
【逛吃廣州美食】新百年老字號!6款點心¥112!顏值超高象形點心!錦鯉、荷花、蓮藕!新舊蓮香樓出品對比!蓮香楼"一女多嫁"爭議!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

2 週前
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#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/v7uSyPAa3J53Wx5YA
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/c7/t3fh
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵1號線 烈士陵園站D出口
餐廳消費:蓮蓮有魚¥33 美團套餐¥79(蓮香樓蝦餃皇+蒜蓉蒸排骨+鮑魚糯米雞+香煎臘味蘿蔔糕+酥皮雞蛋撻+茶位2人)共¥112


🚀【龍津路美食掃街指南 - 稀有小食】


🚀【北京路茶樓推薦 - 塗鴉街】
蓮香樓前身是創建於清光緒十五年(1889)的連香糕酥館,光緒三十四年(1908)被廣州茶樓王收購,取名“連香大茶樓”。 宣統二年(1910),翰林學士陳如岳品嘗蓮蓉食品後提議給「連」字加上草字頭,並手書「蓮香樓」作招牌。 除經營傳統粵菜之外,月餅和餡料兩大品牌素有“廣式月餅的鼻祖”和“蓮蓉第一家”美譽。 現有中秋月餅、月餅餡料、傳統名食、廣式臘味、生日蛋糕、麵包及中西糕點六大系列共 300 多個產品,是“老廣州手信”傳統和創新系列產品。 蓮香樓在廣州多個區及香港設有分店,經營和銷售網點遍及全國各地,是集傳統餅食生產銷售於一體的中國商業名牌企業。 先後獲中華老字型大小、國家特級酒家、國餅十佳、金牌月餅、金牌餡料等殊榮。


The predecessor of LianXiangLou was founded in the 15th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1889) Lianxiang Cake Pastry House, and in the 34th year of Guangxu (1908) it was acquired by the king of Guangzhou Tea House and named "Lianxiang Tea House". In the second year of Xuantong (1910), Chen Ruyue, a scholar of Hanlin University, proposed to add a cursive prefix to the word "Lian" after tasting lotus paste food, and wrote "Lianxianglou" as a signboard. In addition to traditional Cantonese cuisine, the two major brands of mooncakes and fillings are known as the "originator of Cantonese-style mooncakes" and "the first lotus paste". At present, there are more than 300 products in six series, including Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes, moon cake fillings, traditional famous foods, Cantonese cured meat, birthday cakes, breads and Chinese and Western pastries. Lianxianglou has branches in many districts of Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and operates and sells outlets all over the country, and is a Chinese commercial brand-name enterprise integrating the production and sales of traditional cakes. It has successively won the honors of China Time-honored Brand, National Special Restaurant, Top Ten National Cakes, Gold Medal Moon Cakes, Gold Medal Fillings and so on.

Guangzhou Fengsheng Group's Lian Xiang Lou branches include:
1.Lian Xiang Lou Zhi Tai Plaza Branch: Located in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, it started trial operation on January 1, 2022.
2.Lian Xiang Lou Dongfeng East Branch: Located in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou on Dongfeng East Road, it opened in June 2023.
3.Lian Xiang Lou Wuhan Branch: Located in Yuexiu IFC Guojin Tiandi, Wuhan, it is the first store in Central China and opened in June 2023.
4.Lian Xiang Lou Xiamen Branch: Located in Baolong Yicheng, Xiamen, it is expected to open in February 2024.



00:00 Intro
00:10 烈士陵園站路線
03:25 蓮香樓
04:38 菜單
07:00 品嚐點心
12:16 結賬/總結/對比舊蓮香樓
12:56 環境/包間
14:04 下期預告
14:37 Ending

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