putting our car into drive and just going, without any specific destination in mind. You may think, ‘Hey! Wait a minute! I’m heading to work. I’m making doctor’s appointments. I’m being a great mom.” Yes, to all of this. But are you truly intentionally, purposely and deliberately deciding what it is you want in your life?

    This week, we’re talking all about living with an intention, declaring what it is you want and then being purposeful and deliberate on exactly how to get there.

    Are you struggling to meet your goals?
    You can start changing the way you think today and become one of the 8% of people who create new habits, reach their goals, and meet their intentions.

    Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    You’ll get the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life.

    Download it here:

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • Why you need to get intentional
    • That you have more control over your life than you think
    • How to make choices that support what you want
    • The 5 steps to living with more intention

    Want to Live More Intentionally? Grab a journal and ask yourself these questions.
    Explore: How do these questions make me feel? What am I afraid to uncover? What feels lighter, more exciting?

    Be Curious: Where can I challenge my beliefs. What small things/big things make me tick?

    Write each of these questions and answer them once a day for the next five days.

  • Decide what’s important to you
  • Decide if you’ve been doing things because you’ve always done it or because you want to do it
  • Decide what you want to do next
  • Examine where you are mindlessly escaping reality
  • Use awareness to bring yourself back to the present moment
  • Featured on the Show:

    The Cru

    Are you part of the Just Gen X Facebook Community?

    Join the amazing group of amazing Gen X women, just like you, where we’re talking business, career and life. Click here to join.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: Intake vs. Activate

    This week, we're bringing back on of our most highly regarded episodes, Intake vs. Activate.
    Perfect timing for going back to it this fall.

    We are firm believers in being well-informed. Whether it's a smaller decision like buying a refrigerator or a bigger decision like switching careers, the process of investigating, researching and gathering of information is critical to making the right choices. Heck, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if garnering insights to improve your life or your career wasn’t important to you. We love your love of learning.

    Unfortunately, too many people get caught in the intake loop. They are what I would call an information hoarder, piling it up just in case but never actually doing anything with it.

    In this episode, we’re going to share with you how to go from one who just takes information in to one who produces and activates on it.

    Here’s how to take the leap from Intake (learn) to Activate (output):

    • Decide on what it is you want to achieve and don’t be all wishy-washy about it.
    • Use the 8% rule and take a small step.
    • Remember the equation, discomfort = growth.
    • Be the athlete. Isn’t it a more rewarding feeling to be in the game than just a spectator?
    • Don’t do any more intake until you activate.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Stitcher

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 01 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Best of: The 5P's of Success

    This week, we're sharing the Best of Make Your Life Magnificent.
    The 5P's of Success
    You start with the best intentions, you want to be more confident, so you take an online course on confidence yet you still question all of your decisions.

    You’re ready for a career transition, so you read dozens of blogs about how and yet, six months later you’re sitting at the same desk without even your resume updated.

    Some call this a personal-devel-aholic. Others may say best-laid plans are unfulfilled.

    In episode 33, we dove into intake vs. activate. In this week’s episode, we are starring change and personal development right in the face and giving you the 5 P’s to you can get to success.

    Why self-improvement is important:

  • It makes us become self-aware. Self-improvement cannot happen without awareness. Increased awareness literally unlocks our ability to grow.
  • We become aware of our own limiting beliefs
  • We become commitment when we have awareness of our Why
  • The more we take ourselves off of autopilot and make conscious decisions in alignment with our goals, the more overall success we will have.

    95% of our day is spent on autopilot -- so we need to make sure that we are actively taking ourselves off of autopilot and optimizing our autopilot aka subconscious so that we get the best results.

    What Personal Development Isn’t

    Personal development is not akin to learning about history, where you can read to understand.

    Instead, personal development is more in line with playing an instrument, it needs to be experienced, it is active learning.

    The 5P's of Success

    Precision: The first step in personal development is precision, understanding, and pinpointing exactly what you want to work on and be as specific as possible.

    Planning: You cannot dive right into what you want to achieve. You need to consider what the process will look like. When is the best timing to start? What bumps will you hit in the road? How am I going to be challenged along the way?

    Practice: Just like learning a new instrument, you need to put into practice the concepts and tools that will facilitate the results you are looking to achieve. This has to be done daily, which is why planning ahead of time is so critical. Personal development is absorbed by doing, not by reading.

    Persistence: It takes approximately 21 days to form a habit, which means, within the first three weeks, you will have to stay dedicated and persistent to see your development through.

    Patience: You will not see change overnight, or within a few days, it isn’t realistic. Here is where you must trust yourself and trust the process.

    Limited Spots: Group Coaching Program:
    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Save your spot here.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 25 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Back to Fall Organizational Hacks

    No matter how many years you’ve been out of school, Fall always feels like a fresh start. It’s such a great feeling until things get super busy and we wish we long for the days of Summer vacation!

    In this week’s Summer Shorts, Mimi is going to talk about her favorite thing -- how to get organized -- and give you some of her favorite hacks to keep the fresh fall feeling all year long!

    • Use a calendar -- people are fans of to-do lists -- but lists can get long and unwieldy fast. Putting things on a calendar and even better assigning a day and TIME to do it gets you clear on what to do when and how long it will actually take to do it.

      I especially love Google calendar because you can access it on your phone, set up different calendars that you can share with others, color code it and easily move things around.

      You can also include notes and attachments in your calendar invite getting you super organized and Google calendar has a task function built right in so you can have a to-do list alongside of your calendar.

    • Know what you can do and what you can’t --- don’t over-commit. This is the downfall of so many of us -- even if it feels like something you want to do -- give yourself 24 hours to think about it. Something that sounds like a great idea in the moment, may not feel so great in the morning!

    • Use the power of routines -- make a grocery list on the same day every week, do laundry the same day -- this allows you to stay on top of things and systemize so things don’t get piled up. For example, I love a finance Friday --- pay your bills and balance your accounts. Doing this once a week makes it much less daunting and saves lots of time!

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    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 18 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Manifestation

    Have you ever thought of something only to have it come to fruition a few days later? What about thinking about a friend you hadn’t contacted in a while and then you hear ‘ding’ and she sends you a text? You may think all of these things are coincidences, but instead, what if you looked at this through the lens of energy and manifestation?

    We are all made of energy and we can create the world we want to exist in. In this summer short, we’re going to explore manifestation and give you a few new ways to start.

    How to Manifest

    • Be specific on what you want, give it as much detail as possible
    • Write it down, putting pen to paper helps our brains recognize it’s something you are serious about and want to acquire in your life.
    • Envision yourself already there, place yourself in the space where you’ve achieved what you’re trying to already, how do you feel, show up, act.
    • Add a by when date. Putting concepts out in the world without a by when gives the ‘universe’ cart blanch to create its own timeline
    • Acknowledge any disbelief or self-doubt
    • Be thankful for all that you have and practice gratitude for where you are because it opens up our energy to accept what else we want
    • Let it go. You’ve asked, you’ve planned, you’ve taken steps, now let it go

    E-Squared Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality Book

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    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 11 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Regrets

    We are smack dab in the middle of midlife and for many of us, this is the time where the regrets start creeping up and creeping in. It’s part of life, looking back at the choices you made, the chances you didn’t take and the decisions that led you to here. It’s human nature. This week we’re digging into regrets.

  • We all make choices and they aren’t always the right ones. We make the best choice for where we are and using the information we know. If we can show ourselves kindness, the regrets can dissipate.

  • Put it into perspective. Are you regretting a decision you made when you were 30? Why are you holding onto something that is 10, 15 or even 20 years old? What is the benefit of this? We cannot change our past so let’s look at how you can create your future.

  • Start having new experiences. These new experiences can help you let go of what isn’t because you become so happy for what is.

  • Be grateful, look at every choice that led you here. Were they really all that bad?

  • Join a community of Gen X women just like you!
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Are you a coach, consultant, or solopreneur who is trying to find clients?

    Download your free copy of 7 Secrets to Finding Your Next 5 Clients. Get the inside scoop on how to get clients and make money without wasting your time.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 04 Aug 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Quotes We Live By

    Go to Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest and you’ll see no shortage of quotes to help get you inspired. Today we’re sharing some of the quotes that speak to us, get us motivated and keep us going.

    “Life is very short. Insecurity is a waste of time” — DVF

    “Buddha Says… don’t be a dick.”

    “Never, never, never give up” — Winston Churchill

    You can achieve what you want in life with discipline, imagination and the confidence to know that anything is possible.- Carolina Herrera

    “What lies before you and what lies behind you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    “Noone can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt

    “I’m a new day rising, I’m a brand new sky to hang the stars upon tonight.” - Foo Fighter|Times Like These

    “Every day, in every way I’m getting better and better.”—Unknown

    “She who wears too many hats can’t fit through the door.”—Jackie Ghedine

    “It’s your responsibility to demand your worth.”—Jackie Ghedine

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you!
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Jul 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: I Won't Wear Shorts and Other Body Image Issues

    Ahhhh…. Summer, time to kick back and relax by the pool. Oh wait! You may be thinking you’ve got to be kidding. Being in a bathing suit in front of people is my worst nightmare!

    I get it, I (Mimi) don’t even own a pair of shorts. In this week’s episode we talk about why we are still letting our body image get in the way of having a good time.

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    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    We talked about the Fiction Flower on The Today Show with Hoda and Jenna. Watch it here.

    Email Jackie at to get your copy of the Fiction Flower.


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Jul 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: You're an Apple Tree

    In today’s world, we focus so much on progress, getting things done and all of it instantly. We want to see the fruits of our labor… literally. However, what we need to recognize is how the fruit, while wonderful, delicious and a very rewarding outcome, isn’t quite all there is in growth.

  • When we are attached to only the outcome, we never recognize how much we grow, regardless.

  • Apple trees only produce fruit for a short period of time every single year, but does the apple tree stop growing?

  • Apple Trees take 2-7 years to produce fruit.
  • Dedicated to the process, having patience for the growth
  • It takes years for their roots to be established and years to even see leaves on the branches
  • Pineapples take anywhere from 16-24 months and it only produces one pineapple
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    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    8% Rule of Transformation: Your free guide for getting out a rut and getting the results you're looking for in career, business or life.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Tue, 13 Jul 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Opening Up with Jackie

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week Mimi + I (Jackie + I) talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    Today, I am opening up and talking about some of the things that have been my greatest challenges, greatest teacher, how it’s gotten me where I am today and where I want to go next.

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you!
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Each decision, choice and moment lead you where you are and where you’re meant to be.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Jul 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Shame

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week we talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    Shame is an emotion we keep locked inside of us. It’s like a weighted blanket that keeps us feeling heavy and it becomes hard for us to move. It’s our deep, dark secret, the place we go when we are alone after we’ve put on our external happy smile for the world.

    Do you know the definition of shame? Shame is a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. When you hear it said like this, does it make you at least question your feelings of shame? We hope so.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking all about shame.

    - If you're feeling shame, you aren't alone, in fact, it's a common emotion
    - How to address those feelings and eliminate them
    - How to love yourself

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you !
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Are you a coach, consultant, or solopreneur who is trying to find clients?

    Download your free copy of 7 Secrets to Finding Your Next 5 Clients. Get the inside scoop on how to get clients and make money without wasting your time.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 30 Jun 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Opening Up with Mimi

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week Mimi + I (Jackie + I) talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    Today, Mimi’s opening up and talking about some of the things that have been my greatest challenges, greatest teacher, how it’s gotten me where I am today and where I want to go next.

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you!
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business + life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Jun 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Summer Shorts: Analogies

    Welcome to our Summer Shorts Series where each week Mimi + I (Jackie + I) talk off the cuff about a single idea, quote, concept, inspiration or current event.

    When I say “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get,“ something very interesting happens, our brain is able to categorize what you are saying and decipher it and hold onto it much easier. It is a killer strategy for making any point in your life, career or business.

    We’re kicking off our Summer Shorts with my love for analogies.

    Building your own business is much harder than advertised.
    Go from being frustrated, overwhelmed and underpaid hustler to strategic, confident, money-making entrepreneur. Get on the waitlist for
    The Entrepreneur Academy.

    This is our group program where you will give you everything you need to get your business going including how and where to find clients, how to talk to them without getting tongue-tied, your step-by-step marketing playbook and more.

    We start June 28th. Put your name on the waitlist to be the first to get the details.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • Why analogies are powerful
    • The brain science behind using analogies to get people to remember things better...especially YOU!
    • Statistics show people remember only 10% of what they hear, use analogies to make sure they remember what you want

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you !
    Our Facebook Community is growing incredibly! With over 1,300 members, we cover every topic Gen X women are facing, especially in career and as entrepreneurs.

    If you haven’t already joined, what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Join the Just Gen X Facebook Community!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Jun 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Fits & Starts: Why We Quit

    You are determined to keep up with your exercise routine and start off strong, working out 5 days a week, crushing your runs, and slowly, it starts to peter out.

    Maybe you launch a side-hustle you’ve been thinking about for years. YOu create a logo, a website, and write a few blogs, hell, you even start telling people. Then you get caught up in your full-time job or other responsibilities and the side hustle turns more like the slow waltz to nowhere.

    This week, we are digging into this phenomenon, you know, the one where people don’t finish what they start, and we’re going to give you clear strategies so you don’t give up...or better yet, don’t start what you really don’t want.

    Join a community of Gen X women just like you !

    If you haven’t already joined, Just Gen X Talking Business, Career + Life what are you waiting for? You get lots more of this...Jackie + Mimi Shenanigans and live coaching, free guides to help you with your career, business and life and incredible support from other fabulously real Gen X Women.

    Starting something new is like falling in love...then the newness fades...

    In this episode you’ll learn strategies to keep going including:

    What’s really going on when you start and want to quit

    • It’s harder than we imagined
    • It takes longer than we imagined
    • The novelty of the newness starts to fade
    • The pull to complete it isn’t as exciting as the new idea about starting it
    • The finish seems SO DARN far away we can’t even consider finishing it, ugh, what was I thinking
    • We get the shiny red ball syndrome and get attracted to the new hot guy who’s cleaning our pool.

    Strategies to finish what you start:

    • Taking purposeful breaks so that you don’t burn out
    • Budgeting your time
    • Being honest with yourself, do you really want this in the first place?
    • Why aligning with your Absolute Why makes a difference
    • How done is better than perfect
    • Choose only one big commitment and change at a time

    Featured on the Show:

    How to Achieve Your Goals—It’s Easy! (blog post)

    5 Ways Striving for Perfection is Flawed (blog post)

    8% Rule of Transformation (free resource)

    Building a business doesn't have to be this hard!

    Do you want to go from an underpaid, overwhelmed hustler to a confident, money-making entrepreneur?
    If you said YES we know how you feel. Many of our clients struggle with making this shift which is why we created The Entrepreneur Academy. Our 12-week group coaching program where we (yes we, two certified coaches) work with you in a small intimate setting to build your business and get you to profitable.

    You can save your seat here OR because we aren't like those other guys, you know, the big gurus who want to take your money, if you think this could be for you, email to schedule your 15-minute consultation


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Why is Talking About Ourselves So Darn Hard?

    You may have been raised with the idea that talking about yourself -- or even worse bragging about yourself -- is rude and that people will think less of you.

    So you avoid it, feel uncomfortable when you do it and find yourself fumbling and mumbling.

    Talking about our accomplishments, knowing and articulating our worth makes a tremendous difference in the business world. Whether you have your own business or are in a career, we, as women, need to get more comfortable clearly sharing our successes and standing in the spotlight. Being in the spotlight isn’t about attention, it’s about deserved recognition.

    In this episode we’re talking about why talking about ourselves is something we need to get used to and how to become more comfortable doing it.

    WE KNOW: Building your own business is much harder than advertised.
    Are you ready to go from being a frustrated, overwhelmed and underpaid hustler to a strategic, confident, money-making entrepreneur? Get on the waitlist for The Entrepreneur Academy.

    12-week group program with BOTH Jackie + Mimi providing you with everything from nailing your elevator pitch and where to find clients to your very own step-by-step marketing roadmap and how to convert your consults to sales.

    We start on June 28th. Put your name on the waitlist to be the first to get the details.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How to use enthusiasm for what you do to propel you talk about yourself, it’s sharing with excitement versus talking with discomfort
    • Tips to get over your fear of judgment -
      • "Being judged isn't a reflection of you, it's a reflection of them."
      • "Tea isn't even everyone's cup of tea."
    • Why using jargon to make you sound like an expert doesn’t work, speak in plain English instead!
    • The difference between bragging versus confidently talking about yourself - you aren't bragging if you are sharing your wins and your successes
    • How finding your people or cohort can help empower you to be a strong, successful woman - Research shows how much more successful high-achieving women are when they surround themselves with a group of high-achieving women

    Featured on the Show:

    Clubhouse, Hey Girl, You Can

    Jackie + Mimi on The Today Show with Hoda + Jenna

    Is Envy Feuling You or Damaging You? (podcast)

    What’s Luck Got to Do with It? (podcast)

    Simply Say Thank You (podcast)

    Join our Facebook Community: Just Gen X Talking Business, Career + Life to get incredible support. This community is for Gen X women, by Gen X women.

    Are you a coach, consultant or solopreneur who is trying to find clients?

    Get the inside scoop on how to get clients and make money without wasting your time.

    7 Secrets to Finding Your Next 5 Clients.
    Get the Secrets Here.


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Jun 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    7 Secrets to Getting Your Next 5 Clients

    You started a business because you want to do something you love. Maybe you’re a coach, copywriter, graphic designer, social media expert and you’re amazing at it.

    The only problem is it’s hard to get clients. They come in here and there but not enough to pay the bills and live the dream

    In this week’s episode, we’re giving you 7 secrets to getting clients consistently. If you do just 2-3 of these things on the regular, you will get consistent clients.

    Building your own business is much harder than advertised.
    Go from being frustrated, overwhelmed and underpaid hustler to strategic, confident, money-making entrepreneur. Get on the waitlist for The Entrepreneur Academy.

    This is our group program where you will give you everything you need to get your business going including how and where to find clients, how to talk to them without getting tongue-tied, your step-by-step marketing playbook and more.

