蘇軾千年真跡來港 專家解答《木石圖》疑問|Specialist Talks About 1000-Year-Old Chinese Painting by Su Shi

5 年前
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今年香港秋拍,佳士得帶來驚世藝術品 - 千年名畫《木石圖》。佳士得如何找到這幅蘇東坡真跡?此畫流傳千年有誰珍藏過?蘇軾畫風有何特色?這位宋朝大文豪有多少真跡傳世?乘著此「東方書畫界聖杯」在香港揭幕,我們就上述問題請教了佳士得兩位專人 - 亞洲藝術部主席石俊生(Jonathan Stone),以及中國書畫部專家周時健……


Last week, a 1000-year-old Chinese hand scroll was unveiled at Christie’s in Hong Kong, bringing the world’s attention to this extremely rare painting. Titled Wood and Rock, the masterpiece was created by Chinese polymath Su Shi. The painting is estimated at a whopping HK$400m (US$51m).

We have invited spokespersons from Christie’s to tell us more about the story of this painting, as well as the true value beyond the price tag. We talked to Jonathan Stone, Chairman of Asian Art, and Sophia Zhou, Junior Specialist of Chinese Paintings Department.

Full article: https://en.thevalue.com/articles/sushi-wood-and-rock-christies-interview
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