阿津台『黑街聖徒3 Saints Row The Third』(7) 兩個沒種屁孩

9 年前
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pc steam 黑街聖徒3 黑道圣徒3 Saints Row: The Third セインツロウ ザ・サード 動作開放世界雙人合作惡搞劇情
背景發生在《黑街聖徒 2》幾年之後,在「3rd Street 聖徒」主導的城市,家喻戶曉的新勢力「Syndicate」崛起變得無可爭議,而被稱作精英犯罪組織的「Syndicate」集團,要求「3rd Street 聖徒」必須向他們致上敬意。當然「3rd Street 聖徒」並不會同意這項要求,並且將對「Syndicate」執行制裁,讓他們知道誰才是這個城市的老大。

Two years after the Ultor Corporation's destruction, the 3rd Street Saints have turned their street gang into a media empire, becoming icons and household names across the world, with their own energy drink, Japanese commercials, toys, a large fanbase, and a movie deal in the works. However, when the Saints' leader (usually referred to simply as "the Boss") and two lieutenants, Shaundi and Johnny Gat, attempt to rob a bank as a publicity stunt, the bank tellers unexpectedly start shooting back. The police, who they had paid off beforehand subsequently intervene and arrest the Saints.
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