    We start June 28th. Put your name on the waitlist to be the first to get the details.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • How becoming the social Sally in a Facebook group can get you clients
    • The skinny on Clubhouse
    • How to nurture your network
    • Finding a women’s networking group that aligns with your core values
    • Using sites like Upwork, Thumbtack, Better Now,, Noomi and
    • Writing guest blog posts and articles for relevant websites
    • Getting involved in Industry + Alumni associations

    Featured on the Show:

    Clubhouse, Hey Girl, You Can

    The Family Dot Connector

    The Cru

    Dreamers // Doers

    The One Thing I Wish I Knew Before Starting a Business , Business Insider

    How Being Different Helped These 14 Entrepreneurs, Business Insider

    Jackie + Mimi on The Today Show with Hoda + Jenna

    Are you a coach, consultant or solopreneur who is trying to find clients?

    Get the inside scoop on how to get clients and make money without wasting your time.

    7 Secrets to Finding Your Next 5 Clients.
    Get the Secrets Here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 May 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Is Envy Fueling You or Damaging You?

    Your friend just lost 14 lbs and looks even more beautiful than before. Your colleague wins an award at work for being the super contributor. The woman who was in your coaching classes launched her business and is killing it within the first year.

    We are surrounded by other people’s successes. I guarantee if I asked you if you were envious in any of these situations, you would say, ‘no.’

    Why? Not because you aren’t feeling envious but because it is an emotion we keep close and don’t share yet it’s felt by many.

    In this episode, we are going to be breaking down the green-eyed monster and maybe, just maybe, turning him into our furry little friend.

    Are you a coach, consultant, or solopreneur who is trying to find clients? Get the inside scoop on how to get clients and make money without wasting your time. 7 Secrets to Finding Your Next 5 Clients. Get the Secrets Here.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • The difference between envy versus jealousy
    • What envy does to your brain
      • The way you respond to someone's good fortune can directly result in what's happening in your brain. Did you know the pain center of your brain lights up when other's are successful?
      • On the contrary, our brains release dopamine when we see misfortune happen to people (celebrity downward spiral obsessions are real)
    • How envy fuels other emotions
      • Envy is co-morbid with other emotions, coupled with anger, frustration, sadness, disappointment, embarrassment so managing the emotions before they get bigger is critical when envy arises.
    • Why you need to process your envy
    • How you can use envy as a clue to what you do want in life
      • Can it propel you to achieve?
      • Or wallow in your state in life?

    Featured on the Show:

    Embarrassment, Psychology Today

    On Differentiating Embarrassment From Shame, European Journal of Social Psychology

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 May 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Putting Yourself First, Without Guilt

    We absolutely have to be responsible for managing our own health, period. It’s obvious how no one will push us to slow down, not take on another task or say no.

    Instead, the demands around us will keep impeding on us, chipping away at an energy we may have reserved for ourselves.

    We know you hear so much about self-care, probably too much. Our fear is that women will become numb to this reminder and begin to tune it out altogether. We absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, must move our own health needs to the top of the list.

    We polled over 1200 women in our amazing Facebook Community: Just Gen X Talking Business, Career + Life with Bold + Brave women about their self-care habits, feelings and practices. Today, we’re going to share their thoughts and ideas along with a few of our own.

    Are you a part of our Facebook Community? If not, don’t wait! Meet other brave and bold Gen X ladies like you who are talking about all things business, career and life.

    Join us at Just Gen X: Talking business, career + life with brave + bold women.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • Why self care is especially hard for Gen X women
    • How self-talk can take you down
    • Why processing and feeling your emotions is a big piece of taking care of yourself
    • Some of the best selfcare tips shared by the terrific women in our Facebook Community

    What self-care isn't:

    • Reaching for the glass of wine (or three) every night
    • Binge eating
    • Shopping to. make yourself feel better
    • Keeping yourself busy so you don't feel what's really going on
    • Scrolling through social media every down second you have

    Want some great Self-Care Ideas? Check out Samantha Dazey's Self-Care List Here

    Featured on the Show:

    Episode 66: Am I Drinking Too Much with Veronica Valli

    Episode 62: Busy Isn’t a Badge of Honor

    Episode 16: Watch Your Mouth! The Power of Language

    Dr. Joe Dispenza Walking Meditation

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 May 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    How to Trust Yourself and Stop Overthinking with Melody Wilding

    Are you one of those ladies who find themselves a little emotional at work? Maybe some would even say over-sensitive? We understand and we know exactly what that’s like. Did you know there is actually a percentage of women and men that have a gene that makes you more sensitive? I didn’t.

    Today’s guest, Melody Wilding, author of the new book Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions for Success at Work is going to talk all about that and so much more.

    Melody Wilding, is an executive coach for smart, sensitive high-achievers and author of TRUST YOURSELF: STOP OVERTHINKING AND CHANNEL YOUR EMOTIONS FOR SUCCESS AT WORK.

    Recently named one of Business Insider’s Most Innovative Coaches for her groundbreaking work on “Sensitive Strivers”, her clients include CEOs, C-level executives, and managers at top Fortune 500 companies such as Google, HP, Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, IBM, Citibank, JP Morgan, and others.

    Melody has been featured on The New York Times, The Oprah Magazine, NBC News, and spoken at Stanford University, Walmart, Adweek, Burberry and more. She’s here to help you break free from self-doubt and imposter syndrome so you can use your sensitivity as the superpower that it is.

    Strive Qualities to detect if you’re a Sensitive Striver:
    Sensitivity: Heightened response to situations
    Thoughtfulness: Highly reflective, self-aware and intuitive
    Responsibility: Never let people down, dependable, hard-working people pleaser
    Inner Drive: Look to exceed expectations in every aspect of life
    Vigilance: Always on high alert, attune to changes, highly observant
    Emotionality: Sincere and empathetic, feeling things with complex emotions attached

    We, as humans, need to process. We need time to think and absorb what we are intaking around us and yet we find ourselves running from task to task. Sit with what you are learning or doing and decide what you want to take from it instead of running to the next task.

    Physiological ways calm your central nervous system when stressed:
    Box Breathing:
    Breath in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, breath out for 4 seconds, hold the exhale for 4 seconds.

    THINK Technique: Targeting thoughts behind the emotions.
    rue: Is your thought true, do you have evidence or is this an opinion
    Helpful: Move towards my goals
    Inspiring: Does it move me positively
    Necessary: Is it important that I focus on this right now?
    Kind: Is it kind or is it harmful


    Melody Wilding’s Book:


    Get Unstuck: Instead of waking up every day feeling unfulfilled and thinking, “I should make this change,” take this one action to start you on the right path. Do you want to understand why you are stuck and then get the framework to get unstuck? Download our online course Get Unstuck so your tomorrow can look different than today. Don’t wait. Just $29.

    Why I was Crying in the Middle of the Night

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 May 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Can't Beat Business Books (Must Reads!)

    There is so much incredible content out there, you could spend days, weeks, years ingesting all of the professional development books and there’s still more to consume. Sometimes, books start to blend, blur, and sound alike, mixing concepts and ideas.

    But everyone once in a while you read THAT book, you know, the one that changes everything you think or believe and propels you to deliver and act on its empowering, smart, insightful nature.

    In this week’s episode, we are sharing with you the books that CHANGED us and why.

    Join our amazing Facebook Community, Just Gen X: Talking Business, Career + Life

    Overwhelmed and confused building your online business? Download 3 Keys to Take Your Biz From Stalled to Profitable: Your Activation Plan.

    We’ll help you clearly identify your ideal customer, strategize on where they are and how to communicate to them, and then build your foundation for engagement.

    Download your FREE copy here:

    You’ll learn:

    • Why you need to get the right people on the bus and why it's so important
    • The Hedgehog Effect:—focus on what you’re good at and be very systematic in your approach and compound it.
    • Presence really shifts your energy and allows you to tap into source energy. Bring yourself back from subconscious state to conscious state to ensure you are making decisions that align with your goals.
    • People are living an illusion based on someone else’s beliefs or past experiences of the stories we tell ourselves.
    • Insights occur much more frequently the more relaxed and happy we are. If you want to solve a problem or get through a situation, get calm, let go and relax.
    • Why you can’t do it all and it doesn’t have to be perfect.
    • You have to know what you want in the big picture and then align your day-to-day accordingly.

    Featured on the Show:

    Good to Great by Jim Collins

    Your Brain at Work by David Rock

    You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

    Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu

    Breaking the Habit of Being You by Joe DIspenza

    Dr. Joe Dispenza Walking Meditation

    The Cru

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast /

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Apr 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    7 Habits to Accelerate Your Career

    Gen Ladies, you know her, the woman who is a superstar at work. She gets the plumb assignments, the seat at the table, the promotion, and money.

    You’re happy for her because you know she deserves it. Heck you’re inspired by her and you’d love to be in her shoes… but you can’t seem to figure out how she’s done it.

    In today’s episode, we’re giving you the inside scoop on the 7 Habits for Career Acceleration.

    Speaking of accelerating your career, if you’re someone who is super motivated, driven, and still excited about your career but not clear on what’s next or how to tackle the next big challenge we are inviting you to the Accelerate Your Career Mastermind.

    The investment is $699 -- don’t wait because we start on Monday, April 24th. Enroll here.

    The 7 Habits include:

    HABIT 1:
    Knowing and declaring what you want instead of letting your career unfold for you

    HABIT 2: Making sure to understand and align with your boss’s expectations and your organizations’ expectations : Ask the right questions and know the metrics your success will be judged on

    HABIT 3: Setting boundaries, prioritizing, knowing what’s important vs. urgent: The workhorse doesn't get promoted. Saying no shows your leadership and ability to prioritize

    HABIT 4: Being a problem solver not a problem panicked Stay calm, get solutions-focused and don't add to the worry

    HABIT 5: Making progress over perfection: Know what to spend your time on and when to let go. Don't let obsession stall your action

    HABIT 6: Regularly building and nurturing your networking: Don't wait until you're looking for a job, stay connected with people, help them anyway you can, they'll return the favor

    HABIT 7: Keeping a personal notebook and file of your accomplishments: Our brains only remember the most negative, the one thing we didn't do. Keep running track of all you do for this job, future careers and just yourself. You deserve it.

    Ladies, none of this is possible without remembering to include time to recharge your battery. As Gen X women our needs tend to come last. The thread of self-care needs to weave through everything.

    Featured on the Show:

    Four Signs Your Expectations are Too High (blog post)

    What Self Care Is and Isn’t (blog post)

    Perfectionism Almost Took Us Down (blog post)

    Urgency, You’re Making the Wrong Thing an Emergency (podcast)

    Perfectionism Pitfalls (podcast)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podca

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Apr 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Know Your Worth...Then Own It

    Join our FREE masterclass on negotiating just for you it is happening on April 15th at 2 p.m. EST. It’s going to change the way you see and think about negotiating. Save your spot here.

    We start the interview process with an eye towards the outcome...getting the job. Instead of heading into the first conversation asking about salary, we go through three rounds before we even bring it up yet our male counterparts are 75% more likely to ask in the first interview.

    We, as Gen X women, need to be empowered with knowing our worth and step boldly into our voice so we can articulate it.

    In this episode, we’re talking all about how to do just that.

    We asked over 1200 women in our Facebook Community, Just Gen X Talking Business Career + Life about their feelings around negotiating—the results were overwhelmingly negative!

    That is not okay because we as women need to know and know how to articulate our worth and stand up for it regardless if you are negotiating a promotion, a salary increase, or support for you to do your job. If you own a business you absolutely have to negotiate your worth with clients and with vendors.

    “We need to be able to own our worth, know our worth, identify it and really be able to share it with the world. And do so without feeling cringy.” Jackie Ghedine

    “It’s not that we need to learn to over ask but instead to just ask what we are worth” Mimi Bishop

    “Knowing your worth is knowing when you’ve had enough.”

    “Your superpower, truly is your uniqueness. You being you.”

    In this episode, Knowing Your Self Worth, you’ll learn:

    • How to outline your worth and amazingness
    • Why as a business owner you shouldn’t give too much away for free
    • How stacking up your accomplishments in a notebook gets your brain to buy-in
    • How you can figure out the market’s worth of you : Don’t lose sight of your value

    Featured on the Show:

    FREE WEBINAR: Sign Up Here for the Negotiation Webinar happening on April 15 at 2PM EST

    Join our Facebook Community: Just Gen X Talking Business, Career + Life with Bold and Brave Women

    Blog: Unapologetically Ambitious

    Podcast: The Chicken and Egg of Confidence

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 14 Apr 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Am I Drinking Too Much with Veronica Valli

    Wine time! Mommy wine club! Sounds like fun…. Until it isn’t. We know that more and more Gen X women are drinking more to cope and this was before the pandemic.

    If you suspect your drinking is more than, you are not alone. In today’s episode, we’re talking to Veronica Valli is a psychotherapist, recovery coach, level two EFT (emotional freedom technique) practitioner, MASC life coach, author of books Why You Drink and How to Stop and Get Sober Get Free, Author of upcoming book ‘Soberful’ and cohost of the Soberful Podcast. She has been in recovery for 20 years and has been working as a recovery coach and therapist for 18 years.

    • Gen X grew up in a latchkey culture that normalized drinking, the lines between social drinking and normal drinking are very blurry for us
    • Veronica’s mission is to make not drinking as socially acceptable as not eating gluten or being a vegetarian
    • You don’t have to have alcohol to feel amazing, you can do all the things and have them be even better
    • Gen X women are so busy checking all the boxes and think that they will be happy when they’ve checked them all off, the only problem is we check them off and are unhappy
    • If your constantly thinking about drinking, thinking about not drinking, drinking or recovering from drinking you have a problem
    • Women are not reaching the extraordinary in their lives because they are spending so much of their energy and bandwidth on their relationship with alcohol

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher


    Why You Drink and How to Stop by Veronica Valli (book)

    Get Sober Get Free by Veronica Valli (book)

    Soberful Podcast

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Wine Moms Explained, The Atlantic (article)

    Free Resources:

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x

    The 8% Rule of Transformation
    Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck, a self-led digital workshop. You'll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process w

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Apr 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    The Science of Productivity

    Gen X ladies, we know how much demand there is on your time, just with your day-to-day life. Forget it when you add in the layer of having a career or building your business to everything. It seems like your to-do list gets longer and your days feel shorter.

    What if we told you you could be working smarter not harder? Yeah, we know what you’re thinking… but stay with us. In today’s episode, we give you some scientifically proven tools so you can get more done.

    Overwhelmed and confused building your online business? Download 3 Keys to Take Your Biz From Stalled to Profitable: Your Activation Plan.

    We’ll help you clearly identify your ideal customer, strategize on where they are and how to communicate to them, and then build your foundation for engagement.

    Download your FREE copy here:

    You’ll Learn:

    • Why doing a brain dump frees up your brain space so that you can get more done
    • The tricks to planning your week and day
    • The power of post-it note planning, colorful and productive
    • How a scarcity mindset around time can make you have less of it
    • How to use Energy Plotting to work with your Ultradian Rhythm
    • How to use our 8% Rule to get stuff done
    • Why multitasking really is a myth!
    • How chewing gum will increase your productivity

    Featured on the Show:

    Social Media and Mental Health with Social Media Expert Tracy Goodheart (podcast)

    Busy isn’t a Badge of Honor (podcast)

    Chewing Gum: Cognitive Performance, Mood, Well-Being and Associated Physiology (article)

    Why We Work Best in 90-Minute Segments (article)

    How Distractions at Work Take Up More Time Than You Think (article)

    Trello (productivity app)

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 31 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Who's Keeping You Stuck?

    Stuck is a term used by so many of us in so many ways but it is a universal feeling of not making progress, not moving forward, not being able to make your tomorrow look different from today.

    What can be frustrating for you is when you know you’re stuck yet somehow you’re unable to make the shift you would like to see for yourself.

    In this episode, we want to talk with you about who is keeping you stuck, yes I said who, because ladies, your growth can trigger so many emotions within others and we want to bring awareness to it and share ideas on how to navigate it.

    Addressing the WHO that’s keeping you stuck will not be easy. It requires an honestly about yourself with the relationships you have and how much control (consciously or subconsciously) you give these other relationships.

    It also ins't about blame. It’s about understanding the people you surround yourselves with, and how they are impacting and influencing your decisions.

    Why your Who keeps you stuck:

    • They are threatened by you.
    • They worry about how your changes will impact their lives
    • They are concerned for your well-being and become overprotective
    • Your progress reflects on their lack of progress and makes them feel bad

    What happens if you decide to get unstuck yet someone really important to you wants to hold you back? Learn how to negotiate with your WHO.

    Outline your negotiation plan:

    • What do you want to ask for?
    • What are you willing to accept as the lowest common denominator?
    • Consider the objections
    • Consider the worries, fears and concerns that can come up
    • Think about how you can create comfort around those concerns

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher


    SAVE THE DATE / April 15th : Free Negotiating Masterclass

    Email Mimi at to save your spot.

    Free Resources:

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x Talking Business, Career + Life with Bold + Brave Women

    The 8% Rule of Transformation
    Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    Get Unstuck The Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital course.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long, and life-changing transformation for $29—the cost of a t-s

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 24 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Braver Than You Think

    Would you consider yourself brave? I bet you would probably respond to that question with a casual, “no,” however when we asked our amazing Facebook Community, Just Gen X: Talking Business, Career +Life with Bold + Brave Women, their stories of being brave were amazing!

    Everything from leaving their corporate career to start their own business, to fighting cancer to skydiving, to divorce. You see, bravery isn’t about not having fear or a constant state of challenging your fears. Instead, bravery is about having courage.

    In this episode, we’re going to talk about chances are you are braver than you think and how your courage has always been inside of you.

    • “Courage is how you live a full life. Science shows women are terrible predictors.” — Jackie Ghedine

    • “Bravely step into your greatness”—Mimi Bishop

    • Our personality traits are part of the equation when we determine how much courage we have, however, the good news is traits only make up 50% of our personality and how we act. The other 50% is made up from past experiences and stories we tell ourselves.

    How to become braver and step into our courage:

    • Think about how we can make uncertain situations a bit more certain. Analyze a situation to consciously recognize what the real risk is.

    • Develop a friendship with fear. Think of fear as the big brother that wants to protect you.

    • Flip your view, fear is giving you FOMO! Think about what you are missing out on because you aren’t being brave.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcast / Sticher


    The Courage Quotient by R. Biswas-Diener

    Articles + Podcasts:

    From Mental Breakdown to Mental Breakthrough (podcast)
    Walking with Fear (podcast)
    Why are we so Afraid of Fear? (blog post)

    Free Resources:

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen X
    The 8% Rule of Transformation

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Free Guide: Get it here.

    Get Unstuck The Course! Only $29 Get it here.
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital course.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of bein

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 17 Mar 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Busy Isn't a Badge of Honor

    When someone asks you how you’re doing, do you always say, “oh, crazy busy?” If so, you aren’t alone.

