
程壽康論拍賣:「希望全球追捧中國藝術品」|Kevin Ching Hopes to See Chinese Works of Art Rising on International Stage

5 年前
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上回談到程壽康(Kevin Ching)對當今市況的看法,亦分享了他的逆市奇招。今趟這位蘇富比CEO與大家分享縱橫拍賣界多年的成功之道,對趙無極熱潮的看法,以及對未來拍賣界的願景。他坦言,希望中國藝術品能與西方藝術品一樣,受全球各地收藏家追捧。難怪蘇富比的中國工藝品拍賣特別出色。

Full article: https://bit.ly/2VEpK6b

In the first part of the interview, Kevin Ching, CEO of Sotheby’s Asia, shared with us his strategies to lead the auction house in market downturns. This time, he talks about his management philosophy which plays a key role to the success of the auction house.

Speaking of his vision of the auction industry, Kevin Ching hopes to see Chinese works of art being appreciated by people around the world and to gain widespread recognition like Western art. Perhaps it explains why the sales of Chinese works of art have always been an important pillar of Sotheby’s Hong Kong auction.
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