Archipelago: Track Two - Randy Chang in 'Surfing & the Violin' by WaGaLiGong Dulan S

10 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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"群島"第二部曲的重點放在衝浪音樂人Randy Chang。Randy 在過去的十年中花了他大部份的時間在台灣各地方追浪、他去的地點包含楓港跟成功、他尋浪跟衝浪棄而不舍的精神是眾人所知的。Randy 曾創造一項驚人的記錄就是他在成功從日出衝到日落連續11個半小時、中間都沒有休息、並且只吃了一個他帶下去的蘋果!
除了是台灣最熱衷的浪人之一、Randy也是音樂的愛好者、並精通於小提琴與吉他。影片中除了談論到衝浪跟小提琴的本質是如何相通的、也會看到Randy, Ry Craike, and Casey Furtado在台東、楓港、歐洲、印尼的衝浪片段。值得一提的是片中的音樂是由一群國內外浪人與音樂家的共同創作。
'Archipelago' is a web-series with several major themes: art, music and the ocean. It focuses on a certain individuals from Taiwan's east coast, who draw inspiration from, or have a dependence on, the sea.
Episode two in the 'Archipelago' web-series centers around Taiwanese surfer and musician Randy Chang. Randy has spent the best part of the previous decade chasing surf all over Taiwan, from Fonggang to Chenggong. He is well known for spending hours driving and searching for swell, and the story goes that he once surfed Chenggong from dawn till dusk without rest, with only an apple stuffed into his wetsuit. Apart from being one of Taiwan's most passionate surfers, Randy also grew up with music, learning both the violin and guitar. Randy talks about how surfing and music are intrinsically connected.
Includes footage from Taitung, Fonggang, Europe and Indonesia, surfing by Ry Craike and Casey Furtado, and an original soundtrack composed by musicians, foreign and local, who are connected in some way to the project.
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