    There are so many reasons why we answer this way, everything from your mindset and automated response to positioning your status in the group. Maybe there is an undertow of needing significance or maybe you’re just the type of person who takes on a lot and just likes to share all that’s going on. Whatever drives your need to wear busy as a badge we’re going to dive into it.

    In this episode, we’re going to take a look at why you’re really always so busy and show you that your life doesn’t always have to feel like you’re on the busy express.

    • Society puts value and worth on being busy. A study by HBR shows people wearing a Bluetooth hands-free earpiece were considered a higher standard than those wearing headphones.
    • Busy is an addiction, we’ve wired our brains to believe the busier we are the more successful we are.
    • Busy can cover the truth of how we are really feeling. The busier we are the more we can pretend life is great.
    • We have become a distracted generation. While our to-do lists aren’t any longer, the amount of concentration-time we can spend at once is VERY short.

    Tips to break the busy habit:

    • Learn to pass the torch of being the one that everyone goes to for the answers
    • Create a distraction-less environment, close social media, turn off alerts and your phone, close the door
    • Think beyond your to-do list -- focus on what you are working on right in this moment.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher


    Articles + Podcasts:

    Why Americans are so Impressed by Business, HBR (article)

    Multi-Tasking Isn’t Making You More Efficient (article)

    Conspicuous Consumption of Time: When Busyness and Lack of Leisure Time Become a Status Symbol (article)

    Watch Your Mouth! The Power of Language (podcast)

    Take a Break Get More Done (blog post)

    Free Resources:

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The 8% Rule of Transformation
    Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 Mar 2021 00:00:00 -0500
    Gen X Mindtraps: Unraveling Years of Generational Brainwashing

    We are born a blank slate, a clean notebook with tremendous opportunity to write our story. Yet, our story isn’t really written by us. We transform based on the experiences that happen to us and around us and we carry those truths into adulthood and hold onto them as if they are our own.

    In this episode, we are exploring how being a Gen Xer and how we grew up plays a tremendous role in who we are today. We want to uncover the thoughts and beliefs and talk through how to unravel those that aren’t working for you.

    Latchkey Kid made us:

    • Fiercely independent generation
    • Have more guilt around being a mom and being there, alongside, almost babying our children


    • It’s ok to ask for help
    • Your kids are ok

    Financial insecurity, not as much wealth made us:

    • Want to save money yet have had more setbacks and recessions
    • Workhorses in the background and fraid to rock the boat
    • Push to the highest of expectations, wanting us to do more, grown more and be more


    • Making purchase decisions from a scarcity point of view or mindset
    • Automatically buying on credit thinking we need it now and this is the only way we’ll be able to afford it
    • Feeling like we have to overwork to do a good job and prove our worth

    Parents who were at their jobs for a very long time made us:

    • Think we need stability, staying in jobs longer, not asking for promotions


    • Ask for a promotion! I used to think that if I worked hard I’d be noticed… not true!
    • Consider that stability is an illusion -- being at a job for a long time doesn’t mean you’ll retire from it

    Thinking we could have it all made us:

    • Confuse having it all with doing it all to maintain it all
    • Live up to the expectations of others or creating unrealistic expectations for ourselves
    • Push to be successful, financially secure, and stable over happy


    • Remember we are worthy and good enough just as we are -- we don’t have to and can’t spin all the plates at once
    • Explore what WE want -- not what everyone else thinks we should want or do


    • Be aware of what stability looks like for you
    • Be honest about what it is that you want

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher


    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Have it All Myth (podcast)
    Gen X and Our Money Mess (blog post)
    Balance is Bullsh*t (blog post)

    Free Resources:
    Join Our Facebook Group: Just Gen X: Talking Business, Career + Life with Brave + Bold Women
    Guide: Saying No, Even When Your Inner Gen Xer Wants to Say Yes.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Thu, 25 Feb 2021 03:00:00 -0500
    Chase Away the Monday Blues

    The alarm goes off and you think, 'Ugh, I just can't."

    You go through your morning like a zombie and tense up just thinking about walking into the office and starting all over again, looking ahead to Friday.

    If you're feeling this way, something's got to give. And it may not have to be your job.

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking about those Monday Blues and digging into how much the circumstances versus your mindset have to do with your approach to the week.

    How to Reprogram the Monday Blues:

    • Preparation and Planning on Friday:
    • Have a Sunday night wind down and prep routine
    • Get up 30 minutes earlier. Give yourself extra time to move at your pace
    • Name three things you can notice about Mondays that are good/positive/happy every Monday.

    Do a Mental Health Check:

    • How deep are your symptoms: Are you feeling blah and a bit sad on Monday mornings or do you have anxiety.Do you feel stressed knowing you have a lot to do or do you put yourself in a panic believing you can’t get anything done?
    • How are these symptoms showing up for you: Full blown insomnia the night before, physical stomach aches, stuck in the bathroom, shaking and high blood pressure or slower than usually physically, tension in your shoulders/back.
    • How extreme are your thoughts around them: Do you think, maybe I’ll just call in sick or do you think, maybe I’ll get COVID and be able to be out for two weeks, what about, if I just tripped and sprained my ankle badly enough, I wouldn’t have to go into the office for awhile, or really extreme, maybe I’ll get sick.
    • How are you self-soothing: Are you upping your anti-anxiety medicines, taking more and more sleeping aids to help fall asleep on Sundays, polishing off a bottle (or two) of wine to not have to ‘think’ about the next day.

    If you’re finding yourself on the extreme spectrum of the Monday Blues because of your circumstances and environment, it’s time to take some new actions:

    • Start you 5-9: There’s no time then the present. Just start the process.
    • Write your resume: Having your resume written and ready to go will empower you to feel like you don’t have to stay in this situation any longer.
    • Respect your mental health: Your weeks have looked the same for the last 4 months, 8 months, a year and yet you’ve don’t nothing about it. Hmmm, insanity anyone. Decide, right now, that you aren’t going to accept this. YOU have control over your destiny. What do you want?
    • Write your new narrative: Work doesn’t have to be a grind. Work doesn’t have to make you miserable. Start to recognize work can be magical. Incredible. Empowering.


    The Futures Bright, How to Have Prospection

    Get Unstuck is our online course for anyone who is feeling like they are waking up to the same thing every day yet hitting the pillow each night thinking, something's gotta give.

    Did you know Getting Unstuck is more of a mental move than an action move? You need to uncover your trepidation, the emotional handcuffs that keep you in place and learn the exact steps to take to move into a new direction.

    We have all of this covered for you and it's only $29!


    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 17 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Starting a Business or a Side Gig? We Got You!

    In December 2020, 140,000 people lost their job, all of them held by women.*

    This is leading more and more women to consider how they take their financial and career future into their own hands, turning towards starting entrepreneurial ventures. Stepping off your steady, salaried career isn’t as easy or as quick as turning off the ‘spicket’ but it is, 100% doable if you create a plan, structure and become disciplined. You too can start a side hustle and grow it.

    In this episode, we give you some thoughts, strategies and success stories around starting your side business.

    Kill the term Side Hustle.
    We all need it stop calling it that. We get tired hearing it and we are already hustling to our max! You don’t have to hustle to build a business.

    You CAN without sacrifice: Get real about what your beliefs are around ‘what you have to give up’ to build a business and shift that to ‘what you get to do’ when you build a business.

    Mentally Prepare for the Long Haul: This is a slow build, a process and with the entire human species not having patience because of our instant gratification world, if you go into the business expecting miracles, quickly, you are going to give up before you get momentum.

    Redefining Your Priorities: You need to scrutinize your free time or your time outside of work and really consider what’s the most important and your Ultimate Why for starting the side biz.

    Find Your Time not Find THE Time: When are you most creative? When do you feel in the flow? A huge reason why people who want to create a business fail is because they work on it at the wrong time. You need to be in alignment with how your internal rhythm works and put your business in the slots where you are most productive.

    Devise a Plan: When time is scarce, you need to develop several containers of goals.

    • Long term
    • Mid term
    • Short term


    CNN Article: US Economy Loses 140,000 Jobs in December

    Join our Facebook Community: Just Gen X: Talking Business, Career + Life

    Starting a Business? Get on the Waitlist for our newest Mastermind coming this spring!
    Email I'm In to join the waitlist.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Enough with the Complaining Already

    You never saw yourself as a complainer, heck, you still don’t. Yet, what used to be a rare occurrence based on a situation, complaining about the traffic you hit during rush hour or complaining about your co-worker after they dropped the ball on a project and left you having to work until all hours to clean it up, has now become an everyday habit.

    Things that should be rolling off your back are substantial and are getting a part in your play of life. It is as if your natural set point is level at complaining

    Are you listening to the intro and thinking, “Not me?” then you are far more advanced than most of us humans. In this episode, we are going to explore the world that is riddled with complainers and share thoughts and ideas around how you can catch yourself and stop your complaining habit.

    How to stop complaining and How to deal with complainers.

    Set boundaries. When you hear someone complain, walk away. Don’t engage, don’t entice, don’t comment. Put as much distance from them as you can.

    Challenge their thinking. Ask them, “do you feel better now that you said that out loud? What solutions do you think we can bring forth that may present a different outcome or situation?”

    Complaint clock. You get 30 seconds...GO! This creates walls around the complaints, allows the complainer to feel heard without anyone feeding into it. They may also finally get the hint that they are ‘on the clock’ a lot.

    Kill them with sunshine and sunflowers. Humor is a great equalizer.

    Decipher the difference between concerns vs. complaints. Concerns are about solving problems, complaints are about pointing blame.

    Ask Yourself What’s the benefit? How is complaining advancing me towards my goals?

    Stand on your head. Challenge yourself to go from a complainer to an examiner. Get curious and see what’s really going on here.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Stitcher


    The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (book)

    Toxic People (podcast)

    These two words can be taking you down (blog post)

    Free Resources:

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The 8% Rule of Transformation
    Set another goal for yourself that you didn't reach? Well, you need our 8% Framework. Get it here. FREE!

    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 10 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    From Mental Breakdown to Break Through with Maryann Samreth

    Have you ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship?
    Have you ever been sexually assaulted?
    Did you ever wake up and think this isn't the career I want, now what?
    Have you dreamt about stepping off your career and building something on your own without a net?

    Today's guest, Maryann Samreth answers yes to every single one of these statements and launched her own trauma writing business all by the age of 30.

    In this episode, Maryann is going to vulnerable share her story of abuse and gaslighting, how journalling to heal from her emotional trauma turned into a passion that drove her to step off her career as a fashion designer to build her entrepreneurial business.

    Maryann Samreth is a mental health writer, advocate, and the host of Mental Breakthrough Podcast. She is the founder of Sincerely Miss Mary, a once anonymous Instagram pen name she created when she was still working as a handbag designer. Her brand has expanded into a writing business where she creates authentic content for businesses in the wellness and mental health space. She is also a ghostwriter specializing in overcoming trauma and will soon be launching a trauma writing course.


    Connect with Maryann
    Maryann's Resources: Poetry book
    Podcast: Mental Breakthrough Podcast
    Breakup Journal

    Want more of Jackie + Mimi?
    Join Our Facebook Group: Just Gen X: Talking Business, Career + Life with Brave + Bold Women

    Are you ready to blow up your business or crush your career? Schedule your free consult with Jackie or Mimi to talk about your next steps.
    Click here.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 03 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Social Media and Mental Health with Social Media Expert, Tracy Goodheart

    Social media isn’t going anywhere. It is part of our society and while the platforms may change, evolve, and expand, online sharing has become part of the culture. In our business and in our personal lives we need to think about what and who we want to represent on our own social platforms from Facebook to LinkedIn, Instagram to TikTok. There’s so much to think about for our own personal branding.

    There’s also the other side of social. The darker side, where comparison can make us feel inferior, trolls can threaten our well-being and one wrong turn can stay with you...for a very long time.

    What happens when social media threatens your mental health and yet, it’s your business?

    In this week’s episode, we’re talking with Tracy Goodheart. Tracy shares her personal story and detrimental relationship with social media, her shift in the way she showed up on social to enhance her mental health instead of destroying it, and best practices for YOU as you build your personal brand online.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher


    Tracy Samantha Goodheart is the founder of Socially Authentic, a personal marketing company that helps entrepreneurs, executives, and creatives market themselves with ease.

    Tracy has worked in and around social media for 15 years--as a journalist for TIME Magazine covering the rise of social media; as the founding editorial director of, the Tribune's groundbreaking network of blogs; and as the director of social media strategy for Crain Communications, publisher of titles like Ad Age and Crain's' New York Business.

    Tracy is also a passionate educator, having taught thousands of people how to use social media to market themselves and their businesses more effectively. She is now an adjunct faculty member at the University of Chicago, where she teaches content and social media marketing.

    • People want to hire/do business with people they like and who are relatable.
    • Tracy recommends going very slowly with being authentic online and suggests doing that starting with Instagram.
    • Set your boundaries before you start being authentic.
    • Have a friend who has your back and that you can bounce ideas off of, especially if you are concerned that a post may be too personal or polarizing.
    • Consider your long-term goals and post content that moves your life in that direction.

    Free Resources:
    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The 8% Rule of Transformation
    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop. This robust course will provide you

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 03 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    It's All Your Fault...Placing Blame

    You were part of a recent RIF at work, and you immediately start blaming your boss for not protecting you, your toxic work environment, and the crappy job market.

    Maybe you’re backing out of the parking spot at the supermarket while your son is incessantly talking at you and you don’t see the car coming down the aisle and you have to hit your brake...hard. You turn and get annoyed at your son for distracting you.

    Maybe the phone rang, and it was your mother-in-law and you forgot the cookies you were baking in the oven… now they’re burnt to a crisp. You’re steaming at your mother in law.

    The blame game is something many of us play. But it’s a bad habit and low-level energy that can hurt your ability to see beyond the immediate and more importantly, keep you stuck.

    In this episode, we are going to unravel blame, why we blame and how choosing to react differently can give us much better results.

    Why we blame:

    • Humans point blame for self preservation: Our subconscious protects us from our truths, keeps our status in tact.
    • Humans need to know why: Pointiing blame gives them a false understanding around why something happened.
    • Humans like to live in black and white: The world is gray, everything isn’t easily put into a compartment or bucket, often things spill ove.

    How to stop blaming:

    • Decide you no longer want to navigate life this way.
    • Bring awareness to yourself when you start blaming.
    • Do a blame download. Sit down and handwrite a list of everything you blame for your situation. Then start to break out the facts from the fiction.
    • Recognize it’s never one singular event that causes a situation.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher

    Manifestation Meditation on Youtube

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The 5Ps of Success (podcast)
    No Judgement Zone (podcast)
    I’m so freaking angry I could scream! (blog post)
    That sucked! How to bounce back from bad (blog post)

    Free Resources:

    Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind
    Fiction Flower

    Warning! You CAN'T let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    New Course! S

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 27 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Ambitious, Me? Hell Ya!

    Call my husband ambitious and people will envision a dapper, successful man who commands a room. Call me ambitious and people imagine a selfish woman who sacrifices her family for her job and isn’t very nice to boot.

    In this episode, we are going to explore the double standard around ambition and empower you to embrace who you are and step into the contribution you are here to make in the world.

    Ambition/n/: To strive, a strong desire to do or achieve something.

    • Create your own mantra of what ambition is for you and OWN IT, SHOUT IT OUT
    • Don’t apologize or make excuses for your ambition.
    • Ambition isn't an either or scenario. You can be ambitious and have a family, and be very engaged in life, and be happy.
    • Ambitious doesn't mean you give everything ELSE up in pursuit of success.
    • Change your language around ambition, like Mindy Kaling says, “Why the F##K not me?”
    • Challenge your own assumptions. What are your beliefs around ambition or climbing the corporate ladder?
    • Reset your Ambition and your Money Mindset. It's ok to want money and success.
    • Ambition doesn’t have to be limited to a corporate job, look at Julia Child -- she was ambitious about her passion for cooking.

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind
    Why Not Me?, Mindy Kaling (book)

    Tory Burch: Ambition Guidebook

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Toxic People (podcast)

    When You Can Avoid Having a Difficult Conversations (podcast)

    What Working Girl Taught Me About Work (blog post)

    How Dare You Ask for a Promotion (blog post)

    Free Resources

    Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    The Master Your Move Mastermind!
    The cart is now open for our newest group coaching program The Master Your Move Mastermind.

    This is a six-week program for women who want to uplevel their careers. Each week we’ll provide you with original content on a different topic followed by live group coaching calls with both of us! ONLY $599.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 20 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Why You Need a Coach

    Although you’ve listened to the podcast, joined our group and downloaded some free guides, you still haven’t taken the next step toward getting coached. You’re probably thinking a slew of things from, why would I need a coach to am I ready to be coached to how does coaching even work?

    In this episode, we are going to discuss the value of working with a coach to take your life and your career to the next level.

    • “I thought coaching was about achieving your goals, I didn’t realize that it is less about the action and more about the mind. It all begins in your mind.”
    • “The job of a coach is to give you the wings so you can fly.”
    • “The beauty of coaching is we really get you to push yourself out of your comfort zone while still staying true to your authentic self. It’s not about throwing away your entire life and uprooting everything. It’s more about how do I morph and change and grow so I can expand myself, my expertise, my abilities, and become the woman I want to be.”

    “Only 19% of adults report being satisfied with their lives. I want to say, not on our watch.”

    • “You don’t have to have the life that is status quo, that’s trudging along. You get to choose your life.”
    • “You get to decide, you can create it. Little changes at a time and overtime things begin to shift in the right way.”
    • “The reason why I became a coach is that I want to show people the possibilities they can create in their lives. I want to give them hope and possibility. I feel so strongly about that.”
    • “Coaching is a vulnerable process.”

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts I Spotify I Google Podcast I Sticher

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind
    The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande

    Madeline Schwartz Coaching (Public Speaking Coach)

    Articles + Podcasts:
    Intake vs Action (podcast)
    Ruminating Anxiety (podcast)

    Free Resources

    Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life. Get it here.

    The Master Your Move Mastermind!
    The cart is now open for our newest group coaching program The Maste

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 13 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Choosing Your Word of the Year

    Throw away the New Year’s Resolutions, why bother. Only 8% of people who make resolutions keep them and see them through. Mimi and I are foregoing this tradition and instead, keeping up with one of our newer traditions that we want to share with you and hopefully have you adopt, choosing a word of the year.

    This week, we’re going to help you choose YOUR word of the year!

    The word of the year as a north star, your guiding light for how you want to show up and live your life. It really is about becoming intentional and deliberate about the choices you make based on your word.

