Young Story Lovers

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Young Story Lovers

Young Story Lovers (YSL) is a podcast for young listeners who love to be entertained and transported to new and exciting worlds. Every episode, host Ian will captivate listeners with classic tales from well-known authors, as well as original stories crafted with care and imagination.Join us on our journey as we explore the world of storytelling, learning about perseverance and resilience along the way. Whether you're snuggled up in bed, on the bus to school, or simply taking a break from the world, let YSL take you on a thrilling adventure with every episode.

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1st Season Finale

In this heartfelt podcast finale, the Young Story Lovers bid farewell to their first season. With 42 captivating stories shared, the host reflects on the magic and joy that storytelling has brought into their listeners' lives. As they invite their beloved audience to join them for a potential second season, they reference the significance of 42 as the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" books. Listeners are encouraged to provide feedback, suggestions, and support via email and donations, ensuring that the power of storytelling continues to inspire young hearts everywhere.

Join Ian for a touching and hopeful goodbye as he celebrates the enchanting world of stories and bids farewell to their listeners, at least for now.

❤️You can support us at RedCircle

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Mon, 03 Jul 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP42. Oceans of Wonder: A Symphony of Sea Creatures

Dive into the depths of the ocean with this captivating sonnet that celebrates the incredible sea creatures and marvels found beneath the waves. From the playful dolphins to the majestic whales and the vibrant coral reefs, this poetic journey takes readers on an exploration of the ocean's enchanting beauty. Through vivid imagery and rhythmic verses, "Oceans of Wonder: A Symphony of Sea Creatures" invites young and curious minds to appreciate the wonders of the deep blue sea and the importance of preserving our precious oceans.

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Mon, 26 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP41. The Curious Explorer: A Journey to Dreamland

Join Emma, a young and curious explorer, on an enchanting journey of learning, curiosity, and hard work. Through her adventures, Emma learns the importance of perseverance, embracing failure, and respecting diverse cultures. As she returns to her hometown, Emma opens a curiosity shop, igniting the curiosity of young minds and inspiring them to follow their dreams. This relatable and inspiring story teaches children the joy of learning, the power of curiosity, and the importance of working hard to achieve their goals.

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Fri, 23 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP40. Melodies of the Seasons

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of seasons with this captivating sonnet. As each line gracefully unfolds, the beauty and charm of the four seasons come alive, painting a vivid portrait of nature's ever-changing symphony. From the gentle lullaby of spring, awakening the dormant flowers, to the lively dance of summer, radiating warmth and abundance, this sonnet celebrates the unique character and gifts of each season. Through eloquent verses, it invites listeners to embrace the vibrant colors, fragrant melodies, and serene moments that define the cycle of nature. Join us on a poetic journey that will ignite your senses, fill your heart with joy, and remind you of the timeless beauty that lies within the ever-changing seasons.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP39. Rediscovering the Child Within

In this reflective and nostalgic poem, we journey back to the carefree days of childhood. Through heartfelt verses, we explore the innocence, freedom, and boundless joy that defined our younger years. However, as adulthood beckons, responsibilities and seriousness take center stage, causing us to long for the simplicity and lightness of being a child. This poem encourages listeners to reconnect with their inner child, to embrace moments of silliness and play, and to rediscover the true essence of happiness. Join us on this poetic exploration of the magic and wisdom that childhood brings, reminding us that, no matter our age, the child within us always yearns for joy and carefree adventures.

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Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP38. El Viaje del Capitán Zanahoria

Today Ian will share with us the story of Captain Carrot, known as our 9th Episode; but today in Spanish!

Únete al Capitán Zanahoria y su valiente tripulación de verduras mientras se embarcan en un viaje para descubrir los alimentos más deliciosos y saludables en el reino vegetal. En el camino, aprenderán la importancia de comer una variedad de frutas y verduras y cómo divertirse y mantenerse saludables al mismo tiempo. ¡Únete a la tripulación y prepárate para una aventura divertida y nutritiva!

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Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP37. The Great Race: A Tale of Resilience and Respect

Join Ricky the Rabbit, Ella the Elephant, Oliver the Otter, and Max the Monkey as they embark on an exciting race to prove who among them is the fastest. Through a series of challenges and obstacles, they learn the power of resilience and respect. This heartwarming tale teaches young readers the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and supporting one another on the journey to success. Get ready for a fun-filled adventure that will inspire and entertain!

