
美國媽媽住台北1年後的TOP 3餐廳🏆台灣人完全想不到的選擇

1 年前
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很幽默吧!我媽明明說是最喜歡的三家餐廳還有加一些抱怨的故事 哈哈 沒事啦 你在台北最喜歡的一家餐廳是哪一家呢?歡迎留言跟我(和我媽)分享!

*本影片與Surfshark VPN合作*

It's funny, right? My mom clearly said these are her favorite restaurants yet she added some stories complaining about them. lol. It's all good though
What's your favorite restaurant in Taipei? Let me (and my mom) know in the comments!

For those of you interested in Surfshark VPN you can click the affiliate link above or enter the special code [tristan] for a special discount. Thanks Surfshark VPN!

#美食 #台北 #餐廳


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【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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