許幻山≠渣男?心理博士解析:如何「理解」出軌?【當20幾遇見40幾 | 第1期】(When 20s Meet 40s | Ep 1 Once A Cheater Always A Cheate

3 年前
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(When 20s Meet 40s || Episode 1: Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater?)


【Michelle & Alicia Intro 兩位嘉賓&节目介紹】

2 ladies in 2 different life stages, who have or will have some sort of doctorate degrees but want to be YouTubers instead 🤣 jk not jk.

What is an actual conversation...
What is called empathy...
What is about being a human...
【歡迎關注(To Follow)】






When 20s Meet 40s (當20幾遇見 40 幾)是由住在加州的 Michelle 跟住在華盛頓州的 Alicia 合作的對話頻道。希望能透過跨世代的交流分享,陪伴大家探討關於人性的各種議題。

This is a channel created by Michelle from California & Alicia from Washington State.
It's about communication, about individual uniqueness, and about becoming a human.



Although ⅔ of this channel will be in Mandarin Chinese, we will record videos in full English every once in a while.

An actual and proper conversation rarely happens anymore in modern societies.
The genuineness in communication is priceless. Respect and empathy should be encouraged in our daily life.

Michelle is in her 20s with a J.D degree in progress. She is also
1. an author for 2 published Chinese novels from her teenage years
2. a social activist and Chinese literature blogger
3. a future American lawyer
Alicia is in her 40s with a Ph.D. degree in Counseling Psychology. She is also
1. an author for 3 therapeutic storybooks and one book about healing
2. a Taiwanese psychology blogger
3. an American licensed psychologist.

【支持非營利&慈善機構 (Support Non-Profit & Charity Organization)】

本頻道所有盈利將支持非營利組織,第一個支持的組織是 GMVF。

We will support certain non-profit organizations and charity by our profit (if any in the future). The first one we will be supporting is GMVF.

Genesee Mountain-Village Foundation (GMVF) 自 2007 年開始,長期贊助雲南浙江的偏鄉兒童接受教育,這些兒童的家庭缺乏經濟能力,無法負擔遠離偏鄉到學校住宿上課的額外住宿費用。GMVF 穩定的贊助這些兒童完成小學到高中的基本教育,有些孩子已經上大學了。

Since 2007, Genesee Mountain-Village Foundation (GMVF) has been sponsoring orphaned or economically disadvantaged Chinese children to receive education. Because of their sponsorship, some children have successfully attended college.

GMVF 前後兩任 presidents,Da-Jin Sun and Jeremy Avise,每年進行國際旅行,親自拜訪這些兒童,除了稽核經費的執行,也為這些孩童建立安全的支持系統(2020 年因為疫情而暫停拜訪)。過去這些年, GMVF 固定在八月份進行募款餐會,今年因為疫情而取消,但 GMVF 對已經納入贊助計畫兒童青少年的補助並不會因此而中斷。

To ensure a proper allocation of the funding, Da-Jin Sun and Jeremy Avise (the previous and current presidents of GMVF) paid routine visits over years to these children in those mountain villages in China. Their trip was interrupted this year due to COVID19. Fortunately, the funding has not been negatively impacted by COVID.

歡迎大家參考 GMVF 的網站:http://www.gmvfoundation.org/home/index
GMVF website – http://www.gmvfoundation.org/home/index

有興趣贊助的人可透過兩個方法 (How to Donate to GMVF)
(1) 直接捐款(Direct Donation):http://www.gmvfoundation.org/home/donate
(2) Through Amazon Smile
設定您的 Amazon Smile 購物時的贊助非營利組織為 GMVF:https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/homepage/ref=smi_chpf_redirect?ie=UTF8&ein=20-4834255&ref_=smi_ext_ch_20-4834255_cl
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