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Tantrik Baba in UK | Vashikaran Specialist Baba | United Kingdom
Tantrik Baba in UK | Vashikaran Specialist Baba | United Kingdom No 1 Tantrik Baba in London, UK 100% Accurate Prediction & Results. World famous Tantrik Baba Ramkali Ji known as the Tantrik Baba who makes good solutions who provides best vashikaran & all
Astro Therapy 7/14/20
2 年前
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Astro Therapy 7/14/20 This podcast describes the daily transits, predicting the psychology of the day. Based off the planetary placements & the astrological sign that planet is expressing itself in, daily. Helping us to make more sense of the days & times
2 年前
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天文播客 做天文的人在這裡聊﹒天﹒文﹒ 最新調查發現在中央研究院的天文及天文物理研究所,竟有這麼一群人, 一心想對一般大眾介紹自己的研究現況,樂意分享為什麼浸沉其中的妙趣故事! 所以,不講公式 只說故事, 從這裡出發,讓既深奧又引人好奇的天文來距離大家更近一點 https://sites.google.com/asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/podcast/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 站在高崗上:談工程師在智利阿塔卡瑪沙漠的工作時所見所得 這裡沒有張惠妹的歌「站在高崗上」提到的綠波海茫茫,在這裡只有黃
3 年前
 • 52 次觀看
歹玩聊星座 哈囉!! 各位朋友、聽眾們 大家好~ 歡迎來到 歹玩Podcast-聊星座頻道 聊星座頻道主要分享 星座分析、星座由來、星座愛情配對 非常歡迎對於占卜、星座、預測的朋友們來收聽~ 你最喜歡什麼星座呢? 你本身是什麼星座呢? 所有星座的奧秘都在這裡~ 如果聽完覺得有趣、準確 也歡迎留言跟我們分享你聽完後的心得喔! 我們頻道宗旨"希望成為Podcast界的電視台" 讓各位朋友們有多元的廣播節目能選擇 內容會有關於 故事、電玩、音樂、談話、新聞、婚宴、汽機車、都市傳說 等等各種廣播內容 想聽聽其他主題
Comunidad Espacial (SpaceX)
3 年前
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Comunidad Espacial (SpaceX) Noticas y actualizaciones sobre temas del espacio, especialmente actualizaciones de SpaceX. Llevaremos a cabo dinámicas con nuestros seguidores 🚀 https://youtube.com/channel/UCDyCSRyCVYBjIcJ4hP1YSNw 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Podcast 1 “Hablan
Travelers In The Night
3 年前
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Travelers In The Night Space, Asteroid Hunting, and Astronomy, an insider view.The music is "Eternity" by John Lyell.Astronomy Asteroids Space NASA Comets Earth Impact http://travelersinthenight.org 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 732-Comet Lemmon(520) Comets Travel Between S
División del cerebro según las teorías de Roger w. Perry, Paul Maclean y Marco Rugerio
División del cerebro según las teorías de Roger w. Perry, Paul Maclean y Marco Rugerio Este podcast habla sobre las 3 principales teorías sobre el cerebro humano, sus divisiones, incluso cuantos cerebros tenemos y cómo cada uno de ellos influye de manera d
Garena Free Fire
3 年前
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Garena Free Fire Gabriel ferreira Cardoso da Silva https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cardoso-biel 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Garena Free fire https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cardoso-biel/episodes/Garena-eugac5 Thu, 08 Apr 2021 17:02:48 GMT
Antony Ristow
3 年前
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Antony Ristow Biografia https://anchor.fm/antony-ristow 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Biografia de Stephen Hawking Biografia de Stephen Hawking https://anchor.fm/antony-ristow/episodes/Biografia-de-Stephen-Hawking-esiud4 Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:09:44 GMT
Tantrik Baba in UK | Vashikaran Specialist Baba | United Kingdom
Tantrik Baba in UK | Vashikaran Specialist Baba | United Kingdom No 1 Tantrik Baba in London, UK 100% Accurate Prediction & Results. World famous Tantrik Baba Ramkali Ji known as the Tantrik Baba who makes good solutions who provides best vashikaran & all
Big Bang
3 年前
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Big Bang This podcast talks about the Universe's expansion and the three pieces of evidence/discoveries of the Big Bang. Also, there are some in-depth explanations of things that led to the stars and galaxies' birth. https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show
Evidence Podcast - Rover Perseverance Landing
3 年前
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Evidence Podcast - Rover Perseverance Landing Evidencia del podcast para la materia de Inglés, elegí leer un fragmento de la misión para mandar un rover a marte a investigar vida "perseverance" https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/andrea-bolau00f1os1 您的
In The Stars an Astronomy podcast
3 年前
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In The Stars an Astronomy podcast Welcome to my podcast I am Zara. Space is so interesting and mysterious there is so much we don’t know and so much to discover that's why I love it. My podcast series is all about the universe enjoy! https://podcasters.spo
Astro Talks
3 年前
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Astro Talks This is a brand new podcast by NC Astronomy. Here we talk about astronomy and STEM. https://www.ncastronomy.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Astro Talks S01-BonusEpisode: Tech entrepreneurship as a Sri Lankan: Discussion with Biman Liyange about his career as a
3 年前
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UFO未解之谜|探索宇宙 【内容简介】生活在小小地球上的人类也许并不是浩瀚宇宙中仅有的高智慧生命。地球载着人类在茫茫的宇宙空间里做着不知目的地的漫长旅行,如果这广袤的星空里没有其他生命,人类在这漫长的旅程里岂不是太过孤单?人类的好奇心是无穷无尽的,有时甚至超过浩瀚无垠的宇宙。外星人真的存在吗?这是近50年来最具诱惑力的问题之一。随着宇宙科学的发展,人们愈来愈关切在茫茫的大宇宙中,除了地球人之外,究竟有没有“外星人”,或者说是否存在地球之外的智慧生命?如果说“有”,他(她)们究竟是什么模样?生活在宇宙的何方?
3 年前
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Life Is it possible for life to happen on other planets? Recently, the scientific community has been focusing on searching around planets that could contain life, since in the future we may depend on going to another planet in order to survive. But one cou
3 年前
 • 82 次觀看
KHAG-2020 高雄天文教育聯盟:阿端老師談天 說地 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/u9ad8u96c4u5929u6587u6559u80b2u806fu76df 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP.7 日環食事件紀錄:觀測拍攝成果分享 主持人: 高雄天文幫 林子端 老師 特別來賓: 永光儀器有限公司 蔡元生 先生 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/u9ad8u96c4u5929u6587u6559u80b2u8
3 年前
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KHAG2020 高雄天文教育聯盟:阿端老師 談天 說地 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/u670du52d9u5c08u54e1 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 KHAG2020 (Trailer) --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/u670du52d9u5c08u54e1/message https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh
La Emperatriz del Magazine
4 年前
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La Emperatriz del Magazine La Emperatriz del Magazine: es un programa donde se habla de espiritualidad, astrologia, numerologia y Tarot en vivo con la visión fresca, y amorosa que le da su conductora. https://www.spreaker.com/show/la-emperatriz-del-magazin