我要住在巴勒斯坦了… 這裏的生活適合華人嗎?| Living in Palestine...Great Place for Chinese People?

1 年前
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學語言的人是最好看的!報名參加現金回饋的Lingoda/Sign up For Lingoda: https://try.lingoda.com/Torres_SprintChallenge23
Promo code: PIT2023 (20 euro)
我的創作者商業秘密課程: https://attentionwhaleacademy.teachab...
My Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?...
My IG: https://www.instagram.com/torres_pit/...
I started a media company to help content creators & companies build their channels from ZERO to ONE! If you have experience in making content/graphics/managing projects: send us an email career@attentionwhale.com
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