
祝㊗️開業‼︎ 麻布台ヒルズまでみなさまをご案内いたします✨【のぞみさくら火星人】

5 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#東京都 #観光 #ライブ配信 #小名木川 #隅田川 #タワーマンション #月島 #勝どき #高層ビル #汐留 #虎ノ門ヒルズ #麻布台ヒルズ #開業 #田町駅 #jr東日本 #jr東海 #在来線 #新幹線 #街歩き配信


予定してるコース 船堀→小名木川→隅田川→月島→勝どき→築地→汐留→虎ノ門ヒルズ→麻布台ヒルズ(本日開業)→東京タワー🗼→田町駅

#Tokyo #Sightseeing #LiveDistribution #Konagikawa #Sumida River #TowerMansion #Tsukishima #Katsudoki#HighriseBuilding#Shiodome#ToranomonHills#AzabudaiHills#Opening#Tamachi Station #jrEastNippon #jr East Sea #Conventional Line#Shinkansen #StreetwalkingDistribution

This time, we will start from Funabori in Edogawa-ku and guide you to Azabudai Hills, which opens today.Lastly, we are planning to observe the train at Tamachi Station, so don't miss it🚃

Planned course: Funabori → Komaki River → Sumida River → Tsukishima → Katsukiji → Shiodome → Toranomon Hills → Azabudai Hills (opening today) 🗼→ Tokyo Tower → Tamachi Station

SoftBank 5G回線
DJI om6


使用 Equipment used
SoftBank 5G line
DJI om6

[Please everyone]ら
The video may be stopped due to radio wave conditions and thermal runaway.Also, please note that we will turn off the video and audio when we stop by convenience stores to replenish moisture.
Please do not post the same content continuously or slander other viewers, our channel, or other channels.If it is too malicious, we may save it and take appropriate measures.
Please note that the course may be terminated or changed in the middle due to changes in physical condition.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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