
Roots and Refuge Podcast

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Roots and Refuge Podcast
Hey there, darling! My name is Jess. There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that's exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to the Roots and Refuge podcast, friend. I am so glad you're here.
Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Garden Inside

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 43 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

Though I generally focus on sharing all things homesteading, food growing, gardening, raising animals, as well as using food (enjoying it, preserving it and sharing it), today's podcast is largely about the mindful relationship with the earth and each other.

The theme of anything that I do... at least I hope, is to be mindful. To make conscious choices in consumption, interaction and engagement.

I don't want to waste my one and only life, and that's what I hope to share today.

Remember, join our Patreon page to get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), visit our Patreon Page to learn more.

Wed, 08 Nov 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Fast, Cheap & Easy

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 42 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

This life can be a journey that's both exhilarating and frustrating. We want to learn all the new things and go to the deepest depths possible (but it always goes deeper), all the while never forgetting just how far we've come and being proud of the changes we've made over the days, months and years.

I hope this podcast can be an encouragement to you to continue on, keep pushing forward, but always remembering where you've come from.

Remember, join our Patreon page to get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), visit our Patreon Page to learn more.

Wed, 01 Nov 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Hope Homestead - Health Journey to Homesteading

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 41 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

I’m back with an all-new podcast today, and I have a special guest in the studio with me. Chrissy Marsh, from The Hope Homestead, is with me today to discuss her journey from homesteading in Australia to now homesteading in America.

She and I have many commonalities that started us on our path of a more natural lifestyle, which ultimately led us both to homesteading. Come listen to her journey of acclimating to the U.S. and the differences she’s noticed.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or, to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes and monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 25 Oct 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Eyes and No Eyes

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 40 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

If talking about feelings and obscure things isn't your jam, I encourage you to hang with me for just a minute. In today's podcast, I’m sharing a bit of my own mindset and how I experience wonder on a daily basis. Living life with my eyes open to the beautiful world around me. Though it’s not always easy, and I’m still a work in progress, I think it’s something that’s so important, especially in regards to the relationships around us.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:48:00 +0000
Growing Up in Newfoundland with Nana

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 39 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. This is a very special episode, as I have Miah’s Nana with us today. We actually recorded this in December 2022, and I thought I had lost the audio files. You’ll never know how thankful I was when I came across it the other day, and I know many of you have been looking forward to listening to this episode as much as I have been to share it.

Join me and Nana as we discuss what it was like for her growing up in Newfoundland vs. what it’s like for today's generation (spoiler alert, it's MUCH different than we're used to).

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Accepting Differences (Building Homesteading Community)

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 38 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In this podcast, I’m discussing the necessity and importance of accepting differences and embracing diversity in the homesteading community. I’m sharing how I haven’t been showing up 100% as my authentic self and how that’s affected me over the past few years.

I’m also sharing what I’m doing about it now and how I’m speaking back against those who made me make this decision.

For more information and any links mentioned (or to watch the YouTube video on a similar topic), visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 20 Sep 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Perceptions and Misperceptions
Wed, 13 Sep 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Embracing Uncomfortable

Hey, y'all! Join me for episode 36 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. Today I have Leah from Homestead-ish with me, and we’re discussing what it looks like to embrace uncomfortable.

Both Leah and I know deeply that there’s something profound when following our own path, even when those around us are following a different path. Following God’s guidance can come with sacrifices, but when you know you're where God wants you to be, those sacrifices don't seem as big.

I hope you find today’s episode encouraging wherever you find yourself on your journey.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 06 Sep 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Music, Gardening & Creativity

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 35 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

Daniel is back, joining me on the podcast today as we discuss creativity and how it goes hand in hand with our lives. We are all image-bearers of our Creator in our own unique way. I hope you find this podcast encouraging to embrace your creativity and let it loose in whatever way that looks.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Wed, 30 Aug 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Dreaming Bravely

I am very much a dreamer that is living in extraordinary fulfillment of some of the dreams that, at one point, were completely impossible for me.

Because of this, I’m much braver now than I was before.

I believe when we share our story, it's like opening up the fruit of that dream and sharing the seeds with someone else. We can say this was sown in the garden of my heart and grew in my life, and it actually produced something. Let me share it with you!

