阿津爹撲『死侍 Deadpool』(10) 肉彈女神

9 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
死侍本名韋德·韋爾森(Wade Winston Wilson)。身為X戰警中最暴力的角色之一,死侍原本是一名加拿大傭兵,為了治療癌症而在早期接受「Weapon X」的實驗,結果身體變得十分耐打,被Weapon X列為失敗品,而受到十分嚴厲的酷刑都能夠迅速再生,就算身體四分五裂也能恢復原狀,也因此造成腦細胞過度增長,人也變得瘋瘋癲癲的。

pc steam 死侍 Deadpool 動作歡樂惡搞
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Deadpool is an action beat 'em up video game, with new combos becoming available to Deadpool as he progresses. The game, which is rated "mature", frequently breaks the fourth wall, and Deadpool verbally interacts with the player based on their skill and progress.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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