    LIVING INTENTIONALLY: Gen X Women aren’t intentional enough in our world, in our life in deciding what we want. It’s about deciding how you want to show up and what you want your life to look like. Too often, as Gen X women, we let life unfold. We do what we’ve always done, even if it doesn’t make us happy.”

    REEVALUATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH TIME: “Take your time choosing the word of the year, don’t rush. Time is fluid, it is what you make it.”

    PUT IT INTO THE WORLD: When you embody your word of the year the universe starts to align all of these things for you.”

    Mimi said, "I take my word of the year seriously. I journal and every morning I ask myself how I want to show up for the things I have planned for the day. “

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    The Cru

    Submit Your Word of the Year!

    We’re going to do something interesting and different. Ladies, after you’ve decided on YOUR word of the year, we want you to email us and let us know.

    Email in the subject line: Word of the Year and tell us about the word you chose and why! We can’t wait to hear all about them!

    And to encourage participation, we are giving away a copy of the book Brave Enough by Cheryl Strand to the most creative word of the year! This book is right in alignment with the idea of ‘word of the year’ it’s empowering and inspiring. It’s a book you can keep on your nightstand to read a page randomly when you feel like it.

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Chicken + Egg of Confidence (podcast)
    Confidence in 5 Steps (article)
    What’s Your Word? (article)
    Come on Gen X Lady, Here’s How to Hit Your Goal (article)

    Free Resource:Warning! You CAN NOT let another year go by without reaching your goals. Change can feel hard but we’ve got you. Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation. Get it here.

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    Are you living a life of qui

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 06 Jan 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Kerri Tannenbaum: Gen X Woman of the Year

    Welcome to our FIRST ANNUAL Gen X Woman of the Year! Our way to acknowledge and bubble up an incredible Gen X woman every year.

    This year, the honor goes to to Kerri Tannenbaum, The Resting Mind’s innaurgal Gen X Woman of the Year!

    In this episode, Kerri talks about:

    • Navigating women's’ responses to her confidence throughout her career “I’ve thought what is it about my confidence and I believe that it’s that I’ve always been comfortable in my own skin. I’ve always had a sense of who I was and what I wanted”

    • The purposeful decision she made to intentionally develop a positive mindset. “I think positivity is a conscious effort, it’s a practice. Once you start doing it regularly it becomes second nature.”

    • Her personal and heroic battle with Her2 Positive breast cancer, the massive decisions that had to be made and how to navigate through the most important decisions you’ll ever make. “I didn’t want to have surgery, I didn’t want to have chemo, but I had to do it, so I can move on with my life.

    • Pivoting her career. “Everything moved me in the direction of who I’m supposed to be and where I’m supposed to be.”

    Kerri Tannenbaum is a professional genealogist and researcher who works with people looking to learn more about their family history. Like a detective, she investigates clues, connects the dots, and aims to solve a family mystery. Her goal is to provide new discoveries and bring their ancestors’ stories to life.

    Prior to turning professional over two years ago, Kerri worked in marketing and program management in the media industry for over 24 years. When the opportunity presented itself for a career change, Kerri immersed herself in genealogy education, earning a certificate in genealogical research from Boston University and completing a one-year peer study program known as ProGen.

    Today, Kerri works with individual clients to build family trees and unearth their stories to pass on to future generations. Her company's name is The Family Dot Connector.

    Kerri attributes her success to:

    • Deliberately staying positive, even when faced with difficulties
    • Using a gratitude journal
    • Recognizing it is better to be kind than right

    Kerri has a generous offer for listeners of Make Your Life Magnificent:
    10 hours of genealogy services for the price of 8 hours ($100 savings!)
    Reference Offer Code: GenX

    Connect with Kerri at:

    Facebook: @familydotconnector

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    The Daily by The New York Times (podcast)

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 30 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Holiday Cheer

    The holidays are going to look very different for most of us this year, having to forgo ongoing traditions that have been built over decades but it doesn’t mean you can’t make the most and start a few new traditions in the process.

    Our podcast tackles a wide array of topics to help you on your personal development and professional development journey and sometimes, we just need to be lighter!

    This week we’re here to have fun with you as we talk about the holidays. Grab your glass of wine, some eggnog or a warm cup of cinnamon tea and enjoy.

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    Free Resources

    Download your FREE guide The 8% Rule of Transformation.

    We share the secret—backed by brain science and energy leadership—to create long-lasting and sustainable change so you can transform your life.

    Get your free copy here.

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long, and life-changing transformation for $29—the cost of a t-shirt! Enroll here.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Season of Friendship

    In this hyper-connected world, when we may have hundreds or even thousands of Facebook “friends” why do so many of us feel so lonely?

    In this episode, we start with a simple question, “what does friendship mean to you”?

    Have you ever been with friends and felt lonely? You’re surrounded by a group of women and yet, there’s this emptiness that is tugging at you. Instead of feeling fueled and connected you feel like an outsider?

    It isn’t as uncommon as you think. Oftentimes, we aren’t really connected on a meaningful level which is where this feeling comes from.

    • The emotions we feel when friendships change. We need to understand that we easily get attached to the original iteration of our friendship.

    • We change throughout our lives and sometimes our values change. When they don’t align it can throw us off.

    • Stages in life: Single vs. married vs. kids vs. huge career vs. stay at home vs. introvert vs. extrovert, finances.

    • Surroundings change: The glue that held you together, school, job, neighborhood, kids being friends has changed.

    • Your eyes open up - ever step away from a situation or not see someone for a while and you realize the relationship looks very different when you aren’t so emotionally involved.

    • You realize you aren’t yourself around them (nor they themselves around you).

    It does get harder to make friends as we get older. But it is also very much worth the effort to seek out those friends because they will truly enrich your life. Look what becoming friends with each other did to us!

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    Articles + Podcasts:

    Get Happy (podcasts)

    Frientimacy: The 3 Requirements of All Healthy Friendships, Shasta Nelson TEDxLaSierra University

    Free Resources

    Get Happy! Download this FREE guide to learn how to use the PERMA model to add more happiness to your everyday life. Download it here.

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long, and life-changing transformation for $29—the cost of a t-shirt! Enroll here.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Get Happy: Reference Points and Comparisons

    Google mid-life and happiness and you’ll be bombarded with article after article about how our happiness dips tremendously in our 40s. Couple this with being a Gen X woman, where we’ve been brought up to believe we can have-it-all, and yet, even when we do, we are completely exhausted and not sure any of it is what you really wanted in the first place.

    This week’s episode is the second in the Get Happy series which is all about understanding what reference points are and how they tend to be the undercurrent of our unhappiness not just in middle age but at any age.

    Reference Points are the situations, statistics, data, and people with which we surround ourselves and compare ourselves to in our minds. The reference points literally change the way we view the world and alter how we feel.

    A reference point is something that confirms a person’s identity, feeling of sanity, and sense of stability, safety, and normalcy. Your mind, is your most important intangible reference point. It is how you interpret the physical world and make sense of it and yourself through your beliefs.

    Your computer, phone, home, car friends, family and other familiar things are all reference points. The way you wake, fall asleep, weather, route to work, stores, buildings anything you encounter regularly. These reference points confirm where you are and who you are.

    How to Manage Your Reference Points:

    • If you’re going to use reference points, make sure they make you stretch without making you shift out of who you are.
    • Compete with yourself. Wake up every day and decide what you can do better, how you can be better today than you were yesterday.
    • Decide you are where you are supposed to be in your life and take it from there.
    • Love yourself, be accepting of who you are.
    • Pause the good. We, as humans, become bored with things. We take them for granted and get used to them. Studies show that pausing the good and taking breaks from it allows us to appreciate them more. Always comes back to gratitude.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The Today Show with Hoda & Jenna

    The Big Leap (book)

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Get Happy: What is Happy? (podcast)

    How Color Can Change Your Life (article)

    Free Resources

    Get Happy! Download this FREE guide to learn how to use the PERMA model to add more happiness to your everyday life. Download it here

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop where you'll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long, and life-ch

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Ruminating Anxiety

    You had a great interview except for one question where you felt your answer wasn’t succinct enough. Instead of thinking about how you could answer a similar question better next time, you replay the interview over and over in your head and start second-guessing more and more of your answers.

    Maybe you’re a school teacher who had to deal with a parent issue and instead of putting it behind you, you ruminate on the conversation.

    In this week’s episode, we are going to explore ruminating on the past, harm your future, and ups your anxiety.

    How to Stop Ruminating

    Activate your neural pathways about the good over the bad. Instead of homing in on what didn’t go right, think about what did go right. Get out of the negative neural loop. Recall when things worked, when you did well, and purposefully shift your thoughts.

    Distract yourself from the thoughts in your head. When we are anxious, we tend to feed those thoughts. You feel yourself going down the rabbit hole, shift your energy somewhere else:

    • Go for a walk with a friend.
    • Get to work, start a new project.
    • Get literal. Look around the room and start naming objects. What you’re doing is bring your mind into the present moment.

    Write down what you could have done differently. Just putting pen to paper will get the ideas out of your brain and keep it from trying to problem-solve in the background.

    Ask yourself some simple questions:

    • How are these thoughts benefiting me?
    • Is what I’m thinking about even in my control? Can I change it?

    Recognize that yes, you do make mistakes and accept your human and not perfect.

    Put on a timer. If you need time to worry, limit it! Put a timer on and give yourself 5 minutes to think about everything. Once the timer goes off, you need to switch off your mind.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The Today Show with Hoda & Jenna

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Watch Your Mouth The Power of Language (podcast)

    The 5Ps of Success (podcast)

    Why are we so Afraid of Fear? (article)

    These Two Words May Be Taking You Down (article)

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Dec 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    What if I Don't Feel Grateful?

    Here in the United States, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. A time when we actively participate in giving thanks and gratitude for all we have. But what if you feel like you’ve got nothing to be grateful for?

    In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk about what you may be thinking and afraid to say out loud.

    What if I don’t feel grateful right now?

    And it’s ok -- and very human. So if you are feeling this way, especially this year -- give yourself the space to feel those feelings.

    Why gratitude is important.

    Gratitude can be a pinprick that allows some light to come back into your life. It also puts us at a much higher energy level and trains the brain.

    Gratitude decreases anxiety and depression. When you practice gratitude you release a number of chemicals in our brain that is positive. It releases dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter that makes us want to dance.

    • Research shows there is a correlation with better sleep, energy, low cellular inflammation and helps with depressive symptoms.
    • It releases Serotonin; which is the mood-enhancing chemical.
    • Opens up your creativity
    • It helps you change your perspective.
    • You become empathetic to others.
    • It creates a more positive natural outlook in life
    • It connects you to your higher self
    • It propels you to achieve and hit your goals.

    Make it a practice and actively seek things out.

    • Write down one thing you’re grateful for each morning.
    • Mentally list three things you’re grateful for each night before falling asleep
    • Be grateful to those around you.
    • In traffic or waiting in a line? Look around and see how many things you can be grateful for.
    • Stop yourself. Shift to your conscious mind and look for ways to be grateful


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Survey! Tell us what you want. Please CLICK HERE.

    Articles + Podcasts:

    How to Surrender (blog post)

    14 Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude According to Science (article)

    The Neuroscience of Gratitude (article)

    Free Resources

    Are you ready for a change? Download The 8% Rule of Transformation. It’s your FREE guide to getting out of your rut and getting results. Get it here.

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck. Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuc

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 25 Nov 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Dating After 40

    Gen X Ladies the dating game has changed since the1980’s. Dating after 40 isn't easy, especially when we've created so many stories around dating that we hold as our truths.

    In this week’s episode, we’re bringing you dating and relationship expert Renee Suzanne to talk about how to find true love.

    Renee is talking about:

    • The importance of being honest about what we want in dating, examining what you'd like the outcome to be and absolutely owning it without apology
    • How to vet your dates so you waste less time
    • Recognizing the warning signs and tapping into your gut
    • Unraveling the habits of being single
    • Separating the stories about dating over 40 versus the facts
    • Helps navigate the fear of being hurt and why it’s worth putting yourself out there

    Her two tips for when you’ve been ghosted

    #1. Be compassionate to yourself

    #2. Take a look at how you may have ignored the signs

    Renée Suzanne helps women who are sick of the dating scene find true love by teaching them to date effectively.

    Want more love in your life? Check out her free video at

    You can also follow her on Facebook at


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Are you ready for a chance? Download the 8% Rule of Transformation—your guide to getting out of your rut and getting results.

    New Course! Get Unstuck $29
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop.

    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long and life-changing transformation for $29—the cost of a t-shirt! Enroll here CLICK HERE.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 18 Nov 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    No Judgment Zone

    Judgment just feels awful

    If I’m doing the judging (yes, I’m human) or I feel like I’m being judged (yes, because others are human) it feels yucky.

    We know how hurtful it can be to feel judged or how we all worry about being judged, it places us in this hierarchical relationship with someone who, in many instances, is our peer.

    In this episode, we're going to open up your perspective on judgment and shine a new light on these ideas.

    How to Stop Judging Others

    Bring awareness to the situation: If you find yourself thinking about the choices others are making, consider where it’s coming from. Instead of pushing out negative energy on their choices bring in positive energy with curiosity and interest.

    Make situational attributions not personal ones. Maybe the person is having a bad day, maybe they have no confidence and are making statements to overcompensate. Maybe they aren’t prepared at work because their infant daughter was crying all night.

    Am I mirroring? There’s a number of research studies that prove what we judge in others are actually reflections of what we don’t like in ourselves. If we find someone’s parenting to be questionable, it usually means we aren’t feeling like we’ve got ours under control.

    Own your own choices: If we have confidence in ourselves we don’t use judgment as a way to put other people’s choices, behaviors, or appearances down.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself

    If you’re struggling with emotions that keep getting in your way, schedule your 90-minute power coaching session. work with either Jackie or Mimi to break through the things that have been keeping you stuck. go to our website or reach out to us directly at or

    Articles + Podcasts:

    When we Judge Others’ We Judge Ourselves (article)

    Snap Judgment Science (article)

    Toxic People in Disguise, It’s Not Just Negative Nancy (article)

    Ladies, Stop Knocking of Each Other’s Crowns (podcast)

    Confidence Gap

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Agree to Disagree

    We have become a divided and heightened society.

    Whether it’s the way we view politics or our beliefs around COVID or thoughts around virtual learning or the Black Lives Matter movement the world has gotten excessively more divisive with opinions becoming polar opposites.

    In a world where everyone has an opinion (and has the agency to do so), it is shocking to me how extreme people can get around their own beliefs. One may call it passion while others may call it stubborn and others call it being closed-minded.

    In this episode, we’re exploring how our world has divided, not only around big issues but around the small things too. What's the difference between varying beliefs, having an opinion, and being extremely close-minded. Where do you fall?

    Open-Minded People vs. Closed-Minded People

    Closed-minded people don’t want their ideas challenged. They prefer to be right than to really be right!

    Open-minded people have opinions, strong opinions about things. Having an open mind doesn’t infer that you’re wishy-washy or don’t have strong convictions, it just means they are more open to learning, to be curious about the other side, and to actually listen to other, differing opinions.

    Don’t Decide Someone’s Entire Character Based on Their Beliefs. This is just one thought, don’t place them in a bucket.

    Disagree respectfully:

    • Approach with curiosity
    • Acknowledge and respect their opinion
    • Never use but, it dismisses what they said
    • Share your thoughts without putting down someone’s opinion
    • Walk away, know when it just isn’t worth it

    What happens when the closed-minded person encroaches on your territory?

    • Set strong boundaries
    • When you’re sucked into the vortex, respectfully disengage.
    • Stay true to yourself
    • Be polite and firm

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    Articles + Podcasts:
    When You Can Avoid Having a Difficult Conversation (podcast)
    Toxic People (podcast)
    I’m so Freaking Angry I Could Scream! (article)

    Free Resources
    Are you ready for a change? Download The 8% Rule of Transformation. It’s your FREE guide to getting out of your rut and getting results. Get it here.

    New Course!
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck, s self-led digital workshop.
    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what, and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this i

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 04 Nov 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Numerology, It's All in the Numbers

    Did you know that our 40s—specifically ages 42 and 49—are the time in our lives when we are building the foundation for the rest of our lives?

    And our 50’s (5) in numerology is all about change. How are you preparing for the most magical years?

    In this week’s episode, we talk with two Gen X women Dena K. Martines and Megan E. Fox about how we can use numerology to make our lives, well magnificent.

    Dena and Megan are co-founders of GenXWoman, which is a destination site for entertainment, education, and inspiration tailored to the amazing women of Generation X.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    The Life You’re Born to Live (book)


    Instagram: @genxwoman

    Facebook: @genxwoman

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 28 Oct 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Walking with Fear

    You decide to go skydiving and right before you board the plane, fear grips you and keeps you from getting on board.

    You interview for this great job, which would be a huge promotion. Rounds 1 and 2 go extremely well but as you’re heading into round three, fear creeps in making you question if you’re capable of doing the job or you’re afraid how your life might change if you get the job.

    Fear’s job in these instances is very different, yet it appears the same way.

    In this episode, we are discussing all the intricacies of fear, how to distinguish fear from instinct and ultimately how to neutralize it so you can squash your fears.


    We aren’t here to tell you to turn your back on fear, instead we want to open your eyes to how you can investigate your fear and neutralize it instead of letting it overrun you.

    • Examine your fear:
    • Where is it really coming from?
    • How does your body feel?
    • Identify what triggers your bring fear.
    • Expose yourself to what you’re afraid of for 2-3 minute intervals at a time.
    • Consider how your fear is holding you back.
    • Neutralize your fear:
    • Recognize that is can walk alongside you but it doesn’t control you
    • Talk nicely to it, personify your fear as your frightened younger cousin in a haunted house
    • Think about the actuality of your fear really happening


    Today with Hoda and Jenna CLIP

    New Course! Get Unstuck $29
    Are you living a life of quiet desperation? Get out of your own way and Get Unstuck.

    Get Unstuck is a self-led, digital workshop.
    You’ll learn:

    • The who, what and why of being stuck
    • The emotions of transformation
    • How to use the 8% Rule of Transformation—this is the step-by-step process we talked about on Today with Hoda and Jenna.

    All of this means you get the tools for true, life-long and life-changing transformation for $29—the cost of a t-shirt! Enroll here CLICK HERE.

