
AWS This Week: AWS Proton & AWS Lambda Extensions in GA

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Mattias Andersson is here with your weekly dose of AWS news and updates! This week, we take a look at AWS Proton as it moves into general availability, bringing support for multi-account infrastructure and IAM condition context keys. Plus, we’ll run through another quick-fire round of service updates including announcements for AWS Lambda, EKS pods running on Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker.

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Introduction (0:00)
AWS Proton is now generally available (0:49)
AWS Proton supports multi-account infrastructures (2:12)
AWS Proton APIs now support IAM condition context keys (2:29)
Quick-fire AWS service updates (2:50)

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- AWS announces the general availability of AWS Proton: https://amz.run/4eBa
- What you need to know about the new AWS Proton service: https://acloudguru.com/blog/engineering/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-aws-proton-service
- The strange case of AWS Proton: Conway’s Law-as-a-Service?: https://acloudguru.com/blog/engineering/aws-proton-is-conways-law-as-a-service
- Announcing Global Clusters for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility): https://amz.run/4eBd
- AWS Lambda Extensions are now Generally Available in all commercial regions: https://amz.run/4eBe
- Now Open Third Availability Zone in the AWS China (Beijing) Region: https://amz.run/4eBh
- Amazon SNS now supports SMS Sandbox and displays available origination IDs in your account: https://amz.run/4eBi
- Amazon Cognito now supports targeted sign out through refresh token revocation: https://amz.run/4eBj
- Amazon EKS pods running on AWS Fargate now support custom security groups: https://amz.run/4eBk
- AWS Transit Gateway Updates Service Level Agreement to 99.99%: https://amz.run/4eBl
- File Access Auditing Is Now Available for Amazon FSx for Windows File Server: https://amz.run/4eBm
- AWS Systems Manager is now FedRAMP-High Compliant: https://amz.run/4eBn
- Amazon EMR Studio is now available in 13 regions: https://amz.run/4eBo
- Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler now supports Snowflake as a data source: https://amz.run/4eBp
- Amazon SageMaker model registry now supports rollback of deployed models: https://amz.run/4eBq
- Amazon SageMaker Pipelines now supports callback capability: https://amz.run/4eBr
- Amazon Managed Blockchain now supports customer-managed customer master keys: https://amz.run/4eBt
- Amazon Athena engine version 2 is generally available in all AWS commercial and GovCloud regions: https://amz.run/4eBu
- AWS Removes NAT Gateway’s Dependence on Internet Gateway for Private Communications: https://amz.run/4eBv

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(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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