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【天下新聞】夏威夷: 野火席捲Maui島 至少六人死亡 多人跳海逃生 Hawaii: Deadly Wildfire Ravages Maui Island, 6 Confirmed Dead
週三,夏威夷Maui島遭到野火肆虐,摧毀了歷史名鎮Lahaina的房屋和商戶,造成多人受傷,至少六人死亡。野火迫使人們疏散避難,甚至有十多人為躲避火焰和煙霧而跳海逃生。當地911服務中斷,過萬名用戶停電。 副州長Sylvia Luke現亦為代理州長。她向CNN表示,島上的醫院系統因燒傷患者和吸入性呼吸道疾病而不堪負荷。她亦代表州長Josh Green發布緊急公告,並啟動了夏威夷國民警衛隊。 消防人員正在撲滅集中在Maui島西部和內陸山區的多起火災。夏威夷大部分地區處於紅旗警告,紅十字會正在Maui和Big
X, formerly Twitter, installed a lit up sign atop its HQ, not everyone is thrilled
X, the company formerly known as Twitter, debuted a new sign atop its headquarters in San Francisco Friday night by blasting lights illuminating the X logo. Christopher Beale, a journalist, producer and audio engineer with KQED, lives across the street fro
X installs new logo atop San Francisco headquarters
10 個月前
 • 24 次觀看
“X,” formerly known Twitter, has ended its bird logo and the icon for the mobile app is now simply “X.” It’s part of the rebranding and there is now is a large letter x on top of the company’s San Francisco headquarters. Christie Smith reports. Stay connec
【天下新聞】全國: 阿斯巴甜將被列為可能致癌物質 Nationwide: Aspartame Raises Alarm Over Potential Cancer Risk
據報道,世界衛生組織的癌症研究機構將於下月宣佈阿斯巴甜(Aspartame)可能致癌。 阿斯巴甜是最常見的人造甜味劑之一,比蔗糖甜200倍,廣泛應用於可口可樂(Coca-Cola)的無糖汽水、Ricola無糖止咳劑和部分Extra無糖口香糖等產品中,也在Equal、Nutrasweet和Sugar Twin等品牌中作為甜味劑出售。 該機構的這項裁決是在本月早些時候完成的,目的是幫助確定這種物質是否具有潛在的危害。 除癌症研究機構外,食品添加劑聯合專家委員會今年也在審查阿斯巴甜的使用情況。 委員會將於7月14
【天下新聞】全國: 潛艇探索鐵達尼號殘骸時失蹤 Nationwide: Submarine Missing During Titanic Wreck Exploration
美國海岸防衛隊目前正在尋找一艘名為「Titan」的加拿大研究潛艇,船上載有5人,在週日對鐵達尼號殘骸進行潛水探索時失蹤。 據美聯社報導,這艘由OceanGate Expeditions公司擁有的潛艇「Titan」,從研究母船「Polar Prince」出發,但在進行潛水一小時45分鐘後與母船失去聯繫。母船發現潛艇逾時未返後,開始進行搜尋行動。 Titan在失去聯繫時距Massachusetts Cape Cod 以東900海里處。根據潛艇操作員表示,該潛艇具有96小時的備用電力,這為搜尋行動提供了時間。在失
【天下新聞】紐約: 空氣質量受加拿大野火煙霧影響 NY: New York City Battling Poor Air Quality Due to Canadian Wildfire Smoke
本週,紐約市的空氣質量堪稱全國最差,原因是加拿大野火產生的煙霧向南飄散。 根據美國政府在線平臺 AirNow 的數據,本週二紐約五個行政區的空氣質量指數達到了150,遠高於世界衛生組織建議的暴露水平。 同時,紐約州環境保護部週二發佈了紐約、Bronx、國王、皇后區和Richmond縣及周邊郊區的空氣質量健康警告。官員提醒居民限制戶外時間,並強調患有呼吸系統疾病或心臟病的人 特別容易受到危險的空氣質量條件的影響。 野火產生的煙霧中含有PM2.5細顆粒物,會進入肺部併引起哮喘和支氣管炎等健康問題。 目前,在加拿
Big Banks Including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America Asked for Final Bids on First Republic
U.S. regulators have asked banks to submit their final bids for First Republic Bank by Sunday afternoon. Marianne Favro reports. Stay connected: Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/nbcbayarea Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nbcbayarea
First Republic Bank plans for massive layoffs
1 年前
 • 45 次觀看
First Republic Bank, headquartered in San Francisco, announced plans to layoff up to 25% of its staff. The layoffs come after the bank also announced that its depositors pulled out nearly $100 billion in recent months, leading many to speculate the bank co
San Francisco Business Owner Fed Up After Vandals Hit His Restaurant
A San Francisco business owner said he is fed up with graffiti all over the restaurant he’s trying to open. He’s taking to social media with his complaint because the city has served him with a notice to clean it up. Ian Cull reports. Stay Connected: F