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Fri, 09 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP36. The Tapestry of Friendship

Join us in this heartfelt and inspiring poem as we delve into the beauty of friendship and the power of respect. Through vivid imagery and heartfelt verses, we explore the deep connections that blossom when hearts connect with gentle grace. This poem celebrates the tapestry of love, understanding, and gratitude that weaves through our friendships, emphasizing the cornerstone of respect. Through its uplifting message, "The Tapestry of Friendship" reminds listeners of the importance of honoring and cherishing one another and how the bonds we forge can lift us up and dispel our fears. This poetic journey encourages us to nurture seeds of respect, to listen and learn, and to embrace the differences that make our friendships shine brightly.

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Mon, 05 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP35. El Renacuajo Paseador

El Renacuajo Paseador was our very first story, translated to English, and now we can enjoy it in Spanish in its original version!

This fable is a well-known tale in Colombia and one of my favorites by Rafael Pombo, a poet, mathematician, and engineer best known for his contributions to children's literature.

So sit back, relax, and join us for our first episode of Young Story Lovers (YSL)

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Fri, 02 Jun 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP34. The Magic of Emotions: Learning to Bounce Back

In this heartwarming story, we will embark on a journey with our protagonist, Lily, as she learns an important lesson about handling emotions when faced with loss. Through a blend of thoughtful exploration and lighthearted adventure, children will discover the power of resilience and the magic that lies within their own hearts. This story aims to encourage children to embrace their emotions, learn from setbacks, and find strength in their ability to bounce back. With relatable characters and a positive message, "The Magic of Emotions: Learning to Bounce Back" will inspire young listeners to navigate life's challenges with courage and a growth mindset.

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Mon, 29 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP33. The Sea

Today’s poem is about the beauty and power of the sea. The poem captures the awe-inspiring and mysterious nature of the ocean, with its vastness and hidden treasures. The rhythm of the poem is gentle and calming, like the sound of waves lapping at the shore. The language is simple and accessible, yet evocative and imaginative, inviting young readers to explore the depths of the sea and discover its wonders. The poem celebrates the richness of marine life and the endless possibilities of adventure that the sea offers to those who are curious and brave.

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Fri, 26 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP32. Ada and the Volcano

“Ada and the Volcano” is a great example of how curiosity and experimentation can lead to scientific discoveries. It’s a great story for kids who are interested in science.

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Mon, 22 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP31. The Crow and the Peacocks

The fable that will be shared on this episode of YSL is titled "The Crow and the Peacocks". This classic story is attributed to Aesop, a Greek storyteller who lived in the 6th century BC. In this fable, a vain crow becomes envious of the beautiful feathers of a pair of peacocks and decides to steal them. He glues the feathers to his own tail and struts around, but his fellow crows see through his deception and reject him.

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Fri, 19 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP30. El Ciclo de la Vida

The Cycle of Life

Our first episode in Spanish!

This poem captures the beauty and wonder of the changing seasons, from the warmth and brightness of the sun to the cool breeze and fresh air of springtime. As the world comes alive, with colorful flowers blooming and trees covered in leaves, love seems to fill the air. The rain comes, bringing with it a stunning rainbow that never fades away. Even when the sky turns gray, life continues without surprises or slips.

As the sun sets behind the mountains, the moon takes over and begins its dance. The stars twinkle in the night sky, and silence surrounds us. The poem reminds us that this is the cycle of life—an endless dance without measure. It encourages us to cherish every moment and enjoy each breath we take.

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Mon, 15 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP29. The Horse and The Wolf

In this episode of Young Story Lovers, we bring you a classic Aesop's fable, "The Horse and the Wolf." This timeless tale teaches us an important moral lesson about being cautious of flattery and deception. While we couldn't find specific credits for this particular retelling of the story, "The Horse and the Wolf" is a well-known fable that has been shared and retold many times throughout history in different cultures and languages. Tune in to hear this engaging story by Ainoah and learn the valuable lesson it imparts.

