
克里姆林宮遇襲,兩架無人機穿過莫斯科防空,撞上克里姆林宮,併發生爆炸,普裏戈津:烏克蘭的反攻已經開始了!| 圖-141 | S-300 | S-400 | 鎧甲S1 | 火力君 |

11 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
On the eve of the Victory Day parade on May 9th, two drones passed through Moscow's air defense, collided with the Kremlin, and exploded. Although the attack on the Kremlin did not result in any casualties, in terms of the situation in Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine's counterattack has begun!
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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