
(帶狀皰疹) ?斬皮蛇的秘法 ?不用10元 ,一步一步做给你看,太容易了。Traditional method relief Herpes Zoster or Shingles.

4 年前
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這個古傳斬皮蛇的秘法很簡單又方便,從始不再痛! 生蛇是一種皮膚病,西醫叫帶狀疱疹,中醫叫蛇串瘡,或者叫纏腰火丹,又稱蛇纏腰。雖然現代醫學已經有抗帶狀皰疹病毒藥物,但能配合古傳斬皮蛇的秘法,也可幫助快速的痊­癒,減少病苦。患生蛇很痛,像火燒一樣,常常突然發病,吓人一跳。生蛇常常長在腰、脅、胸和大腿等地方,但嚴重起來,也會長在臉上,十分恐怖。
我那個朋友用的酒 說是英文叫RICE WINE,華文叫(双蒸白米酒頭)是兩狮子抱地球品牌。在新加坡药店里有买。

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Do you want to know the easiest and most economical way to cure shingles?Here to share the ancestral secrets from someone, I hope you can get help.

Hi,I am Yes.I once visited Singapore's aunt and learned that my aunt's friend told me that there is a secret recipe to treat the shingles.I think it is very suspicious. Is this recipe reliable ? For me, this secret recipe not only cure shingles, but also cure certain skin diseases.I won't say much,let’s start the demonstration right away.

Prepare a stone mortar, a underleaf pearl,a glass bottle,a white alcohol (30-70% concentration), the higher the concentration, the better.A underleaf pearl is enough. No need to clean.Break it into several pieces and put it into the stone mortar.

This is a mashed underleaf pearl.Put it in a glass jar.Next, add alcohol and cover the mashed underleaf pearl is enough.Then stir , finished product with a cotton swab, put it on the shingles, and then repeat it again, 5-6 times a day, and it will be healed in 6 days.Other skin diseases can also be used.Cover the finished product and put it in the refrigerator for storage.Use it
when you need it.

This method is as simple as that.I asked my friend, is this method feasible? He said that his daughter had used it and healed in four days. It was painless and itchy.If you have other herbal recipes, please leave a message below and let me know. Hope can help more people.I hope this greatly benefited will be left to my aunt and this friend.I hope this video can help more people.See you next time.
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