
✨The Novel Of Wonders And Fantasies 奇幻小說 :《Trinity & Lucifer》Season Two|《川里堤與路西法》下集 新世界篇|英語影集 中英文字幕✨

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The novel "Trinity & Lucifer," in its Mundus Novus section, spans from Chapter 10 to Chapter 22. This book is a creation by the contemporary artist D.G. Lampaulus, blending Eastern and Western philosophies and Daoism, complemented by his captivating artworks that depict a fantastical world and a journey through life.

The story commences with the birth of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, who undergoes teachings from Buddha beneath the Five Finger Mountain and evolves into the Sun Walker. Trinity incarnates as the Holy Son, born as the Messiah to redeem humanity. Ultimately, the arrival of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" heralds destruction and the apocalypse. The narrative is intricately woven, featuring vivid characterizations and captivating plotlines.

Without further ado, let's embark on the extraordinary journey of the Mundus Novus section!

《Trinity & Lucifer》川里堤與路西法這本小說的新世界篇第10章到第22章。本書是由當代藝術家D.G. Lampaulus融合東西方的哲學與道學,搭配他的精彩畫作所創作出的神怪世界與生命旅程。



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**The music lyrics and composition rights are owned by DG Wander YouTube channel. For usage and collaboration inquiries, please contact us at : info@dgwander.org **音樂詞曲版權為DG Wander YouTube頻道所有,如需使用及合作請洽信箱:info@dgwander.org

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🌐 D.G. Lampaulus : https://dglampaulus.com/
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