Join me for today’s podcast (episode #34), which was recorded the day after roasting our first batch of coffee at Beulah Roasting Co.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 23 Aug 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Daniel's Journey to Beulah

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 33 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

Join me for a very special episode with my dear “family friend” Daniel. We’re discussing his journey to Beulah, how God has moved in his life over the years, as well as the special place he has in our life.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 16 Aug 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Honor & How it Affects Every Aspect of Our Lives
Wed, 09 Aug 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Fall Garden (What to Plant in August & Fall Garden Planning)
Wed, 02 Aug 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Art of Hosting Well

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 30 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, Miah and I are discussing the art of hosting well. Beyond just the art of it, we’re discussing why it’s important, especially as homesteaders.

I’ll be the first one to say that hosting isn’t easy. It doesn’t come naturally to me, and there are some times when I’d rather not and just curl up at home alone. But there are so many benefits of hosting, including building relationships and community.

We hope you enjoy today’s episode and are encouraged to begin (or continue) hosting people yourself.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 26 Jul 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Navigating Seasons of Overwhelm

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 29 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m speaking to those of you who have ever experienced seasons of overwhelm. These words are words to myself and a reminder that these seasons come and go. In this podcast, I share how to recognize these seasons of overwhelm and what to do about them when they come.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 19 Jul 2023 06:00:00 +0000
Why I Homestead

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 28 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about my favorite topic, once again… homesteading! The reasons why different people get into homesteading vary greatly. While my reasons may not be your reasons, I think there are oftentimes many commonalities between those who do step into this journey. Let me share my “why” with you in hopes you find some encouragement along the way.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 12 Jul 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Home Dairy (Keeping a Family Dairy Animal)

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 27 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m discussing the home dairy. What dairy animal is best for your specific circumstances, what variables go into deciding which dairy animal to choose, and the basic information everyone should know before bringing home a dairy animal. These are the tips I wish I would have known before bringing home our eight dairy goats years ago!

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 05 Jul 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Homesteading and Hungry with Lisa

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 26 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Lisa from Homesteading and Hungry. We’re discussing all things homesteading, from being new to the homestead lifestyle and the unexpected things we had to get used to, to learning how to utilize the ingredients we're growing or raising on the farm and turning them into a meal.

You'll love listening to my chat with Lisa as much as I loved our visit. She's one of a kind and doing a great thing in sharing her and her husband's journey as new homesteaders here in South Carolina.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

Wed, 28 Jun 2023 09:01:00 +0000
Don't Forget to Prepare (Front Porch Chat about Preparing, Security & Being Wise, Not Afraid)

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 25 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, join me for the audio version of a video I published on YouTube back in 2022. The background sound you will hear is of me sitting on the porch, shelling peas, as I share the areas I think are most important to begin preparing for now. I’m also sharing why I don’t prepare out of fear but out of faith.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

Wed, 21 Jun 2023 09:01:00 +0000
The Leaves Are Green | Devotional
Wed, 14 Jun 2023 09:01:00 +0000
So You Want to Be a Homesteader?

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 23 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about getting prepared to share at The Homestead Festival at Rory Feek's farm Hardison Mill. It never fails, every time I get prepared to go speak at one of these events, the “imposter system” creeps in. Because I know I'm probably not alone in this feeling, I'm sharing how I stop my mindset, refocus my heart, and realize that there’s intention in how I’m living, how we’re living, and that’s huge! We’re actively changing culture, and that’s a victory.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

Wed, 07 Jun 2023 06:01:00 +0000
What's That In Your Hand?

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode 22 of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a YouTube devotional throwback in podcast form. The original video is called “What's that in your hand? (Responding to the Alarm).” The truth remains that there's no better time than now to look at what's in your hand, then ask yourself what you can do with what you already have.

It's so easy to look at what others are doing or what others have and become discontent with where we are, but that's the last thing the Lord wants for us. Let’s all be like Moses and use the "staff" that's in our hands to do great things right where we are!

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 31 May 2023 09:00:00 +0000
Horses and Dreams
Wed, 24 May 2023 09:01:00 +0000
Garden Musings with Wil Kunkle

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode twenty of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, we’ve got Wil Kunkle back with us from Honeybee Hollow Gardens, and we’re talking about all things gardening and homesteading. You never know what topics we’ll discuss when we get together, that’s the beauty of having a friend who might just love gardening more than you!

Come join us for this podcast as we discuss all the garden musings and just have a great conversation. For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 17 May 2023 06:00:00 +0000
Grow Your Own Food

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode nineteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about growing our own food. So many of us want to fill our pantry with homegrown, home-preserved food, and there seems to be this pressure to do so, especially in this homesteading space. But is that always necessary? What about those items we can’t grow, or aren’t currently growing enough of for our family for a year?

