Yoga Chai and a Dog

2 年前
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Yoga Chai and a Dog
Interactions between a Yoga professional and a non-yoga person covering a range of topics from yoga (of course!), wellness, health, nutrition, mindfullness and meditation. It is friendly and interactive and completely jargon-free (we hate jargons!). You can ask questions, share your experiences and be a part of this journey!Archna Mohan is a practising yoga professional for 10+ years, having earned her degree from Yoga Alliance, UK and trained under various gurus across Europe and Americas. Deepak Mohan, the non-yoga, is a forever doubtful, but inquisitive person, testing Archna's patience with his questions on various topics.
Season 2: Introductions are in order again

Hey Podfriends!  
After a break of 7 months, we are back again.   We  had been busy during the last couple of months with some new hobbies and  things like that.  And we share it all in this episode.

We talked about these in this episode and as promised the links are below:
1. The wonderful work done by Gary and Michelle at DogsnHome.  Their website is and their facebook page is:

2. We had mentioned Khalsa Aid as one of the organisations where you can donate for the epidemic in India.  Their website is and their facebook page is:

New  episodes every fortnight on Fridays at 18:00 GMT. Well!  we will try  to!   So don’t miss any episode and subscribe to this podcast.  It comes  at an enormous cost of one click!

Music:  Maddie Ashman  and Edward Cross

Introduction: Aditi  Mohan

We  are really passionate about this podcast and would keep on improving it  to meet your expectations.  We are on the major social media platforms:
Instagram - yogachaidog
Twitter - @yogachaidog1  
Facebook -

Have a question?  Have a suggestion?  Want to share your views/experience?  Send us a mail at

Deepak and Archna

Mon, 02 Aug 2021 14:00:07 GMT
Mental Health Issues in Children

In the first episode of Season 2 we start with a worrying trend that is  becoming obvious post pandemic - mental health issues in children.  In  this episode we present our take on it and how to handle the issue.

New  episodes every fortnight on Fridays at 18:00 GMT. Well!  we will try  to!   So don’t miss any episode and subscribe to this podcast.  It comes  at an enormous cost of one click!

Music:  Maddie Ashman and Edward Cross

Introduction: Aditi  Mohan

We  are really passionate about this podcast and would keep on improving it  to meet your expectations.  We are on the major social media platforms:
Instagram - yogachaidog
Twitter - @yogachaidog1  
Facebook -

Have a question?  Have a suggestion?  Want to share your views/experience?  Send us a mail at

