吳昊恩 & Daniel Ho - 2015《洄游》巡迴演唱會現場LIVE精華版 / Legends of Passage Tour Concert 2015 LIVE

8 年前
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2015 吳昊恩 × Daniel Ho 《洄游》新專輯巡迴演唱會 之 游到…【台中場】
2015.12.25 台中|游到大肚山下牽手聽歌
感念生活 每一次的美妙相遇
爛漫音樂會 獻給火花
地點:Legacy Taichung 台中音樂傳記

金曲獎最佳重唱組合、卑南族創作歌手吳昊恩 原聲熱力爆發之作
六座葛萊美獎得主、當代烏克麗麗大師Daniel Ho 集結當代一流樂手製作
排灣族藝術家伊誕.巴瓦瓦隆 紋砌刻畫創作

洄游。在吳昊恩與Daniel Ho的音樂海洋中。


從「昊恩家家」重唱組合時期,吳昊恩便以豐厚迷人嗓音征服眾多歌迷。2012年與Da­niel Ho於《吹過島嶼的風》專輯首次合作,更以收放自如的歌喉、優游自在的靈魂唱腔、以及­無師自通的吉他才華,征服了這位葛萊美獎得主。

在Daniel Ho盛邀下,活躍於洛杉磯音樂界的貝斯好手Steve Billman、極富盛名的鼓手Randy Drake,合組了“The Daniel Ho Trio”,為吳昊恩量身打造《洄游》專輯。7首台灣原住民古調、3首吳昊恩創作曲與­2首Daniel創作曲,架構出曲風多元、編曲精緻、演唱精彩的音樂之海。在吳昊恩時­而高亢遼闊、時而細膩低語的詮釋中,傳統、爵士、藍調、搖滾沒有了分界,展現耳目一新­而瑰麗迷醉的風采。


Song List / 曲目
1. Open Door 請為我開門(0:00)
2. Pineapple Mango 早餐之歌-鳳梨芒果(1:21)
3. Someone To Lean On 成為你們的依靠(2:07)
4. A Mouse Tale 老鼠鈴鐺歌(3:02)
5. Pua I Ka Ua 雨。花朵(3:47)
6. Wisdom of Our Ancestors 祖先的話(4:39)

#吳昊恩 #DanielHo #洄游

Set to an alluring sea of sound, Legends of Passage
is a collection of island melodies preserved and retold
by Wu Hao-en and the Daniel Ho Trio.

A world-class collaboration that combines the powerful voice of Taiwanese Golden Melody Award winning vocalist and Puyuma tribesman Wu Hao-en with a team of exceptional musicians brought together by six-time Grammy Award winner Daniel Ho.

“Trace, Layer, Carve, and Paint” depictions (print pigment and acrylic paint on wood plank carvings) by Etan Pavavalung of the Paiwan Tribe.

Wu Hao-en’s dynamic vocal duet performances with fellow aboriginal artist Jiajia have earned him his place in Taiwanese music. He worked with Daniel Ho for the first time on the 2012 album, On a Gentle Breeze. His beautiful voice, musicality, and guitar playing impressed Grammy Award-winning Ho. Steve Billman on bass and Randy Drake on drums fill out the Daniel Ho Trio to complete the sound of Legends of Passage. This world music album includes seven traditional indigenous songs, three songs written by Hao-en, and two written by Daniel, and encompasses a sea of diverse styles and brilliant musicianship. It presents a refreshingly seamless blend of traditional melodies and new tunes treated with a contemporary fusion of genres.


【Buy the Album】
Chinese Regions
►Wind Music: http://goo.gl/sZNc9q
►MuziU: http://goo.gl/c83e60

Non-Chinese Regions
►Wind Music: http://goo.gl/S0ZCse
►iTunes: https://goo.gl/krCYJ2
* Bonus track ONLY
* Mastered for iTunes
* Bonus Digital Booklet for iTunes ONLY!


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