(善水特約)(九城新一家親🤪)🇭🇰 新巴 NWFB #5594 TF 207 @ 111 中環(港澳碼頭)Central (Macau Ferry) TA

3 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#蝕水巴士特約 #九城新齊齊炒 #無妄之災 #車長愛回廠 #開心福利 #唔通係油門當迫力? #撞完之後仲要唔記得拉手掣😒 #12點嚟到時已經剩低一部 #港澳巴總大塞車 #回校前一攝 #撞擊測試 #減班有報應🤭 #手機鏡頭質素差咗嘅
先前拍攝過停車位置不正確的事故,今日輪到“油門當迫力”的巴士追撞事件。今早09:54於港澳碼頭上演一場3間巴士公司的物理交流,962P的車長為了方便而選擇行2號車坑,但轉彎期間錯誤將油門當作迫力,最終釀成事故。其中新巴#5594 TF207 傷勢最重,被撞中門並連帶推前撞向其餘兩部停泊111車坑的九巴AVBWU756和新巴#5574。正午來到時,總站的交通已恢復正常,現場亦只剩下#5594 和部份玻璃碎。工程部的車輛亦隨即到達,即將把車輛駛回創富道車廠。幸好事故中沒有人受傷,這回真是突如其來的福利了。
Here comes another traffic accident video. This time 3 major bus companies were all involved, the CTB 962P driver wrongly recognized the acceleration panel as the brake while turning into the terminus, having a physical impact test in the busy morning. NWFB #5594 TF 207 suffered the most serious injuries. He was hit at the middle door and being pushed forward and crashed into the remaining two KMB AVBWU756 and NWFB #5574 parked in 111 pits. When the noon arrived, the traffic at the terminus had returned to normal, and only #5594 and some broken glass remained at the scene. Vehicles from the Engineering Department also arrived, returning to Chai Wan Depot soon. Fortunately, no one was injured in the accident. How lucky.
The Macau Ferry bus terminus was originally just an ordinary terminus. There are not many pits that are free to use during peak hours, and it is even worse if it encounters 788 waiting for the boarding. The quality of the newly hired bus captains is deteriorating, and the roads are getting more and more congested. I just got my driving license and gradually, dispelled the idea of ​​buying a car...

NWFB #5594 TF 207 @ 111
Bus: NWFB #5594 TF 207 (ADL Enviro 500 MMC Euro V ZF Ecolife 6AP1700B 12M)
Bus First Reg. Date: 16/2/2015
Film Date: Friday 9/4/2021 12:17
Route & Location: NWFB/ KMB 111 中環(港澳碼頭)Central (Macau Ferry)
TA Time: Friday 9/4/2021 09:54
Buses invloved: CTB N- #6308 TX6122 @ 962P
NWFB #5574 RZ2660 @ 111
NWFB #5594 TF 207 @ 111
KMB K-619 AVBWU756 VF4950 @ 111

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