紐時控訴 Pornhub 涉及兒童色情,支付巨頭斬斷金流,Pornhub下一步會怎麼做?|志祺七七

3 年前
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#Pornhub #Visa #Mastercard

00:00 前導
01:00 紐約時報的報導
02:23 Pornhub的問題在哪?
03:54 紐時建議的解決方案是?
05:17 Visa與Mastercard的行動
06:25 Pornhub的新措施
08:08 推出措施後的輿論反應是?
09:38 我們的觀點
11:23 提問

【 製作團隊 】



【 本集參考資料 】

→The Children of Pornhub:https://nyti.ms/2WelAV9
→Pornhub - Our Commitment to Trust and Safety:https://bit.ly/3mgGE85
→Visa 推特貼文:https://bit.ly/3nmMJB1
→Pornhub limits uploads and disables downloads after New York Times exposé:https://bit.ly/2IOvMAr
→Visa and Mastercard to Investigate Financial Ties to Pornhub:https://nyti.ms/3mf98yU
→Pornhub Upended the Porn Industry. Now New Changes Could Destroy Sex Workers’ Livelihoods:https://bit.ly/3qUGzdE
→Visa and Mastercard Will Stop Processing Payments to Pornhub:https://bit.ly/3qWQHm8
→PayPal abruptly cuts off Pornhub’s payroll, leaving performers with few payment options:https://bit.ly/34fcw6D
→Visa and Mastercard cut off Pornhub after report of unlawful videos:https://bit.ly/2K4IPhS
→Mastercard, Visa halt payments on Pornhub over allegations of child sex-abuse content:https://reut.rs/3oSSNl5
→Visa and Mastercard to Investigate Financial Ties to Pornhub:https://nyti.ms/34c0CdG
→Mastercard, Visa Cut Off Pornhub Following Charges Of Illegal Content:https://bit.ly/3oT0qrY
→Pornhub - The 2019 Year in Review:https://bit.ly/3gMC2Fm
→成人網站Pornhub影片涉兒童性侵? 萬事達、VISA要查:https://bit.ly/37gCYii
→Pornhub遭控上架兒童性侵影片 網站大動作整頓:https://bit.ly/3aelrcq
→Pornhub 關停大部分下載功能,且不再允許未驗證用戶上傳影片:https://engt.co/2WdsJF4
→「被 Pornhub 毀掉的孩子」:問題不在色情,而在藉強暴孩童營利:https://bit.ly/37m9Hmu



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