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    I’m freaking out again! (article)

    Your addiction to worry can kill you (article)

    Quarterback your emotions (podcast)

    Managing fear and anxiety during uncertain times (podcast)

    Are you having a worry tantrum (podcast)

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself


    Tell us what you want. Please CLICK HERE.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 21 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    5 P's of Success

    You start with the best intentions, you want to be more confident, so you take an online course on confidence yet you still question all of your decisions.

    You’re ready for a career transition, so you read dozens of blogs about how and yet, six months later you’re sitting at the same desk without even your resume updated.

    Some call this a personal-devel-aholic. Others may say best-laid plans are unfulfilled.

    In episode 33, we dove into intake vs. activate. In this week’s episode, we are starring change and personal development right in the face and giving you the 5 P’s to you can get to success.

    Why self-improvement is important:

  • It makes us become self-aware. Self-improvement cannot happen without awareness. Increased awareness literally unlocks our ability to grow.
  • We become aware of our own limiting beliefs
  • We become commitment when we have awareness of our Why
  • The more we take ourselves off of autopilot and make conscious decisions in alignment with our goals, the more overall success we will have.

    95% of our day is spent on autopilot -- so we need to make sure that we are actively taking ourselves off of autopilot and optimizing our autopilot aka subconscious so that we get the best results.

    What Personal Development Isn’t

    Personal development is not akin to learning about history, where you can read to understand.

    Instead, personal development is more in line with playing an instrument, it needs to be experienced, it is active learning.

    The 5P's of Success

    Precision: The first step in personal development is precision, understanding, and pinpointing exactly what you want to work on and be as specific as possible.

    Planning: You cannot dive right into what you want to achieve. You need to consider what the process will look like. When is the best timing to start? What bumps will you hit in the road? How am I going to be challenged along the way?

    Practice: Just like learning a new instrument, you need to put into practice the concepts and tools that will facilitate the results you are looking to achieve. This has to be done daily, which is why planning ahead of time is so critical. Personal development is absorbed by doing, not by reading.

    Persistence: It takes approximately 21 days to form a habit, which means, within the first three weeks, you will have to stay dedicated and persistent to see your development through.

    Patience: You will not see change overnight, or within a few days, it isn’t realistic. Here is where you must trust yourself and trust the process.

    Limited Spots: Group Coaching Program:
    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Save your spot here.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Intake vs. Activate (podcast)

    How to Achieve Your

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 14 Oct 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    The Chicken and Egg of Confidence

    Confidence Beats Competence at every turn. According to The Confidence Code, studies have found that men consistently overestimate their abilities and subsequent performance, and women, yep, you guessed it, they routinely underestimate both.

    Why do we think less of ourselves or believe we can’t more often than we believe we can?

    In this episode, we are going to talk about the chicken and egg theory around confidence and how to activate it to build your confidence.

    Confidence is just like the chicken and the egg.

    You need confidence to take action.
    You need action to feel confident.

    So how do you get unstuck?

    Ways to build confidence:

    • Prediction vs. Actuality: Women are terrible predictors. What we predict to be our outcome is significantly lower in lots of incidents. We need to be careful about what we are predicting and thus fore projecting into the world.

    • Approach matters: This isn’t really fake it til you make it. It instead is how to learn while doing not by acquiring information. Learn by trying and go into everything new with a mindset and knowing that it isn’t always going to work out but you will learn from what you’ve tried and lived with no regrets.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Atlantic, The Confidence Gap (article)

    Confidence with a shot of vodka (article)

    Perfectionism Almost Took Us Down (article)
    Confidence in 5 Steps (article)

    Embracing my Imposter (Syndrome) (article)

    Intake vs Activate (podcast)

    Perfectionism Pitfalls (podcst)

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself

    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Save your spot here.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 07 Oct 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Ladies, Stop Knocking Off Each Other's Crowns

    We’ve all been around ‘her’, the woman who’s a friend, family member or co-worker that’s always knocking your invisible crown off your head. Sometimes it’s an overt gesture while other times it’s underhanded and sneaking.

    Why don’t women fully support each other?

    In today’s episode, we’re going to give you our point of view on this, what you can do to be sure your crown stays on while keeping yourself in check to ensure you’re not the one doing the knocking.

    Could they have a scarcity mindset? A scarcity mindset is when you have an inner belief that there is never enough. The behaviors of a scarcity mindset are fear driven, so you may spend everything you have when you get money for fear that you won’t get a windfall again (yes, completely opposite of what you would think which would be to save it). You may criticize people or be afraid of change or relish other people’s failure.

    There’s a ton of research and articles that talk about mirroring traits what we see in others that we hate are reflections of what we don’t like in ourselves. It was Carl Jung said “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” This has been explored and explained by numerous psychologists and coaches, including Martha Beck and Psychology Today

    How to manage ‘those’ women:

    • When you are dealing with women who are constantly trying to swing at your crown...SWERVE. You can bob and weave, don’t let their swats land.

    • Be a detective. If you are dealing with one of ‘those’ women in your life, especially a boss or co-worker, start to really pay attention to what sets them off so you can stay ahead of the manic fallouts.

    • Use pacifying language. Play the parrot and ask the questions, “I just want to clarify what you meant by X.” or the famous parroting, “Is this what you meant when you said X?”

    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Save your spot here.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Myth of the Queen Bee (article)

    How to Make Toxic People Go Away (article)

    3 Ways to Prepare for Difficult Conversations (article)

    Toxic People (podcast)

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 30 Sep 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Simply Say, "Thank You"

    You’ve been working out like crazy, watching everything you eat, dropped 10 pounds, and feeling fabulous. You see your friend at a BBQ she comments, “You lost weight, you look great!” What should be a simple response from you turns into some self-deprecating, deflecting answer like, “I need to lose 10 more” or “Ugh, my butt is so flabby no matter what I do.”

    How about a simple “Thank you” for an answer?

    In this episode, we are going to explore the psychology around why we can’t just take the compliment and discuss the positive impact saying, “Thank you” can do to hold onto the warm, healthy energy being sent your way.

    Keep in mind that NOT taking the compliment can:

    • Harm our career
    • Deflect the positive energy that is sent our way
    • Keep you playing small

    Start practicing accepting praise:

    • Don’t say anything because our knee jerk reaction is not what we are aiming for here.
    • No matter how uncomfortable, say nothing, and then say a simple, “Thank you.” You can’t just say those two words? How about adding this, “Thank you, you just made my day.”
    • Start small. Remember 8% that we talk about all the time? You can do that here.
    • Be purposeful in this and treat it as an adventure. Where a new sweater or a bright sweater -- you’ll definitely get compliments -- be prepared to say just those two words -- thank you.
    • Hold on to the compliment. When you hold on to the feeling it leaves an impression in our brain and neural pathways.
    • Give compliments! It’s fun to give compliments to others.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Sign up by October 1 to receive a $50 savings. Save your spot here.

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Why Some People Hate Receiving Compliments (article)

    Episode 24: What’s Your Podcast Moment (podcast)

    Bonus Episode: What’s Luck Got to Do With It? (podcast)

    Come on Gen X Lady, Here’s How You Reach Your Goal (article)

    5 Ways to Rid Yourself of Your Limiting Beliefs (article)

    How to Achieve Your Goals, It’s Simple (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 23 Sep 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Get Happy: What is Happy?

    We asked over 500 people in our Facebook Community, Just Gen X-The Resting Mind a simple question, “Are you happy.” The responses were astonishing with over 65% of those who answered were in some form of happiness free fall.

    This got us thinking. With all the work we do, we decided to become happiness experts and start a series and business unit called ‘Get Happy,’ welcome to the inaugural episode.

    Today, we’re going to start by answering the simple question: “What is Happy”?

    Positive Psychology: The founder of positive psychology, Martin Seligman articulates happiness (which he now actually calls well-being) by breaking it up into five modules, which he calls PERMA:

  • Positive emotions: Having an understanding of the swings in life, in your past, present, and future but choosing to focus on the good. I know, not always easy but think about it this way.

  • Engagement in life: What things do you enjoy doing (this isn’t about passion guys, its about finding activities in your life where you get lost, lose time, float, and flow. Even if it isn’t ONE thing, but an ongoing routine that makes you happy.

  • Positive relationships: Relationships that benefit you (not toxic) increase our overall well-being. Feeling connected to others.

  • Meaning: Meaning and purpose are so important. This concept of having your why is so important -- and the reason is that your why is really your meaning and purpose.

  • Accomplishments: Setting goals and then accomplishing them, or marking your achievements instead of brushing them off.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Are you at a crossroads in your career? Join us for the Make Your Move Mastermind. It’s a six-week group program led by Jackie + Mimi for women who are finally ready to get unstuck and figure out their next move. Save your spot here. Sign up by October 1 to receive a $50 discount!

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Episode 33: Intake vs Action (podcast)

    Episode 32: Disappointment (podcast)

    Episode 10a: Managing Fear and Anxiety During Uncertain Times (podcast)

    The Changed Podcast (podcast)

    How to Surrender (article)

    That Sucked, How to Bounce Back From Bad (article)

    What’s Your Word? (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Get Happy! Your FREE guide to applying the PERMA model to your everyday life.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 16 Sep 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Help My Hormones are Making Me... Interview: Dr. Nirvana

    We know all about these mid-years and the havoc perimenopause and menopause wreaks on us. There are times I personally feel possessed and I’m not exaggerating.

    There’s a laundry list of both physical and emotional struggles that can happen when our hormones run a muck, everything from our thyroid levels getting thrown off, to bloat around the belly to our anxiety going through the roof. Instead of all of us Gen X women commiserating together, we’re bringing in an expert to provide natural and healthy ways to regulate your hormones.

    In this week’s episode, Jackie + Mimi interview Dr. Nirvana, a Licensed and Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor. As a Naturopathic Medical Doctor, she specializes in Regenerative Holistic and Functional Medicine. Her focus is on helping each patient achieve optimal health in body, mind and spirit by reviving and recalibrating health within every cell. Achieving a reboot of the entire body.

    Hints and Tips:

    The reason we struggle with those extra pounds is that estrogen is stored in fat and our body doesn’t want to give up the fat when we lose estrogen.

    Start with enzymes to get gut health which can assist with how you feel.

    Estrogen is linked to insulin and sugar levels so keeping them level can lower the impact your fluctuating hormones have on your system.

    Don’t eat the same foods every day, your brain gets used to them and your body no longer tells you what is and isn’t good for your system.


    Weight Loss After 40 (Your Guide)

    Sugar Can Lead to Hormone Imbalance

    Listen Here to Dr. Nirvana’s Podcast Why You Can’t Get Rid of Your Belly Fat

    Dr. Nirvana’s Gut Be Calm Supplement

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 09 Sep 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    Career Crossroads: Ageism

    There was a time when age was revered and respected. The wise old owl wasn’t criticized for his age and instead, people would gather round and lean into his stories hoping to get a glimpse of his knowledge.

    Age isn’t just a number when it comes to your career or looking for a job. Ageism, the discrimination against one because of their age can range from comments, not getting an interview, being passed over for a promotion or even the ultimate heave-ho out the door.

    In this week’s episode we are going to talk about what steps you can take to overcome ageism.

    Not surprising, it is worse for women. According to a survey done by Know Your Value, 70% of women believe age discrimination is a serious problem, compare to 54% for men.

    According to 2019 Hiscox Ageism in the Workplace Study 20% of people over 40 have experienced discrimination at their job. And 58% of workers in their 50’s have experienced age discrimination. (Brandon Gaille Research)

    Visier, is a people analytics firm found that in the tech industry, promotions decrease starting the age of 36!

    There’s this phenomenon no one is talking about, especially for women.
    In beauty 50 is the new 40. In business 40 is the new 50.

    While ageism is real, you can stay and/or get back into the game.

    #1. Start with thoroughly assessing your skills and experience. Don’t underestimate any of your experience and how it can translate into value for a potential role or company. Create a story that illustrates how you are the perfect person for this role.

    #2. Own your experience… all of it. Do not underestimate the power of what you may consider “softer skills” like managing difficult personalities (raising teenagers anyone?) or having patience and empathy.

    #3. Speak to your enthusiasm for the position, role, and organization.

    #4. Show that you're savvy. Yes, you need to be as digitally savvy as possible. This means updating your LinkedIn and even more, engaging on it. Write posts, leave thoughtful comments.

    #5. Make friends across generations. Networks matter and smart networking will get you in the door a lot faster than responding to help wanted posts. However, make sure you network across generations. We can learn from one another and support each other too.

    #6. Don’t overlook your style.


    Brand of You Creative Brief


    Ageism in the Workplace

    6 Signs of Ageism in the Workplace — and How Best to Handle It

    U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    Why women in their 40s, 50s and beyond are a force to be reckoned with in the workplace

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Intake vs. Activate

    We are firm believers in being well-informed. Whether it's a smaller decision like buying a refrigerator or a bigger decision like switching careers, the process of investigating, researching and gathering of information is critical to making the right choices. Heck, you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if garnering insights to improve your life or your career wasn’t important to you. We love your love of learning.

    Unfortunately, too many people get caught in the intake loop. They are what I would call an information hoarder, piling it up just in case but never actually doing anything with it.

    In this episode, we’re going to share with you how to go from one who just takes information in to one who produces and activates on it.

    Here’s how to take the leap from Intake (learn) to Activate (output):

    • Decide on what it is you want to achieve and don’t be all wishy-washy about it.
    • Use the 8% rule and take a small step.
    • Remember the equation, discomfort = growth.
    • Be the athlete. Isn’t it a more rewarding feeling to be in the game than just a spectator?
    • Don’t do any more intake until you activate.

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    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Future is Bright… Having Prospection (podcast)

    Perfectionism Pitfalls (podcast)

    Urgency, You’re Making the Wrong Thing an Emergency (podcast)

    I Hid in the Bathroom (article)

    Confidence in 5 Steps (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:

    5 Steps to Stress Less

    Career Crossroads Mastermind experience is a 6-week coach-led group program for 10 women who are ready to move through a career transition.
    Sign up for the waiting list at

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0400

    Disappointment is a fact of life and something we all feel at some point in our lives. According to articles in Psychology Today people will avoid disappointment far more than any other emotional experience because it comes with the finality that you will never achieve what you wanted.

    In this episode we explore why we feel disappointed, how we can use it as a tool for growth and resilience, and yes, still set expectations.

    How to Manage Disappointment

  • Notice the feeling in your body.
  • Acknowledge your feelings. It’s ok that you feel disappointed. Don’t say to yourself, “oh, -- I should get over this or it’s not a big deal.” Acknowledge that you are having emotions and feelings here.
  • While you’re exploring your disappointment, do some soul-searching on your ABSOLUTE WHY you’re disappointed. Once you find your ABSOLUTE WHY, you can address the real reason with actions that alleviate the feelings.
  • Don’t stew. Give yourself ample grieving time, but make a deal with yourself to move on from it too.
  • Know the fact versus fiction here. Do you have a story about this situation or a loop that runs in your mind like, “things never work out for me?”.
  • Reframe, think about how this can be a place for growth. Didn’t get the job? Relationship not work out? How has this made you stronger? What life lessons did you need to learn from it?
  • Distance makes the heart forget. While this may seem insurmountable, it is a blip on the screen. DO stuff. Be conscious of this and find ways to create happy moments that can override disappointment.
  • Try to find humor in the situation.
  • Don’t let the fear of disappointment dictate your life. Yes, you will be disappointed but use expectations as your guidepost to having the life you want and trust that you have the skill to manage disappointment if it comes your way.

    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts

    Your Expectations Could Be Destroying You (podcast)

    Dealing with Disappointment in Life, Psychology Today (article)

    Dealing With Disappointment, HBR (article)

    Expectation, Disappointment and Sadness, Psychology Today (article)

    Setting New Expectations During COVD-19 (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:

    5 Steps to Stress Less

    Career Crossroads Mastermind experience is a 6-week coach-led group program for 10 women who are ready to move through a career transition.

    Sign up for the waiting list at

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Aug 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    Can This Marriage Be Saved?

    Can This Marriage Be Saved? This column was introduced in Ladies Home Journal Magazine over 50 years ago. It’s still considered the most popular and most enduring women’s magazine feature in the world. Is it really a surprise when you think about the conversations you’re having with friends or the increase in divorces after we hit the 15-year marriage mark.

    All relationships have their ups and downs, especially marriages where you are intertwined in everything from living arrangements to parenting to finances. Questioning happiness along the way isn’t uncommon, but what happens when the weeks of questioning turns into months and then years?

    In this episode, we’re going to discuss the stages of marriage and explore the questions you can dig in and ask yourself to identify what’s really going on in your marriage and understand, ‘Can This Marriage Be Saved?

    Start off by asking these two questions:

    • Are there parts of your marriage that make you happy?

    • Where are you feeling unfulfilled within your marriage?

    Ways to start fixing it:

    • Be reflective: Fixing a broken marriage isn’t a blame game, and you need to recognize how you’ve contributed too. Be ready to do the work necessary to make personal changes to your own behaviors.

    • Lay it all out there: Stop pretending, it hasn’t worked thus far and if you’re going to have any chance to right the marriage, you need to move forward with a clean slate so be open and honest about everything that you feel and need.

    • Listen without deflecting: It isn’t comfortable hearing what YOU’VE done wrong and sorry ladies, you’re not perfect either. Listen to learn. Listen to heal. Listen to patch.

    • Become aware of negative thought patterns: When we’ve been in a marriage a long time, we can easily fall into old habits or fall into old thoughts about our partner. It’s time to look at him/her with new eyes, and a varied perspective. See them from an outsider not with all your baggage.

    • Find new ways to connect.

    • Set a goal together: Maybe it’s a retirement goal, maybe it’s a goal to redo the bathroom, setting a goal together and then building toward it every day can reconnect you.

    • Be present: Slow down, appreciate each other, make a point to have physical contact, make a point to ask questions that spark conversation, debate and intellectual curiosity.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Truth About Mid-Life Marriage (podcast)

    When You Can't Avoid Having a Difficult Conversation (podcast)

    I’m so freaking angry I could scream! (article)

    3 ways to prepare for a difficult conversation (article)

    Is your

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 Aug 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Aging Reality Bites

    There comes a moment in our lives where we look in the mirror and start to realize, “I’m getting older.” When I really stare at my reflection I can see how my skin is duller and the lines across my forehead are deeply etched with the years that have passed.

    We’re not supposed to focus on looks or aging, it’s taboo. Looks don’t matter. Weight doesn’t matter. Age doesn’t matter. But let's be honest...when we are looking older, gaining weight and feeling can absolutely impact us.

    This episode we’re being real about how we feel about getting older and giving you permission to be honest about it all.

