2023 DSE English 萬用功能句 卷三綜合能力! 明天必定有用!(Paper 3)

1 年前
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再講卷一卷二都冇意思了, 喺度講下Paper 3有咩萬用功能句!

💎 Formal email (回覆別人投訴)
✅️ Intro: We are writing with regard to XXX. We are very concerned and alarmed about the situation because ... (point)
✅️ Body: This is an incident that we cannot turn a blind eye to.
✅️ Conclusion: Please don't hesitate to contact us should you need any further guidelines - we hope that the condition will improve immediately.

💎 Feature Artilcle
✅️ Intro: We have a piece of exciting news here: (point) If you are eager to learn more about XX, read on!
✅️ Body: We are certain that these features would excite many of you.
✅️ We hope that you have learnt the great features of our XX!

💎 Proposal
✅️ Title: Proposal on
🚫 Subheadings: Introduction, Rationale, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
✅️ 2-3 Subheadings depend on the DF!!!
1. Introduction
2. Gamezstart: Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Acorn Grant: Advantages and Disadvantages
4. Conclusion
✅️ Conclusion: I hope that the proposal will be considered positively.

💎 Report
✅️ Title: Report on
🚫Introduction, Rationale, Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
✅️ 2-3 Subheadings depend on the DF!!!
1. Introduction
2. Gamezstart: Advantages and Disadvantages
3. Acorn Grant: Advantages and Disadvantages
4. Conclusion
✅️ Conclusion: Hopefully, this will be useful in helping is reach a conclusion.

另外 letter to invite 及 email of request 其功能具已經在 youtube 片段中教授。

我用以前補習notes + 日校5** d samples 出d notes, 真心想幫大家🥲。 大家聽日都要考試了, 唔使理呢啲打手。🥲
明天出力,揾中point + follow DF instructions + 用功能句 拼成一篇正常不長文章,已有lv5 (我paper 3 係咁做的)🙏🧡💪💪

明天會開網上電台, 即時在澳洲,同大家一齊聽 listening!

PS: 之後拍澳洲生活Vlog畀大家睇💪 請繼續支持🙏
PSS: 放榜前仲會拍片分享 Jupas 失手心得,唔會考完就消失咗, 將會繼續和大家一起面對!!! 😭
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