
美國人來找碴(茶):認識台灣美! |Exploring Taiwan Tea

3 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
This isn't a commercial or sponsored video, it's a video I'm entering in a competition! I hope you'll like and support it 🥺

我要去台東拍!」之後他就說「更無聊!」本來是想問一下對拍攝方式有什麼樣的想法,聽他講完後我就知道... 這會是一個很大的挑戰!
When I told my friend I was going to shoot a video about Taiwan tea, they told me "OMG boring!" When I said, "But I'm going to Taitung to shoot it!" they said "even MORE boring!" I was originally going to ask for some advice about how to shoot it... However after our conversation I realized this would be quite a challenge!
After experiencing everything myself I learned a lot (like how green tea, oolong tea, and black tea are from the same plant and leaves?!), and realized it was a great topic to begin with!

#traveltaiwan #台東 #Taitung


【影片後製/Video Production】
🎬 攝影/Videography:李璟 Ricky
✂️ 剪輯/Editing:崔璀璨 Tristan H.
💡其他/Other:崔璀璨 Tristan H.

每週三更新影片 New videos every Wednesday!

🔍️【TOPICS💡 一起坐下談】

【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
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(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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