
越儲錢越窮。喺無限印錢的世界下點樣保護你家產 [投資, 黃金, 股票]

4 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
唔好再擺啲錢喺銀行到啦。你知唔知咁樣同燒錢冇分別。嗰價值一年比一年少。係依個無限印錢嘅經濟下你點樣為你嘅家產保值呢? 除咗樓同股票,買黃金都可以保值但係點樣買黃金先至最抵呢?

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IB 連結 ➡ https://bit.ly/3DX0Jul

Leaving cash in the bank is no different from burning it. The value of your capital drops year after year. What can you invest in to preserve your capital in this age of unlimited money printing? Besides buying property and stocks, gold is a good option. But where can you get the best deal?

#保值 #通脹 #Ray Dalio #黃金
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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