Happy birthday! 🎂#lijiulin #circleoflove #risingfeather #cdrama #shorts #cdramaclips

1 週前
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You are the hardhearted marshal Xiao Hongye in #CircleOfLove , 💫who portrays the struggle of love and hate to the fullest. You are the general Yun Huan in #RisingFeather , who withholds his vengeance and deep emotions. You infuses the character with unique charisma and ❣️allow the audience to feel your heartfelt infatuation and perseverance!
#LiJiulin , happy birthday! 🎂May you harbor a sincere love for the world and stride forward to more glitter!

在#锁爱三生 中,你是冷酷少帅萧鸿烨,💫将深陷爱恨纠葛的挣扎演绎得淋漓尽致;在#青雀成凰 中,你是隐忍复仇却一往情深的将军云焕,以独特魅力赋予角色生命,❣️让观众感受到刻骨铭心的痴情与执着!
#李九霖 ,生日快乐!🎂愿你怀揣赤诚热爱,阔步向前奔赴更多璀璨!

#YOUKU #优酷
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