We Met on IG

1 年前
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We Met on IG
On this podcast Gina, Molly & Annie, 3 “adults”, share their advice on what it is like being a twenty something year old in the real world! They hope to inspire you to live life to your fullest, give you advice on how to stay motivated, and ultimately create a community through all of their crazy mishaps in this not so perfect world we live in. We Met on IG, but we are so much more than that!
What's New With Us

The gals are catching up and we would love you to join! This week we all catch up on what has been going on recently in our lives, meal ideas, and everything in between! We have been loving these easy summer chats and hope you have been too(:

Mon, 18 Jul 2022 15:18:57 GMT
Dear WeMetOnIG

This week we are discussing all of our ~yellow flags~ and answering all your burning questions on friendship, work life, and how to make friends! We hope you loved our advice and have fun listening to how we can get ourselves out of a rut by treating ourselves.

Mon, 27 Jun 2022 04:00:08 GMT
Summer Lovin'

Happy (almost) first day of summer! This week the gals catch up on all their summer favorites! Our makeup must-haves, summer drink of choice, and why Molly is protesting the nail salon! Grab your morning coffee or favorite summer spritz and let's get to chatting (:

Mon, 20 Jun 2022 19:08:53 GMT
Seasons of Life

Your 20s got you down? These years are the most confusing of our time. It feels like everyone you know is getting engaged, married, having kids, and then there's some of us who still are trying to figure out how to separate our laundry correctly. These are the Seasons of Life, and everyone is hitting them at different times, but don't worry, we're all trying to find our own path too. Join us as we discuss our different journeys through our twenty somethings.

Mon, 13 Jun 2022 04:00:30 GMT
The Cup Half Fulfilled

Where do we even begin...Do you feel like sometimes your cup will just not get full, like you have 3 empty cups on your bedside table and maybe only a drop left in reach? Do you even know what we mean by that? Either way: tune in, you won't want to miss it!

Tue, 07 Jun 2022 04:00:42 GMT
The Caring & Keeping of You
On this weeks episode we are discussing how we keep ourselves “well” despite the negative, keeping our bodies active when life is busy, and living a balanced lifestyle.
Mon, 30 May 2022 04:00:01 GMT
One Less Lonely Girl

There is going to be one less lonely girl after this episode! This week we are discussing how to be alone, whether we even like alone time, and how independent we feel when we are alone. So let's charge up that social battery and figure it the f*** out because we need to run to Target and have some ~me time~.

Mon, 16 May 2022 04:00:00 GMT
You Better Work

What is Hustle Culture you might ask? Turn into this week's episode where we discuss what Hustle Culture is, Kim K's discussing getting your a** up working, how we feel about our jobs (meh), and all that jazz! Although we are not feeling so ~positive~ lately we hope you get something out of this episode! LOVE YA IG FAM

Mon, 09 May 2022 04:00:48 GMT
Spring Cleaning

WE ARE BACK BABYYYY!!! A whole new season means new topics, new ~opinions~ and a whole lottaa fun! This week the gals are discussing spring cleaning and what they need to get over a case of seasonal depression. Whether it be cleaning out your closet, clearing your gut, or bringing a plant back from the dead we have got you covered. We are looking forward to bringing you some good ole belly laughs this season and hope you don't drink cottage cheese water anytime soon!

Mon, 02 May 2022 04:00:37 GMT
The Millennial Balancing Act
One of the hardest things about being an adult is finding a good work/life balance. The girls walk you through what their schedules are like for work and how they manage to make time for the ~little things~. Whether it is shutting your laptop off at 6, taking a nap on the train to work, or listening to some music on your morning commute we are all just trying to survive and THRIVE.
Mon, 21 Mar 2022 17:46:13 GMT
Mental Health & Social Media

While we are all currently struggling with our friend ~seasonal depression~ we thought that on this week's episode we would discuss mental health in the world of social media. Social Media can be quite draining year round and the girls discuss how they feel about comparison, editing and filters, the pressure of "fitting in". Take a deep breath, relax, and just know that IG can sometimes be a highlight reel and we are right there on the struggle bus with you!

Mon, 07 Mar 2022 13:18:37 GMT
Pressure of Being on Social Media
Social. Media. Can. Be. A. Lot. There is no other way to put it. The pressure of not only being on social media, but being present is often times a huge reason we get overwhelmed with the app. In this weeks episode, the girlies discuss the pressure of spending, always feeling the need to be involved in the trends, and what it is like to be "on" everyday. Let us know what you think, we would love to hear your tips and tricks on how you handle the ~pressure~.
Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:55:20 GMT
Love or Hate: Valentine's Day Edition
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and this holiday can often come with a lot of pressure. On this weeks epsiode we discuss the love hate relationship we have with the holiday and what it is like navigating this day! Whether you are single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between we hope to bring a lighthearted stance on how we personaly feel about the day so grab a glass of wine (or two) and join us as we discuss all the Valentine's day tea.
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 01:52:21 GMT
Who is "that girl"?
Do you ever scroll through Tiktok and find video's that are focused on waking up early, healthy eating, working out, and having an aesthetic apartment? If so, you have stumbled upon "that girl" tok. On this week's episode, we are spilling all our thoughts on how we feel about the "this girl" trend and how what we don't particuallry like about it. Does this mentalily change the way we view our daily routine and what inspires us about this movement? Join us as we work through our thoughts and make sure to follow us on Instagram @wemetonigpodcast to stay up to date on all our epsiodes!
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 10:00:00 GMT
Happy Holidays!
It's the Holiday Season!!!!! No better way to get ready for the Holidays than to play a little game of this and that. We discuss all our thoughts on our favorite Christmas movie, how Annie can’t stop eating Peppermint bark, and the biggest stressor this season. Join us to spread some Holiday Cheer! Make sure to follow up on Instagram @wemetonigpodcast for updates on our next episode.
Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:10:21 GMT
Guess who’s back, back again
Hi Everyone and welcome back to We Met on IG! In the first episode of season 2, we really wanted to catch you all up on what we have been up to this Summer and Fall. We have a lot to catch you up on in our personal lives and even how we have been feeling about IG, shooting, and everything in between. We hope you guys enjoy this first episode and be sure to follow us on Instagram @wemetonigpodcast!
Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:12:08 GMT
The Tiktok Craze

