
[Non JUPAS 2020] 報Non-JUPAS前必睇👀丨同UCAS有咩分別?丨過來人分享 Tips& 個人經歴 💬 (ENG/CHI) 丨Odelle Wong

3 年前
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雖然唔知今年啲報名方式/程序會唔會因為個疫情而改動 不過應該都差唔多呱
加油啊💪報Non-JUPAS 係多嘢搞啲 自己經歷過 好明白
如果有咩想知 可以comment問我 或者 ig DM我❤️
Hope this video can provide information for those who are about to apply for Non-JUPAS☺️
Although there might be some alterations due to the current Covid19 situation.
As a person going through applications, I know it is very tough and stressful...💪
If you have anything you would like to know or questions, feel free to leave a comment or instagram direct me❤️

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/odellewonggy_/?hl=zh-hk
Music : Coffee and Macarons by Umbrtone
#nonjupas #university #application #tips #hku #cuhk #polyU #cityU #mbbs #mhchb #interview
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