真實改編 | 奧斯維辛報告 | 電影解說 德國人對猶太人的恨究竟到什麼程度,真實故事《奧斯維辛報告》#真實改編#奧斯維辛報告#電影解說#二戰#蘇德戰爭#歷史故事# KE樂電影#shorts

1 年前
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真實改編 | 奧斯維辛報告 | 電影解說 德國人對猶太人的恨究竟到什麼程度,真實故事《奧斯維辛報告》


該片根據Alfred Wetzler的著作《但丁沒看見》改編,講述兩個年輕的斯洛伐克猶太人逃離奧斯威辛集中營,並撰寫了關於死亡營工作方式的詳細報告。奧斯維辛一共有12人成功逃脫,其中有兩人是斯洛伐克人 。

Directed by Peter Bibujak, the film is based on Alfred Wetzler's autobiographical novel "Escape from Hell" (originally titled "Dante Can't Foresee"), which tells the story of two imprisoned Slovak Jews fleeing Oskar Wiesing, risking his life to write a detailed report on how the death camps worked and open the true story to the world.
"Auschwitz Report" is a historical and war film directed by Peter Bibujak and starring Noel Chuzo and Peter Ndrejica. It will be released in Slovakia on January 28, 2021.
Based on Alfred Wetzler's book Dante Didn't See, the film tells the story of two young Slovak Jews who escape from Auschwitz and write a detailed report on how the death camp worked. A total of 12 people escaped from Auschwitz, two of them Slovaks.

#真實改編#奧斯維辛報告#電影解說#二戰#蘇德戰爭#歷史電影#戰爭電影#戰爭片#奧斯維辛報告#電影解說 #反戰電影#集中營##影評#電影#戰爭#高分電影#電影#movie#劇情#短視頻#精彩視頻#看電影了沒#劇情,電影推薦#推薦 電影#影視解說#講電影#好看解說#電影 劇情#精彩#解說#好看#講評#武器#歷史#納粹#電影評論#說電影# 人性#幾分鐘看電影#納粹#德國#電影推薦#希特勒#看電影了沒#劇情片#三分鐘看電影#十分鐘看電影#電影雜誌#電影信息#戰爭#軍事#裝備#軍情#士兵#軍事#德軍#感人#感動#溫馨#心理# 歷史故事#二戰電影# KE樂電影#shorts
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