We can’t believe that this is our season finale episode for season 1 of We Met on IG the podcast! On today’s episode we discuss all things tiktok! What we have found to work on that platform, different strategy ideas for tiktok vs. instagram, and even what we think really works for us! Hopefully you guys don’t miss us too much while we take a break to relax before season 2, but if you do don’t forget to catch up on any old episodes! Chat soon, xx The Gals

Tue, 11 May 2021 02:13:19 GMT
*Paging* Main Character Energy

By now you have probably already heard the term main character energy but in today’s episode we discuss more in depth what being the main character means to us! How do we be the main character, how do I romanticize my life, and what tools do I need to be the bad a** version of myself this summer! Positive affirmations will help you be that main character that you are! Say it with us now: I AM BEAUTIFUL, I AM PROUD, I AM ENOUGH!

Mon, 03 May 2021 23:30:20 GMT
Girls Night Q&A

Do you ever have those days where you just know that a glass of wine and chatting with your girls will make everything better? Well we definitely all needed that this week! Grab a glass of wine and laugh along as we answer some of the questions that you all sent in. Near or far, let’s have a girls night together because they are LITERALLY NECESSARY!

Mon, 19 Apr 2021 14:00:56 GMT
The One Where We Are “Kinda” Motivated

Spoiler Alert, Annie cries...while *almost*. Have you all been feeling somewhat unmotivated? In this week's episode, we discuss how to combat the motivation blues and get deep in why we think we each have been feeling like this. Just know that you are not alone in feeling unmotivated, and if you are motivated then MORE POWER TO YOU! Let’s lift each other and help each other all stay on track!

Tue, 13 Apr 2021 14:49:09 GMT
How to Get the Shot pt. 2

How does one be their own instagram BF? Funny you might ask, this episode is all about how to be a boss babe and take the initiative! Shooting your own content can be hard but hopefully these tips will help you get the shot! Confidence is key, but researching your angels will also help! Turn that grid on and get shooting girl, we can’t wait to see your pics!

Mon, 05 Apr 2021 11:51:20 GMT
How To Get the Shot PT. 1

Have you ever had someone help you get the shot and it just turns into a disaster? Maybe it was your mom, boyfriend, or bestie who is just not quite as tall as you are.  In this week's episode we discuss tips on how to get help while shooting! Patience, shutter speed, and practice is all you need! Listen in to find out what we think we do the trick and get that shot!

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 04:00:00 GMT
Spring Trends

You have probably already seen 5,000 Zara Hauls all over your TikTok page this Spring. Bra Tops, Bright Colors, and Casual Suiting are all the rage, but what else is trending? On this week's episode we discuss Spring Trends: what we love, what we would leave behind, and even where to shop some of these funky pieces.

Mon, 22 Mar 2021 12:21:50 GMT
Instagram 101

Have you ever wondered how we get the perfect shot? A tripod and a Bluetooth clicker will be your IG BF. The 4 of us let you in on all the secrets and just what you might need to start making your IG the real deal. Tune in for our episode on all things blogging/instagram and find out what we find to be the most helpful tools!

Mon, 15 Mar 2021 04:00:00 GMT
Just Go For It

Do you ever think what if? This episode is all about how the 4 of us started our pages and why we just went for it! We put those blinders on and really got over the fear of judgement which can be one of the hardest things when starting your page. Our advice to you: Put those blinders on, block out the haters, and just go for it!

Mon, 08 Mar 2021 05:00:00 GMT
Send the DM

Hi Everyone and welcome to our first official podcast episode! On this week’s episode we will be discussing how to network on multiple different platforms, why clubhouse is all the rage, and most importantly how to send the DM. We hope you guys enjoy this first episode and are excited to hear more micro-influencer topics! Be sure to follow us on Instagram @wemetonigpodcast and even send us a DM(;

Mon, 01 Mar 2021 05:00:00 GMT
We Literally Met on IG

Hi Guys!! We are so excited to introduce ourselves and tell you a little bit more about what you might hear on our Podcast! On this mini intro episode we will dive a bit deeper into how we met, what you can expect to hear on the podcast, and why we were scared to meet up for a “girl date”. We hope you guys are as excited for this podcast as we are! Be sure to follow us on Instagram @wemetonigpodcast for updates on episodes, content inspo, and everything in between.

Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:40:59 GMT
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