
老人說虎年結婚不好命,農曆 3月清明節 7月盂蘭節 9月重陽節 不適宜辦喜事!一對新人一定會相沖,是真有這樣的禁忌與迷信嗎?(現場直播,如有雷同,純屬巧合,只供參考)

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
老人說虎年結婚不好命,農曆 3月清明節 7月盂蘭節 9月重陽節 不適宜辦喜事!一對新人一定會相沖,是真有這樣的禁忌與迷信嗎?
The elderly said NO GOOD to get married during tiger year, and no wedding ceremony in lunar March tomb sweeping festival , July ghost festival & September Chong Yang (double ninth) festival! This will definitely clash for the couples, is it really such taboo and superstitious?
(Live broadcast, any resemblance is purely coincidental, for reference only)
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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