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Fri, 12 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000

Próximamente historias en español!!

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Tue, 09 May 2023 13:03:30 +0000
EP28. The Magical Forest Adventure

The Magical Forest Adventure is a thrilling tale of friendship, bravery, and the power of magic. In this story, we follow a group of animal friends, a rabbit, a squirrel, a deer, and a bear, who live in a magical forest known for its beauty and wonder. When a mysterious mist begins to creep in, the animal friends set out to discover its source and find themselves on a quest to defeat an evil sorcerer who has cast a spell on the forest.

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Mon, 08 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP27. The Kingdom of Animals

Join Ian as he tells a heartwarming story about the animal kingdom and the importance of acceptance and unity.

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Fri, 05 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP26. The Animal Kingdom Adventure

Today, our special guest Ainoah will join Anna on an epic journey through the animal kingdom, where she discovers the true meaning of friendship and loyalty.

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Mon, 01 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP25. Life's Precious Gift

In "Life's Precious Gift," we are taken on a journey through the wonders and surprises of life. This poem reminds us that life is a beautiful mosaic of colors, shapes, and sounds that we should cherish every day. It inspires us to live a life full of joy, love, and creativity and to always strive to discover who we are. With its powerful imagery and positive message, "Life's Precious Gift" is a poem that will leave you feeling uplifted and grateful for the gift of life.

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Fri, 28 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP24. The Magic Treehouse

In this episode of YSL, Emma and Jake find a mysterious book in a treehouse that takes them on a magical time-traveling adventure to ancient Egypt. As they explore this fascinating culture, they learn about the pharaohs, the gods, and the people who built the pyramids. However, they must remember to follow the rules set forth by the book's owner, Morgan, and not change anything in the past. With a positive message about perseverance and resilience, Emma and Jake show us that even in the face of an unknown adventure, curiosity, exploration, and respect can help us learn and grow.

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Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP23. Alice Explores Evolution

In this episode of our YSL podcast, our host Ian tells the story of Alice, a curious and intelligent girl who visits the local museum of natural history to learn about dinosaurs, fossils, and evolution. She meets Ben, a researcher at the museum, who explains to her the concepts of variation and natural selection and shows her examples of evolution in action. Alice leaves the lab feeling happy and inspired, with a newfound passion for science and a desire to explore the world around her. Join us in this educational and entertaining adventure and discover the wonders of evolution through the eyes of Alice.

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Fri, 21 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP22. The Three Little Pigs

In this episode of YSL, join our host Ian as he tells the classic tale of the Three Little Pigs. Originally written by James Orchard Halliwell, this beloved story has been entertaining children for generations. Follow along as the three little pigs attempt to build their homes to withstand the big, bad wolf's huffing and puffing. But will their creativity and hard work be enough to keep them safe? Tune in to find out!

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Mon, 17 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP21. Journey into the Realm of Imagination

"Journey into the Realm of Imagination" is a poetic adventure that explores the depths of creativity and the limitless possibilities of the human mind.

So come along and let us ignite the spark of creativity within you as we embark on this enchanting voyage into the realm of imagination.

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Fri, 14 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP20. The Enamored Elephant

In this episode, we explore the popular African legend of love, "The Enamored Elephant." This heartwarming tale tells the story of an elephant who falls in love with a beautiful female elephant.

Join us as we delve into the themes of perseverance and resilience and how they apply to our everyday lives. This kid-friendly story will captivate listeners of all ages and leave them with a positive message about the power of love and determination.

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Mon, 10 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP19. Gratitude's Symphony

Ainoah recites a beautiful poem about gratitude and the wonder of the world around us. Her words paint a picture of the beauty of nature and the blessings in our lives, reminding us to be thankful for all that we have. Through her poetry, Ainoah celebrates the power of gratitude to lift our spirits, connect us to the world, and open our hearts to love and joy.

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Fri, 07 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP18. The Beauty of Nature

In this episode of Young Story Lovers (YSL), we bring you a breathtaking poem about the beauty of nature. Our host and author Ian will take you on a journey through the wonders of our planet, describing the majestic landscapes, diverse wildlife, and harmony between all living beings.

Sit back, relax, and let the words of this poem fill you with awe and appreciation for the natural world.