Come join me as I discuss my opinions on growing your own food (it might surprise you!). For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 10 May 2023 06:01:00 +0000
The Hard and Worthy Work of Homesteading

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode eighteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

In today’s episode, I’m diving deep into the importance of the hard and worthy work of homesteading. I will never tell you this life isn’t for you, but I also won’t lie and tell you it's without its hardships.

This life is beautiful, will push you beyond your limits, will open your eyes to what you’re capable of and is full of more rewards than I can count.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past podcast episodes, visit the podcast page on our website, Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 03 May 2023 06:00:00 +0000
The Urgency to Grow Food (And Audacious Hope)

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode seventeen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

This week is a throwback to a YouTube video I recorded back in March of 2022 on the urgency to grow food. I thought it was an important topic, enough so that I wanted it to be published in my podcasts. If you caught this video, perhaps this is a great reminder of the why behind what we do.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Dealing with Loss on the Farm

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode sixteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

Today’s episode is all about learning how to deal with loss on the farm. Death and dying on the homestead is an inevitability. Where there is livestock, there will be dead stock. I don't say this to be harsh, but I wish someone had prepared me better for this life before I jumped in with both feet.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 19 Apr 2023 09:00:00 +0000
A Day in the Life of Roots and Refuge Farm

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode fifteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 12 Apr 2023 06:01:00 +0000
Answering Your Questions - Home Life & Family

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode fourteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. Today Miah is back with me on the podcast and we're answering some previously asked questions all about home life and our family.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live Q&As with Miah and me (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 05 Apr 2023 06:01:00 +0000
What is a Homesteader?

Hey, y'all! Welcome to episode thirteen of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. Today I’m going to be answering the question, "What is a homesteader?"

Homesteading looks different for all of us and we're all at different stages in our journey. I have a very deep-rooted belief that we can all turn our waiting room into a classroom.

This can apply to anything! If you have a dream in your heart, the very best way you can steward that dream and that promise is to do everything within your capacity, where you are, to receive the fulfillment of that promise.

Don't give up when it gets hard, or when mistakes are made. That will come, it's inevitable with growth.

Please, just know that I am proud of you, I am rooting for you, and I am here for you, cheering you along each step of your journey!

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

As always, stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter and the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 29 Mar 2023 09:00:00 +0000
Raising Chickens 101: Everything the New Egg-Laying Chicken Owner Needs to Know

Welcome to episode twelve of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. Today I’m going to be taking a deep dive into raising backyard egg-laying chickens. I know this is a pretty introductory topic, however, I have heard so many new people entering into this homesteading lifestyle lately, and backyard chickens are their entry point, so I want to be sure it's covered well.

As you know, my love of homesteading started at a very young age, and I did a lot of research before I even began my actual adventures. Egg-laying chickens were something I read up on a lot, and truth be told, the information I found made starting seem daunting.

It’s my desire to share my experiences and make this lifestyle very approachable to those just entering in. So sit back and enjoy this podcast as I chat all about raising egg-laying chickens.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm. Visit our Patreon Page here.

Stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on the Roots and Refuge website.

Wed, 22 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Chatting with Willow Brook Homestead (Jesse Bickley)

Welcome to episode eleven of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

Today I'm excited to welcome Jesse Bickley from Willow Brook Homestead to the Roots and Refuge Podcast. Come join us as we discuss what it's like to build a homestead from scratch, how to stay motivated (while not letting fear be the motivator), and knowing how to continue moving forward, one step at a time while remembering to run your OWN race.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 15 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
For the Love of Food

Welcome to episode ten of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

I love food. In the healthiest way. It's not my main source of comfort, though it is comforting. It's not my main source of joy, though I do find joy in it. It's not something I feel enslaved to at all, though I'm very thankful for the freedom it gives me.

It's for the love of food that I do so much of what I do. I hope, in this episode, you find yourself inspired to start making the change toward sourcing locally grown food and increasing how much you grow.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Stay up to date with everything new by signing up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 08 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Changing the Small Things (and the Basics of Permaculture)

Welcome to episode nine of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

Today I have a special guest on the podcast. Many of you might know him from some of my YouTube videos, it's Mr. Wil Kunkle from Honeybee Hollow Gardens. In today's podcast, we'll be discussing the basics of permaculture and how you can change the small things in your life right now to start creating a better tomorrow.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Also consider joining our Patreon page to get early access to all our podcast episodes, and monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives). You'll also be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm spring of 2023. To sign up, visit our Patreon Page.

