居家 28分鐘徒手全身性燃脂運動 (示範初階/中階)At-home 28 min full body workout

2 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
28分鐘 居家全身性燃脂運動 (示範初階/中階)
At-home 28 min full body workout

健身教練 Patrick IG: @pet713713

那我會示範初階/無跳躍版本 Patrick 會示範的是中階/帶跳躍的版本 大家可以依照自己的能力選擇適合自己的動作!
每個動作40秒 休息20秒
1.暖身+下半身 warm-ups + lower body
2.核心+上半身 upper body + core
3.核心腹肌&收操 abs + cool down
抬膝跳/ 原地行走 high knee jump / walking
深蹲跳/徒手深蹲 jump squat/ bodyweight squat
深蹲轉體碰趾/深蹲轉體碰膝 standing toe touch/ standing knee touch
滑冰式 (動態 /靜態) skater squat (jump/ non-jump)
分腿蹲+跳躍 / 分腿蹲抬膝 (右腳) lunge with high knee jump/ lunge with high knee(right)
分腿蹲+跳躍 / 分腿蹲抬膝 (左腳)lunge with high knee jump/ lunge with high knee(left)
分腿蹲+單腳硬舉(右腳)lunge & single leg deadlift (right)
分腿蹲+單腳硬舉(左腳)lunge & single leg deadlift (right)
側分腿蹲抬膝 /側分腿蹲停頓(右腳) side squat high knee / side squat pulses (right)
側分腿蹲抬膝 /側分腿蹲停頓(左腳)side squat high knee / side squat pulses (left)
深蹲開合跳 (動態/靜態) squat with jumping jacks/ squat with alt jacks
動態波比 /靜態波比 burpee jump/ plank burpee
平板爬碰趾 / 平板爬碰肩 inchworm toe touch/ shoulder tap
登山式 快/慢 mountain climber (fast/slow)
蜘蛛平板上下/ 蜘蛛平板 spider plank commandos / spider plank
伏地挺身碰肩/跪姿伏地挺身碰肩 push up with tap/ knee down push up with taps
超人式扭身 /超人式停留 superman twist/ superman
側平板抬臀+轉體/側平板抬臀(右) side plank hip raise+rotation / side plank hip raise (right)
側平板抬臀+轉體/側平板抬臀(左)side plank hip raise+rotation / side plank hip raise(left)
反向平板碰趾/反向平板臀橋 reverse plank toe touch/ reverse plank bridge
仰臥踢腿(小幅度)/仰臥踢腿(大幅度) flutter kick (hard/easy)
仰臥抬腳(向上抬)/ 仰臥抬腳 leg raises with butt lift / leg raises
反向捲腹 +開腳 /反向捲腹+開腳 (45度)reverse crunch + tap/ 45 degree reverse crunch + tap
腳踏車(快)/腳踏車 (慢) bicycle (fast/slow)
俄羅斯轉體 (腳離地)/俄羅斯轉體 (腳碰地) russian twist (hard / easy)
坐姿高抬左右捲腹 / 坐姿左右捲腹 seated alternative crunch (hard / easy)
左右下犬式 walk the dog
髖伸展前彎 low lunge stretch
嬰兒式+上犬式 cool down stretch

Music by Joey Maker & Bruce Hathcock - Waiting For Something - https://thmatc.co/?l=E2A80874
Music by Tru Muzyk - making me wait - https://thmatc.co/?l=B51AFC9C
Music by Eric Reprid - Breathe In - https://thmatc.co/?l=C54810D5
Music by Clue - Koala - https://thmatc.co/?l=B5F20DB8
Music by P-Holla - RSVP - https://thmatc.co/?l=437B7089
Music by Choice - Twisted Puppet Show - https://thmatc.co/?l=5805360B
Music by DRUBEATZ - Y.A.R - https://thmatc.co/?l=184B70A3
Music by LO PACINO - Hugh Hefner - https://thmatc.co/?l=BB377468
Music by SPZZy TURNT - FOR ME - https://thmatc.co/?l=D8560217
Music by Eric Reprid - No Plan B - https://thmatc.co/?l=2196C022
Music by JERKSTORE. - All Time Best Seller - https://thmatc.co/?l=61FCA9CE
Music by Clue - Seahaven - https://thmatc.co/?l=2534897C
Music by Gil Wanders - Wishes - https://thmatc.co/?l=86A9943A
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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