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Mon, 03 Apr 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP17. A Cosmic Adventure: Exploring Our Solar System

In this episode of Young Story Lovers, we take a journey through our solar system in a fun and educational story. Join us as we meet the planets and learn about their unique characteristics, from scorching hot Mercury to icy and mysterious Neptune. Our guide on this adventure is a curious space explorer who is eager to learn and share their knowledge with us. Along the way, we'll discover fun facts about the planets and our solar system, all while enjoying an engaging and entertaining story. Don't miss this exciting episode of Young Story Lovers!

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Fri, 31 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP16. The Brave Little Tailor

Welcome to Young Story Lovers (YSL), the podcast that brings you the most exciting and captivating stories for children. In this episode, we will be telling the tale of The Brave Little Tailor, a story by the Grimm Brothers that will take you on a thrilling adventure.

Get ready to follow the journey of a young tailor who, despite his small size, displays courage and wit that surpass his stature. The tailor's bravery is tested when he faces a series of impossible tasks that he must complete to prove himself worthy of the hand of a princess.

This story is full of valuable lessons about the power of intelligence, resourcefulness, and courage. It teaches us that, no matter how small or insignificant we may feel, we can accomplish great things if we believe in ourselves and never give up.

So, sit back, relax, and join us on this thrilling journey as we tell you the story of The Brave Little Tailor.

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Mon, 27 Mar 2023 10:00:00 +0000
EP15. The Great Adventure of the Missing Socks

Welcome to the Young Story Lovers podcast! In this episode, we bring you a fun and exciting adventure story called "The Great Adventure of the Missing Socks."

Bonnie and Clyde, two lonely socks in a drawer, embark on a thrilling journey to find their missing sock friends. They travel through different places and meet new and interesting characters along the way...

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Fri, 24 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP14. Honesty and Peace

Welcome to Young Story Lovers... Today, we bring you a very special episode where Ainoah will recite a heartfelt poem about two important values: honesty and peace.

This poem will take you on a journey where you will discover the true meaning of honesty and how it can lead us to a peaceful world. We believe that children are the future of our planet and it is crucial to instill in them these values from an early age.

So sit back, relax, and let the soothing words of this poem guide you towards a world where honesty and peace prevail. We hope that after listening to this poem, you will be inspired to spread these values to those around you and make a positive impact in the world!

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Mon, 20 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP13. The Ugly Duckling

Welcome to the Young Story Lovers (YSL) podcast, where we bring you the best stories and fables for children of all ages. In this episode, we present to you the classic fable of "The Ugly Duckling" by Hans Christian Andersen.

"The Ugly Duckling" is a heartwarming tale of a little duckling who was different from his siblings and constantly teased and bullied for being ugly. The story follows his journey of perseverance and resiliency as he faces many challenges, including being rejected by other animals, but ultimately finds his true identity as a beautiful swan.

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Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP12. The Wings of Hope

In this episode of YSL, Ainoah recites a powerful and thought-provoking poem titled "The Wings of Hope." The poem takes the listener on a journey through the struggles of life, reminding them that even in the darkest of moments, there is always hope. With powerful imagery and emotive language, the poem touches on themes of resilience, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity. Whether you're in need of a little inspiration or simply want to sit back and listen to some beautiful poetry, this episode of YSL is not to be missed.

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Mon, 13 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP11. The Hare and the Tortoise

In this episode of the YSL podcast, we bring you a classic fable from the great storyteller Esopo, in a retelling of the Jean de la Fontaine version. "The Hare and the Tortoise" is a story that teaches us the importance of perseverance, humility, and not underestimating others. Join us as we follow the journey of a proud and arrogant hare who learns a valuable lesson in a race against a slow and steady tortoise. This timeless story will captivate our young listeners with its engaging characters and thrilling race and leave them with a powerful message that will resonate with them for years to come.

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Fri, 10 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP10. Dare to Dream

Welcome to YSL, where we believe that stories and poems have the power to inspire and encourage young minds.

In today's episode, Ian recites a powerful and uplifting poem called "Dare to Dream." This poem is all about believing in yourself, pursuing your passions, and never giving up on your dreams. Through vivid imagery and strong metaphors, "Dare to Dream" will inspire you to chase after your goals and to never let fear hold you back.

