
【外國人 X 王爺出海!】三位台灣女婿體驗基隆文化|2022 外木山王爺海上遶境 @鳳梨哥 Taiwan Pineapple Bro

1 年前
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外木山王爺海上遶境回來了 ~ 這一次要帶我的兩位朋友一起體驗!Come with us on this epic Keelung Oceanic Cultural Event!

我最期待能夠帶著朋友去體驗台灣寺廟文化,這一次帶了我的兩位朋友去基隆參與 2022 外木山王爺海上遶境!這個遶境非常特別,全程都在海上!我們很早就去外木山漁港上船,接下來花了半天的時間坐船帶著王爺去基隆附近的好幾個港口 ~ 真的是個非常感動有刺激的經驗!

下船後跟著大家吃辦桌,學習如何做基隆知名的花枝煙還有其他當地的料理!雖然我不太喜歡吃海鮮我竟然愛上吃基隆新鮮美味的海鮮 ~ 真的好吃!我們外國人怎麼看這樣的文化活動?就是一個獨一無二的經驗,也是我們都會推薦大家自己體驗!

I’m a big Taiwanese Cultural fanatic and love to introduce people to it, this time around I brought my two good friends to attend the 2022 Keelung Wai Mu Mountain Wang Ye Oceanic Pilgrimage! This entire event was incredibly unique, the entire course was on the ocean! We boarded our ship early in the morning and spent half the day on the sea taking Wang Ye around to the other ports in the Keelung area. It was such a neat experience!

After our boat ride we joined in on other cultural activities and tons of great food! Not only was it neat to learn how to make a sweet Keelung squid but eating it was definitely a highlight of the adventure! So what do us foreigners think of these events? They are one of a kind and something that everyone needs to experience for themselves!

🎬 @鳳梨哥 Taiwan Pineapple Bro

🎬第二個頻道 VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDoJEsmKStfDZxHECFH9ceQ
📖 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ricemilkking
📷 Instagram: www.instagram.com/logandbeck

#小貝 #基隆 #外木山王爺海上遶境

0:00 - 0:33 精彩預告
0:34 - 1:22 歡迎貴賓
1:23 - 2:34 上船出海
2:35 - 4:15 海上遶境介紹
4:16 - 4:54 一圈一圈一圈!
4:55 - 5:29 基隆嶼
5:30 - 6:45 準備回漁港
6:46 - 7:41 上路遶境
7:42 - 8:16 平安餐
8:17 - 9:12 謝謝鳳梨哥!
9:13 - 10:33 基隆花枝煙
10:34 - 11:51 帶老婆去買魚!
11:52 - 13:54 辦桌吃基隆海鮮
13:55 - 15:08 米漿萬歲!
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