    Scientists have found that people who feel younger than their chronological age are typically healthier and more psychologically resilient than those that feel older. They perform better on memory tasks and are at a lower risk of cognitive decline.

    In a study published in 2018, a team of South Korean researchers scan the brains of 68 healthy older adults and found that those who felt younger than their age have bigger brain matter and are heading toward less age-related deterioration.

    By contrast, people who feel older than their chronological age are more at risk for hospitalization dementia and death.

    Interestingly enough, when people are asked in their forties most people feel younger at 50 about half the people feel their age or younger but by the time they're 70 they only about 15% of people feel younger.

    A youthful frame of mind has a direct correlation with mental and physical health.


    Join Our Facebook Group Just Gen x — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts:

    Weight Loss After 40 (podcast)
    When Middle Age Stares Back at You (article)
    Do You Know What’s Important to You? (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:
    Rediscovering Yourself
    Weight Loss After 40

    Other Stuff:
    French Women Don’t Get Fat (book)

    Reach out to set up your 90-minute power coaching intensive with Jackie or Mimi.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Aug 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Jackie + Mimi's Magnificent List

    We’ve got our Magnificent List, the things that are currently making us happy, and we are going to share them with you. Why? Because in between all of this self-development work you’re doing with us every week, we know the importance of having indulgences and escapes. We want to share ours with you.

    In this episode, we’re bringing you even further into our lives, enter our speakeasy where we’ll be laughing, cheers-ing and indulging. So, grab a glass of wine, we’re about to have some fun! Here's the List!

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    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Jul 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    When You Can't Avoid Difficult Conversations

    Hey Gen X ladies, we’ve all had those dreaded moments when we knew we needed to have a conversation that wasn’t going to be easy whether it’s with a co-worker, employee, friend, child, or spouse.

    Difficult conversations are necessary for healthy relationships and personal growth and we’re here to help you through them.

    In this episode, we will be helping you reframe conversations and prepare for them so you can take your communication skills to the next level.

    Before having the conversation here are three questions to ask yourself.

    • What will be different in a month/ three months/12 months if the issue is resolved?

    • What will things be like in a month/three months/12 months if the issue isn’t resolved?

    • What is the worst thing that could happen if you have the conversation?

    Head into having a difficult conversation differently:

  • Reframe the interaction
  • Be curious versus having blame
  • Prepare
  • Have better results of a difficult conversation by doing keeping the following in mind during the conversion:

  • Ask questions using how and not why. Asking how to approach with curiosity versus asking why to approach with blame.
  • Be succinct and specific. Don’t go on and on, being overly wordy and never landing the plane. Instead, make sure you’re getting your point across with clarity.
  • Listen. This is a dialogue, a conversation, a discussion.
  • Buffer the conversation with what is working.
  • Try to refrain from using the word YOU.
  • After having the conversation:
    1. Analyze your emotions. Did you come to the solution you were hoping for? Were your assumptions about the situation misinterpreted?

    2. Follow up, acknowledge and thank the person for having the conversation.


    How to Say No When Your Inner Gen Xer Wants Always Says Yes.


    Join Our Facebook Group:

    Articles + Podcasts:

    The Changed Podcast (podcast)

    How to Have a Reasonable Conversation with Someone You Disagree With (article)

    Episode 23: The Importance of Saying No (podcast)

    What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage (article)

    I’m so freaking angry I could scream! (article)

    Five Ways to Say No and Mean It (article)

    Other Stuff:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Jul 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    All We Need is Just a Little Patience

    If you asked 1,000 people what the most powerful company in the world is, we’re pretty confident Amazon would sit pretty in the top five. For me, it has my vote, but for reasons way beyond what you might believe.

    I’m an avid Amazon shopper, almost to a fault, if I can’t get it on Amazon is it even worth buying? But this week’s episode isn’t about what I’m buying on Amazon, it’s about how Amazon destroyed what little patience I had and then reminded me very quickly during the pandemic, that without patience I could (literally) have nothing.

    Pandemic aside, in this instant gratification world our patience levels are almost non-existent. Any answer you need you can have within seconds, any food you’re craving you can have it within an hour and any product you want can arrive on your doorstep by the next day. No wonder we are all letting out big puffs of breath in exasperation anytime we’re stopped at a red light.

    In this episode, we are going to explore the importance of gaining patience and some tools and tips to build yours.

  • What is patience?
  • Patience is staying calm when you’re faced with delay, disappointment, or annoyances

    • Patience is an act of self-care - it’s about self-compassion.
      • Self-compassion is about being just as kind to yourself the way you are compassionate to other people. If you saw a friend getting anxious or losing their patience over something, you would be ultra compassionate, you’d try to ease their angst. You deserve to apply the same love, kindness to yourself.
    • Why should you exercise patience?
      • Anger is addicting so the more we produce anger or irritation as a result of a stimulus, the more we crave that response because it makes us feel like we have some say, we’re proving a point, we’re getting the last word (none of which are actually, intellectually true).
      • We aren’t wired for patience. As humans, we are wired for instant gratification. We’re wired for pleasure seeking. We’re wired for impulsivity, all of which are in complete opposition to patience. It’s why, for as much work as I do with myself, I feel like a primal animal when I lose my patience. LOL Add the that in today’s world where whatever you want you can have before you even can anticipate it arriving.

    • How to become more patient.
      • Live in the present, you’re much more likely to be patient. Don't think ahead just sit at the moment and be.
      • Patience is a muscle, you have to retrain it
      • Identify your triggers (we talk about this often…): Often times we just go about our day, our life not realizing that we are creating patterns of impatience. If you know that traffic is your trigger then how can you get into your car with awareness around this and prepare yourself for what lies ahead. If you know deadlines give you less patience, make sure you space out projects and don’t procrastinate.
      • Ask for patience, out loud! When you use language to say something out loud and ask for help, like give me patience, it provides us with space and time between the actual circumstance and our automated response to it (anger/irritation/annoyed/frustrated/pissed).

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 15 Jul 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Urgency, Your Making the Wrong Things an Emergency


    For so many Gen X women, our days are spent doing doing doing. By the end of the day, we feel exhausted and spent, but we don’t feel like we’ve accomplished anything or completed anything significant. Then we go on to rinse and repeat the next day.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to explore the difference between what is urgent and what is important and why focusing what is important—to you—will make all the difference in how you feel at the end of the day.

    Put first things first.

    The book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People written by Stephen Covey, is a go-to in the world of self-development books.

    Habit 3 is to put first things first and what that means is that not doing everything is ok. You need to be clear on when it is ok to say no so that you can focus on your highest priorities.

    For Gen X women especially this can provide a sense of relief but it’s hard to put it into practice. We’ve been conditioned to the idea that we can do it all.

    One of the biggest challenges people have with this is knowing what is important to them. So let’s unpack that a bit.

    • Covey says that Habit 3, putting first things first, is really about life management. Being clear on your purpose, values, roles, and priorities.

    • As a follow-up to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey wrote the book First Things First. In it, he talks about how to identify your own north star so that you can use it to align your life against taking steps to get to where you want to go. Your own North Star is what gives you inner peace and happiness.

    How to get started

    • Do some work to identify your own North Star -- we will put a link to some resources in the show notes

    • Start planning your week by using the Matrix
    • Use awareness to keep on track, learn to say no, put your own priorities first, etc


    Rediscovering Yourself:

    Know Your Values ::

    Saying No Even When Your Inner Gen Xer Wants to Say Yes

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 08 Jul 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    The Future is Bright...Having Prospection

    If we can’t see our future, how are we going to get there?

    Gen X ladies, are you having a difficult time really seeing your future? Do you look ahead and see a mundane life, disappointment and worry or are you looking forward with anticipation, curiosity and joy? Maybe you aren’t even looking forward at all and thinking I’m just going to keep chugging along in hopes I get to happy.

    The way we see our future plays a tremendous role in what our future looks like and it’s through a lens of positivity that your future will continue to get brighter

    In this episode, we’re talking about prospection and how to create a more positive outlook for your future.

    What is prospection? Prospection is part of the positive psychology movement. For decades, psychology was about dismantling the past in order to create a better future, focusing over and over AND OVER on what didn’t go right, what shaped you, what defined you.

    Positive psychology focuses on your strengths, what’s good, to get you to your goals. Prospection is the study of how daydreaming, planning, envisioning, and imagining your future can be a powerful tool for helping you actually attain the future you want.

    Sure, Positive Psychology is a fairly new concept that came into play only within the last 20 years or so. Prior to this, psychology was all about healing the mental challenges bringing back into focus negative happenings and emphasizes them as a way to heal.

    Martin Seligman is the ‘founder’ of Positive Psychology - and started bringing new concepts to psychology. The concepts of focusing on haplessness all to create a more positive outlook on life ultimately providing a more positive outcome in life.

    In research studies on prospection and positive psychology. Those who consider themselves happiest tend to imagine positive future scenarios for themselves.

    We need to be able to envision our happier future. Often times when we work with clients and ask them about what they would like their life to look like in six months, they aren’t even able to articulate it.

    This is where the work we do comes in. While we might consciously CHOOSE a positive outlook if our SCM is set to negativity then when it takes over (95% of the day) then that’s our Resting Place ie our Resting Mind. We need to make conscious, consistent, metered efforts to shift our mindset 8% of the time, so we are closing the gap between our conscious goals and subconscious settings.


    Rediscovering Yourself:

    Know Your Values ::

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 01 Jul 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    What's Your Podcast Moment : Going After What You Want

    Episode 24 Show Notes: What’s Your Podcast Moment?

    Hey Gen X lady. Have you dreamt of writing a book and have yet to put pen to paper? Did you defer to a colleague when asked if you wanted to present to the board? Skip applying for the promotion because it involved being in front of clients?

    As you’re listening to this, we ask you to think about what your podcast moments were, and more likely, what they still are. What’s a “podcast moment”? They are the things you’ve been dreaming about that you haven’t gone after.

    In this week’s episode, we’re exploring how to be less risk-averse and...

    • Why we don’t take risks;
    • Why you need to live your life today;
    • How change is the only path for growth.

    In order to have YOUR podcast moment, you need to make a habit of being uncomfortable. What does that mean?

  • After being uncomfortable the first time, we need to be uncomfortable again and again. The more we get uncomfortable the more we stretch, change and grow.
  • Mind Body Change connection:

  • Physically: there’s something called inertia, the tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged. Continuing in its existing state of rest or uniform motion. Our bodies need to remain in inertia physically, our temperature, metabolism, weight, etc, so we physically fight against change.
  • Mentally: Our brains hate change, it spends its entire being building up routines so it doesn’t have to work very hard. Our SCM resists change, takes the path of least resistance and relies on habits to get through our days.
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    Just Gen X — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts Episodes:

    Secrets to Your Best Year Ever (podcast)

    What’s Luck Got to Do With It (podcast)

    Come on Gen X Lady, Here is How You Reach Your Goal (article)

    Confidence in Five Steps (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:

    4 Steps to Getting Where You Want to Go

    Reach out to set up your 90-minute power coaching intensive with
    Jackie or Mimi.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 24 Jun 2020 00:00:00 -0400
    The Importance of Saying No

    No is like the Mighty Mouse of words. Something so small, seemingly laughable, has so much power. It can lift you up and make you feel like you’re flying, freeing you, and letting you soar if you use it to set boundaries and put yourself and your needs first.

    It can also beat you to a pulp, leaving you bruised if you hear it or even say it and let the emotional baggage attached to the word overtake you.

    Hearing the word no triggers the primal part of our brain and causes our fight or flight to go off. Cortisol levels increase and can rush through our body making us physically feel the emotional burden we believe there is.

    We know that the adrenaline and cortisol release pushes the blood to our extremities which were necessary to our survival as primal beings. Adding that physical reaction to the emotional one, no wonder no one wants to hear no.

    Saying no should make us feel powerful and empowered and it does the exact opposite.

    In this week’s episode, we’re exploring what happens when we hear the word no, why you may struggle with this tiny word, and give you a glimpse of your ‘yes lady’ type while providing you with some tools to set boundaries so you can start to say no.

    • Why we can’t say no
      • Humans seek out a need to belong, it’s instinctual and goes back to our primal days where being part of a group increased our chances for survival and we have taken that into the modern world.
      • Humans go so far as to mimic the behaviors of those around them just to belong. If you want to belong, you’ll adapt, even if it means not being authentic to oneself. While we all want to be authentic (and most claim to be) there will always be times we adapt to fit in.
      • If this new norm has taught us anything, its the basic idea that relationships and connection are critical to human happiness. Our desire to connect and relate also drives our ‘yes’s”
    • Saying no should make us feel powerful and empowered and it does the exact opposite.
      • If you think about it, the idea of saying no should feel empowering. It should give you a feeling that you are in control, you are making decisions and yet, for so many of us, it does the complete opposite. This word can set off an array of emotions that make us feel uncomfortable.
        • We can start to question if they like us and how we’re perceived
        • We start to feel inadequate

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    Just Gen X — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts Episodes:

    Episode 4: Are You Having a Worry Tantrum? (podcast)

    Five Ways to Say No and Mean It (article)

    Perfectionism Almost Took Us Down (article)

    Four Signs Your Expectations are Too High (article)

    Free Resources + Guides:

    Saying No When Your Inner Gen X Wants to Say Yes

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 17 Jun 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Your Expectations Could Be Destroying You

    Hey Gen X lady. If I know anything for certain about our generation, it’s that we have high expectations, some would say unrealistic expectations at every turn.

    Expectations aren’t all bad things go awry when our expectations are unrealistic and those expectations expand to all facets of our lives.

    In this episode, we are going to be discussing how expectations can destroy your worth and push you to burnout. We are also going to ask you to dig deep so you can discover what is underneath those expectations.

    How do we save ourselves from expectations?
    So many expectations can be squashed through communication. Think about it, your boss hands you another project with a deadline that is pretty tight. On a normal week, you could get it done, but this week you have two other projects with deadlines looming that also need your attention. Did you communicate this with your boss?

    Have you ever asked the question, why did I decide to do this? Think about it:

    • You went to college - why did you decide to do this?
    • You work 70 hours a week - why do you decide to do this?
    • You become an attorney - why did I decide to do this?

    OK, these are BIG examples, let’s go smaller.

    • You volunteer to join the PTA - why did you decide to do this?
    • You go for the promotion at work - why did you decide to do this?
    • You decide to lose 30 pounds this year and announce it to everyone….! (ME!)

    Expectations can drive us to succeed, so not all expectations are negative. However, unrealistic expectations can destroy us.
    Expectations put upon you can drive you to live someone else's life.
    Own expectations can keep you hunting for food.
    It's time to ask — even though you may not like the answer —
    What's driving my expectations?

    Drop the ball:
    Tiffany Dufu’s book is all about CHOOSING to not do something. The world will not collapse if your daughter doesn’t do her writing, math, science and history work by 1PM today. Or even at all today.

    The world will not collapse if your kids eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on paper plates for lunch today instead of making three different lunches for finicky kids.

    What expectations are you holding onto and do you even have control over them? Expecting specific behaviors from others is only going to keep you frustrated, annoyed, angry. We need to learn to release expectations, especially those that are out of our control. We can focus on our own input not output.
    Take deep breaths, release those pent up feelings, it will free you.

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    Just Gen X — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts Episodes:
    Article: Corona Virus Creates Double Shift for Women

    Podcast Episode 16: Watch Your Mouth The Power of Language

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 10 Jun 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Career Crossroads: LinkedIn, Resumes and Upping Your Game

    If you’ve gone through a recent layoff we understand that it can feel like a rollercoaster. As you start to think about your next steps, you look at the resume that hasn’t been updated, your LinkedIn profile that is just a bunch of placeholders of jobs you’ve had, and scour job boards while a wave of overwhelm washes over you.

    There’s a lot to do, especially for those Gen X ladies who haven’t done the entire job search thing in awhile.

    Research shows that people who go about their job search systematically have a much higher success rate than those who are unorganized or scattered.

    Not to fear Gen X women, in this episode we're breaking it down and providing you with a clear action plan for what to do so you can get back on the horse.

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    Just Gen X — The Resting Mind

    Articles + Podcasts Episodes:

    Article: Top 40 Life Coach Podcasts You Must Listen to in 2020

    Article: How to Customize Your LinkedIn URL

    Article: HBR How to Write a Resume that Stands Out

    Article: LinkedIn Profile Summary Best Practices

    Podcast Episode 18: How to Manage Your Mind After a Layoff

    Podcast Episode 14: The Brand of You

    Podcast Episode 10: Passed Over for a Promotion Again?

    Free Resources + Guides:

    Canva Design Resource

    Wordle Word Clouds

    The Brand of You Creative Brief: Your Free Guide to Standing Out in Your Career

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 03 Jun 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Weight Loss After 40

    Hey Gen X Ladies, are you looking in the mirror and staring at a reflection that you don’t quite recognize.

    Maybe you gained some weight around your middle or see that you now have a second chin. Whoever is looking back at you, it can be disappointing and defeating, especially if you’ve tried to shed those extra pounds.

    In this episode, we share our own personal stories around weight loss after 40 and share some tried and true techniques to help you lose weight beyond eating carrot sticks and hitting the gym.

    Here are some hints:
    Cardio alone isn’t enough.
    You may be working out TOO much.

    Mindful eating is truly the best way to lose weight. It starts with understanding why you eat.

    Think about your snacking. When you go to snack, why are you snacking? Are you feeling bored, hungry, craving, habit, seeing others snack, having food around me, stress. Have you even thought about it?

    If so, do you use it as an excuse and declare it as fact? For example, I eat when I’m stressed? Putting those ‘facts’ into your head will hurt your ability to change your behaviors

    • Now when you actually go to snack, tap into why you’re eating. Were you correct in your thinking?
    • What emotion are you feeling when you go to eat?
    • I’m being extreme here but if anyone has watched an episode of my 600lb life, you will know exactly what I’m referring to. More than 75% of those featured on the show find their joy in their food. It’s the highlight of their day and the only thing they have to look forward to. Filling the void with food becomes a dangerously slippery slope.
    • Take notice of when you eat:
      • Morning
      • Afternoon
      • Evening
      • Late Night

    Join Our Facebook Group:

    Just Gen X — The Resting Mind

    Feedspots 40 Life Coach Podcasts You Must Follow in 2020:
    Make Your Life Magnificent is featured at number 18

    Articles + Podcasts Episodes:

    Episode 1: Perfectionism Pitfalls

    Episode 18: Quarterback Your Emotions (8% and Renaming Your Emotions)

    Blog Post: Hey Gen X Lady, Here’s How to Hit Your Goal

    Blog Post: Why You Need to Plan and Prepare to Reach Your Goal

    Free Resources + Guides:

    Weight Loss After 40: Your Guide to Getting Lighter

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 27 May 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Decision Fatigue

    Hey Gen X Woman,
    Ever wonder why as it gets later into the day you can’t stick to your diet or why by 4:00 in the afternoon you find the need to survey your colleagues before moving forward with an idea or a strategy? Did you think it was just age? Well, it isn't.

