2019「臺北白晝之夜」(JEFF 4K video)- 2019 Nuit Blanche taipei Taiwan #jeff0007

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拍攝時間:2019 10 05
Nuit Blanche Taipei

「Nuit Blanche 白晝之夜」是全球性的夜間城市藝術節,2002年創始於法國巴黎,發展至今,每年都會有包括歐洲與世界各地的30多個城市共同響應。「白晝之夜」根基於「都市創新」及「公共空間設計」兩大核心概念,為市民提供親近藝術及城市的場域。而自2016年起,臺北市每年一度舉行的「臺北白晝之夜」,延續白晝之夜的三大特色——「跨夜舉辦」、「免費參加」及「公民參與」,透過多樣化的藝術作品及演出安排,讓人們自然接觸藝術,自由穿梭於城市空間之中,打破大眾娛樂與純藝術的界線,每年吸引至少20萬來自海內外的民眾參與,2018年第三屆臺北白晝之夜高達40萬的參與人次,更創下街頭藝術活動新紀錄,讓臺北化身成一夜限定的大型無牆美術館、城市舞台與街頭劇場!今年第四屆臺北白晝之夜,選定臺北大直、內湖區域,以捷運大直站至捷運西湖站為主要活動範圍,預計將呈現至少20場演出與18處夜間藝術裝置。

"Nuit Blanche" is a global network of city-wide dusk-to-dawn art festivals established in Paris in 2002. Now the event is locally organized by more than 30 cities in Europe and around the world. Nuit Blanche is based on the concepts of urban innovation and public space design, and is an occasion for citizens to embrace art and their local urban areas. This is the 4th annual iteration of the Nuit Blanche Taipei, commenced in 2016, and features such as “dusk to dawn,” “join free” and “citizen participation” continue to represent the Nuit Blanche spirit. The diverse range of art works and performances of Nuit Blanche Taipei provides citizens the freedom to roam, to experience art in urban space, and to breaks the boundary between commercial entertainment and pure art. Each year, no less than 200,000 domestic and international participants flock to Nuit Blanche Taipei, and in 2018 the turnout exceeded 400,000, breaking historical records of street art attendance. Nuit Blanche Taipei is the night when the metropolitan city becomes a vast museum without walls, an urban stage, and a street theater! This year, the 4th Nuit Blanche Taipei plans to present at least 20 different performances and 18 dusk-to-dawn art installations. The event will take place in the Dazhi and Neihu, between the MRT Dazhi and Neihu stations.

台灣在地的大大小小旅遊記事by棟梁-Travel notes by tungliang lin

1.智雲SMOOTH Q 三軸穩定器。
2.小米-紅米NOTE 4X (手機錄影4K影片)。
3.CANON 5D2 拍縮時及相片。
4.PANASONIC LX10 (主要拍攝4K機器)
6.多了一隻 超級讚的三軸穩定器-智雲Zhiyun Crane 2

授權請洽: linjeff0007@gmail.com

Specially made time-lapse movie in Taipei, Taiwan, and if there is demand, please contact the authority part linjeff0007@gmail.com my name is lin tungliang
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