
This Nvidia AI Chat Works Without Internet! 🔥

2 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Your Personal AI Assistant for PC is here, and this works completely offline!

We're talking about the NVIDIA Chat with RTX!

First of all, you can just add the link to a folder in your PC, and ask any question related to the documents in the folder and the Chat will just reply with the most accurate answer in just seconds!

You can ask any random general questions and it can give you the answer for that as well. We even tried solving mathematical problems and even programming, and it did really good.

The one Online feature of this tool is that you can add a link of a YouTube video and ask questions, and the tool will answer super quick.

The tool uses the max performance of the GPU to do this. The tool is currently available on RTX GPUs with 8GB of VRAM and 16GB of RAM. Plus it’s even safe as this can run completely offline, so none of your personal information will be uploaded to the cloud like ChatGPT.

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(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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