    On average, we make 35,000 decisions EVERY SINGLE DAY! All of these decisions are, unbeknownst to you, draining your mental capacity, lowering your ability to have self-control and willpower.

    In this episode, we’ll explore what decision fatigue is and how making bad or no decisions opens us up to less than ideal outcomes or big headaches down the road. We’ll also cover how you can manage your decision-fatigue so you can make better choices.

    Humans are the only species who can make decisions.

    We are the only species with a prefrontal cortex that can plan, decipher, determine and weigh options and opportunities. We can understand trade-offs and make compromises. This is a gift for sure, but the weight of this can also really slow us down.

    But here’s the catch, your cognitive decision-making ability is limited.

    Mental energy is highest earlier in the day before you’ve had to make too many choices and your energy is depleted.

    The prefrontal cortex is where all decision making happens but it is limited in the number of decisions it can make. When we reach mental capacity we have decision fatigue we are at risk for making harmful or downright dangerous decisions. Learning how to recognize the signs of decision fatigue and better manage how we process and make decisions throughout the day helps us make better choices.


    Feedspot's Top 40 Life Coach Podcasts You Must Follow :
    Number 18: Make Your Life Magnificent

    Just Gen X—The Resting Mind Facebook Group

    5 Steps to Stress Less

    Study of Israeli Parole Board - Decision Fatigue

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 20 May 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Career Crossroads: How to Manage Your Mind After a Layoff

    In March 2020 the United States started to go into lockdown as a response to the Covid-19 virus. As we started to stay home and quarantine, the economy started to collapse.

    In April, a record number of 10 million people filed for unemployment within 2 weeks.

    Almost overnight, people who had solid jobs in the travel, restaurant and brick and mortar retail businesses have found themselves out of work for the unseen future. As the economy takes a downturn other businesses are finding themselves having to quickly cut costs and let people go.

    A layoff can bring up many emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, and depression. If you’ve been laid off during this unprecedented time, we want to help soften your landing, so you can process what has happened and start to figure out your next steps.

    Get Your Bearings After Being Laid Off

    For so many, the layoff was sudden and catching them totally unprepared—in other words, it’s been a true shock to their system.

    The shock of what’s happening in the world coupled with a layoff will set off your fight or flight. When things first happen we can easily let panic set in—and then we try to take action from that place.

    Take some time to start to feel your emotions, be kind to yourself, and ask yourself some questions so you can understand what is really going on for you.

    Learn the Practice of Release

    Yes, much easier said than done but after you’ve done the hard word of feeling the emotion, you need to release it so that it doesn’t keep you stuck in place and drive you in insanity.

    You can release by exercising, journaling, doing something creative, going for a walk, doing EFT (emotional freedom technique), doing a guided mediation with an app like Calm or Headspace, taking a hot bath, reading, or watching a movie, talking with close friends, coloring.

    Take Care Of Yourself And Your Emotions During This Time

    While fight or flight helps you cope immediately, it is not designed to keep you going for weeks at a time. However, so many of us are living in fight or flight indefinitely.

    After giving yourself a day or two to feel what you need to feel and process it, it’s time to get yourself into more of a routine.


    Episode 15 8% and rename emotions

    Episode 16 Language

    Episode 5 Color Me Happy

    The Tapping Solution EFT App

    Calm + Headspace App

    NPR: Record 10 Million File for Unemployment in Past Two Weeks

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    The Brand of You Creative Brief

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 13 May 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Getting Through Grief

    Hey Gen X Lady, sadly we are at the age where we are starting to deal with the loss of loved ones. Maybe it’s a parent, beloved in-law, or even a friend, peer, sibling, spouse or God forbid even a child.

    Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives and everyone handles grief in their own way. There’s no standard book that says this is how YOU’RE going to manage. Yes, there are 7 stages of grief, but those look different for everyone.

    One thing to consider, grief isn’t always associated with death. Grief can also be associated with the loss of any kind. You can go through grief when you are faced with a serious illness, you can go through grief if you have a child who has a severe disability, you can go through grief if your parents are extremely ill for a long time

    We mourn for what should have been, could have been or used to be.

    In this episode, we talk about grief in a very emotional way. We are sharing our own personal stories with grief and hope that talking about what to expect, how to cope and let you know that with time, you will come out on the other side.

    It does get better. This sounds like the biggest platitude—but over time, grief does start to ease and you do heal.

    Little things may set you off. Yes, the first holiday or birthday will be hard but you may find yourself being set off by something smaller.

    People will say stupid things. Many people will say things that are meant to soothe or be helpful and they are not. It’s not intentional. Cut these people and yourself some slack.

    Life goes on. What I mean here is after the services you’ll feel like you have about two days grace period and then most people expect you to go on with life. This is one of the hardest parts of grieving. You need to get back into the routine but your heart, mind, and soul are a million miles away and it feels like no one gets that.

    You will feel off balance for a long while. One someone in your immediate family passed, the family dynamic has changed. So expect things to feel very off balance for a bit, roles are going to be established in a weird way.

    It can come out of nowhere years later. You’ll find yourself wanting to call that person and tell them something… even years later. I find as soon as that wave of emotion hits, it disappears but I’m shocked at the intensity of it years later.

    Your ability to deal with life’s bullshit diminishes. It can dramatically impact the amount of tolerance you have for other people’s baloney.

    You may become a version of yourself that you don’t recognize. Big losses can really change us in major ways.

    Get help.

    Therapy, books, talking to a trusted friend, group therapy, grief coaches. There are lots of resources for you whatever your situation. We will put them in the show notes.

    Please know you are not alone here. We all go through losing someone we love. If you feel like you are really struggling, please get help. It will really make this difficult period of time easier.
    Be gentle with yourself and give yourself the time and space you need to go through the process.

    Just Gen X—The Resting Mind Facebook Group

    The Compassionate Friends

    Uma Girish Spiritual Mentor + Grief Guide

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 06 May 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Watch Your Mouth - The Power of Language

    Hey Gen X Woman!
    Even at a young age, we understood how powerful words can be. On the playground, we might, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” But the truth is we ALL felt the impact of hurtful words.

    And let’s admit it, sometimes, we ourselves use words just to get under someone’s skin. Language can be beautiful, filled with love, empathy, trust and humanity. But language can also be dangerous, it can reshape our beliefs about ourselves, damage our self-esteem or drive us to make choices that are not in our best interest.

    What may surprise you is that words you believe to be neutral or innocent aren’t and the language we use to the outside world tends to be much kinder than the language we use on ourselves.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to explore why you must choose your words carefully and how what you say can and will directly impact your circumstances.

    You’ll understand why many of the words and phrases you regularly say that are not helping you and choose words that can help lessen our anxiety, and be happier and more successful.

    It's time you learn to watch your mouth! Language is powerful.


  • Understand why you must choose your words carefully and how what you say can and will directly impact your circumstances
  • Become much more aware of the words and phrases you regularly say that are not helping you
  • Recognize that a lot of what we tell ourselves is based on fiction and not fact
  • Be fired up to change the way to speak to yourself
  • When our inner voice is an inner critic your actions become a self-fulfilling prophecy reflective of those words.

    • It can decrease your motivation
    • Your actions can become reflective of the words you use
    • You lower your self-esteem
    • Increase your chances of depression


    Let’s talk about some words and phrases that you probably say without even realizing they are not helping you. In fact, you need to stay away from saying these things!

    • I should/shouldn’t
    • I can’t
    • I am
    • I’m sorry
    • I need to/have to

    Let’s move on to talk about how to change the way you speak to yourself.

  • Increase awareness around these words.
  • Go on a negativity diet!
  • Be kind to your inner child.

    Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can change our brain.

    According to Sonja Lyubomirsky, a leading happiness researcher, if you want to develop lifelong satisfaction, you should regularly engage in positive thinking about yourself, share your happiest events with others, and savor every positive experience

    However you want to think about it, the outcome is the same, how can you start to streamline your language and cut out the negativity fat?


    Just Gen X—The Resting Mind Facebook Group

    The Brand of You Creative Brief: Your Guide to Standing Out

    Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water Consciousness

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 29 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Quarterback Your Emotions

    Hey Gen X Lady,

    Emotions are the beacon of light that guides our lives. When our lives are filled with love, admiration, contentment, joy, then our emotions will guide us to a happy place. However, too often, other emotions like fear, jealousy, and anger are swimming in our heads like sharks waiting to feed. And we feed these sark-like emotions with either stronger negative emotions or with overall negative self-talk.

    If emotions have that much power, is it even possible to take control?

    In this episode, we take a look at how to gain back control of the emotions, especially when they drive all of our decisions.

    Emotions from a brain-science perspective.

    All emotions start with a thought first. This is actually very liberating because we’ve assumed that emotions happen to us, however, we actually have more control over them than we think.

    Our thoughts are patterns embedded in our brains, that’s why we typically have the same reactions to a stimulus. Since 95% of our thinking is actually our sub-conscious auto-pilot, which makes these old embedded thoughts take the wheel and turn into emotions.

    Once the thought pattern kicks off, the brain releases chemicals that start to flow through the body and heighten our emotions. When you have good emotions you release good chemicals, you literally feel high.

    On the flip side, negative emotions release negative chemicals this is why your hands may shake when you are nervous or you get flushed when you’re angry.

    Emotions from an energy perspective

    Our emotions give clue us into how we what kind of energy we are putting out.

    Here’s an example, ever notice when you’re in love everything around you feels better. I once heard someone say, “the snow even looks brighter!”. That is because we’re operating from a higher-level, anabolic energy.

    But then you have an argument with your partner. Your subconscious mind takes over and you become fearful that you will be abandoned or angry that you are not being acknowledged.

    Now you feel the emotion of frustration, maybe you’re sad or even feeling a bit depressed. Everything feels like a slog. You’re cranky, irritable and one frustrating thing happens after another. This is because you’re in a lower level catabolic destructive energy.

    Like you learned in high school physics like energy attracts like energy, so whatever your emotion, you are actually attracting more of it.

    Emotions are actually neutral

    We may say being angry or sad are bad emotions, but they are actually just giving us information. Something is triggering these feelings and if we are curious about them and why we are let’s say angry, we can get down to the root cause and then make needed adjustments.

    The other thing is humans are NOT supposed to be happy 100% of the time. Life gives us ups and downs. But the self-aware person knows how to be ok with their emotions. The difficulty comes when we want to run away from something that feels crappy and we do things to self-soothe like shop, drink, eat, etc.

    Download our Guide, 5 Steps to Stress Less

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    The Brand of You


    Hey Gen X Lady. If you were with a group of people and you were asked to define yourself in just a few words, would you be able to do that? And if so, would the description be so generic it could actually refer to half the people in the room?

    The more our lives become reflections of the roles we play, mom, boss, wife, teacher, daughter, employee, the more disconnected we get from our own essence… our brand if you will. In episode 7, we talked about the identity crisis many Gen X women face, especially in their mid-years, which ties in a bit with what we are discussing today.

    This week, we are talking about building the brand of you. You may be thinking, ME? A brand? Isn’t that for something for cornflakes or sneakers?

    Here’s the thing, a personal brand is the start of a life-long love affair with yourself. And when you have that kind of connection and respect for yourself...magic happens.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss the power of developing your brand and provide you with some steps to get started.

    We are in a career crossroads, and with today's environment, it is more critical than ever for us to be able to distinguish and define our worth into the world, between negotiating salary increases, to job interviews to asking for a promotion, creating a brand story will help you stand out and stand apart from the over saturated crowd. And we, Generation X women know how important it is to stop blending in.

    Jackie’s brand is the Jack Russell of humans which she developed years ago and uses regularly to give people a sense of who she is as a person. And listening to this podcast, you can see where that high-energy, always happy yet determined sense of self comes into play.


  • It makes you stand out
  • It helps you leave your mark
  • It will trigger an emotion that creates a deeper level of connection.
  • It instills confidence
  • It gives you a roadmap of yourself.
  • Like attracts like energy.

    Today having a brand is more important than ever. Taking the time to create your brand and your story will allow you to know yourself, follow your own North Star and leave a long-lasting impression with everyone you encounter.


    The Brand of You Creative Brief

    Why Personal Branding is More Important Than Ever

    Jackie + Mimi are doing one-on-one personal Brand of You 90-minute intensives. Book your discovery call today! Jackie at 516.428.0237.

    Color Me Happy Episode 5

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Toxic Relationships

    If you look up toxic in the dictionary, it simply states poisonous material capable of causing death or serious injury. If I think about this definition, it makes me quite angry that anyone, especially someone who doesn’t benefit me, could have this kind of impact on my well being.

    Toxic relationships are toxic to you if you let them.

    In this week’s episode, part 2 of our series on Toxic People (check out part 1: Episode 12 if you haven’t listened), we’re going to turn what you thought about handling toxic relationships on its head. You’re going to learn ways for you to manage those relationships in your life so that they go from making you feel like you’ve just been ambushed with toxicity to just annoying. And hey, we can all handle annoying.

    Let’s explore the Idea of Toxic Relationships:

    When we are engaged in a relationship that is difficult, it’s human nature to want to place blame.

    Here’s the thing, aside from real physical and mental abuse and that’s not what we’re talking about here, people can and will behave as they want. We have no control over others. However, what you do have control over is the way you choose to respond.

    This is POWERFUL. But it will feel uncomfortable and not always easy. It challenges us to do something very different than we’re used to.

    Four ways to deal with toxic relationships

    #1. Set Your Boundaries:

    #2. Preparing Yourself With An If/Then Scenarios:

    #3. Break the Pattern

    #4. Rewrite Your Story:


    While we secretly wish they would change, or even just go away, we with time can practice and establish new ways to manage these people. Remember, you always have power when you decide how you want to react to toxic people versus allowing them to take over your power and set you off.

    The interesting this is that over time when you start to use these tools and show up differently, the energy just shifts and the dynamics start to shift.


    5 Steps to Stress Less

    84% of women say they have a toxic friend

    Using Neuroscience to Effectively Work with Others

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 08 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Toxic People

    Hey Gen X Lady, you haven’t gotten to this point in your life without someone toxic in your orbit.

    There is no doubt that toxic people can change the entire atmosphere within a group. When someone has been identified as that person, the minute they walk into the room, you can feel the energy shift, literally.

    Toxic people impact us in different ways. Sometimes it feels like a slowly deflating balloon, while other times it feels as though the balloon is at max capacity so you are just holding your ears, scrunching your shoulders and waiting for it to pop.

    Regardless of your personal reaction to these encounters, toxic people can have a tremendous impact on our own emotional well-being and health, in both the short and long-term if you let them.

    There are so many layers to toxic people that we felt compelled to tackle this topic in a two-part series. In this episode, part one of the series, we’ll address the dangers that toxic people can inflict on our well-being and also outline the different types of toxic people so you can be on the lookout and learn out to steer clear.

    Today we’re taking a look at seven different types of toxic people so that you can become aware of who is in your world and how they may be impacting your life.

    Struggling with navigating toxic people in your life, contact Jackie at to schedule a free discovery call.

    #1. The Dark Cloud:
    This is the person who views every day as dark and stormy.

    #2. The Runaway Train:
    This person hijacks every conversation so they can talk about their own experiences.

    #3. The Ladder:
    Different than the Runaway Train, who just wants to be the center of every conversation, The Ladder wants to make sure they one-up you all the time.

    #4. Gretchen Green:
    Gretchen covers up her lack of self-worth with the tiny, passive-aggressive jabs she throws at you. Many times they are so subtle, you wonder if she really meant it the way it sounded.

    #5. The Leech:
    The Leech leans on you with their emotional hardships. Whether it’s about their career or their marriage, you have become their emotional sponge.

    #6. The Gossip Girl:
    This is the person that needs to be in the middle of everything that’s going on, even events that don’t involve them.

    #7. One-Sided Winnie.
    You know Winnie, she’s the one that’s always asking for a favor but conveniently never returns the favor.

    Toxic people wreak havoc on your brain in three ways:

    #1. Lowers your Energy Level

    #2. Monkey See, Monkey Do (Mirror Neurons)

    #3. Reinforces Negative Inner Dialogue


    Engaging with toxic people for long periods of time can change your brain, even enough that you begin to take on some toxic behaviors yourself.

    Extracting yourself from situations where toxic people are present is not only important for your short-term mental health but imperative for your long-term well-being.

    Next week, we are going even deeper around the toxic people conversation - we’ll be tackling how to manage toxic people and challenging your thinking around them. Toxic people aren’t going anywhere, but we’re going to give you the tools to deal with them.


    5 Steps to Stress Less

    Mirror Neurons

    Want to per

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

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    Wed, 01 Apr 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Spring Clean Your Thoughts

    The Spring is the time of year we clean our closets, clear off the cobwebs, open windows, and air out our homes. We want to go into the warmer months feeling as though our house is in order and we will spend days and weeks doing that.

    That’s wonderful! Yet, we can’t help but wonder if you put as much effort and energy into clearing off the cobwebs of your thinking. Do you challenge your thoughts or your beliefs, wonder where they came from and try to dig into them by asking yourself, ‘do they serve me and what I want for my life?”

    In this episode, we’re going to look metaphorically look under the bed and get rid of all the thoughts that have been hiding.


    Need one-on-one help to get ready for your next season? Contact Jackie today at to find about our programs.

    Step 1. Take a look at where you feel stuck. If you’re always being passed over for a promotion, or an unexpected expense drops into your lap or if you’re having trouble with your friendships or romantic relationships.

    Step 2. Investigate! This is where you really need to dig deep and look for those thoughts that have become embedded in your day-to-day thinking. Remember, your not even going to recognize them as a negative thought because you already believe them to be the truth. They are not!

    Step 3. Start to challenge those thoughts. Separating your thoughts from the actual situation can help you see it more clearly.

    Step 4. Catch your downward spiral thinking. Usually, we go down the rabbit-hole of desperate thinking. One thought jumps right on the next and before we know it we’re singing our own personal tale of woe is me. So catch when this starts to happen. It’s probably the times you are on autopilot, driving to work, in the shower, falling asleep.