Be sure you're also on the Roots and Refuge newsletter, this is where we share all our up-to-date info. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 01 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
Answering Your Questions - The Garden Edition

Welcome to episode eight of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

This is the third podcast in a series of questions and answers where we're answering your questions based on various topics you all asked on social media. Today's podcast is all about the garden.

For more information and any links mentioned, visit the blog post here. Also consider joining our Patreon page to get early access to all our podcast episodes, and monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives). You'll also be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm spring of 2023. To sign up, visit our Patreon Page.

Be sure you're also on the Roots and Refuge newsletter, this is where we share all our up-to-date info. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 22 Feb 2023 10:01:00 +0000
The Importance of Community Sufficiency

Welcome to episode seven of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

This is a topic that’s been on my heart for a while now, and I wanted to discuss it on today’s podcast. Today’s episode is all about the importance of community sufficiency. What it is, why we need it, and how to foster it. So grab a mug of something delicious and come hang out with me for a spell.

For more information, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Sign up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 15 Feb 2023 10:01:00 +0000
Content Creation & Business (Answering Your Questions)

Welcome to episode six of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too, thanks for coming back!

This is the second podcast in a series of questions and answers where we're answering your questions based on various topics you all asked on social media. Today's podcast is all about content creation and business. You may think this doesn't pertain to you, and it may not completely, but I encourage you to listen in anyway because there are still some valuable nuggets of truth tucked in here and there that we can all glean from.

For more information, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Sign up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit the podcast page on our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 08 Feb 2023 10:01:00 +0000
Answering Your Questions: The Homestead Edition

Welcome to episode five of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too!

This is the first in a series of questions and answers where we're answering your questions based on various topics you all asked on social media. Today is the homestead edition, which is why Miah is joining me on the podcast. This is his area of expertise, and I'm glad to have him here.

For more information, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Sign up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 01 Feb 2023 10:01:00 +0000
Mistakes We Made (#4)

Welcome to episode four of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too!

In this week's episode, Miah and I are sharing the mistakes we've made over the years. This homesteading journey is no joke, and there are ebbs and flows that come along with it. If we can share our story (and our mistakes) to help you learn from them, then we're happy to do so.

For more information, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah (including past lives), and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Sign up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 25 Jan 2023 10:01:00 +0000
5 Year Vision (#3)

Welcome to episode three of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too!

In this week's episode, Sweet Miah is joining me as we discuss our five-year vision for Roots and Refuge Farm. There's so much that goes into a vision and plans, so we want to invite you all into the conversation to hear about it all.

For more information, visit the blog post here. Or to join our Patreon to get early access to all our podcast episodes, monthly live videos with me and Miah, and to be entered into a drawing to win a trip to Roots and Refuge farm, visit our Patreon Page.

Sign up for the Roots and Refuge newsletter here. And sign up for the Carolina Homestead Exchange newsletter here.

For past episodes of the podcast, visit our website Roots and Refuge.

Wed, 18 Jan 2023 10:01:00 +0000
Social Media and the Modern Homesteader (#2)

Welcome to episode two of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. If you're new here, I'm so glad you're here. And if you've been with us for a while, I'm so glad you're here, too!

One of the unique things about being a content creator is that I'm much more exposed to the outside world than I ever was before I started doing YouTube.

I hear stories from people all over the world that help encourage me, open my eyes, and give me hope. But on the flip side, I also have to be sure to take a break from social media from time to time as there's also a dark side to it all. The opinions, judgment, and overall loud voices of others can be great and positive, but they can also bring weariness. So there's a unique balance that must be struck in it all.

Join me in this podcast as I discuss what it's like being a content creator as well as what a modern homesteader means to me. For more information, visit the accompanying blog post to this podcast here.

Wed, 11 Jan 2023 10:01:00 +0000
The Brand New Roots and Refuge Podcast (#1)

Welcome to the first episode of the Roots and Refuge Podcast. I'm so glad you're here, and I hope you'll stick around for a while. In this episode, you'll hear about our journey from Arkansas to the midlands of South Carolina and how we ended up where we are today.

To get early access to our podcast and get our monthly lives, plus be entered into a drawing for a trip to visit our farm, visit our Patreon page here. You can also visit our blog Roots and Refuge, where you can find all our podcast episodes as well as hundreds of blog posts, recipes, tutorials and other helpful articles, all to inspire your journey.

Like I always say, turn your waiting room into a classroom. I desire that all our content, whether videos, blog posts and now podcasts, will help inspire you to do just that. Learn in the waiting and do in the doing.

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 10:01:00 +0000
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