背著女友LoL (League of Legends 英雄聯盟 Parody) | Haomao 好毛

11 年前
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原曲 [林俊傑-背對背擁抱]

這首歌是從一些身邊的朋友的慘況發想而來: 因為太愛玩花太多時間在英雄聯盟上面, 導致女朋友感覺背冷漠而天天上演吵架分手的戲碼.

此劇情完全是以身邊朋友為藍本, 純屬做為娛樂與讓人開心的搞笑影片, 如有雷同, 純屬巧合.

這個影片有太多的第一次: 第一次錄音, 第一次拍MV, 第一次用到大型場地, 第一次改詞, etc...喜歡的話就按個讚吧. 有任何的指教建議也通通歡迎!


(喔對了, 裡面唱歌彈奏的都不是我 哈哈)

League of Legends Music Parody of JJ Lin

Based on true stories of friends around that had to deal with a lot of fighting with their girlfriends over League of Legends

English subtitles have been added for those who can not understand Chinese
- Thanks for those posted on Reddit and suggested English translation
- To see the subtitle just turn on 'cc' and select 'English'

Cast: Cait & Jerry

Bradley L. (主唱+電子琴)
Sam W. (吉他)
Edward T. (電子鼓)
Harry W. (攝影+燈光)

遊戲畫面: MrSuave (TF), DarkWiny (Lee Sin), TheGenialOne (Nocturne), 伊莎貝兒 (Blitz)

Knox Church 出借拍攝場地
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