    Step 5. Consciously decide to change the thought.


    95% of our day is spent on autopilot -- with our subconscious taking the lead. Chances are you have thoughts that you’ve taken to belive as fact, that aren’t. Once you take the time to really take a look at what’s going on in your brain, you can start to do a deep clean and change your thoughts. Over time, this will change the way you feel, the way you act and the circumstances of your life.


    5 Steps to Stress Less

    Just Gen X - The Resting Mind Facebook Community Join Here

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 25 Mar 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    What's Luck Got to Do with It?

    Ask 20 successful men about how they got to where they are today in their careers and they will confidently clamor on about all their skills and accomplishments.

    Ask the same question to 20 successful women, and by and large, they will attribute their success to being lucky. “I got lucky landing that role.” “I was in the right place at the right time.” “I was lucky to be introduced to the hiring manager.”

    Today, we want to pull apart the ideas around why women claim luck is the backbone for their success, the emotional tug-of-war that happens when we need to own our worth and share examples of ways to get comfortable bragging about your work and worth.

    How to Stop Attributing our Success to Luck:

    Stop giving away your success:
    As women, we tend to be highly focused on our team, boasting about their successes and ensuring the higher-ups all know what a wonderful job they are doing. This is absolutely fabulous and should be part of the strategy. This also needs to be coupled with you owning and vocalizing your own contributions to the team, how you lead them and what your role was as well. You can’t give credit away completely without hurting yourself.

    Success isn’t the Norm:Know what you’re good at and acknowledge it. We assume that what we do right is what we are ‘supposed to do’ or that ‘everyone does this’ but that isn’t the case. Your skills are your own, they aren’t the norm, so don’t brush them off as if it’s no big deal. Don’t take for granted the everyday tasks that make you successful.

    Confidently brag:
    There’s no place for 1920’s modesty in 2020. Talk about what your successes are with confidence and boldness.

    Download The Resting Mind's Free Resource: Rediscovering Yourself here.

    Struggling with your career and confidence? We can help with one-on-one personal coaching. Contact Jackie at to schedule an introductory call.

    Dominique Mas has an incredible article, The Art of Bragging.

    LinkedIn Study on Bragging:

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Fri, 20 Mar 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Managing Fear and Anxiety in Uncertain Times

    There is nothing scarier in life than to not know what’s coming.

    If you’ve ever watched a scary movie, you know the tensest scenes are the one where we are in anticipation of what is going to happen next yet not really knowing what’s going to happen or when. Our stomach’s clench, our heart rate increases our pupils dilate.

    We are currently living in a suspense-filled horror movie where the creepy music is playing so we know something is going to happen, however, we don’t know what it is or how scary it will be.

    Unfortunately, this isn’t a movie. This is real life and it is creating a plethora of emotional angst that ranges from underreacting to overreacting and everything in between.

    This special edition of Make Your Life Magnificent is going to explore what’s happening during these trying and uncertain times and how to manage our anxiety and stay healthy.


    While this isn’t what anyone wishes for, what we need to take away from this is our ability to have a force reset. The opportunity to slow down from our over-programmed lives and reconnect with ourselves and our family.

    1. Enjoy this worldwide slow down with your family

    • Watching a mid-week movie
    • Having breakfast or dinner as a family
    • Have a game of catch outside, bake, do a 1,000 piece puzzle

    2. Be as prepared as you can to feel like you have a bit of control.

    3. Build a new routine and keep a routine. In times of discomfort, building in routines will give you a false sense of comfort.

    4. Be aware of catastrophizing, which means we start to see EVERYTHING through the lense of panic.

    5. Don’t judge anyone for how they feel -- for some people, this may be a true trigger and set off panic attacks.

    6. Label emotions: There are strong emotions attached to what is happening and if we want to lessen them than we need to label them and accept them and then manage them.

    7. Boost your immune system:

    • Sleep
    • Exercise
    • Positive Experience
    • Lower Stress and Anxiety
    • Stay informed but don’t get obsessed

    If you need more support during this difficult time, please come on over and join our Facebook Community, Just Gen X Women - The Resting Mind.

    Contact Jackie at

    Contact Mimi at

    8 Ways to Protect Your Emotional Health During this Uncertain Time

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 18 Mar 2020 07:00:00 -0400
    Career Crossroads: Passed Over at Work, Again?

    What happens when you get passed over for a promotion, again? You’ve done everything you think necessary to get promoted. You’ve been a loyal soldier, putting in your time, doing the job you have and the job you want, working extra hours only to find out you the job was given to someone else.

    We know this stings. Sadly, research shows that this is becoming a more common phenomenon for Gen Xers looking to climb the corporate ladder. It becomes near impossible to get ahead when you’re blocked by someone not moving at all (Boomers) or having to fight off those below us grabbing at our ankles (Millennials).

    In this week’s episode, we are going to share thoughts, insights, and ideas around what to do when faced with the promotion pass over - which does happen regardless of what generation you sit in. We’re providing you with seven strategies to help you bounce back so you can strive forward.

    If you would like one-on-one assistance navigating your career, contact Jackie at to book your discovery call.

    1. Don't do anything right away:
    2. Evaluate the situation
    3. Mold your next.
    4. Leverage being the meat between generation sandwich
    5. Lead without a title.
    6. Don't let them forget you.
    7. Know your values.

    Download Craft Your Story Here

    Join our Facebook Community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind to connect personally with Jackie + Mimi.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 11 Mar 2020 01:00:00 -0400
    Celebrating the World's Women

    Hey Gen X Ladies—we’ve come a long way in terms of women’s equality but still, there’s lots of work to be done here in the United States and around the world.

    We're extremely grateful for the women before us who have paved the way, giving us opportunities today that older generations didn’t have. We’re also in awe of those women who are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in to make the world a better place.

    Today we’re raising the roof in recognition of International Women’s Day. We are proud to celebrate and acknowledge a few incredible women who’s stories of inspiration, bravery and strength inspired us from Tiffany Dufu from The Cru who raised $1MM in funding, part of the 2% of women to do so and forget the statistic against women of color. As of the end of 2018, there were only 34 women of color who raised $1MM, that’s insane. To Malala Yousafzai, who at age 11 started blogging anonymously about girls’ rights for education, never quieting her voice even when her life was threatened or after her life was almost taken from her at age 15.

    Of course, it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t share our own stories of inequality and sexual innuendos we’ve endured in our younger careers.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 04 Mar 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Let's Talk Money

    If you ask any financial advisor which generation they are most concerned about financially, Generation X tops the list. Research shows, time and again, that Gen X is in the worst prepared for retirement, have the most debt and spend the most money on non-essentials. On top of that, Gen X’ers are also the worst at talking about money overall and even with their partners.

    Today’s episode is all about how do you get comfortable talking about money. EEK, we just saw your eyes go wide because the concept freaks you out a bit, but we got you!


    • Try to limit the emotional connection between your feelings on your financial situation and yourself. Money is an emotional topic but if you bring your high emotions into the conversation, it can easily go astray. Really break out the fact from the fiction.

    • Don’t use the word you in the conversation. When you have any difficult conversation, as soon as you say something like you spend too much, the other person feels attacked or blamed, causing their reaction to get heightened.

    • Money can be a triggering topic, recognize that it will take time to have this conversation. You may need to take several breaks and come back to it.

    • Schedule regular meetings about finances. The more you talk about finances ongoing, the less awkward it will be. It is like anything else you do, the more you do it the more comfortable you get.

    • Everyone values money differently, so discuss what your money values are and have an open dialogue. For some, they value money to buy things, while others value money for security and some for status.

    • Create a plan for your short term and long term goals and stick with it.

    • Do what works for you. Just because your parents always had a joint checking account doesn’t mean you have to.
    • Congratulate yourself for having this conversation. Recognize each small win here.


    Finances aren’t a comfortable topic for most people but bringing these taboos into your home can have costly effects on your marriage. Start having the financial discussion today, it isn’t too late.

    Sometimes changing your financial habits and how you communicate about them isn't something you can do alone. Contact Jackie at to book a free discovery call.

    Are you feeling stressed to the max? Download 5 Steps to Stress Less. It will change the way you deal with stress forever.

    Want to uplevel your retirement fund? It's never too late according to CNBC.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 26 Feb 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Have You Lost Your Identity?

    According to a recent Gallup Poll 55% of workers get a sense of identity from their job.

    Generation X women wear so many hats, mom, wife, executive, daughter, employee, boss and we are really good at switching quickly from cowgirl hat to fedora. Do you feel like, along the way, you stopped wearing hats and instead, started wearing masks, hiding your true identity for the mask of mom, wife, executive, employee? When we remove the mask, we don’t even know who we are, standing in the mirror, completely vulnerable and a bit empty.

    We want you to explore who you are, under all those masks. What actually makes you tick and what’s your worth outside of the roles you play?

  • What does losing identity even mean?
  • You see yourself only through that lens. It is how you define your worth, yourself and your purpose.
  • You don’t even KNOW what your own personal needs are?
  • Gen X Women want to be all in all the time, which makes it even easier to lose our identities in every title we wear and forgetting ourselves in all of that.
    Here are some ways we lose our identities:
    Your job and title define you and it becomes your first introduction point when meeting people.
    You play Supermom, needing to be at every game, on the board of the PTA and bake cookies for the bake sale (from scratch).
    Beyond loving marriage, this is where you are wrapped up in making your husband happy that you forget all about your own happiness.
    Items like this can hold your identity hostage. You can be handcuffed to never wearing a bathing suit in public or always at the gym to be as fit as possible. What about finances, constantly comparing yourself to those around you.

    Start Asking Yourself: What is your self worth?

  • Who are you? Step away from all of the masks you wear and think about who you are and what you stand for.
  • You as Human: This robotic state of playing your roles and getting lost in them will leave you feeling empty in the long run.
  • You need to become comfortable with who you are?

  • If you've lost your identity in any (or all) of these and have forgotten who you are and what you represent, we can help. Download our free resource, Rediscovering Yourself Workbook here

    Want more support from Jackie + Mimi and connect with us daily? Join our Facebook Community, Just Gen X- The Resting Mind.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 19 Feb 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    The Truth About Mid-Life Marriage

    Hey Gen X Ladies, if you are like us, married by 30, you are in deeply in double-digit anniversaries, which means you’ve got your groove down, your routine in motion and your dance choreographed.

    We strive our entire lives to have a pattern, it’s comfortable and lets you know what to expect most days. Humans crave routines.

    If humans crave routine, why do we find ourselves secretly feeling bored and uninspired in our relationships? When you do the same dance every day, you don’t think about the steps, so you take for granted all the work that goes into getting to the place of beautiful harmony.

    This week, we are talking all about our spouses (the good and the ‘meh’) and getting real about how difficult relationships can be and uncovering ways you can rekindle so instead of dancing side by side, you are truly in unison, staring into each other’s eyes and falling back in love.

    Want to connect with Jackie + Mimi more personally? Join their Facebook Community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind where women, like you, are keeping it real.

    Ways to Rekindle Your Mid-Life Marriage


    • Know your why for recommitting to your relationship (be honest here).
    • Clean up your side of the street. What are the things that you need to work on? Do you have trust issues or is there an old resentment that keeps coming up for you? Look at that and do your own self-development work here.
    • Don’t play the blame game! Remember you are a grown-up and are responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Remember that you can’t change anyone, you can only do the work to change yourself.

    Prioritize your relationship:

    • Do one act of kindness per day for your spouse. It can be anything, but every day, you should do one thing that shows you’re putting them first.
    • Set a time to actively connect with one another each day and really listen to one another.
    • Put down the devices and choose to engage in a TV show together.
    • Go on in or out date nights, where you just connect, communicate and ask questions of each other. Ask open-ended questions, not the obligatory ‘how was work today’ but instead, “what was one thing you did today at work that made you feel productive.” And strive to make this connection time a no-complaint time.

    Be the Safe Place:

    • When spouses are together, they need to feel like there is a safe place to let their guard down, vent and be real. We hold our stuff together for so long, all day, don’t you want your spouse to feel like home is a safe place to be himself?

    Appreciation a Day:

    • Write down one thing you appreciate about your partner every day. It can be something very small and I guarantee you, on the days you can’t find anything, you will see something magical that was right in front of you!

    Your free workbook: Rediscovering You: Your guide to rediscovering the fuel that fires you

    The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 12 Feb 2020 01:00:00 -0500
    Color Me Happy

    We’re so excited about our topic today because we are such believers in living a colorful life, both figuratively and literally. We want to talk to you about how adding color to your day, from your wardrobe to your surroundings, has a positive cognitive effect--which means you feel good. And hello, we all want to feel good.

    For so many of our Gen X sisters, we've spent our entire lives blending in, not wanting to rock the boat, take too much credit (because sharing accomplishments has been seen as bragging), we have believed that if we’ve worked hard we’d be recognized and promoted. We’ve learned the hard way that we had to ask for what we deserved and even then, we might still get passed over because no one wants to lose their workhorse.

    As we continue to get squished from our younger millennial sisters and older boomer sages, it becomes even more important that we learn how to claim our voice and be bold.

    Sometimes it's hard to add color when you don't know who you are anymore. Want to dig into your core values and what makes you, the most fabulous you there is? Download our Rediscovering Yourself Workbook here.

    If you like this podcast and being part of a Gen X world, we have more in store for you. Come on over to our Facebook community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind to connect with more amazing women, just like you, who are trying to redefine their have-it-all without stress, anxiety, and disappointment.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 05 Feb 2020 02:00:00 -0500
    Are You Having a Worry Tantrum

    Worry is the undertow of concern that vibrates throughout our body and impacts how we view the world. While worrying is nothing new, the number of people who are impacted by worry, anxiety and stress is alarming.

    In this episode we talk about the worry epidemic, how people are coping (or not coping) in everyday life just to get by. We introduce you to a concept we call the Worry Tantrum. Yes, just like a toddler, we can tantrum with worry which can leave us in an emotionally vulnerable state. Listen to learn how to recognize your personal worry signs so we can keep you from throwing your next full-blown worry tantrum.

    Don't let worry take control. Check out our free guide, 5 Steps to Stress Less.

    If worry is constant, like background music at a spa (only not as relaxing or as enjoyable) then let us help. We invite you to join us and connect personally in our Facebook community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 29 Jan 2020 02:00:00 -0500
    The Have It All Myth

    Generation X women have grown up with this idea that we can have-it-all. It’s been ingrained in us from a young age and here we’re in the middle of our lives and paddling really hard to keep our heads afloat so we can maintain-it-all.

    We have been sold the have-it-all myth and we’re here to call BS on it.

    We're overwhelmed and quietly thinking things like, ‘I can’t keep going like this," "I have so much on my plate that I feel like I’m not good enough at anything," or "we’ve been sold a bill-of-goods."

    The expectations that have been put on us (or quite frankly, we've put on ourselves) have made us feel completely unfulfilled and kind of a fraud.

    Jackie + Mimi explore what have-it-all means and the emotional roller coaster our generation is enduring in order to keep-it-all.

    Is your have-it-all overwhelming? Download your guide 5 Steps to Stress Less

    The place for Gen X Ladies who are overwhelmed, exhausted and want to take back their life, The Resting Mind.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 22 Jan 2020 02:00:00 -0500
    Secrets to Your Best Year Ever

    It’s that time of year when we make plans for having an even better year ahead, listing all the things we want to accomplish and improvements we want to make.

    Every January feels like a brand new notebook, a clean slate of possibilities. You find yourself making bold resolutions like eating healthier and exercising more. Then before you know it, it’s Valentine’s Day and for the love of Cupid you can’t even remember what your resolution was in the first place.

    Has this been your pattern?

    Hey you, Generation X woman, this is your year. Are you ready to get the results you want in 2020? Only 8% of people who make a resolution actually reach their goal every year. We want YOU to be part of the 8% Club, those that declare their resolution and see it through.

    We are going to share the reasons people give up (before ever getting started) and whisper to you, the secrets to having your best year ever.

    Listen for the 5 clear steps to get the results you want, here’s a hint, if you really want them.

    Download your free guide, 5 Steps to Stress Less

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Jan 2020 02:00:00 -0500
    Perfectionism Pitfalls

    We are so excited for our first official episode where we tackle the hot topic of perfection.
    Psychology Today defines perfectionism, well, perfectly by stating that perfectionism is a trait that makes life an endless report card, it’s the fast track to unhappiness.

    Generation X Woman, we see the perfectionist mousetrap you are caught in and we’re here to help. This week’s episode is all about how we find ourselves striving for perfection at all costs. Jackie + Mimi break down the short and long-term impact of perfectionism, from lowering in-the-moment productivity to crushing your self-esteem. We also get real, revealing how perfectionism almost brought down, not only this podcast but the entire business.

    We show you how to bring awareness to your perfection pitfalls like unrealistic expectations and social media comparisons can become the first step to seeing where your personal perfection needs come from. We provide practical and actionable strategies, based on brain science and energy leadership, so can change your perfectionist ways.

    Stressed to the Max? We can help. Download 5 Steps to Stress Less.

    Want to connect personally with Jackie + Mimi? Join our amazing Facebook Community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind, a place for women, like you to connect, share, learn and laugh.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Wed, 15 Jan 2020 02:00:00 -0500

    Jackie Ghedine + Mimi Bishop introduce you to Make Your Life Magnificent, the podcast created to help Gen X women navigate life and career demands.

    We're dedicated to tackling the issues keeping you up at night (because we know, with perimenopause kicking in, we don’t need anything else hindering us catching some zzz’s.) Each week, we will cover topics such as building confidence, rekindling your marriage, finances, weight loss, worry, how to unravel your work identity and choosing a second act—all so you can get the results you want.

    Certified life coaches, Gen X ladies, and co-founders of The Resting Mind Jackie Ghedine + Mimi Bishop are delivering personal coaching to you every week by leveraging the proven strategies of raising your awareness and incorporating neuroscience, positive psychology and energy leadership so that you can break free from the Gen X have it all myth.

    The Resting Mind Formula bridges the gap between your conscious goals—what you want, and your subconscious settings—the things that keep you stuck, so you can make your life magnificent.

    Want to connect personally with Jackie + Mimi? Join our Facebook Community, Just Gen X - The Resting Mind.

    Get your free copy of our digital magazine, GEN neXt, The Voice of the Modern Gen X Woman.

    GEN NeXt is a collection of insights from incredible organizations, women, and industry experts who have dedicated themselves to the same cause—turning up the volume of women 40+.

    We're not just Gen X we're GEN neXt

    Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:00:00 -0500
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