《冤罪殺機》Dishonored 任務#6 重返高塔

8 年前
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丹沃爾皇家護衛科爾沃·阿塔諾受女王所託往海外尋求克服鼠疫的協助,數月後歸來向女王報告但隨即被數名能使用瞬間移動的刺客襲擊。在魔法抑制下,科爾沃無法阻止女王被殺及其女兒艾美莉·卡爾德溫(Emily Kaldwin)被擄去,此時皇家間諜部長及士兵趕至並把科爾沃以殺害女王與綁架艾美莉的罪名囚禁。
After returning from a foreign voyage to seek aid with the deadly plague ravaging the city, Corvo Attano travels to the tower of Dunwall and meets with the Empress. After delivering a message, they are attacked by teleporting assassins led by Daud; they magically restrain Corvo, kill the Empress and kidnap her daughter Emily. The Empress' Spymaster arrives and has Corvo imprisoned for her murder and Emily's abduction.

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