Arts in HK: Don Mak x Watercolor Illustration | 藝聚香港: 麥東記 x 水彩插畫

1 年前
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Drawing inspiration from everyday moments, artist Don Mak illustrates Hong Kong’s urban landscape from a local perspective. The fruit stand featured in the video is only a small part of the art piece ‘Egg Tart’ co-created by Don Mak and Ilya Milstein. Watch the video to view the entire artwork and see how the artists reinterpret the streets of Hong Kong in all their glory!

麥東記Don Mak以日常生活點滴為靈感,用「土炮」香港人嘅視覺,繪製出細節豐富嘅城市風貌。想睇麥東記同Ilya Milstein筆下嘅香港街景,就記得唔好錯過佢地嘅完整作品「蛋撻」啦。

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