Deepak and Archna

Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:55:22 GMT
In Conversation with Dr Alka Patel
When you think of doctors, you immediately think prescriptions and pills. Right? Wrong! We met a medical professional with a diference. Instead of pills, she prescribes lifestyle changes! And that resonated so much with our own views. No wonder we...
Fri, 30 Oct 2020 16:00:00 GMT
PTSD: In conversation with Marius Pelser
How many of us have heard of PTSD? How many of us really know what it is? We were so priviledged to talk to Marius Pelser who supports people suffering from Mental Health issues and especially PTSD. You cannot find a better peson than Marius to...
Fri, 25 Sep 2020 15:00:00 GMT
Mental Health: Your Tools and How to Use them
Healing is not about changing who you are. It is about changing your relationship with who you are. A fundamental part of that is honouring how you feel.Mental health has come into a lot of prominence with the current endemic. We may be suffering...
Fri, 11 Sep 2020 15:00:00 GMT
Lets Talk About Mental Health
Healing is not about changing who you are. It is about changing your relationship to who you are. A fundamental part of that is honouring how you feel.Mental health has come into a lot of prominence with the current endemic. We may be suffering from...
Fri, 28 Aug 2020 15:00:00 GMT
It's difficult finding a mould for her! A powerhouse named Kiran Dembla
There are people who inspire you; and there are people who blow you away! Our guest on this episode is neither! It is extremely difficult to find a mould for this personality! Coming from a very tradition family she set to break all conceptions about...
Fri, 14 Aug 2020 15:00:00 GMT
In conversation with Jason Crandell and Andrea Ferretti
It was wonderful to have a free-flowing conversation with Jason and Andrea on everything but yoga. They are a wonderful couple who, like many others, try hard to maintain a balance between their professional selves and their personal lives. Hear Jason...
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 15:00:00 GMT
Building Resilience in the times of crisis
Tough times call for tough measures. About 3 months in the pandemic, people have adopted various techniques to tide over the effects of lockdowns, home working and mental health. In this episode we share our experience and suggestions on what you can...
Fri, 05 Jun 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Being Human - the other side of a yoga practitioner
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a yoga practitioner? Their yoga practice, their teaching...? There's a human side to them too and they have traversed their own journey to where they are now. We thought of talking to...
Fri, 22 May 2020 15:00:00 GMT
Courage - the dare to do different?
What does courage mean to you? Is it heroics, or display of super human antics? Or just acting on impulse to do things differently, given the enormity of a situation? We wanted to explore this topic. Of course we had a point of view which you would...
Fri, 08 May 2020 14:00:00 GMT
Body Image - Revisited
Our Episode on Body Image published on March 13, 2020 has become the top downloaded episode so far across the globe. We have received a number of queries and comments on that. Based on your questions and comments we decided to revisit this topic once...
Fri, 24 Apr 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Dealing with the Crisis
For the first time we struggled to produce this episode. We knew it had to be about the Corona endemic, but were unsure what to talk about. We did not want to preach; nor advice. We ourselves are trying to make sense of this new reality. So here’s...
Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Self Care and Self Preservation - your two best friends
We are going through unprecedented trying times. People all over the world have been, and continue to be, affected by COVID 19 endemic. Its important for us to understand how can we help ourselves before helping others.New episodes every fortnight on...
Fri, 27 Mar 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Body Image - are you a victim of it?
Chances are that you may not have heard about Body Image and yet you may be impacted by it. Surrounded by social media and constant advertisements we tend to feel impoverished, when we look at others and their bodies. And that takes us into a serious...
Fri, 13 Mar 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Coronavirus - what can we do about it?
Coronavirus is the biggest news today, all over the world. It evokes a lot of emotions everywhere - fear, anxiety, depression... you name it. So how do you handle this situation? What can you do about it? We have a solution and we discuss it in this...
Fri, 28 Feb 2020 16:00:00 GMT
Love's in the air!
It's St Valentine's Day, and the love bug has bitten us too. We have talked enough about yoga and wellness and health. Today, we take a detour and talk about love. How we fell in love and what do we think of it after four decades of being in love.New...
Fri, 14 Feb 2020 14:00:00 GMT
The Psychology of Eating - Knowing why diets don't work
The third part of the series on how to ensures that resolutions become a part of your life. In this episode we discuss the psychology behind eating which often culminates in binge eating or drinking. Archna is a certified coach from the Institute of Psychology for Eating and shares her views on how this helps in gaining consciousness on your eating habits.
Fri, 31 Jan 2020 18:00:00 GMT
Being consistent - the power of habits
Continuing from our previous episode on resilutions, we talk about how to convert them as your habit!
Fri, 17 Jan 2020 18:00:00 GMT
Breaking the New Year's Resolutions
So, you have made a resolution for the New Year? Congratulations! Many people make resolutions for the New Year only to see it being broken by February or March (if you are lucky!). In this episode we discuss what you need to do (and not do!) to ensure that you stuck to the resolutions.
Fri, 03 Jan 2020 18:00:00 GMT
Festival Stress
Hello! Its less than a month to Christmas. And I bet, you're stressed out about it. We discuss the do's and dont's of not getting stressed during the festivities and enjoy it as it should be.
Fri, 29 Nov 2019 18:00:00 GMT
A beginner's guide to Meditation
A listener has requested for a beginners guide on Meditation and guess who is made to do it?
Fri, 15 Nov 2019 18:00:00 GMT
Yoga and Stress Management
Does Yoga really help in stress management? What can we do to lower our stress levels using yoga.
Fri, 08 Nov 2019 18:00:00 GMT
Such an inspiration! Meet Woj Klisz
In conversation with Woj Klisz a 25 year old practitioner of Calysthenics at Basingstoke.
Fri, 25 Oct 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Yoga and Weight Loss
Does Yoga help in weight loss? That's a question that has been asked to us. And we try to answer this issue.
Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Gender Stereotypes - Can we ever get rid of them?
"Be a man!" "Don't be a sissy!" We hear these expressions day in and out. What is with gender stereotypes that makes it so difficult to get rid of?
Fri, 11 Oct 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Against all odds: A story of rediscovery
We talk to a super couple who agreed to re-live their last 10+ years living with a rare affliction and how it brought them together as a family. Alert: Please have a tissue at hand before listening to this episode.
Fri, 27 Sep 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Inner Resources: Your Bank of Happiness
Do you know each one of us have a bank within us which we can dip in at when everything seems just a bit unbearable around us? They are called inner resources and Archna Mohan explains more about it.
Fri, 20 Sep 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Hey! Its fun time!
Life begins when you start having fun. And you don't need to prep for it. Let go, and things start happening around you. We discuss why having fun is A-1 requirement for you and how to have fun - lots an lots of it!
Fri, 13 Sep 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Footnotes: Your Questions Answered
We reply to your mails (with utmost honesty) that we have received for the last 4 episodes. Keep them coming guys!
Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Life in a slow lane
Fast lane, fast food, speed dialling, speed dating! Been there done it? Now is the time to think of slowing down.
Fri, 06 Sep 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Gratitude - Thank you dear listeners!
Have you ever considered thanking your car after that long journey? Or your chair which make you feel comfy? Or even the mobile device which makes your life so easy? Its not always about saying thank you. You can show gratitude in a number of ways!
Fri, 30 Aug 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Morning Pages? What the heck is that?
Have you heard of morning pages? And I'm not talking about the newspaper here. Its a fascinating ritual which our very own yoga professional Archna has been practicing. And it has done wonders for her. Would it do the same to you?
Fri, 23 Aug 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Does yoga really work for everyone?
Yoga has recently gained a lot of popularity. Does this really work? Why should one go for yoga?
Fri, 16 Aug 2019 17:00:00 GMT
Hello World! Here we are!
Hello World! Our very first episode. Did you find the title funny? So do we. But there's a reason for this title. Listen to this introductory episode where we talk a bit about ourselves and why we created this podcast.
Fri, 09 Aug 2019 17:00:00 GMT
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