So sit back, relax, and let the words of this poem ignite the fire within you.

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Mon, 06 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP9. The Veggie Voyage with Captain Carrot

Ainoah is bringing us a tasty story today...

Join Captain Carrot and his brave crew of veggies as they embark on a journey to discover the most delicious and healthy foods in the vegetable kingdom. Along the way, they'll learn the importance of eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and how to have fun and stay healthy at the same time. Join the crew and get ready for a fun and nutritious adventure!

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Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP8. The Tadpole Grew

Today's poem is a representation of the transformation of a tadpole into a frog, and the journey of self-discovery and growth.

The poem speaks of the importance of exploring and learning, and to not be afraid of change and growth.

This poem is also an ode to nature, and the beauty of the natural world and the wonders it holds.

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Mon, 27 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP7. The Flying Wizard

In this episode of the YSL podcast, we bring you a story about a plucky little bird named Fledge who never gave up on his dream of flying despite being born with a small wing.

Join us as we explore the significance of persistence, resiliency, and never giving up on your dreams as we embark on this in-depth and thoughtful journey.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy this fascinating and magical tale of the Flying Wizard.

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Fri, 24 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP6. Exploring the Secret World of Timmy the Turtle

Today our friend Ainoah will join Timmy the Turtle as he goes on an exciting adventure in the pond where he lives. With his fish and frog friends, Timmy discovers a beautiful waterfall and a secret world behind it filled with colorful rocks and crystals. This story teaches children about the importance of exploring, friendship, and bravery.

Get ready to dive into the world of Timmy and his friends and find out what other adventures await them!

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP5. The Brave Adventure of Luna: Conquering the Darkness

In this episode of Young Story Lovers, join Luna on her epic adventure to overcome her fear of the darkness. Guided by a magical fairy, Luna embarks on a journey filled with bravery, courage, and discovery. With each step, she learns important lessons about facing her fears and discovering her own inner strength.

This exciting tale is perfect for children who may also struggle with fear of the dark and will inspire them to find the courage to conquer their own challenges.

So come along and be entertained and inspired on this magical journey with Luna.

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Fri, 17 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP4. The Brave Adventures of Little Lila

Join us on a journey filled with bravery and courage in "The Brave Adventures of Little Lila". This exciting story is about a young girl named Lila, who embarks on a journey of discovery and learns important lessons about perseverance and resilience. With a focus on imagination, creativity, and adventure, this podcast is perfect for young children who love listening to stories.

So come along for the ride and join Lila on her thrilling adventure!

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Mon, 13 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP3. The Poor Little Old Lady

Today, we have a special guest, Ainoah, who will be narrating the charming story "The Poor Little Old Lady" (La pobre viejecita).

This tale tells the story of a lonely and rich old woman who, despite having everything she could ever want, finds herself unfulfilled and longing for something more. Ainoah's warm and whimsical voice will take you on a journey through the old lady's struggles...

So sit back, relax, and join us for another episode of Young Story Lovers (YSL)

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Fri, 10 Feb 2023 11:00:00 +0000
EP2. Max adventure

With the power of friendship and perseverance, anything is possible. Never give up on your dreams and passions, and always be open to new experiences and perspectives.

Thanks for listening to our second episode!

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Tue, 07 Feb 2023 19:34:16 +0000
EP1. The Strolling Tadpole

"The Strolling Tadpole" (El renacuajo paseador) a well-known tale in Colombia and one of my favorites by Rafael Pombo, a poet, mathematician, and engineer best known for his contributions to children's literature.

So sit back, relax, and join us for our first episode of Young Story Lovers (YSL)

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Tue, 07 Feb 2023 19:31:58 +0000
Welcome to YSL

I believe that stories have the power to transport us to another world, to teach us valuable lessons, and to bring us together. That's why I'm so passionate about sharing these stories with you.

So grab your headphones, find a cozy spot, and get ready to be swept away by the magic of storytelling. And don't forget to follow me to stay updated on new episodes and be the first to hear my latest stories.

Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoy the show!

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Tue, 07 Feb 2023 19:29:17 +0000
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