(主任自肥企画😋)(EQ考驗)🇭🇰 新巴 NWFB #2505 VD8011 @ X9 石澳泳灘 至 中環(天星碼頭)Shek O Beach to Central(Star Ferry)

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
#新線回程 #真係出E200咁益lol #甜橙最後歐六Dart #朝早影完琴行街門而坐 #好彩做埋回程 #復古布牌 #純粹撞彩 #其實唔想坐塞車班次 #全車坐滿兼要企 #東主又再見面了 #鳴謝好友報料 #1日單層限定 #印油式加速🤨 #紅van佬人品車品都好鬼差 #做人需要高EQ #下星期有冇可能派埋城記世伯🙊 #回程唔行繞道唔算吸引 #景隆街有落其實幾反智 #活躍西南氣流玩死人
**跳過路線介紹和車輛特寫: 由04:32 開始觀看。Start watching the traveling scene at 04:32 **
Highlight: 15:07 29:51 33:25 26:25良好技術Nice driving skills 19:43大潭道Tai Tam Road 24:00CLS紅Van🥴 25:37 31:09東區走廊Island Eastern Corridor 30:10中門有得落車喎🤨...Have middle door to exit... 31:05冷氣電車A/C Tram
想不到新巴X9開線第2日便派出單層載客,早上合共派出3部歐六E200行走,在天氣不穩導致客量慘淡的情況下的確是資源善用。這是繼去年8月打風過後,第二次有歐六E200 Dart行走石澳道路線,不過這日並非因打風過後而"拆樓",值得拍攝。期待着下午回程亦像昨日般重覆使用派車,便提早入石澳等待。
乘坐的是新巴E200 Dart #2505 VD8011,由東區車務主任負責。今早行走10:40的班次後便以加班車形式行走9和82,#2501 和#2504 先後到石澳行走回程班次後,它亦總算如預計般開出17:20的班次。作為新巴歐六E200的最後一員,便是期待有更好的性能。可是這日主任們都駕駛得較為保守,印油式加速和時常提防迎面而來的大型車輛,加上車廂內坐滿乘客,導致車輛未能發揮像上次#2503 般的極限性能。最終塞車四處下花53分鐘才完成這旅程,似乎本應乘坐二班#2501 呢。
It was so unexpected to have single-decker buses sent on route X9 for its second day of service. 3 EuroVI Enviro200 were spotted in the morning, using the right buses as there were too few passengers due to the poor weather. This is the 2nd time for E200 Dart4 to run on Shek O routes after Aug 2020, while it was even more special as such arrangement was not because of typhoon aftermath service. Expecting to have these Darts running in the return trip services, my friend and I went to Shek O at 4pm.
The return trip of NWFB X9 is less attractive than the outbound: needs to stop at Cannon Street, a black spot for traffic jams, to drop off passengers. From Shek O to the Central Star Ferry Pier, the departure on Sunday afternoon is as frequent as every 20 minutes. This day, an average of 40 people boarded at Shek O. This 17:20 departure also had 42 people on the bus, ideal enough. Making a stop in Causeway Bay does make it easier for swimmers and mountain hikers to transfer to other routes, but at the same time it also greatly increases the travel time. Failure to travel the Central-Wan Chai Bypass also made the journey lose a lot of speed. Even if there are passengers who have disgraced the expensive fare and continued to take route 9, the passenger volume growth may make the arrangement of single-decker buses becoming a 1day limit.
I took the NWFB E200 Dart #2505 VD8011, which was driven by the same driver in the NWFB 49X video. After the 10:40 departure, he traveled 9 and 82. #2501 and #2504 went to Shek O for the return trip, so as it departing at 17:20. As the last member of NWFB Euro VI E200, I am looking forward to better performance. But directors were driving conservatively and always beware of upcoming large vehicles, and the cabinet was full of passengers, resulting in a failure to achieve the ultimate performance like #2503 last time. With the traffic jams, it took 53 minutes to complete the journey.
At Shek O and during the journey it was maliciously provoked by the red minibus drivers. When I introduced X9 to swimmers, I was abused by the driver for hindering him from doing business. He verbally greeted his defeat and fled, how nasty; when we turned to Chai Wan Road the captain did not give way to the red van on the second line, so the red van deliberately cut the line and drove slowly with the intention of speculating. CLS people who failed the EQ test. As a civilized person, I would support calling cops to handle it. :O)
NWFB #2505 VD8011 (ADL Enviro 200 Dart 4 MMC Facelift Euro VI Voith DIWA854.6 10.7M)
Bus First Reg. Date: 4/12/2017
Film Date: Sunday 27/6/2021 17:20-18:13
Route: NWFB X9 石澳泳灘 至 中環(天星碼頭)Shek O Beach to Central(Star Ferry)
Bus Fare: HKD 18.8
Total Travel Distance: 21.6km

*實際行車抵站時間 Actual Bus stop arrival time*
(總行車時間 Total journey time: 53分鐘 mins)
17:20 1.石澳 Shek O
17:27 2.鶴咀 Cape D'Aguilar
17:30 3.土地灣、龍脊 To Tei Wan, Dragon's Back
17:31 4.爛泥灣 Lan Nai Wan
(17:37 大潭道 Tai Tam Road)
(17:44 Route4 東區走廊 Island Eastern Corridor)
**行車抵站時間資料實屬Anthony Hong所有,請尊重版權,引用時請註明出處。** **Such bus stop arrival time data belongs to Anthony Hong, please respect intellectual property rights, indicate the source.**
17:49 5.琴行街、北角站 Kam Hong Street, North Point Station
(17:50 Route4 東區走廊 Island Eastern Corridor)
18:01 6.景隆街 Cannon Street
(18:04 夏慤道天橋 Harcourt Road Flyover)
18:05 7.皇后像廣場、和平紀念碑、大會堂、展城館 Statue Square, The Cenotaph, City Hall, City Gallery
18:10 8.國際金融中心二期、香港站 Two International Finance Centre, Hong Kong Station
18:13 9.中環(天星碼頭)Central (Star Ferry)

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