
【逛吃廣州美食】游波羅娶老婆?千年廟會波羅誕!南海神廟!波羅鷄!波羅粽!波羅靈符!千年古村廟頭村!朱雀臺!浴日亭!舞獅!榮興大排檔!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

1 個月前
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#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/RS9chhUdEFByKJES7
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/90/Gbeg
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵13號線南海神廟站 C2出口
餐廳消費:姜蔥白切雞(半只)¥59 白果支竹豬肚煲¥58 茶位2人¥4


🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 - 稀有小食】


🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 - 塗鴉街】

又名南海神誕、洪聖誕,是為紀念南海神祝融生日(農曆二月十三)而形成的民間廟會。 每年農曆二月十一至十三舉行,其中十三為正誕日。
祝融又稱廣利王或洪聖王,名重黎。 相傳是火神,因管火有功,被大帝封地於五嶽之一的南嶽衡山。 後來派祝融來管理南海。

大殿正中供奉就是南海神。 佔地面積3萬平方米,是我國古代由歷朝官方拜祭的四大海神廟中規模最大最古老、唯一完整保存至今的海神廟,是我國古代海上絲綢之路的發祥地之一。


The Bo Luo Dan (Boluo Festival):
Also known as the Nanhai God's Birthday or the Hongsheng Festival, it is a folk temple fair formed to commemorate the birthday of the Nanhai God, Zhu Rong (the 13th day of the second lunar month). It is held annually from the 11th to the 13th of the second lunar month, with the 13th being the main celebration day.

Zhu Rong, also known as Guangli Wang or Hongsheng Wang, named Chong Li, is reputed to be the God of Fire. Due to his contributions in fire management, he was enfeoffed by the Great Emperor at one of the Five Sacred Mountains, the Nanyue Hengshan. Later, he was appointed to govern the South Sea.

The Bo Luo Temple:
This is the Nanhai God Temple, located in Miao Tou, Huangpu, Guangzhou. It was built in the 14th year of the Kaihuang era of the Sui Dynasty, which is 594 AD, and has a history of over 1400 years.
The main deity enshrined in the central hall is the Nanhai God. Covering an area of 30,000 square meters, it is the largest, oldest, and the only sea god temple that has been completely preserved to this day among the four major sea god temples worshipped by officialdom in ancient China. It is also one of the birthplaces of the ancient Maritime Silk Road in China.

The Bo Luo Chicken:
Originating from the temple emblem of the Vermilion Bird, it was gradually replaced by the rooster, and because it is sold during the "Boluo Festival," it is called the Bo Luo Chicken.

00:00 Intro
00:08 南海神廟/波羅誕由來
02:06 波羅粽/由來
04:55 南海神廟入口
08:21 遊覽南海神廟
14:14 "游波羅,娶老婆"的由來
16:10 朱雀臺/浴日亭/波羅江
18:52 廟會攤位/舞獅
20:08 買波羅雞/由來
22:49 廟會攤位
24:15 海事博物館
26:39 榮興大排檔
29:24 廟頭村
29:51 周邊地鐵路線
31:51 Ending


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