预告合集:EP25 - EP30 Trailer Collection【欢乐英雄之少侠外传 Growing Pains of Swordsmen】

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《欢乐英雄之少侠外传》平安镇 “富贵山庄”,是江湖上最大帮派“百佬会”的驻地,渴望退休的三位长老为把子女林太平、王动、燕七培养成接班人,不仅中断了他们的生活费,还试图通过制造难题加速子女的成长。不料半路杀出的平民侠客郭大路扰乱了他们的计划。他与三个少侠结为好友,办武馆、报馆、戏班、侦探社……非但越折腾越穷,还引来对手的趁虚而入……同时,四少侠还要面临内部团结、敌对势力、爱情纠纷等问题。渐渐地,他们有了谋生能力,互相惺惺相惜,爱情关系也纷纷开花结果……当三长老决心把长老之位传给三少侠的时候,少侠们却拒绝了。他们觉得,在平凡中给自己和别人带来欢乐的人也是英雄。
☞主演: 孙艺洲、蓝盈莹、杨玏、白客、贾冰、刘亚津
【Synopsis】Ping'an Town's "Rich Villa", was the largest resident of "Hundred Masters Gang" in the world. The three elders who were eager to retire, wanted to train their children Lin Taiping, Wang Dong, and Yan Qi into successors, and they not only interrupted their living expenses, but also tried to accelerate the growth of them through creating problems. Unexpectedly, the civilian hero, Guo Dalu, disturbed their plan. He became friends with the three people, and run martial, newspaper, drama troupe, detective agency... Not only they became more and more poor, but also they attracted the opponent... At the same time, the four of them also faced internal unity, hostile forces, love disputes and other problems. Gradually, they had the ability to make a living, appreciate each other, and their love relationships blossomed... When the three elders decided to pass the elder to the three young men, they refused. They felt that the people who brought joy to themselves and others in daily life were also heroes.
【Starring】Sun Yizhou,Lan Yingying,Yang Le,Bai Ke,Jia Bing,Liu Yajin

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#欢乐英雄之少侠外传 #GrowingPainsofSwordsmen #腾讯视频
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