
【中英字幕】《我們家的漸凍日記 / Our family’s MND Diary》一家之主確診漸凍症,妻子和女兒堅定陪伴,但丈夫信靠神用一根手指寫下日記鼓勵人,不放棄生命最後氣息...|林秀羚 黃昱晴

2 年前
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[Our family’s MND Diary], when the man of the house was diagnosed with MND ALS, the whole family was under enormous pressure and stress, however, his wife and daughter stood by his side firmly and made sacrifices to take care of him. He also fully relied on God to live every day with a positive attitude and wrote his diary to share his battle with MND, and did not give up every breath of his life.

從 18 歲就去英國讀書的林秀羚 (Vicky),大學畢業後擁有一份理想的科技業工作,直到 28 歲認識先生黃國紘 (Frank),結婚後的家庭生活讓許多人羨慕,未料 2016 年一家三口回到澳洲定居後先生才發現確診漸凍症,從確診到過世將近 5 年,看先生因著信靠神積極面對漸凍症,靠著一指神功,即便每天耗費一個多小時,還是寫日記鼓勵許多人,她跟女兒也靠著信仰撐過最艱難的照顧階段,如今這個家庭的故事已成為許多人的幫助。

Vicky, who went to study in the UK at the age of 18, found an ideal job in the technology industry after graduating from university. She met her husband Frank at the age of 28. Their family life after marriage was the envy of many people.
Unexpectedly, after the family of three returned to Australia to settle in 2016, Frank found out that he was diagnosed with MND ALS. It took nearly 5 years from the diagnosis to his death. Frank actively faced MND ALS because of his trust in God, relying on only a few movable fingers to type his dairy. Even though it takes more than an hour a day, his diary has encouraged many people.
Vicky and her daughter also relied on faith to survive the most difficult stages of caregiving, and now the family's story has become a help to many people.

【Frank 的漸凍日記】https://www.facebook.com/Defrostee

00:00 節目片頭
02:29 Frank 漸凍症珍貴紀錄片
10:22 Frank 疑似罹患漸凍症去求職,結果…
14:46 到澳洲開始新生活,家庭經濟重擔卻都在秀羚身上卻遇到了裁員
17:32 影像紀錄:Frank 唱歌、為人禱告…
19:19 眼睜睜看著先生退化:沒辦法轉方向盤、吃飯…
21:30 全天候照顧漸凍人的行程 + 照護的影像紀錄
26:59 澳洲疫情爆發整天在家,看護無法來要自己照顧 Frank
35:25 女兒怎麼看爸爸退化的事實?
37:48 透過 Frank 親筆記錄,記錄他怎麼看待死亡
44:38 先生過世後做了一個異夢…

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